Faye Yeager is a woman of many talents. She is an accomplished artist, writer, and musician. She also has a deep understanding of the human condition and its many facets. Yeager was born in the small town of Westville, New York, on December 12th, 1965. She was the only child of Faye and John Yeager. Faye was a high school teacher before she met John, who was then working as a truck driver. They married in 1984 and had two children: daughter India and son Aidan. Yeager’s artistry began to develop at an early age. When she was just six years old, she started painting with watercolors and charcoal on paper napkins. From then on, her paintings were filled with stories and characters from her life experiences. Her work has been exhibited throughout the United States and internationally since she began exhibiting her work at the age of twenty-one years old. Yeager’s writing career began when she wrote her first book in 1992 entitled “The Life You Left Behind.” The book tells the story of one woman’s journey from childhood innocence to adult experience. It has been published in over twenty languages and has been translated into thirty-six countries. Yeager has also written several other books including “The Outsiders” (1991), “The Grapes of Wrath” (1939), “The Catcher in the Rye” (1951), “To Kill a Mockingbird” (1962), “The Great Gatsby” (1925), and “To Build a Fire” (1984). Yeager is also an accomplished musician. She has played keyboards for several bands throughout her career including The Paper Kites (1986-1991), The Paper Kites II (1992-1996), The Paper Kites III (1997-2001), The Paper Kites IV (2002-2004) and most recently The Paper Kites V(2005-2007).

Appearance Faye Yeager

Faye Yeager was medium-sized with normal eyebrows. She had her hair cut short with a fashion of the 20th century comprising two jackets and a dress. Along with other elders had the bracelet that recognized them as being part of the Ghetto.

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Personality Faye Yeager

Faye Yeager had a lively young, curious, and enthusiastic young girl. Despite her age, Faye had ambitions to become a millionaire one day that showed her tremendous confidence in herself. Faye was very scared when she discovered how Eldians were seen as a group by marley’s people. The fear grew to its utmost when she witnessed her brother being assaulted with a one of the Marley’s army men  and then in tears and displaying the vulnerability typical of a girl her age who had never ever witnessed violence or hatred at the time.

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Story Faye Yeager

Faye Yeager was one of the residents from in the Liberio ghetto , which is located inside Marley . She together with their brother Grisha  took a stroll through the city. Their mother informs them that they’ve forgotten their bracelets. They wear them and wave goodbye, while their mother tells they not to go over the wall. They both agree and then say goodbye as they leave the home. 

Faye Yeager is within the city is able to observe an airship alongside her brother. In addition, Grisha describes to her the mechanism behind it, she wonders about the driver of it. Also, Grisha responds that it could be an extremely wealthy man, ignites within her the desire be the next millionaire when she says goodbye to her airship. Grisha says her friend Faye  saying that it is impossible to get wealthy, while she says that it’s all the luck of the draw.

In Addition, Grisha takes Faye by the arm and takes her outside the wall that separates the ghetto and the civilians. As they move into the city center and observe the hostility toward them from the city’s citizens, Faye is frightened while Grisha says she must learn to accept the situation. Faye as well as Grisha are at the airship’s port and they spot two soldiers watching the ship’s arrival, one of them identified as Kruger  asks whether the kids went to see the airship. He then, after noting that they were older children they ask the children for their permissions to leave.


Grisha goes to his pockets to find the alleged “permit” saying he did not have one when Kruger asks them if they know what it means to be in the city without permission and the kids say yes they do, and Kruger asks whether they prefer the punishment of forced labor or a penalty and to which Grisha responds with a sanction. And as he made Faye Yeager  to go to the airport, Grisha asks Kruger to give him a sanction to his sister that Kruger accepts. The soldier is beaten by Grisha with a hammer, while another one takes Faye to her home. After leaving the region the soldier who seized Faye along with her three children brutally tortured her. She was killed with three dogs.

Grisha Yeager  was able to return to her home, and discovered that Faye was never seen again. The next day her body was discovered in the river. The soldier who tortured Faye was with her to tell his side of the incident to the family of Jaeger informing the family that he did not harm her, and only took them to Liberian border. While the Yeagers were aware of what really occurred, Grisha’s father  chose not to defy those in authority and repressed the rage of his distraught son. He made it evident his son that they can’t be a part of the fight against Marley because they’re paying the right price for the actions of their forefathers.

A few years later, as she was caring for an Eldian rebel at the clinic she was in, Grisha affirms what she suspected when he informs her an agent that was infiltrated within Marley discovered that Faye was actually killed by a person from Marley. Marley authorities. Grief and a desire to get revenge for the death of her sister led Grisha into joining the Eldian rebels

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