Death Note is a manga and anime series written and drawn by Ryūtarō Nakamura. The story follows the life of Light Yagami, a high school student who is given a special notebook that allows him to kill people with a simple drawing. The manga was published in Japan in Weekly Shonen Jump from 1997 to 2006 and has been translated into over 20 languages. The anime series was produced by J.C. Staff and aired on TV Tokyo from 1999 to 2006. This comprehensive guide will teach you everything you need to know about Death Note, from the basics of the story to the complex characters and plot lines. We’ll also take a look at some of the best ways to watch Death Note for entertainment purposes!

APPEARANCE Wedy Death Note

Wedy is a blonde with shoulder length hair as well as an elongated body. She wears sunglasses as well as an emerald-colored top as well as leather clothing. She smokes cigarettes from time to time.

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Wedy, as well as Watari, also uses computers to communicate however, so as to not confuse her in the case of Watari (“W”) She uses lower case letters “w”.

HISTORY Wedy Death Note

In the civilian world, Wedy was the youngest child in her family. In one instance, she was an intruder who was never charged or tried. She was later one of L’s associates in the criminal underworld.

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If it is discovered that the Japanese Investigation Unit discovers that Kira is linked with The Yotsuba Group, L request to Wedy as well as Aiber to aid with their investigation. Wedy is charged with investigating security issues of Yotsuba’s main office. After finding the room in which eight of the group were holding secret meetings, as well as the guards’ schedule of rotation He and Watari set up listening devices and surveillance cameras. He also erased everything that was there from the time that T out of Matsuda entered the building.The seven participants who were involved in those secret gatherings were detained, Watari and Wedy added camera systems and listeners at their respective locations to keep an eye on their activities. The task was made a bit more difficult due to being aware that Shingo Mido Reiji Namikawa and Kyosuke Higuchi had extremely secure residences. The process took 2 days reach Higuchi’s home and even a basement in which no electromagnetic waves were able to penetrate into the house at all. Wedy only had time to go through for five homes before L eventually suggested that she concentrate on Higuchi. After some doubt, Wedy bowed to L’s requests and instead of Higuchi’s house she installed cameras in six of the cars he owned which included the Red Porsche.

When L set out the plan to capture Higuchi in motion, Wedy initially was following him on a motorbike. However, after Higuchi had to be stopped by motorbike police Yukito Shiraba due to speeding Wedy passed him, and left the pursuit by Higuchi with Aiber along with Kanzo Mogi. Wedy reached Sakura Television’s headquarters in which a specially Kira broadcast was used to help get Higuchi moving. He handed Soichiro Yagami who was present with a helmet to protect his face, as well as an assault weapon. But, Soichiro did not carry the gun as he been dismissed from the police force, and civilians are not permitted to carry guns.The moment Higuchi was at his studio Wedy along with Soichiro surrounded Higuchi together with Aiber And Mogi. Wedy had the most protection, as she was the only with a gun. However, Higuchi also carried an assault rifle and attempted at shooting Wedy by shooting it. Soichiro was able to throw himself in the middle of the bullet, and it hit his shoulder. Wedy handed over his gun to an uneasy Aiber who wasn’t a fan of guns. The group of them all pursued the suspect and finally caught him , with the assistance by Shuichi Aizawa Hideki Ide as well as other police officers who were formally chasing the Kira.After the death of L and also after Light Yagami took his place, Light Yagami discovered the real name of Wedy’s, Merrie Kenwood and scribbled her name in the Death Note. According to the Manga version Wedy suffered a fatal injury in an accident that occurred that occurred in Colorado, USA. The anime adaptation shows that she suffered an attack of the heart when she was driving along the highway on her motorcycle.


The subtitles for MTV3 Science the name of Wedy was written as “Weddy”.