Rantaro Amami is a Japanese author and journalist. He has written for various publications in Japan, including the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and the Japan Times. He is also a regular contributor to The Japan Times’ online opinion section. Born in Hiroshima in 1965, Amami grew up in Tokyo and studied at Kyoto University before moving to New York City in 1990 to work as an editor at The New York Times. In 2002 he moved back to Japan and became a full-time author. Amami’s latest book is “The Unseen World: A Memoir of Life in Tokyo’s Slums.”

Appearance Rantaro Amami

Rantaro is attractive and is highlighted within the video game, that his appearance are similar to those of the stereotyped “playboy.”

His curly hair is which is green in color that he manages to keep relatively short. There is a tiny patch on the bottom of his hair completely cut, and two short hairs sprouting out of at the crown of his head. He also has a few more hair clumps hanging on the left eye and behind his ears and long bangs that cover the bulk of his forehead. They are being swept sideways so as not to hinder the vision. The eyes of his are green and they slant downwards towards the sides his face, and are being framed by impressively large, long eyelashes.

He is wearing an unisex dark blue striped sweater with long sleeves that are elbow-length, and an accessory made of a small chain that is that is pinned just below the right shoulder. Under this, he sports the darker color of his shirt, which pokes out from beneath the hem of his shirt and also from the top of the collar’s low-dip, leaving the collarbone exposed as well as a white garment that hangs from the bottom. He also has slim, light-brown sarouel pant and navy blue slip-ons featuring white soles. On his sweater is the logo of his former high school Hope’s Pass High school along with an even larger symbol, an oar’s steering wheel that also has a similarity to the sun setting which is visible on the lower portion of his sweater. It’s located towards the left. 

Rantaro is wearing a pendant featuring an elongated crystal pendulum that hangs at the end and a silver band on his left wrist , and another, bigger black and dark brown outfit on the left which wraps around his wrist a few times. He wears several silver rings, one on his left index finger the other on his thumb and the other on his index finger. And on the middle finger of his right hand, he wears a larger and more dark band. On his right ear, there are five ring-like cartilage piercings and he also wears small beaded earrings on the lobes in each ear. The design sketches he has submitted to the official site show him with a sterling eye piercing in his right but this isn’t present within any of the game designs.

in the opening scene, he is wearing the uniform of his former high school, which is indigo-colored trousers along with brown cardigan, and loafers. The two buttons on the top of the shirt are missing and his gray, red and black tie hangs loosely from his neck. His sleeves are loosely folded on his shoulders. He does not wear any jewellery.

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Personality Rantaro Amami

When he first came into the picture, Rantaro seemed like a mystery to everyone. In the following years, it was evident that he’s a relaxed and easy-going person. the fact that he’s described as one of the most normal students, despite being mysterious as he has admitted that he is sometimes overwhelmed by other students’ strange personality. Yet, he’s shown to be more patient than other students, such as Kokichi Oma as well as Miu Iruma, who have an inclination to smile at certain potentially damaging statements they make. 

While Rantaro is unable to remember his talents however, he isn’t to be concerned about it just says that”I’m looking forward” to discovering the reason behind it. He’s usually smiling and describing himself as “not an untrustworthy person” and radiates a very relaxed and calm impression, which makes him appear to be a very trustworthy person. The way he speaks is described as being extremely casual and informal, with his “~tsusu/-ssu” copula throughout his sentences (in only the Japanese released only). Fan translations generally adopt this style by incorporating teen slang into his dialogue.

In spite of his looks and style of speaking, he is incredible insight and coolness and is determined and courageous. He has even scary expressions whenever he becomes seriously serious. As the students descend into chaos and confusion when Monkuma or the Monokuma Kubs declare their motives, he’s competent of interrogating them on their motives. He also displays a thorough comprehension of the situation. He frequently acts as if that he has a secret that the other students aren’t aware of, using profound and obscure sentences, which frequently make him appear strange or even frightening. 

He’s demonstrated to be extremely competent during his Killing Game scenario, understanding that to succeed in the game, you must stop the game in its entirety rather than outwitting the other players and warns Kaede regarding her inspirational speeches and her strong collaboration with other players, as she is a glaring threat to the mastermind. When he is at Kaede’s Free Time Events with Kaede she is able to observe that he is observant of the other students and makes rational assumption about their behavior. He has plans to end with the Killing Game, telling the other students not to interfere however, he is unsuccessful due to Kaede’s actions.

People (especially women) often think the assumption that Rantaro might be a womanizer. and he’s aware that his appearance resembles an “playboy” however He always says he’s not such a person and doesn’t have a girlfriend. He says that he’s a normal and friendly person. He seems to dislike the fact that people think they are a womanizer or someone who can easily meet people based on their looks perhaps because his father could be one. When he is in the cutscene with, Kaede and Tsumugi in Chapter 1.

The two girls discuss how their looks make him appear like being a playboy, but he isn’t however in the English version, Tsumugi appears to also assume that he is gay due to his insistence that he doesn’t have an ex-girlfriend and his typical mannerisms. Because Kaede persists in believing that his nail-art skills could be related to a potential girlfriend, he acknowledges that it’s been “for family reasons, and nothing romantic”. Additionally, he seems slightly awkward when people are flirting with him or think he’s flirting with them, shivering at times and putting his hand on his head, while smiling at them. Kaede is particularly inclined to believe that he’s flirting with her however he assures her that it’s not the case.

Rantaro appears similarly awkward when he imagines Shuichi is going to call him to join”bonus mode,” Love Across the Universe which he then waits a while to understand the meaning of what Shuichi may be referring to in “taking your clothes off”. He seems a little uncomfortable, but he says sincerely that he’s genuinely happy, however Shuichi cannot request him out of the blue such a way, and, while being a little irritated and sighing in a slight sense of anger, he says it’s not his kind of person, and Shuichi will have more success with another person. If Shuichi recommends reading books that are dirty with Rantaro and he does enjoy it and suggests in a manner that is somewhat big-brotherly to keep it in his personal time, and assures that he’ll never divulge the information to anyone.

 If Shuichi speaks about his desire not to be left alone in his Free Time Events, Rantaro gets a bit shocked, and then smiles and says that he’s not serious and that he’s not sure of how to react to someone telling him that. This , as well as his Love Suite scene, which describes an ideal romantic relationship is similar to the relationship he has with his siblings, suggests that he is not interested in sex and romance or at minimum, doesn’t consider it to be a top priority. He also does not like the casual hook-ups.

However, due to having several sisters, he behaves like an obedient big brother to students. He is knowledgeable about concepts that are feminine since he was able to assist younger sisters with tasks like schoolwork or nail art. But, Rantaro considers himself a horrible brother following an accident that happened in the past. He even calls his self”the “Ultimate Useless Older Brother”. There is a possibility that his siblings being hateful towards his presence and the safety of their children all around is his primary concern. although he appears to be an easy-going person however, he’s extremely anxious when it comes to his time playing the Killing Game, because he is concerned for his sisters and feels the time is now to leave quickly to return to them. He’s known for his smile even when he’s really experiencing a negative mood It’s an instinct he acquired because he had several younger siblings to look after. Rarely that he is able to get the feeling that his sisters may be accepting of him, he will be able to look and laugh. The most important goal of his is to bring his sisters back together and win their trust, and he’s incredibly committed in this endeavor even to the point where his once joked that he might have a sister-related issue. In the Love Suite scene, his dream depicts his ideal scenario in which he wants to quit teaching his younger sibling as the risk is too high for them to engage with him for any length of time and wants to keep them away from all the details, which he’s probably referring to The Killing Game. He even talks about his own death but claims that it’s an accident. But, his younger brother wants to help him, regardless of the risk and encourages him to share the news with them about the situation and causes Rantaro truly happy and at calm. In bonus mode, with Shuichi’s help He believes that he will become the real Ultimate Big Brother some day.

Rantaro is revealed to be somewhat uncertain of himself. The majority of his anxiety is attributed to the anxiety triggered by his sisters’ circumstances However, he’s also seen to be nervous regarding his memory problems and the idea that people wouldn’t believe in someone like him, and pondering whether he could even believe in himself. His insecure nature can be apparent in the way that his laughter is often with a relaxed attitude and claims that he’s thinking about his theories. In addition, he is astonished when someone is friendly to him. his face is red and he says it’s so sweet to do, but clearly not thinking that others would be so kind to him. When he’s in a negative mood, he is likely to smile in a slight irritation and will not hesitate to declare that he does not want to speak. It has also been proven by his casual manner of conduct, he displays an unwavering attitude to juvenile and unadulterated behavior, in particular, from those who are his age. When it comes to Love Across the Universe, the moment Shuichi is urged to engage in childish things like shouting in the library , or playing around with specific objects without any reason, he usually responds with some annoyance or awkwardness. He has even told Shuichi to behave as an adult. He is also shy about doing things such as dancing or baking with Shuichi.

As a major character trait, Rantaro has had the characteristic of an adventurer from the age of a child, because the reports suggest he was inclined to embark on small-scale adventures completely on his own. He also has stated that he enjoys traveling and has been to many of times, including going to some areas that are quite dangerous and also famous tourist spots. He says he is a fan of travellers and enjoys going to different places as well as meet people and would like to travel the world for the rest of his life. He has also said that he doesn’t like the word “traveler” for himself because it’s “too romantic” for him.

Shuichi believed that the character of Rantaro in the prior Killing Game was selfless, since he enrolled in an additional Killing Game and became the Ultimate Survivor because he chose to sacrifice himself in order to help students. But, this is in contradiction due to the fact that by the film he recorded, declared that he was determined to participate in and take home the prize in at the following Killing Game.

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Creation and Development

The initial idea for the character of Rantaro was “a mysterious, gentle man with manners.” The name was picked after numerous failed attempts and the same is true to his design. In terms of his appearance, initially the idea was to create a character who looked like an outdoor type of person. One time, he changed into thin-eyed (version 4.) however the creators settled on the current style to maintain the harmony of the cast. With his gentle voice, which matched the softness of his mask, with his easy-going style of talking, Kazutaka Kodaka did all that he could to transform himself into a fascinating and stylish man. What’s more that making him look handsome was a way of making Kodaka appear to be lacking in character, which is why he was given various accessories and a more distinct style. This resulted in his contemporary-looking style.

Because he’s just an average-looking guy in the way he was imagined, Rantaro got quite a massive reaction from the fans, which was would be expected. After listening to Hikaru Midorikawa’s (Rantaro’s Japanese voice actor) voice over during recordings, Kodaka was left craving for more, and made the decision to change the script to make Rantaro live longer, however, it was too late to alter the script. “All I could do was cry and cry, then keep things as it is”, Kodaka described.

The “Super High School Level ???” was already a part in the formula Danganronpa however, Rantaro was set apart from the others by taking him removed from his game prior to when he was able to show his talent. This plot twist having his identity a mystery, and then bringing it back in the second part of the novel was planned in the beginning. It was the “answer to the question surrounding the mystery surrounding his Super High School Level” was the idea that came out in the final phases of the writing.

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Talent and Abilities Rantaro Amami

The Rantaro’s Ultimate ability is actually a creation of Team Danganronpa. Prior to joining Danganronpa the team, he was an ordinary secondary school pupil.

Ultimate Survivor

In the wake of surviving the first Killing Game and participating in the present version, Rantaro gained the title of Ultimate Survivor.

Ultimate Adventurer

On Love Across the Universe: Dangan Salmon Team, Rantaro recognizes that his gift is the Ultimate Adventurer. This is probably what he was in his earlier Killing Game. The title is a fitting description of his backstory, which includes him having a an adventurous nature and traveling the globe in search of his sisters.

A perfect match for his talents, Rantaro is a seasoned and determined traveler. He has traveled to many countries and learned how to navigate in a boat. He is always learning about the destination he’s in and the culture, the language as well as the popular tourist destinations in the region as well as any threats which he could encounter. He has also said that he is very adept in the kitchen, having mastered many various recipes because of the many trips he has taken. He has purchased clothes from all over the globe. According the report of Kazutaka Kodaka, is immune to temperatures of all kinds This is probably because he travels frequently across the globe.

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Analytical Skill

Although Rantaro is considered to be someone who is mysterious but he displays a sharp mental acuity and calm disposition to evaluate his surroundings.

Relationships Rantaro Amami

His family members:

His sisters

Rantaro was a responsible father to his sisters, and was determined to assist them and care for his sisters, to the extent that he was said to have was able to master a great deal about makeup and other items that are typically considered feminine. He said he often helped his sisters by doing nail art. He was particularly close to his younger sister, who would always follow him around. Following losing his sister Rantaro took blame for himself, and decided to find them through travelling around the globe.

Within the Ultimate Talent Development plan, it was noted that the family of Rantaro also had a lovely servant when he was as a young person and who looked after the children . She was an extra mother to them and to him, she appeared to be an incredible woman who could accomplish everything. The siblings often had disagreements about silly issues like who was allowed to read the first picture book together with their maid.

Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles:

Kaede Akamatsu

Rantaro admires Kaede’s capacity to unleash the best qualities of people. He is amazed by her leadership abilities and the way she is able to bring together the Ultimates following shocking events like the Killing Game announcement, even it is brief. Because of this, Rantaro also worries about her attempts to take everyone’s problems to her own and tells Kaede to relax. He is in love with Kaede and believes that she’s very easy and pleasant to talk to and that he’s comfortable whenever he’s with her.

In the demo the relaxed nature of Rantaro’s character appears to be awe inspiring to Kaede and she’s intrigued about how he is calm and composed before even the Class Trial, and how he is able to speak in such a calm manner against Monokuma. Kaede is also awed by his apparent absence of curiosity about finding out his special talent which she herself is desperate to know the reason behind it. In the first chapter of the game, the two are close to each other, especially during their free-time events during which Kaede says she’d like to stay in touch with him regardless of the circumstances. Despite his inability to recall his skills and the fact that most of the other Ultimates have him treated with respect or even disdain, Kaede still cares for and admires Rantaro who is adamant that he’s not the creator behind The Killing Game, just a friend of the class who is determined to escape from it.

Although the two are good friends, Kaede has a tendency to believe that Rantaro is smacking her, and claims that he’s female, even though the actor always denies it by saying that he’s not this kind of person. If he invites her take a cup of tea at one of his leisure time occasions, she believes that it’s a way to flirt with her, however he says that it was an invitation for a friend and does not feel this way about her.

Within one of Chapter 1 cutscenes, much to the displeasure of Tsumugi, Rantaro paints Kaede’s nails. In selecting the style that will best suit her, he is sure to consider the length and size of the nails in account She is amazed by his skills when she shows her nails to an angry Tsumugi after the painting is completed.

After the body of Rantaro’s is found inside the library Kaede starts to shake in terror. She believes she’s the person who killed him since the weapon used to strike the fatal blow was the identical to the weapon she had planned. He’d been lured to its path however, she had a trick that she’d come up with. The idea behind the trap was originally to be a means of getting away from the mastermind however instead, she ended up killing the friend she loved dearly. She informs the other students that she’ll figure out who killed Rantaro and that she will never forget anyone who did the act. Later in the case, she confesses that she was blackened in an attempt to lead others to this conclusion. When she is executed and is sentenced to death, she apologizes to everyone that it’s impossible for them all to get out of this Killing Game together, and apologizes once more to Shuichi who is her most trusted friend and Rantaro evidently broken by guilt and regret because from her deeds.

The non-canon Danganronpa V3 bonus mode Ultimate Talent Development Plan, Kaede is waiting for Rantaro at the close of the party. Kaede left him a piece of cake Rantaro, and at final, the two all ate the cake left over. The event also has a ceremony in which Kaede attends Rantaro at the soccer game to encourage him and cheer his team on.

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Shuichi Saihara

When Rantaro encounters Kaede with Shuichi, Shuichi seems confused at the mention by Rantaro of all of them experiencing simultaneous amnesia intentionally, and is to be a bit surprised by the notion, even though it is a very likely hypothesis. Shuichi believes that he’s in some way mysterious and has more knowledge than he is willing to admit. Rantaro is seen to be adamant in Shuichi’s abilities , and believes him to be a true detective even although Shuichi remains skeptical about this However, later on in the first chapter, Shuichi begins to grown very hostile to his character, and is convinced that he is the mastermind, and this is why that he “doesn’t recall” his skills.

At the Love Suite event, Rantaro is an individual tutor or teacher for Shuichi. The situation is a reflection of what happens between Rantaro with his siblings and his younger siblings, he treats Shuichi as a child which causes him to feel uncomfortable, and due to this, Rantaro assumes that Shuichi is not happy with him, even though Shuichi denies this. Rantaro is a bit relieved by this, but it’s clear in his head since He soon declares that he will no longer be Shuichi’s instructor, thinking that he made him feel uncomfortable and stating that having contact with him could be risky. He is determined to safeguard Shuichi and ensure that he doesn’t lose another person that is significant to him. He mentions the possibility his own death, and although He claims that he’s just making fun of himself, Shuichi seems skeptical. Shuichi informs Rantaro that he’d rather listen to the reasons how he might be risky even if it’s an issue, than leaving Rantaro to handle the issue on his own. After the day, he appears extremely happy, having begun to believe in Shuichi and promises that he’ll one day share his story with him.

In the bonus game, Love Across the Universe, Rantaro slowly warms up to explain his situation to Shuichi. He is extremely happy that Shuichi is adamant about his mission to locate his sisters as no one else can do it. He pledged to become Rantaro’s companion on the road to search for his sisters. This promise could last for a lifetime and Rantaro is touched, finding his motivation to become an Ultimate Big Brother.

Tsumugi Shirogane

In the final moments before in the Chapter 1 cutscene, Tsumugi paints Kaede’s nails using the brush she gifted her earlier. When she’s done, Rantaro comes into the room, asking about what they’re doing, and informs the two that he’s got nails as well. He suggests a design for Kaede’s nails and then paints over the design Tsumugi had done to the nails. She is looking on with an angry look on her face. She is also making unhelpful remarks throughout the entire scene evidently annoyed by Rantaro.

In Chapter 6 , that Tsumugi is the person to kill Rantaro and not Kaede. Tsumugi did not wish for Rantaro to find out the truth and end the fun of The Killing Game, so she employed Kaede’s plan to take down the mastermind to be able to kill him and then to frame her, thus securing her own life. Kaede and Rantaro were both Kaede along with Rantaro were among the most determined individuals to leave the school, and she decided they needed to leave before they could find any evidence. This included Tsumugi being discovered as the chief of the group.

Korekiyo Shinguji

In Chapter 1, Rantaro has a good impression of Korekiyo and believes that he is interesting and appears to be the only person who is positive of Korekiyo.

In his very first Free Time Event with Kaede, Rantaro tells her that Korekiyo is a very charismatic person However, if she spends the time to talk with her, she’ll start to get to know the man. He lauds Korekiyo and says Korekiyo is a quiet and collected person who appears to be one of the most intelligent people.

In the bonus mode for non-canon players in the Ultimate Talent Development Plan, it is evident it’s been proven that Rantaro as well as Korekiyo are extremely close friends. They have a shared desire to travel and share a very close bond with their sisters. They visit one another occasionally when they’re in the same school zone and sharing with their respective stories of what they’ve been doing lately. It’s also suggested that Korekiyo is interested in meeting the sisters of Rantaro to become their “friends”.

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While they don’t appear to be interacted with much, it’s evident in one of the Rantaro’s Free Time Events with Kaede that he appears to have more respect for K1-B0 than students. He acknowledges that the character of K1-B0 isn’t as distinctive than his role as a robot, however he thinks that K1-B0 is in their corner, based on his understanding of the Three Laws of Robotics, and in his conversation with Shuichi He smiles in a smug way as he states that he should probably not be able to say negative things about robots since K1-B0 would not like the idea.

In the Demo version, Rantaro spent a lot of time with K1B0. He later, he affirmed his innocence at the beginning of trial. Both of them stayed out of it due to insufficient space.

Miu Iruma

Rantaro is a little confused by Miu’s foul-mouthed However, he doesn’t seem to be as envious of her as other students do.

If Kaede and Rantaro discuss the most unique classmates at their Free Time Events, Rantaro says that Miu’s abilities are unimaginable for people, and He says that he is able to understand her process of thinking, she prefers to be on top. Kaede is confused by the language of the phrase and Rantaro is a bit awkward and says it was just a joke. create a laugh.

Kokichi Oma

As with everyone else, Rantaro can be a little annoyed by Kokichi’s actions. Although the two aren’t seen interacting often, Kokichi called him “My most beloved Rantaro” (“My dear Amami-chan” in the original Japanese) and then cried as he looked at his body. However, his behavior was quickly changed which made it difficult to determine which of his statements was genuine. Kokichi later states that it’s not his intention to have Rantaro to return to life because Shuichi’s wishes are more important to him. to see Kaede be reborn and bring Shuichi satisfied.

Later, we discover it’s discovered that Kokichi is the persona-like figure of Rantaro created by Angie hanging upside-down on his bed as part from the pieces that prove his point he amassed. Kokichi chose this over Kaede Kirumi, Ryoma’s and Kirumi’s ones, suggesting that he is more interested in Rantaro over the others.

In one of the stories in the anthology where it’s revealed that Rantaro could have a big brotherly inclination towards Kokichi. As the students try to capture Kokichi by setting the “Amami trap” and he is waiting in the middle and trying to capture him using his arms. But, Kokichi sweetly asks him to let him go, and says “big bro” and causes Rantaro to instantly relax and let him go “just once” which is to the dismay of the students. He treats Kokichi similar to him in different stories and treats him more gently and patiently as if were a child. However, in his head he’s seeing Kokichi to be quite irritating and an individual which he’ll never get used to.

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