Berthold Hoover was born in 1881 in Germany. He immigrated to the United States in 1907 and became an American citizen in 1912. He served as the director of the FBI from 1924 to 1951. Hoover is considered one of the most influential and well-known figures in American history.

He rarely saw Reiner Braun the close childhood companion and both were of Marley Marley, the town was his home. In his role as the Colossal Titan, the Colossal Titan was among humanity’s most dangerous threat.Together with Reiner as well as Annie Along with Reiner and Annie, he was sent with Reiner and Annie to Paradis with the Marley Warriors to defeat his opponent, the Primeval Titan.

Personality Berthold Hoover Aot

In Aot, Berthold is an gentle man who seems to be weak and, consequently, tends to follow the opinions of other people. He considers himself a coward , and avoids being in the forefront. The commanders see a lot of potential in his personality, which is unable to be realized without determination. Eren Jager describes him as a very quiet and reserved individual.

Appearance Berthold Hoover Aot


In Aot, Berthold is a very tall and slim young man. He is among the most tall characters in the show. He is short with dark blonde hair with brown eyes, and an long face. In the show his eyes were green. He was wearing the uniform of his training frequently. When he joined the reconnaissance team He wore their uniform. After the encounter with the titan of the animal his hair is now shorter.

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TITAN Berthold Hoover Aot

As a giant He has a distinct appearance, and a variety of unique attributes. The titan of his is 60 meters tall, which is four times taller than regular titans.

PAST Berthold Hoover Aot

Berthold has a home away from the walls that the man calls home. At one point in the course of his existence, Bertholdgained the power of the Colossal Titan.

In 845 Berthold embarked on an expedition to destroy humanity and find the coordinates together with his childhood pals Reiner Braun Annie Leonhardt and Marcel, who were the bearers of the armored titan female titan, as well as for the pine titan. When they set out they were swarmed by the Titan asleep in the earth that attempted at devouring Reiner. Still in stunned, Reiner was nearly killed until Marcel took him out, but was instead taken and eaten while Reiner, Berthold and Annie stood in the horror.

STORYLINE Berthold Hoover Aot


Year 845. In the midst of 100 years the people see the image of a Titan. The principal character Eren Jager Mikasa Ackermann, and Armin Arlert are witnesses to the strength. Titans and they also witness the Wall Maria, which protects the people from Titans and is was destroyed. In the present, Titans can storm into Shiganshina, the city. Shiganshina unaffected. The first victim was Carla Jager, the mother of Eren and Mikasa. After the destruction, Berthold, Reiner and Annie resided in an asylum camp for the rest of their lives.Then his disappearance, he didn’t see him until five years later. When Reiner and Reiner were informed about the recapture announcement of Wall Maria was announced, they were both shocked.

THE RETURN of Humanity

Berthold starts his education in his Training Unit 104.. He hopes to be among the top candidates to be a part of his fellow members of the army police. He is well-known to his fellow comrades due to his proficiency with the 3D-based maneuvering equipment and, therefore, Eren is seeking his help.In the discussion Eren is impressed by Eren’s enthusiasm to be part of the reconnaissance team despite the previous horror in Shiganshina. Eren’s inspiring speech in conversation with Jean Kirschstein is also a reason for Eren to be a part of the team.


The year is 850. in the form of an Colossal Titan, He appears at the edge of Trost and makes his way into the gates. He is immediately assaulted by Eren. He then disappears and escapes through the mist that he leaves behind after transforming to a human. A Wall garrison is afraid that he could cause damage to the Rose wall.He returns to headquarters at the headquarters, where Armin develops an idea to take down all the Titans in the vicinity. The reason for this is that his group is planning to quit the headquarters and hide back behind the wall. Together with his fellow soldiers He implements Armin’s plan and they are successful. Additionally, Reiner witnessed Erenappearing from the neck of the Attacking Titan. Along with his friends in the safety of the ship, he joined the team of reconnaissance.

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After the struggle to find comfort, Berthold reports for the team of reconnaissance.


He participates in the 57th mission within the wall. He observed his favorite woman Titan examine the car hood of Armin.

IMPACT OF THE TITANS Berthold Hoover Aot

When when the woman Titan is found by the police, he and his fellow comrades who were part of his training are believed to be members of Titan’s co-conspirators. He is a chess player with Reiner in an cabin.When that creature titan is revealed, titans within the wall gather to Rose. Within the group comprised of Connie Springer, the titan rides up to Ragako in order to trace the footsteps of Titans. However, the village appears to be left in its entirety. Thus, they travel towards the Wall and meet Ymir as well as Historia Reiss.

They were shocked to discover that they could not discover any breach in the Titans. They decided to stay their evening in Utgard Castle. However, the rest of the night does not happen because Titans strike the castle. He assists Reiner fight Titans who are invading the castle. They promise each other that they will return in peace.The second titan was able to be a danger to Reiner. With Ymir the ace, Reiner was able to force the titan out of the window. In the course of the attack its leader is killed and the new recruits are left without defense and the necessary equipment. In this scenario, Ymir transforms, revealing that she is an titan shifter.

They were saved through Hanji Zoe’sgroup. Convinced, Reiner reveals that he as well as Berthold were Titan shifters. This is why they were nearly slashed by Mikasa. Injured badly, Berthold transforms to fight. Reiner is trying at kidnapping Eren and Berthold is able to grab Ymir and another soldiers in this process.Berthold is able to drop his Titan body off the wall, causing the blast wave. The two Reiner were in a position to defeat Eren to kidnap him, and escape. When they escape then he transforms. He is now wearing the gear of the soldier who was devoured and also has the unconscious Ymir alongside him. After a while they come to a stop in the forest of the giant tree and debate until Ymir interferes. Berthold believes that Reiner’s behaviour was a result of distress.

Eren takes the blame of Berthold as the reason his actions resulted in deaths to his parents Carla and caused a lot of harm. Eren says he’s sorry. He and Reiner did not say anything during the time Eren is yelling at them. Eren declares them murderers, and says they don’t have the right to claim themselves victims, and vows to get revenge on them.Ymir wants to know what the animal titan’s name is. She noticed their terrified expressions when he suddenly showed up in the middle of the night in Utgard Castle. Ymir believes that this titan could be the key to how Reiner and Berthold might be able to return to their home. Reiner suggests she aid them on this task in return for security of Historia and the safety of the population.

After Ymir is in agreement, Berthold warns his closest friend that she isn’t to be believed. Since she had eaten Marcel which means that her faith can only last for as long as Historia is secure. Reiner as well as Berthold discuss further the fact that Historia could be beneficial to them as she belongs to the Reiss family, and that they are searching for the location.

Then they saw the beacon, and now they need to leave because the searchers are close in upon them. Berthold informs Ymir that he can’t accept her apology, even when the apology is for Marcel’s accident death. He inquires about what time she spent as an insanity titan as well as if she is able to recall the people she consumed. He informs her that Reiner and he Reiner do not have any memory of what they ate in order and are able to transform back.

If Ymir notices another beacon she suggests the kidnapping of Historia. If her kidnappers initially refusing, she tries to resolve the issue by threatening Berthold. They then kidnap Historia. While they flee, Ymir stands with the unconscious Eren on the shoulders of an armored Titan. The search party is caught on with Titan shifters. Eren awakens. Erwin Smith rides out to meet Titan shifters, and then an army of Titans. Through a surprise attack Erwin was able free Eren from the grasp of titan shifters.The soldiers flee as titan shifters fight with the titans. Eren employs the Titan Force Coordinate without thinking which causes the Titans to focus their efforts upon those Titan Shifters. Ymir comes to their aid and escapes alongside the Titan shifters.

Berthold is seen once more in the rubble of Shiganshina Shiganshina. They’ve been on hunt for two days. He questions Ymir what she did to save him. She replies that she’s grateful that she doesn’t have to go through the streets as a solitary Titan ever again and would like to visit his home. Berthold is sneering and tries to keep it out of his mind. However, his tears erupt.

THE SURPRISING Berthold Hoover Aot

After that retreat Shiganshina, Reiner and Berthold meet Zeke. They attempt to convince him to assist in rescuing Annie however Zeke refuses to help as well as brutally beating Reiner when they try to utilize his armored titan body to make him go. 

After being repelled from the Titan body by Berthold who is the bearer of Tiertitan informs him that Annie can only be saved when they receive an Urtitan from Eren. In the following scene, he is seen together with Reiner in the wall of his home in Shiganshina district and they wait for an arrival from the security team.


The warriors remain at their wall after having made plans to capture Eren. In the meantime they think of Annie yet again but this time they are stopped with Zeke who asserts that Annie is surely safe and is safe at hand, and then is able to challenge Reiner as the two don’t let down. 

He reminds them of the stakes and Berthold is able to say no about Annie at present. He says the fact that they’ve been in this abyss for too long and then mutters that he is looking to get it over with. The trio’s conversation gets interrupted by they see Karrentitan located at the bottom of the mountain of Shiganshina appears at the wall, and warns the group that a reconnaissance group is coming.The three are determined, they toast one another for completing their mission . They quickly take their camp’s tracks off the wall. Reiner as well as Berthold race together to get to their respective spots. As they race, Reiner reminds Berthold that they will be acting independently from now on, and that Berthold has to take action on his own and not be reliant on the orders of others. 

Reiner claims the fact that Berthold is in reality one of the strongest and skilled of all warriors However, until now, he has always been the one to make decision-making and accountability. Reiner affirms that he has not had the confidence to trust Berthold up to the present. Reiner declares that they are now going to bring an end to the issue and Berthold affirms his position.

After saying goodbye, Reiner and Berthold jump off the wall and take their spots. When the team of reconnaissance arrive, they retreat in their hideouts and wait for a while. Berthold remains in the wooden barrel that is on the back of the Karrentitan for a few minutes in the upcoming battle. 

If the scream of the titan in armor is heard inside Shiganshina the city, it’s an alert that the Karrentitan. The beast is pursuing the titan, then removes the barrel that holds Berthold off his Titan’s saddle and throws it into the air above Shiganshina.While he’s already scheduled to transform in the air, causing an enormous fireball, Berthold pauses when he realises that his Titan that was armored Titan was slain. To avoid giving Reiner with the fatal injury by changing, Berthold jumps out of the barrel, and then lands in Human form in Shiganshina alongside an armored Titan.

 He discovers that Reiner is alive , despite his grave injuries due to the fact that the Titan was able to transfer his consciousness to his Titan’s brain. Berthold admiring this, he promises Reiner that he’ll be done with it. He then asks Reiner to get up so the Titan body is shielding him. He sadistically states that Reiner should prepare for the worst in case the plan fails.

In the midst of this, before Berthold can fly off again for the skies the sky, he’s confronted with Armin who is trying to talk with Armin. Berthold is willing to negotiate, but he demonstrates his unwavering determination. He insists with a cold tone that they have just two demands: to surrender Eren and the destruction of everyone inside the walls.

 He isn’t shocked by the fact that Armin attempts to use Berthold’s feelings towards Annie in his favor. However, Berthold charges at Armin and is trapped in a corner. Berthold informs Armin that he only agreed to speak in order to try his own self and see if it would be a disaster and break down in tears in the eyes of his old friends.But, he arrives at the conclusion that everything is well, and he is able to overcome this flaw. He states that, even though the two remain his most beloved friends, they all must end up dying. Armin questions if this is due to Berthold’s statements from their last encounter they are demons’ descendants however Berthold insists they aren’t demons, and that they have done nothing wrong. Berthold insists, however, that they will all end up dying anyway. 

Then, Mikasa rushes to the side of Berthold to take him down by slashing him with her blade, however Berthold is able to whirl around and block the attack. While Mikasa can cut off his ear in a second attack, she is hit by the kick of Berthold.

After fending off one final attack from Mikas, Berthold takes to the air once more. Armin and Mikasa are unable to follow him as Berthold could change anytime and, indeed, after the brief thought-provoking monologue on the fact that none of them is in the wrong and they were obliged to act as they did as a result of the brutality in the universe, Berthold soars high into the air , and then transforms into a gigantic titan. 

The transformation of Berthold releases such energy that it releases in an enormous explosion that destroys all the area surrounding Berthold. Being the Colossal Titan, Berthold now stands up straight and starts to ignite buildings by the heat generated by his body and hurling the debris across the district, setting off flames across Shiganshina.Eren along with his friends attempt to stop Berthold from advancing towards the wall while yelling at Erwin, Levi and the rest from behind. In order to get Berthold’s attention Eren goes out of the way and shouts out loudly, however even though Berthold is aware of his presence, he does not pay attention to Eren and continues to walk towards the wall. Jean demands that they stop Berthold at every cost, which is when Eren is rushing towards Berthold. 

Jean continues to come up with ways to stop Berthold but decides to do everything they can. So they begin to arm Mikasa and the thunder of Connie’s spear and leap off Eren who is threatening Berthold’s legs and attempts to pull him back. But, Berthold simply lifts his leg and delivers Eren an incredibly powerful kick that propels him towards the very top of the wall and leaves him in motion.

Jean, Mikasa, Connie and Sashanow attempt to take on Berthold themselves and Armin has expected to observe the situation from the distance. Jean, Connie and Sasha are able to reach the head of the giant to draw his attention, and Mikasa is able to swing her arms from behind, aiming two thunderspears at Berthold’s neck. 

But Berthold recognizes this tactic and releases boiling steam that blasts away the thunderspears and his former friends. The group then gathers around Armin the one who’s been watching everything, Armin cryptically reveals that there is no method to imprison Berthold. Then the comrades are shocked to are aware the fact that in out of the present issues they also discover that they also discover that the armoured titan has picked its own up and is now advancing toward.

The gigantic Titancontinues to move towards the wall. Eren slowly gets straighter. Eren is able to see that Armin has been able to reach Eren. Berthold considers howoddly only the 104th Training Unit survived the explosiveness that was Armin’s transformative transformation but secretly wishes that they were dead too. He is now focused on Eren who is determined to take on Berthold despite his weak points. 

Then, suddenly, a portion the wall the wall is smashed beneath Eren and Eren is thrown off and plunges to the bottom of the pit, where Eren remains unmoving. Berthold believes he’s secure and thinks that Eren is suffering from a concussion severe because of the kick, and cannot move even a bit. Berthold is able to strike Armin with his hands but Armin avoids the strike and climbs up over the massive titan’s head in response. Berthold responds by dispersing boiling steam.

He is unsure why he cannot throw his arm away, as hooks in the 3D equipment for maneuvering generally break free from their flesh when they turn into steam. Armin however has anticipated this and consequently hurled his hooks directly into the teeth of the massive titan. To eliminate Armin however, Berthold lets his steam increase in intensity and hotter, and then asks in to ask if this really meant to be Armin’s final moments and if he really would like to be burned more. 

He wonders for a moment whether Armin wants to divert him, but he realizes the fact that his titaniumis still on his feet and that Mikasa’s crew remains involved in the battle against Reiner. He is disappointed, but he realizes that his fight to the fight is all Armin has left, and the man decides to redeem his former friend. He releases more hot steam that slowly melts the skin of Armin. Then, Armin, already burned beyond recognition, can hang the fire no longer and tumbles into the district.Berthold is now preparing to take charge of Erenonly then to discover that the titanium of Eren is no more Eren’s titanium, but an unhardened shell. In the same time, Eren swings up behind Berthold in human form, and then swoops over Berthold. 

The surprise attack works and Eren cut Berthold off his neck in the form of a massive titan before tearing him apart. Berthold is shocked to realize in stunned shock that Armin’s sacrifice was only as a distraction before his consciousness goes away. When the Colossal Titan falls and slowly disintegrates into steam, Berthold is taken to the ground by Eren to the roof in Shiganshina which is where Armin too landed. After a short time the incident, a dispute rages over about whether Erwin or Armin who are both mortally wounded and unable to recover – should get the sole titanium serum injections to consume Berthold following.

In the next few minutes, Berthold regains consciousness on the top of the house. He then is confronted by Armin’s gigantic form that fights its way through the house, eventually catching Berthold. Without legs and arms, Berthold can do nothing and is snatched by Armin. 

When he is trying to pull himself away from Armin’s grasp, Berthold sees his former friends on the rooftop next to him then briefly hopes for a better future and asks for assistance. But, nobody is quick to come to Berthold’s rescue and he’s taken away as well as killed by Armin in a panicked cry following an ultimatum call for help at Annie as well as Reiner.

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Skills Berthold Hoover Aot

Berthold completed his training in the third position at the 100th training session. He is also among the top user of 3D maneuvering apparatus.


Berthold is able to transform into a 60-meter tall titan and is also known as a massive titan. He is the biggest smart titanknown to date. Because of his size he is able to easily see through Shiganshina’s wall in Shiganshina.

Regeneration Similar to the other Titan shifters, he is able to regenerate very quickly.  This means he is able to recover limbs that have been lost. Incredible Power: With a single kick, he broke through the wall up to Shiganshina.  In the devastation of Wall Maria He broke down the gunpowder using power of the kick.  Also, the structures and residents were carried away by his kick and caused more destruction. Acceleration: Due to his size, he is a bit slower to Titans and human beings in speed.  Therefore, Eren was able to speed across his left arm without the massive Titan being able to knock him down.  Because he’s slow and sluggish, he is a major disadvantage in single-fighting.  That is why his defense becomes even more crucial.  This is the place where he lets go of steam. Blowing out steam: He is a good target for cannonballs or other projectiles.  If he’s cornered, he’s able to swiftly transform and disappear.  When he transforms back, he creates a dense cloud of smoke that assists in his escape.  But, he is also able to utilize the steam to fight against attacks.  The steam emitted causes burns to the victims.  In the end, when he eliminates the steam, the victim is weakened and weighs less.  He is able to continue expel steam until he is left with only bones.  This ability can also be used to soften the impact and eliminate the enemies in close proximity. Earthquake The character can leap off the wall and transform into the form of a Titan.  The steam cushioned the impact.  The transformation causes an impact that causes a shockwave to alter the surroundings and kill enemies in the vicinity.  Only titans will survive the blast.  The explosion caused him transform Shiganshina into a pile of rubble in the final fight.

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RELATIONSHIPS Berthold Hoover Aot


Annie is not interested in Berthold and Reiner. Reiner states she believes that Berthold has been in affection with her due to the fact that she often stares at him. The same is true when Armin says to Armin that Annie is currently under torture to extract information from her. Berthold then pursues Armin in anger and announces that he’ll take out all the people.


Though Eren has only positive remarks to make about Berthold Eren Jager, he frequently describes him as “quiet.” When the real identity of Berthold is discovered, Eren begins to hate Berthold. Eren calls him”servant “servant” when he tells Berthold that he’s the one the one to blame for the death of his mother. If Berthold replies with no being satisfied, Eren vows to make his death a particularly painful experience.

Reiner Braun

You’ll often see them together. They’ve been friends with Marcel since their childhood. They have a goal to complete. Together, they have broken the walls of people’s homes, and claimed the lives of a lot.



“The name Berthold is derived in the Old High German beraht (meaning shining or shining) and Waltan (means to rule, reign as a ruler).  Berthold refers to shining rulers. In the Official Side, he is known as Bertl.