Attack on Titan is a new anime series that is set in the world of Eren Yeager and his friends, the Leviathans. The show follows Eren as he is forced to fight against the Titans, a race of giant creatures that live on the other side of the world. The show has been praised for its unique and exciting story line. It has been praised for its graphics, sound, and acting. Attack on Titan has also been praised for its ability to capture the emotions of its characters. Attack on Titan is set to air its first episode this coming Sunday night on Cartoon Network. If you are interested in watching it, be sure to check out our guide on how to watch Attack on Titan online.

Appearance Annie Leonhart Aot


In Aot, Annie Is a woman of a very small stature. She has an athletic, but small body in comparison to her body. The hair she wears is noticeable short which is typically tied in braids and with some of the sides lengthier in comparison to the rest (usually shorter side is used to cover the eye). 

Hair is blonde and the eyes of her are blue, and she has a distinct nose, and a pale skin. The hair she wears appears more pale in contrast to other blondes, and when it’s not tied back, it extends up to the nape of her neck. Although her eyes are of a large dimensions but they’re quite sombre and uninteresting.Annie’s casual clothes consist of an hooded white sweatshirt underneath which is her uniform of her Training Corps as well as later, she joins the Military Police. It is said that she always has the ring that is on her right index finger, which is equipped with tiny blades that fold inwards, making it her primary weapon for self-injury in order to become the size of a titan when needed.


In contrast to those titans the appearance of Annie in the titan’s form is not different in any way from humans, particularly in the facial region. The hair of Annie is no longer put up in her usual bun however, she is still blonde and completely covers her face.

 The body of Annie is made up mainly of muscles that are exposed, with very little skin on her body. Annie is suffering from a massive growth in height, and stands in the height of 14.2 meters in height. Her face is full of muscles, particularly around her cheeks, which lets her expand her mouth a lot more than what it appears.As compared to other titans, Annie’s titan form seems more athletic, and has clearly defined muscles. Although the majority of titans possess an masculine physique, Annie stands out with an overwhelmingly feminine physique. Incredibly, this was sufficient that the Exploration Corps to declare her an female Titan.

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Personality Annie Leonhart Aot

She is thought to be an unfriendly and lonely girl. She’s lazy and sleepy, with no desire to be involved in one of those useless tasks or disciplines and is instead only focuses on becoming an integral part of the Military Police to have a simple life. But she does possess a fascination for people with a profound conviction about justice and duty as well as those who truly care. have the courage to dedicate their lives or even commit suicide to protect noble causes. For instance Eren for instance.Despite her calm and cool manner, she did have the ability to vent her emotions in certain circumstances. She was clearly angry at the time Reiner ridiculed her for being a fugitive in combat training. While she seems incredibly rude and indifferent, she has confessed a lot of guilt over her actions, particularly in her apology to an unidentified corpse following an incident in the Trost Battle. 

Annie has also proved to be a very committed in her work, to the level to cry when she was unable to take down Eren. In spite of her indifference to fact that she is a master in hand-to hand combat, Eren discovered that she enjoys taking pride in her abilities and loves fighting.

In Aot, Annie’s primary aim is to get back home with her father who is the only person she’s ever had a love affair with in the past, even though she was having been exposed to a brutal and savage training regimen by him at a very young age. This is because, even though she isn’t the father she was born to, but he took care for her, provided her with an apartment and adores her as his daughter. 

This is the reason, though she is regretting her actions after arriving in Paradis, she is willing to repeat them in the event that it allowed her to visit her father once more. The desire to go to her home is so strong that, after Eren defeated her, she hid in a crystal. Eren the Assassin, she put herself in the crystal created by her hardening process to prevent being detained and tortured.Though she was raised to become an soldier and serves Marley, Annie isn’t entirely committed to the nation. unlike fellow warriors such as Reiner and Reiner, she is driven by personal desires, over obligations as a soldier, frequently choosing to save her life rather than go to the grave and fulfill her duty in Paradis.

Skills and Powers

“She excels at her approach, but isn’t great at teamwork. He’s a solo one. “— Keith Shadis opining on Annie.


Annie is among the most formidable characters. Annie was regarded as one of the five top trainees placing 4th in the ranks of recruits. This indicates an ability in other types of combat in the military like making use of The 3 Dimensional Maneuver Team.

Annie has shown a masterful usage of the three-dimensional maneuvering equipment, and was capable of eliminating titans easily. When she was on the mission to retake the Resupply Headquarters, Annie managed to arrive and defeat simultaneously as Mikasa, one of the titans poised to kill Connie as well as Sasha. Annie was proficient enough to kill Gunther Schultz and then change into an eminent titan.

Armin said that only a soldier with exceptional skills could kill the two titans in the test, Sawney and Bean This is one of the primary reasons why Annie was believed to be the culprit.Alongside her amazing abilities using an EDM3, she has a great intellect and a superior analysis of situations under stress and is able to think strategically even when you are at a disadvantage. The proof is in the moment she’s trapped in the huge forest as she re-creates one eye to take down Levi’s team and the understanding of the trap created to her by Armin along with the the reconnaissance team with the aim of taking her.

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MELEE COMBAT Annie Leonhart Aot

After being taught from the age of a child with the guidance of her dad, Annie has proven to be an skilled in diverse martial arts. It is her main method of protecting herself. One example for this can be seen in a kick technique she employed to beat her opponent.

Eren Eren and Reiner throughout their training. Annie utilizes a wide range of techniques that are primarily focused on reducing the advantages of her opponents. In this way, she has proved herself to be the top hand-to hand fighter of all new recruits, in addition to being extremely strong physically. 

She is willing to teach these skills to Eren in the military course. These skills can give her an edge in fight in her titanic form because she blends her vast hand-to-hand combat abilities along with the amazing capabilities in the giant form.

SKILLS AS A TITAN Annie Leonhart Aot

“Very adaptable, capable of nearly everything. In addition to having incredible endurance and skill but we also granted him the ability to strengthen also, and as of now Leonhart’s attacks are more devastating. Leonhart can summon titans of pure power however, only at a the short distance. “Analysis of Annie’s Marleyan character Female Titan.

As Eren, Annie has the capability of transforming into a 14-meter titan known by the name of female Titan (Nu Xing noJu Ren Megata no Kyojin?). The form she takes is used to take down military units that belong to the Exploration Corps. Annie’s titanic form is similar to Eren’s however, it is female in appearance and slightly more athletic and more effective in combat.

It’s unclear what Annie discovers the secrets to transforming into a titan or how she’s so skilled in using her powers. She has more experience mastering her titan form as in comparison to Eren who only recently discovered the power. In her titan form she is extremely swift and powerful, having been capable of taking on Eren in his titanal form with ease at two times. Also, she has astonishing abilities, as she was able to withstand attack from Mike or Mike (humanity’s two most powerful soldiers) even though she was exhausted.Contrary to the majority of Changeling Titans who become exhausted until they collapse she has the ability to save energy, and can go on and kill soldiers who are experienced by using the three Dimensional Moving Equipment prior to transforming for the second time unlike anything seen in any of the Changeling Titans known so far. She is among the most skilled and powerful shifter titans. She has an array of abilities and capabilities that are not found in any other titan of the shifters.

regeneration: As with any titan that is pure or shifter, Annie is capable of regenerating nearly any wound in both in her titan and human form.  But, Annie has a much higher-quality regeneration than the other titans that have been seen thus far because she can focus her regeneration in one specific area of her body, so that it’s rapid.  Because of this, she was able assassinate Erd Gin, because he was unaware of her abilities, thinking that Annie would be slower to heal her eyes. Increased Speed The most impressive aspect of the female Titan can be seen in her amazing speed, which is far greater than other titans that shapeshift.  Annie can cover vast distances at a high speed and is able to surpass the speed of horsemen from the Exploration Corps.  Annie has incredible abilities to spot the movement of soldiers who are trying to attack her using their EDM3D and even capable of avoiding flares.  Amazingly, Annie was capable of stiffening the neck of her back in preparation for attacks from Levi and Mike who are regarded as the best soldiers in the world.  It was interesting to note that the Female Titan was capable of avoiding many of the blows of Eren when he transformed into a titan even when injured.  However, running long enough can exhaust Annie and she isn’t capable of maintaining her incredible speed or her reflexes when she’s expended excessive energy, particularly in the event that she transforms another time.  Levi himself was able to detect her fatigue, which ultimately enabled him to beat her.

The ability to harden: Annie can use the capability to make various areas of her body for defensive as well as offensive goals.  This increases the force of her strikes, with the result of being able to cut off limbs or cause massive destruction in only one strike.  It can also be utilized to block strikes or the cutting of the superhardened steel blades, which become destroyed when they strike Annie’s skin, which is hardened.  This ability is similar to the skin that was hardened on The Battleship Titan, though Annie cannot keep this capability for the duration of time.  However, Annie is able to make use of the strengthening in her hands to make claws, which permit her to scale various surfaces with high speed including walls, for instance.  As her fellow members of the Exploration Corps attempted to pull her away out of her Titan in attempt to take them, Annie was able to make a crystal-like wrap around herself in order to keep her safe as well. The cocoon is extremely tough, and no technology can penetrate it. Titan Control: Though the limits of this ability aren’t known, Annie has been able to lead a large group of regular titans in an Scout Corps formation during Expedition 57 in order to leave Eren in danger. Armin has speculated that maybe during the battle of Shiganshina District, or possibly during the attack on Shiganshina District, Annie was the one to lead the titans within the walls following that the Colossal Titan and the Armored Titan were able to eliminate them.  Annie has also demonstrated the ability to draw regular titans, who upon hearing her roars, rush to her in a frenzied manner, disregarding anyone in their path. They later devour her titan.  This is why Annie was in a position to escape in its human body from Exploration Corps.

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RELATIONS Annie Leonhart Aot


Eren was among the few people that he was able to connect with. Annie suggested that she train Eren after she realized Eren was keen in her fighting technique. Annie helped Eren recognize how ridiculous it was that the highest students would choose to join for the Military Police to escape from the titans. While Annie didn’t share Eren’s ideas about combating titans however she was impressed and admired his desire to do it. Eren is also the only one to have succeeded in making Annie actually smile. Eren was devastated when he found out about her deceit.


In spite of their differing opinions, Armin along with Annie showed an admiration and respect for their distinct strengths. This causes Annie to be wary of fight him in his giant form, which permits Armin to unravel her the truth about her. Armin employs emotional exorcist tactics to lure Annie into traps and ultimately assist in her capture. After Annie being in her state of crystallization, Armin began visiting her often, calling her even when she could not respond and still keeping her sane as they were in what she described as “a dark and eerie dream.” He also kept her apprised of what was happening outside. 

In the course of visits by Armin, Hitch would pester him, as if she was interested in him and this made him anxious. When they get on the boat into their destination, the Azumabito hangar, Annie and Armin are able to have a chat and she asks him if there aren’t any other girls who were more interesting out and to which Armin says that he’s going to her to meet her. They both are blushing. Then, fighting to keep them from being captured, Eren an ape, a titan is able to capture Armin. When Annie arrives alongside Falco and Gabi and is able to find out where Armin is and makes obvious that her main goal is to save Armin.


The relationship between them was not even a thing at first, however it was later discovered that there was a rivalry between them which could have escalated into animosity. Mikasa did not like it when she was exposed to the training she received from Eren and in her turn, Annie responded in the same way in which she even insulted Mikasa in the form of calling her an “beast” and even going to the point of fighting in one instance.

 Despite their differences, and Annie declaring that she doesn’t be able to comprehend Mikasa and her fellows in their desire in saving the planet, Annie is used as a source of support for them when they think about the killing of Eren in the event that Mikasa isn’t very focused and she puts her energy on protecting Armin so that she doesn’t have to worry about chores.


Even though they’re co-workers, not much can be known of their real relationship. Annie is a lonely individual and her encounters between her and Reiner has resulted in having a hostile relationship with Reiner. There was a suggestion that Bertolt was romantically interested in her, however Annie seemed cold and uninterested to her. Annie was reportedly confined to providing them with information however she was never spoken to. Reiner as well as Bertolt react with shock and fury upon hearing that she was captured. 

When Reiner joins others warriors as well as soldiers to capture Eren, Annie comes clean with her accomplice about the negative feelings she felt against him. They apologize for their mistakes. Even though she was distant from Bertolt and having no reunion with him because of his passing She is believed as being very angry in the battle against the titan bearers who were her former friends according to her. She says it’s unforgivable they have used her against his wishes.

CURIOSITIES Annie Leonhart Aot

In English nomenclature Annie’s name can be described as an abbreviation for Ann (Ana) an name with Hebrew origin that means “Compassion” (or “God has pity on us”. Her style of fighting is like Muay Thai. Isayama has said that three of the measurements for the Female Titan are B860 W660 – B860 H860.  When the zeros have been removed it is believed to be Annie’s three measurements too. Name of corpse Annie had to apologize to was discovered to be Ruth D. Kline.  It was revealed that the name for the corpse Annie had apologized for was discovered to be Ruth D. Kline. Isayama has disclosed that Annie is prone to conversing in she sleeps, at times whispering an “whoosh” whenever she imagines that she’s practicing tree kicks.  Annie has also been reported to speak in the night, occasionally whispering an “whoosh” when she is dreaming that she is practicing tree kicks.  Annie is known to speak in during sleep. While the other members in The Cycle Recruit Troop No. 104 having expressed plans for joining Military Police at the beginning of their training, Annie was the only person in her group who ultimately joined. In creating Annie’s hairstyle, Isayama utilized photos from Canadian artist Avril Lavigne that he’d seen in the past to serve as a model.  This hairstyle also was utilized by Isayama to serve as a reference.