Uri Reiss is a world-renowned chef and restaurateur who has made a name for himself in the culinary world. He has worked in some of the most prestigious kitchens in the world, including The Ritz-Carlton, The Benares, and The Ritz-Carlton London. He has also been awarded multiple awards, including two Michelin stars. Reiss is known for his innovative and unique cuisine, which often features fresh and local ingredients. His restaurants have been featured on television and in magazines around the world. He currently resides in London with his wife and two children. If you’re looking to experience some of Uri Reiss’ amazing cooking at your own home, we recommend checking out his latest restaurant, The Benares. This restaurant is located on Oxford Street in central London and offers a wide variety of dishes that will tantalize your taste buds.



Uri was a young man who, unlike his older brother Rod, had blond hair. His hair was long and straight. His eyes were large and light with a narrow nose. Uri grew older over the years and developed wrinkles on his face.


Although Uri could transform into a titan after he ate his father, very few details about his titan form are known. Uri’s titan transformation was only used once. His titan had a tall stature, with an average face for a titan and almost complete baldness.

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His personality has not been revealed. Uri, on the one hand, shared his brother’s wish for the world not to be controlled by the titans. He repeatedly demanded his father use the power of the Reiss f or any other purpose. Uri decided to become the heir to his father’s titan power and asked Rod for prayers. He presumably suffered from delusions after he had the power. This was similar to what happened to his father and would happen with his niece Frieda.


Uri, the younger brother to Rod Reiss, was part of the royal family. His brother and Uri wished for a world where humanity was free from the threat posed by the titans. It made them feel helpless that their father could eliminate the titans but they did nothing. Uri, Rod and their brother insisted on the use of the power by their father to end the threat. He never did this without explaining why.

After much discussion, it was decided that their father would have to be eaten by one of them in order to inherit the power of Reiss. After much discussion, Uri decided that he would be the heir. However, before injecting himself in the serum that would turn him into a titanic, he asked his brother for prayers. Uri ate his father, and he was able to transform himself into a titan. He also inherited the history and ideology of the first King Reiss. Rod realized that Uri had reverted to his human form, and was looking at his brother Rod. Kenny is rebuffed by Uri.

One encounter saw Uri Rediss fighting Kenny Ackerman. He immediately rendered him immobile and held him in the hand of his partially-transformed titan. Rod Reiss his brother fires numerous unsuccessful charges but Uri stops him. The compassionate one recognizes Kenny’s Ackerman heritage and warns him that his power is futile. Uri pleads with his brother to show that the Ackerman has a valid case against the monarchy. Kenny flings a knife at Uri, but the knife is still stuck to his arm. Uri begs the assassin to let him go and allow him to ambush again. To everyone’s surprise, Uri releases Kenny. The assassin points his gun at Uri and Rodo insists that he be killed, because his memories can’t be erased. Uri apologizes to Kenny for the suffering the Ackermans suffered at the hands the monarchy and for not creating a paradise within the walls. Uri then begs for his life.Kenny meets the aging Uri again many years later. Uri informs Kenny that he will pass on his memories and powers to one of Rod’s children. He says he believes the world in which they live will end soon and plans to create a paradise for the remaining human beings. Kenny and Uri believe true friendship begins with a fight to the death. This is a miracle.

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YEAR 842

The time finally came when Uri’s memories and power had to be passed on to another member of the Reiss Family. Frieda was the one to take this responsibility. Uri was then willingly tied in chains to make Frieda eat him. Frieda infused herself with the serum to transform her into a titan, and then she devoured her uncle Uri.



Uri, like the other members the Reiss family , was able to alter and modify the memories of nearly anyone. Uri could also resurrect forgotten memories. However, this ability comes with limitations. Some individuals are not immune to it, such as Ackermans or noble families.


Uri was able to attain his titan powers by injecting himself with titan serum, and then devouring his father to obtain the memories of the world as well as the ideology of his first king. Most of Uri’s abilities are not known as he was only able to transform once. We do know that Uri had the basic abilities of a Changeling Titan, and the invincible power known as the Coordinate.Regeneration: Uri is able to heal from any wound in both his human and titan forms, just like any other titan or changeling titan.Rod Reiss: The “Invincible Power”, Rod Reiss claims, allows the user of the Reiss family’s invincible power to control the titans and is the key to exterminating them all. Uri did not make use of the “invincible strength”.

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Uri measures in at 155 cm and is the shortest man we have ever seen.