O que é Eren Kruger? Eren Kruger é um atacante de futebol que jogou no Brasil e na Europa. Ele é considerado um dos principais jogadores do time brasileiro de futebol, e também é reconhecido por ter sido o responsável pela vitória do Brasil nas Eliminatórias da Copa do Mundo de 2014. Kruger nasceu em 1984, no Paraná. Ele começou a jogar futebol atrás deles, mas se tornou mais forte após participar da equipe do Atlético Mineiro. Em 2006, ele se transferiu para a Juventus, onde fez o clube conquistar a Liga Italiana. No ano seguinte, ele voltou à Juventus e conquistou a Liga Europa. Em 2013, ele assumiu o time brasileiro de futebol e fez sucesso na Copa America Centenária. Kruger tem uma carreira recorde no futebol: jogueu quatro temporadas consecutivas para a Juventus (2006-2013), enquanto estava emprestado às Seleções Europeias (2007-2009).

Appearance Eren Kruger Aot


Krugerwas an average-aged man who was very tall and well-built. His hair was thin, black, and gray. His eyes were pale in shade while his nose appeared noticeable. He kept a calm and relaxed facial expression. Kruger was seen dressed in the traditional Marleyan uniform.

TITAN Eren Kruger Aot

In his titanic body, Kruger reached an impressive size that was 15 metres. His face exhibited a resemblance to his human counterparts including his light eyes, but they appeared significantly more than sunken. His hair was similar in appearance to his human counterpart. His massive physique stood out due to its amazing musculature being a massive body and extremely muscular arms.

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Personality Eren Kruger Aot

Kruger was an uncompromising and serious person that was used to brutality and death. Kruger was not afraid to take a slap on Grisha brutally after Kruger was released from his interment zone. While Kruger and Gross announced the death of Faye Jaeger to her family members, Kruger was not emotional despite witnessing the grief that was the Jaegers. Despite his cold demeanor Kruger was able to let Grishato look at the blimp after the blimp had been hit. Kruger’s character, however, could result from his role as an agent in the Marley in order to keep the identity of his client from getting revealed.

BIOGRAPHY Eren Kruger Aot


When he was an infant, Eren Kruger’s father joined an army that was which was led by remnants from the monarchy of Fritz family who were in Marley. But the revolutionary army was defeated and the members were uncovered by Public Security Authorities. Mr. Kruger, along with his entire family members were killed, while Eren hiding in an unfinished closet, witnessed their horrible deaths in horror. Kruger was saved by the friends of his father just after his house was fell to the ground. From that point on Kruger pledged to retribute Marley and return Eldia to its previous splendor. Kruger was the one to exact his revenge upon Marley.A few years later and with the assistance from an Eldian doctor who fabricated the results of his tests for blood, Kruger is able to disguise himself as a Marleyan and is enrolled in with the Public Security Authorities. To avoid his identity being exposed Kruger was forced to pretend to be a Marleyan soldier that included brutal torture, and then the forced transformation into a giant of hundreds of Eldian counterparts. But, being a part of Marley’s army grants Kruger the privilege to get details from government officials. Kruger is joined by other Eldians looking to be revolutionary and creates”the Eldia Restorers. In the absence of revealing his identity his fellow eldiansaround him, Kruger devoted himself to snooping and passing on information to the Restorers and working under the alias “The Owl.” “The Eldia Restorers are a group of eldies who have served in army for a number of years.

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THE YEAR 817 Eren Kruger Aot

One day, Kruger as well as Gross one of his friends in the Marley’s Army, were laying in a meadow , watching the airship’s landing. At once two Eldian children, Grisha and Faye Jaeger are seen approaching. Since Eldians aren’t allowed to escape their confinement areas without permission from the government Kruger has no choice other than to request their permits and neither have. Kruger offers Grisha the option of being punished or subjected to work. Grisha demands to be given a two punishments, since Kruger doesn’t want his sister to suffer due to Kruger. Kruger strikes Grisha in the abdomen with a hammer in the abdomen. Gross insists on the severity of his actions and decides to send Faye back to her home. While Kruger was aware that they weren’t Gross intent however, he was not able to stop him. Therefore, he stayed at the scene together with Grisha who he grants permission to view the blimp.The body is found on the bank of the river. Kruger and Gross are present to give proof to the Jaeger family. Gross claims that he did not harm Faye and says that her parents allowed Faye to go out of her internement zone without permission. Kruger is struck by the hatred and anger in Grisha’s eyes that remind him of his own as a young child. Due to his hatred of Marley and his fervent desire to pursue freedom over anything else, Kruger decides to be a part of Grisha with The Eldia Restorers when he was old enough.

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A YEAR 819 Eren Kruger Aot

Two years after, Eren Kruger inherits the ability from The Attack Titan from its previous user, gaining the power to transform into an amorphous Titan whenever he wants, however for price. price that he reduces his time to just thirteen years.

Year 824 Eren Kruger Aot

When Grisha turns 18 years old Kruger sends Grice Grice, restoration worker from Eldia to recruit to join the group. Grice says to Grisha that his spies in Marley “found his way to know” details about him. Grice also tells him the fact that his mother was killed by the dogs of Gross. Grisha is a part of the Restorationists eager to exact the revenge of Marley. 

After entering the club, Grisha and his companions get exclusive information about Eren Kruger, who they only meet through his nickname “The Owl”. Grisha learns how Ymir Fritz brought peace and progress for his own people, known as the Eldians. Additionally, “The Owl” sends Dina Fritz, the last descendant of Fritz in Marley in Marley, to aid the rebels and with her help the group, they decide the ultimate goal of their group is: to gain all the strength of founder The Titanthat can be found in Paradis Island’s walls. Paradis Island.

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As time passes, one day, the Marley government announces a program of recruitment for young warriors to gain the titanic powers Marley has to slay Paradis Island, in response to King Fritz’s alleged warning of war. At first by the news, the Eldia Restorers do not know what will trigger the King Fritz to call war against Marley and his family until they receive an email sent by “The Owl”, who states in an email that the real motive of this government to gain advantage of the rich nature resources in Paradis particularly the fossil fuel in addition to taking over all the powers of the founding Titan themselves. To stop this from happening, Grisha decides to infiltrate his son Zekeas one of the child warriors however, the plan is thwarted when Zeke is seven Zeke abandons his father and surrenders them in the hands of Marley. Marleyan government. These Restorers in Eldia are forced to roam Paradis transformed into mindless giants. Kruger’s identity was not revealed not even by the Restorers of Eldia Kruger’s identity was not known to anyone.Through horrific torture Marley’s police officers try to determine the identity of the Owl via Grisha who is unable to provide an answer because he didn’t have any idea who the person was who was behind the name. Kruger is on the scene to ask his fellow officers if they have found out anything. After they refuse Kruger blindfolds Grisha to transport his body across the ocean to Paradis together as the remaining Eldia Restorers..

When they arrive, Grisha and his companions are placed on the other side of the border. Kruger informs Grisha that he is going to become an unthinking titan who will only be able to devour human beings until the time when he dies. Grisha eventually recognizes Kruger because he was his policeman that beat him on the night his wife was shot. The other restaurateurs are transformed into giants through Gross as well as his men in front of the horrified gaze of Grisha. Gross demands Kruger transform Grisha too however Kruger makes it clear that he will need to question him more thoroughly. Gross begins to transform into Dinah and Grisha is trying to defend herself by claiming that she is important to Marley due to her bloodline However, she is ignored by Kruger who didn’t want to hear that information out. After a lengthy discussion, Gross decides not to transform Grisha however, but to remove him off the border and allow him to be eaten by a giant.

When Gross is planning throwing Grisha, Kruger stops him and instead pushes him. Gross gets crushed and is eaten and then Kruger is able to reveal to Grisha that he is actually the Owl and then transforms into the size of a titan. Kruger destroys the steamships and the Marleyan officers, and then murders all of them. Kruger kills the last Marleyan soldier.

After killing the final Marleyan army, the slain Kruger is released from his titan bleeding from his nose due to the transformation. the curse of Ymir is at its end in more than thirteen decades and Kruger is left with little time to live. Kruger removes Grisha and informs him that he’s an one of nine titans of shifters as well as an undercover Eldian. Kruger praises Grisha for his leadership of the Eldia Restorers when in the end, things did not go according to plan. Grisha wants to know why Kruger didn’t take care of Dina instead of him, and also why Kruger wasn’t transformed into an elven titan earlier to help the other Eldia Restorers. Kruger is unable to stand for a while due to exhaustion, and then informs Grisha that he’ll assign Grisha one last task.

As they sit at sitting on the edges of the wall They both talk about the day that Faye died. Kruger explains that he decided to choose Kruger to join the Restorers of Eldia because of the sense of hatred emanating from him in the time. Grisha inquires about the task that will be assigned to him, and Kruger responds that he must be able to enter the walls and regain that power from the Titan who founded the group. In order to do this, Grisha will have to consume Kruger and gain his powers because he’s close to dying for having acquired his powers thirteen years ago. Kruger informs him that he did not discuss any of this with Kruger prior to that, in order to increase the spirits of the Restorers and also because if he’d been aware, he wouldn’t surrendered Zeke on to the war program.

Kruger Explains his friend Grisha how the majority of Eldians are linked by “invisible pathways” which are connected in an identical “Coordinate” that is it is the strength of the Titan of Founding. Grisha is unable to comprehend what Kruger is saying, and he asks Kruger regarding the real source of Ymir Fritz’s abilities. Kruger informs him that certain folks believe Ymir Fritz gained his powers through being in close contact with “origin from all organic matter” However, the truth doesn’t exist. Anyone can believe in whatever they like. Grisha inquires whether Dina had actually from the royal family that which Kruger states. He informs Grisha that he allowed Dinah transform due to the belief that it was an alternative to Marley who was enslaved to be a reproductive descendant of the royal family. Kruger claims that he may not have been strong enough to rescue those who fought for the restorers of Eldia However the one who has the strength of titans is able to reach the wall.

Grisha does not accept her task she claims that she has repeatedly failed since joining the restorers. Kruger demands that she be a fighter and stand up, and to do it in an effort to restore her dignity. Grisha is unable to comply and Kruger gives her a photograph of the family taken from home. When she refuses to take a look at the photo, Kruger mocks her cowardice , telling him that why he was selected was not his dislike of Marley or his desire for freedom that led him to climb the line in Liberius when that his sister passed away. Kruger insists it is the sole way to pay back those who gave up their adventure to freedom is to keep fighting. Invigorated by his words, Grisha is finally willing to accept his task.

To help him be aware of the implications that his task has brought, Kruger points out to Grisha that in the event that Marley gets his founder titan and they do, they will no longer have any need for the Eldians and that will mean the death of the line for them altogether. The past was when Eldia utilized the titans’ pure form as weapons that could follow commands in the event that the Founding Titan commands them. However, currently, their presence stops the Eldians who are confined to inside the wall from being able to leave their prisons, without at risk of getting eaten. To allow Marley to gain access on Paradis resources, they must eliminate the pure titans they’ve created over the years and, if they gain the Founder Titan and the Founder Titan, they’ll make use of the eldians as weapons or kill them completely. Grisha does not believe that the wall’s king could be able to allow this however Kruger explains to him that when the time he left to Paradis and was a king, the 145th King Fritz entered into a deal with the founding Titan and a promise to abstain from the war. Grisha is aware that the king had threatened to remove Titans of the wall in case someone was threatening the tranquility of his newly established kingdom however Kruger clarifies to him that this was an unfounded threat, as the king was awaited the destruction of Eldia and was not willing to fight. Kruger informs his friend that the King has has altered the memory of the residents of the walls and made them believe that humanity is extinct. Even though he isn’t sure about the “pact” is Kruger explains to Grisha that they must rescue his Founder Titan from the cowardly King at all costs.

When preparing the serum that will transform Grisha Kruger requests that she start an immediate family when she begins living in the walls. Grisha isn’t sure and wonders if memories will fade once she acquires titanic abilities. Kruger informs him his dilemma that in future times, somebody will be able to be able to see his past, and it is imperative to love someone within the walls, or else he is likely to repeat his mistakes over and over. Kruger informs Grisha she must do what he says in the interest of saving Mikasa as well as Armin the two, he must finish his task. Grisha is confused, and asks Kruger who these individuals are. Kruger isn’t the idea and asks who these memories belong to.

Before Grisha takes on Kruger and reaches the wall, where the two meets Keith Shadis He gives Grisha one final piece of information: each one of the nine titans have names, including those Grisha can inherit. This titan never stops moving ahead no regardless of what, seeking and fighting for the freedom of. The name of the titan is Attack Titan .

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Skills Eren Kruger Aot

HUMAN Skills

As an official of the Public Security Authorities, Eren Kruger received extensive military education in weapons dealing and other torture techniques He employed these skills over a long period of time with Eldian prisoners who had been condemned to be transformed into titans.


Eren Kruger could be capable of changing into the size of a 50-foot titan that was dubbed”the Attack Titan. Kruger’s titan was extremely physical strength and was capable of severing the steamship in two in a matter of minutes. Firearmswere not efficient on Kruger who suffered little or no injury in the event that his Marleyan army shot at Kruger. In addition, it’s not known if Kruger had other abilities.

Regeneration Like any Titan in its pure form and titan-shifter Kruger was able to regenerate virtually any wound in his human and titan form.

People killed

Anonymous Changeling Titan – In in order to gain an ability similar to”Attack Titan,” Kruger was transformed into an anonymous changeling titan “Attack Titan” Kruger became an inscrutable titan that took over the previous holder of this power.  In this manner, Kruger became a form-shifting titan. Many Marleyan army After the revelation of who he was to Grisha Jaeger the Kruger turned into a giant and destroyed the ship belonging to Marleyan military, destroyed the ship of Marleyan forces, and then killed each member of the Marleyan military.


Gross Gross Prior to Gross could launch Grisha in the jaws the titan, Kruger shoves him instead.  Gross will fall into the sand, and then is severely assaulted by the giant. Many Eldian civilians – One of Kruger’s responsibilities during his time as an infiltrated employee of Public Security Authorities was to murder, torture and transform his own fellow citizens into giants.


Kruger physically looked like Eren Jaegeras as a young. in 854 Eren Jaeger took the name of Kruger to penetrate Marley and possibly to show his gratitude to his character.


“Watch to learn Grisha. It is the way to harness to harness the force of giants. “Kruger revealed his real identity Grisha