Dieter Ness Aot is a Swiss-born, Berlin-based artist who creates sculptures and installations that explore the fundamentals of human existence. His latest project, Uncovering the Basics, is a series of large-scale sculptures that explore the fundamental elements of life: air, water, earth and fire. Ness Aot’s sculptures are based on the idea that all things are connected. He believes that by understanding these connections we can learn to live more peacefully and harmoniously with one another. Uncovering the Basics is an important step in this direction, as it helps us to understand our place in the world and how we can contribute to society. The sculptures are made from a variety of materials, including metal, plastic and wood. They are large enough to be seen from far away but small enough so that they can be easily explored. The installations are designed to be interactive; visitors can walk around them or sit down and have a conversation with them. Uncovering the Basics is an important project for Dieter Ness Aot; it helps us to understand our place in the world and how we can contribute to society. It is also an interesting and unique way for visitors to experience art; whether they visit one installation or all four, they will be able to learn something new about life ..

APPEARANCE Dieter Ness Aot

In Aot, Dita is a man of average height and build. His welcoming face was accentuated by his mustache and beard, which covered his jawline. His white scarf, which covered his head, concealed his baldness but left his lighter brown hair untied at the sides and back, was noticeable. On expeditions, he wore a green cape and wore the standard militia uniform.

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Ness was a hardworking leader who didn’t take his job lightly. He was also a serious leader who cared deeply about his new recruits. He wanted to make their first expedition as simple as possible. He was also the one who taught them long-distance scouting techniques devised by Erwin Smith. Dita wasn’t a fan fighting titans. He tried to avoid combat, but he was always willing to fight them when necessary.He was more calm, happy, and grateful than his horse, as he showed when he thanked him for returning to him.

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HISTORY Dieter Ness Aot


Ness shows the new members Charlotte his horse. This alerts the horse that he likes to eat and immediately pulls the neckerchief. It exposes the hole in his head. Then, he is seen lecturing about the strategic plans to capture the Mary Wall and reach the Shiganshina district.Later, he travels through the Karanese District and on to the titan-infested areas outside of the Rose Wall. She encounters an eccentric titan while on her expedition. He is unable for her Three Dimensional Navigation Equipment to fully utilize it. He managed to cut the Titan’s ankles and cause it to fall, allowing Luke Siss, his squadmate to slice the back of the Titan’s neck. They then encounter the Female titan who quickly kills them both. The Female Titan then kills the Female Titan. She also easily kills them both when they try stopping her. The Female titan is then killed.

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Erwin Smith is on the verge of possible death, and ahead of a confrontation with the Beast Titan under the Wall Mary. He begins to wonder if all the lives lost for humanity’s benefit have any meaning. Erwin and Lev remember Ness.

SKILLS Dieter Ness Aot

Ness was an experienced soldier using the Three Dimensional Maneuvering Equipment. She also had strong leadership skills and a great intelligence which allowed her to team up with Lucas Siss in order to defeat an eccentric titan. However, his abilities were not sufficient to survive the attack of the Female Titan.