If you’re looking for a new and exciting way to spend your free time, then you need to check out AKAZA Demon Slayer. This online game is a must-play for anyone who loves action RPGs. It’s easy to learn and can be completed in minutes, so it’s perfect for those who want something new to play every day. What’s even more impressive about AKAZA Demon Slayer is that it’s one of the most popular games on the internet. Players have made it their go-to choice for online gaming sessions, and there are even tournaments being held where people can compete against each other. If you’re looking for an adrenaline rush and some serious fun, then this game is definitely worth checking out!


When the man became human He had shorter black hair with blue pupils eyes that were light pink Three dark blue tattoos that represent sinners tattooed on his wrists.After being transformed into ghostly: short blonde hair with golden eyes white appearance, many dark blue tattoos depicting sinners, carved across the body Blood red nails. In a short purple t-shirt with a rosary hung around his ankle.In actuality the snowflake design of the vampiric style of the person being interlocutor is identical to the hairpins of his girlfriend, Lianxue, during his period as a woman and the peach color is identical to the shade of Lianxue’s Kimono as well as the term “vampiric technique” comes from the word “fireworks” that he used to describe the fireworks that he witnessed alongside Lianxue throughout his life time.

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In Demon Slayer, As an human Akaza decided to continue his training in order to safeguard his family and friends in order to grow stronger.When he become an demon In the wake of the loss of memory and the desire to be strong remains within the soul. To make himself strong, he prefers to battle with the powerful while in the same way that he doesn’t think about weaker people and even hates weak. 

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The most important thing is to use his hands without gloves.

FIGHTING SPIRIT Of Akaza Demon Slayer

When he was transformed into a demon He fought against demons and gained an extremely strong combative aura. The premise of his vampire strategy, “Killing”, is to establish the opponent’s position through the sense of his ki.The vampire has a great respect for those with an aura that is strong (e.g., Purgatory Apricot Shurou). While his doujinshi is extremely powerful, he hasn’t yet reached the highest level where he is free to conceal his doujinshi i.e.”the “world of permeability”.



Demons die when its neck is cut off due to the sun’s chakra which is the maximum of demons. If the demon is persistent prior to death, it’s likely to surpass the limit and regenerate their head. If it is reheaded the demon will not die but it will be scared of sunlight.In the battle against Tanjuro and Yoshiyasu In the battle with Yoshiyasu and Tanjuro, he broke the limit, much like Mamoru. This meant that his neck no longer was weak. After being beheaded however, the body did not disappear and continued to fight with an unheadless body. the ability to regenerate was the same as prior to the beheading. The head was soon rebuilt.

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Blood Demon Technique Blood Demon Technique is named in honor of “Destructive Killing” and is built on the “Destructive Killing-Road Needle”, that senses energy from fighting and produces a sequence of precise, swift and strong martial arts strikes separated into six different types: “Chaotic Style”, “Empty Style”, “Foot Style”, “Shattering Style”, “Destruction Style”, “Final Style” and “Samurai”. Sabotage-killing-Ro-needle


It reads the opponent’s energy as a compass and can make its attacks and evasions as precise as if was attracted by magnets. Once activated the snowflake pattern of twelve corners will be visible beneath your feet. This is known as “jutsu spread”.

The more intense the opponent’s spirit of fighting, the more powerful the response of the needle, and the greater the intensity and precision of that response. If the opponent is not fighting or conceals his fight spirit (through the entire world) the needle won’t discern it, which is why he’s no opponent for Tanjirou’s “Sunset Turn”.


A powerful strike that is made at a very fast speed in the same direction.The residual damage from The Blood demon Technique is still harmful when it is cut.

Sabotage-Kill – AirAn attack with a long range. A string of six strikes using the fist into the air which is so rapid that it’s difficult to recognize.

Sabotage-KickSabotage-Kick – Crown SlashA powerful kick directed at the head of the opponent and delivered from the bottom towards the back.Sabotage-Kick-Shot – Flashing LightA few swift, hard kicks from one foot in the same spot, similar to the flash of a light.Sabotage-Kick-Style – Flying Star Thousand WheelContinuous kick that is wrapped around a turbulent stream and has a disorienting path similar to a wandering meteor.Sabotage – Shattering StyleA powerful top-down strike to smash the floor in the shape of leaves.Sabotage-DestructionA devastating blow that creates an enormous explosion. It is being used as a final strike at the conclusion of a war.It is often used as a final blow towards the conclusion of a fight. It is utilized to combat Purgatory Apricot Shouro’s “Inferno Breath – Nine-type Purgatory”.

Destructive Killing – Demon Core Eight CoresA set of eight strikes distributed across all sides of the same point.Sabotage-Terminal Style – Green and Silver Streak of LightThis is an excellent method of”Waza “Waza”. When you gather the needles and firing hundreds of missiles in all directions , using its center at the middle. It’s so swift and powerful that Yoshiyaru Tomioka’s ” Water Breath – Eleven Type – Other” is not able to completely counter it. It is blocked by Hajiro Tan, who is now in the realm of permeability.

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STORY Akaza Demon Slayer


As a human and was born in Edo. Because the fact that he was born with tooth-sharp teeth, he got referred to as “Son of a Demon” and was christened Komaji.


When he was 11 the family members of Komaji or Akaza died each one by the other and left his father as the sole person he knew. But his father was suffering from a serious illness and Komaji needed to figure out a way to get him a medicine. But at the time, medicine wasn’t something that a young man like Komaji could afford. In order to protect his family’s health, Komaji chooses to rob in exchange for cash to purchase medicines for his father.Based on the instincts of a child who is poor, Akaza decides that if he’s fragile, he will surely avoid the retribution of the victim of theft and the pursuit of the Bongkyo. So, Komaji continues to train himself, while also taking. Meanwhile, Komaji is caught by Bongos Bongos several times for theft, however because he’s still young, he’s frequently released by the Bongos in a reluctant manner after being penalized.

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At the age of 15 Akaza was penalized with a hundred strokes of the board that could cause even a mature man to collapse completely. Because he was training to get stronger from the time he was a kid He had a physical advantage over most people, and he was aware in spite of such a brutal punishment. Even though Komaji was already lost his fear of consequences, the young man was amazed to hear that his father, who was a neighbor and friend of his father’s that his father was hanging himself shortly when he returned to his home. The father was extremely upset over his son’s constant crime-related behavior. He believed that it was because he had drag his son down due to the fact that he was sick so that he could allow his son to start and become a decent man, he decided to take to take this route to end his own life. He was evicted and free to roam.He recalled the times when he tried for his dad’s salvation and even went through great efforts to save his father however, his father took their lives in such a manner. Komaji finally realized it was a world of ugliness in which the wealthy could have whatever they want, while the poor weren’t permitted to exist!Afterward, Akaza, who thinks that he doesn’t care about anything you do for as it is as long as father remains alive to see him, murders seven adults using his hands for venting the grief of the death of his father and his resentment towards the world.But, in that moment, Komaji meets the man that has shaped his life, Master Keizo. In the time that Komaji was fighting against the adult crowd, Master Keizo recognized immediately that Komaji was gifted in martial arts. In order to prevent him from going down by himself, Sensei shows his strength and returns him to his dojo after beating Komaji.

In the course of arriving to the dojo the master realized that there were only two students in the dojo other than the master himself. The master was furious at the situation and claimed that he’d made his daughter and wife suffer for a long time due to his incompetence, and his wife was even throwing herself into the river in the past. However that he needed to earn a living to support his family and his dojo and his dojo, he was unable to make time to care for his daughter who was sick which is why he demanded Komaji to care for her daughter Lianxue. But, Komaji still considers himself as a sinner and believes that it is not his style to do this type of job. When he inquires of the master if he’s happy to leave the house in which his daughter lives all by herself, to be viewed as a sinner, the master says, “I’ve already cleaned up when you were an infidel and it’s not a issue! “After that, Komaji had a meeting with Lianxue. After observing that Lianxue was sick and experienced the same thing as his father Komaji decided to remain with the Dojo in order to care for Lianxue to ensure that he does not let the same tragedy that he experienced happen to his daughter again.In this moment, Komaji shows his gentleness when caring for Lianxue and Lianxue eventually begins to fall in love with him when the two spend their time. However, because Komaji has always viewed his self as an ungodly sinner, and never imagined that anyone would be a fan of him, he never discovers the feelings of Lianxue for Komaji.

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YOUTH Akaza Demon Slayer

In Demon Slayer, When Akaza was 18 the dojo was not able to enroll any other students than Komaji for a few years, due to the fact that the kendo dojo located near to the Soryu dojo was constantly at war in the dojo. But, Komaji gradually returned to his former self, fighting to defend others by having a relationship with Lianxue as well as Sensei.


Then, one day Sensei abruptly calls Komaji to his room and is asking him to take over his dojo. Komaji initially was puzzled, but the master demanded that he marry Lianxue, who has ever since he met her. Komaji who was astonished to have discovered that someone had always been in love with him, did not react immediately. In the future, Komaji remembers his father’s desire for a new beginning prior to his suicide, and begins to consider whether he is able to be a normal person despite being an infidel. Then, Komaji gives in to his master’s wishes and decides to protect Lianxue and his master when it means giving up his life!After they have confirmed their love, Komaji and Lianxue go to see the fireworks and she’s never seen because she’s been weak from the time she was a kid. While watching the lights, Lianxue shares the feelings she has for Komaji before meeting Komaji she had no idea she’d live long enough to be able to see fireworks, but Komaji appears to have a glimpse into the future of her and inspires her to live her life. After that, Lianxue asks Komaji whether he would like to get married to her. Komaji admits to Lianxue without doubt that he’ll become stronger than everyone else and will protect her throughout the rest of his life. ……Then, a few days later Komaji came back the city of Edo in the night before the wedding, to inform the father of his son that he was going to be married and then cleaned his father’s grave.When he returned at the dojo he felt a tense feeling in his chest. In the normal course of returning at the dojo he finds out about the demise of both his teacher and fiancée from an acquaintance.

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Komaji who is shocked and saddened by this but finally discovers the truth following an investigation.Again, Komaji failed to protect the people who mattered and his resolve eventually fell apart. In the final, he failed to defend anything and decided to attack the dojo on his own and killed 67 by using his hands.

In the final analysis, Komaji, who was left with nothing to safeguard, went out of his path. While wandering about on his own, he came across the man, Onimai Tsuji. He came to check out the location that he was not able to see demons, but it was believed demons had come to visit, but Komaji was the only one he saw Komaji on the spur of the moment. While Mugatu was initially bored when he discovered that the actual culprit behind the rumor of haunting was an individual However, his fascination with Mugatu was rekindled after seeing Komaji’s power and power, which is much more powerful than the ordinary people. In order to create an imposing spirit, Mugatu easily defeats Komaji and then forcibly transforms his body into the demon.In the final phase, Komaji loses all his memories when he becomes demon, but only his determination to be stronger is a part of his soul. He gets a new name “woza”.

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In the beginning, he’s seeking the blue shore flower on the order of Mukuro. Then, due to their position in the infinite train and thus received the command of no pain, set out to destroy the entire infinite train of the demon killer team of swordsman.Once he was on the spot, Tanjirou looked at the strength of fight spirit of those present. And after that, he believed the Tanjirou Zaomon is too fragile, he was bound to be unable to fight the formidable Inferno Purgatory Apricot Shouro So he decided to take out Tanjirou first however, he failed as Apricot Shouro was able to step into the fight. Then, due to his power, he attempts to convince his opponent that he should turn into a ghost for the possibility of pursuing the power for all time. But he was dissatisfied by the rejection of his plan by Koushouro and he plans to strike him down in a single blow.


In the fight, although the two of they were not equally strong in strength, the more powerful demon the human Koushouro was able to count on his regenerative powers and swiftly repaired the damage done by Koushouro. As human beings Koushouro, Koushouro lost his left eye as well as his ribs. and injured the internal organs of his body. The interlocutor started to laugh at the insufficiency of humans. But the apricot shouro was not willing to admit defeat. He even lit all his life to let out an inflammation breath aeon Nine no type Purgatory, and then rushed toward himself. As the apricot shouro had a very strong fight spirit, the seat that is interlocked gets extremely excited, and the destruction is made to kill the extinction type difficult to stop the apricot shouro’s full force strike. Afterwards two individuals fall into physical battle. Even though his arm was severed but he managed to get it through his chest. When the two held each other to keep them in their place miko-noza felt that the death in Kyokushouro could be near tried to convince Kyokushouro to turn into a ghost.But, when the sun rose, they were in a deadlock and the person who was talking to him started to panic but was not able to move due to the tight grip of his arms. At the end of the day there was no option other than cutting off his arms and flee in a tense manner into the thick forest.As he tried to flee, he got struck in the chest with the sword of Tanjirou. When he retreated and glanced back when he saw Tanjirou’s rage shout and saw him call himself as a “coward who only dares to fight in the dark”. Although he was furious who is an unworthy man have to discuss me? However, as dawn was nearing the man had to run to a dark spot and get away.Following that the battle, he met the other Mukuro. Mukuro Mukuro and told him the outcome of the battle. However, as he’d only defeated Inferno along with Purgatory Koshuro and Purgatory Koshuro, but neglected to look after Zaomon Tanjirou and My wife Zenyatta as well as Mizudaira Inosuke and Mizudaira Inosuke, who also were in attendance He was then reprimanded Mugatu for not doing his job well.

The man who was reluctant thought back to the time the fact that Tanjirou was adamant about calling himself as a “coward” and a “scumbag” as he fled after being sacked, and that he also heard the words “guarded to the end” that sounded like a memories of a period that he’d completely not thought about. But, he believed this was merely an innocent dislike of those who were weak. When he gets angry, he slays the sword Tanjirou put on his body, and promises that he will one day have Tanjirou pay for the damage.

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Following the devastation of fallen hime as well as the prostitute Taro the clothes are invited into the Infinity City to participate in the gathering of the upper strings. In the meantime, as Tama was not his favorite character of Tama she removed Tama’s head two times and did not stop till one hand was removed in the hands of Black Death Mou.Following the time that half Tengu and Tamagotchi took the command to travel to The village where the forger of swords was located, they left the village without even uttering anything.


In the time that Tanjirou along with Yoshiyaru Tomioka were looking to find Mamoru Tsuji within Tanjirou’s search for Mamoru Tsuji in the Infinite Castle, they came to them via the floor. After the battle, Yoshiyaru Tomioka noticed Tanjirou’s strength and attempted to convince Yoshiyama who had demonstrated his strength, to change into ghost. After asking the name of his opponent He then kicked Yoshiyone away using his footstyle, “Ryujin Kunchou”.

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Then, he informed Tanjirou that Tanjirou became strong thanks to the sacrifices of Kyosuro. This caused Tanjirou quite upset, and he stated, “Everyone is weak at some point or another and everyone were helped by others at some point or another. It’s normal that strong people must protect the weak. Eventually, weaker people become stronger to defend the weak!When he heard these words it was then that he realized the reason why he disliked Tanjirou wasn’t because the man wasn’t strong, but rather because every word he spoke of stimulated his memories of the lost dreamy, unrealized and delusional human time.

The master recollecting that he had previously made the same comment and the other person was furious to the point of a rage and started a constant attackthat eventually drove Tanjirou to a point of no return. Then, Yi-Yong rushed back to save Tanjirou as well as while doing so, woke Bengen to battle Mimosa. In the time, Tanjirou recalled that Inosuke had informed Tanjirou about “the wife of the House of Fuji always appears suddenly and silently and is very frightening” And then he realized that the idea behind the vampiric technique used by Bambouza, “Destruction Kill” is to reveal the position of the enemy through sensing the fight spirit.Afterward, Tanjirou recalled his father’s instructions before his death and remembered how to utilize his “world of penetration”, and saved Yoshiyama from being to be killed. The Interlocutor noticed the changes of Tanjirou which led him to utilize his ultimate moves, “Destruction Kill” and “Final Style” to directly beat Tanjirou. But, Tanjirou, who had activated the World of Transparency, was in a position to evade the majority aspects of Aobayashi Raging Light, which even Yoshiyone was unable to overcome. In the event that he believed Tanjirou is dead, he planned to murder Yoshiyone however, Tanjirou was the first to inform him that he was alive. As he prepared to attack, he realized Tanjirou was not there. Tanjirou didn’t have the slightest hint of fighting aura. This made his destructive needle not work, and the man froze and was then slain at the front by Tanjirou along with the god of fire, Kagura-Shantou. Following that, Yoshiyone also threw his broken sword, which pierced his head Mimosa and caused Mimosa to lose his head.But the desire to strengthen his heart led him to overcome the limits of ghosts, much as Muyo to the point that his neck no longer was his weak point. Even though he lost his head however, he was still fighting with them in headless bodies.

After causing serious injury to Tanjirou after he was seriously injured, The spirit of Lianxue dragged Tanjirou back, and slowly recovered his human memory after he was able to recall his master’s name from the words of Yoshiyasu. Then, when he understood the reasons for being so upset, he realized it was no longer possible to go to the place where the most powerful individuals were (Heaven) So he decided to bring Isamu along with Tanjirou into hell with him. However, in the process of regenerating of his brain, it got hit with a hammer by Tanjirou who had awakened from a coma, exactly like the master Keizo was before. The person who was attracted by this method or Komaji, then realized that the person he would like to eliminate was person who broken his vow towards his dad and love, and who been smuggled with blood into the most significant Sensei’s Soryu Kata, which was meant to defend from harm, not to murder. At the end of the day, after smiling at Tanjirou Komaji, he utilized Tanjirou’s Destructive Killing Style to kill himself and admitting that he’d already been defeated when he was executed by Tanjirou.In the moment of his death Komaji’s father and his master talked to him through an eerie hallucination, and they praised his character. Then, the last demon that haunts the heart of his, Tsuji Tsuji is also seen and causes Komaji to reincarnate and fight once more. ……But , thankfully, the prompt appearance of his beloved Lianxue once more finally defeated his monster. The Komaji was a demon who took into a human form once more was able to hug his beloved who he had not been able to protect in his life, and then embraced her in tears.When Lianxue spoke”Welcome back, husband” and Lianxue said “Welcome back, husband” with tears in her eyes, Komaji disintegrated and his soul was united with his beloved and, accompanied by her she went to hell to pay for their transgressions.

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INTERESTING TO KNOW About Akaza Demon Slayer

In the first popular election it was able to secure the 54th spot with just 6 votes!The first form of Mimosa is actually measles. If Toma behaved in a way that was excessively close, he’d strike Toma’s head with his fist.

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