Bonolenov HxH: A Comprehensive Guide is a comprehensive guide to the game of chess. Written by GM Yury Bonolenov, this book covers every aspect of the game, from opening theory to endgame tactics. Whether you’re a beginner looking for advice on how to improve your chess skills, or an experienced player looking for new ideas and strategies, Bonolenov HxH is the book for you. ..


In HxH, Bonolenov is tall and bald with purplish-colored skin. He’s wearing brown shorts and red boots. He also has red boxing gloves. His head is covered in blue bandages. We can see that there are many holes on his body when he removes his bandages. His spider tattoo location is not yet known.


It is not enough to tell Bonolenov about his personality and why he joined Ghost Brigade. This character was omitted from the York Shin City storyline by the author. The only two lines that he had were lost in the OVA series which followed the TV series.

Although he doesn’t seem very talkative, his fight against the kimera ant is highlighted. The graceful fighter is then shown to him. He appears to be a fighter with a similar character to Phinks, who he fights for Feitan after the extermination Zazan.In the Arc of the Dark Continent (chapter 337), his last name and number are revealed.

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STORY Bonolenov HxH

PAST Bonolenov HxH

In HxH, Bonolenov was said to have come from a small tribe that had been driven from its ancestral land by industrialization. Needles are used all over Bonolenov’s body (arms and stomach, legs, etc.) during his fight against ants kimera. To create holes. They can make sounds depending on what type of needles are used, how they move, and the size and shape of the holes.


In HxH, Bonolenov was first seen on August 30, when all members of the Ghost Brigade were seen in their lair hiding in an unknown location. That day, Kuroro informed them that they would steal all the auction items. Later, Bonorenof is seen in the lair along with Hisoka and Phinks, while Kuroro calls Uvoguine to inform Kuroro about the disappearance of the auction items. Bonorenof is seen when Pakunoda and Phinks take Gon, Kirua and Machi back to their hideouts as hostages. Later, he is seen sitting on a pile and Franklin asks Pakunoda if the children have any information regarding the chain user. Later, Sharnalk gives a copy Neon Nostrad’s guard list to the Ghost Brigade and Bonorenof is again seen.

However, this character plays a very small role. He doesn’t seem to be participating in the requiem that will commemorate Uvogin’s passing. While Pakunoda is going to meet Kurapika’s, Hisoka takes the place of Irumi and distracts them with Karuto’s flashy presence.

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Bonorenof and Feitan return to Shooting Star during the Kimera Ants arch. They discuss the Chimera Ants invading the city. Shizuku says it isn’t a coincidence and that every city in the world has its secrets. Bonorenof notices that the Kimera Antes had no difficulty in invading the city. The two arrive at their destination and, even though they haven’t been there very long, notice that the city hasn’t changed much. Sharnalk questions three suits-wearing men about what’s happening. One of them tells Sharnalk that they lost almost 300 men to the Kimera Ants. They also learn that one of them is a queen and has a castle.

Phinks leads the group to the castle ( Zazan’s). They make a wager that the person who kills Kuroro the first time will be the temporary leader. Also, They split up in order to find her. They will each fight an ant Kimera and Bonorenof is now facing the one who killed Ponzu.Bonorenof takes off his bandages, and Bonorenof starts moving. He makes sounds. We learn about the tribe’s history during this fight. The noise of Bonorenof is making the kimera-ant dizzy as he moves. The kimera ant attempts to flee but he promises her revenge. Bonorenof says he can run as fast as she likes, but the speed of sound is not the speed of the kimera. He then uses his Battle Cantabile Jupiter ability to crush the kimera. Bonorenof says that an insect’s best death is when it is crushed. With this attack, he destroys a large part of the palace.

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Bonorenof is a member the Gyudondondo Clan. His skin is pierced at birth with pins, and as he grows, the holes get larger. Its body will have many tens of different-sized holes when it reaches full maturity. It can shake its body to make sounds and music by using the air. This is said to be the complaint of spirits attracted to the jigs of the fighters.


Thanks to the sounds made by the many holes in his body, Bonorenof transforms into a tribal warrior wielding a double-bladed spear. Bonorenof summons an enormous sphere that looks similar to Jupiter to destroy his opponents.  As long as the target is within Bonorenof’s musical range, it is safe. Once the dance is over, the sphere will pursue the target.

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Is it interesting to know?

Official Hunter x Hunter databook spelled her “Vonnornoth”. Episode 96 of the 2011 anime features “Battle Cantabile”: “Jupiter”. This episode is the first to feature the character.  Gustav Holst composed the music that plays in the background of this battle. He is not confirmed to have taken part in the Kuruta massacre.  Korutopi, who was also killed by Silva, is the same. Bonorenof is not the Ghost Brigade’s only member who appears in the fourth opening. However, he does make a brief appearance in the Greed Island episode.