The Baji Tokyo Revengers are a team of superhumans who have been working together for years to stop the evil empire of Thanos. They are a team of superhumans who have been working together for years to stop the evil empire of Thanos. Their goal is to protect the galaxy from the evil tyrant, and they have done so by using their powers to fight on different fronts. Some members of the team include: Captain America, Black Widow, Ant-Man, The Hulk, Iron Man, The Wasp, Scarlet Witch

Appearance Baji Tokyo Revengers

In Tokyo Revengers, Baji is an imposing, teen with hair that is long, slightly wavy and shoulder-length black hair. He tends to keep it loose but will tie it when he is in fights. One of his most prominent characteristics is his two canine teeth that are sharp that give him an uncompromising look when he smiles. He is wearing the traditional Toman Toppuku when he is together with his gang. As an official member of Valhalla He wears a white bomber jacket, which has the Valhalla design on the rear.

When he was a kid the hair he wore was shorter and less wavy. He wore a horizontally stripe T-shirt.

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Personality Keisuke Baji

In Tokyo Revengers, Baji is a wild person. He enjoys the rush of adrenaline. Mikey himself admits that he’s willing to kick someone in the street without any apparent motive, but because he wants to. When he fights, he’s always smiling.

Baji is extremely loyal to Toman. He will portray himself as a enemy in his fellow his comrades’ eyes to defend them. But in the end he’s willing to even sacrifice himself so that Toman doesn’t lose its path and kazutora will never feel guilty about himself.

Additionally, he is a sensitive person, able to see the who the real villains who pose a threat to Toman are. Toman is also the sole person apart from Takemichi who is able to do so, showing his sharp mind.

Baji’s acting talents are impressive. He can fool both his friends and enemies to believe that he has truly defected to Valhalla. Even those who initially suspect him fall for the illusion that the real reason for his departure was that he broke his ties with Toman.

Keisuke represents the core values of a toman, ready to risk his life to protect his loved ones, but disliking tactics that are shady.

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History Keisuke Baji Tokyo Revengers

Keisuke Baji is among the characters with the best writing in the show, however, he’s perhaps who is bound to suffer tragedies. Baji was a friend of Mikey since childhood. He was a devoted friend that he ended up getting involved in a massive mess to help his friend. When he tried to get Mikey his new bike Baji and his friends broke into the store which had the bike Mikey wanted but ended up being caught in a mess, and ended up killing the proprietor of the shop. Baji and his acquaintance was taken to a juvenile facility and then joined in the Tokyo Manji Gang after he returned. (Tokyo Revengers Manga Chapter 44).

Baji later joined the gang known as Valhalla with the sole aim to take down that of the Tokyo Manji Gang from within however it was later revealed that he did this in order to determine who the real villains were in the shadows. He died while doing it, but his appearance was sufficient to shake the groups to their foundations and his legacy will be remembered by all those who was involved in the incident.

Baji’s self-sacrifice Baji made was crucial in keeping Kisaki away from Mikey but as well in ensuring that his safety was as high as of his fellow friends as he could. The way in which he gave himself up was for a cause too. He wanted his best friend Kazutora to bear guilt for having killed him , and he also did not want anyone else to think that he did either (Tokyo Revengers Chapter 61).

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Relationships Keisuke Tokyo Revengers

Manjiro Sano Alias Mikey

The head of the Tokyo Manji Gang and Keisuke Baji have been friends since childhood. Their relationship began when they were wrestling in the gym as well Mikey declared himself the winner in every battle, however we are not sure that Baji would be able to win each time.

Mikey is so devoted to his best friend Baji that he’s willing to remove Kisaki out of his team in the event that Takemichi is able to somehow be able to get Baji. Mikey is the person who everyone admires and Mikey realizes that he must to be thinking about the well-being of the entire group, not the things he only wants.

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Manjiro Leadership

He’s aware the fact that Kisaki along with his men will most likely create Touman stronger than Baji himself could. But, he loves so much about his friend that he’s willing to do to get his friend returned (Tokyo Revengers manga Chapter 39).

It’s not a stretch to say that they were close as brothers can be and, in the final moments of Baji’s life He was so devoted over Mikey that he even sacrificed his own life to keep Mikey from being swept away into darkness.

Chifuyu Matsuno

The Vice-Captain from the first squad is among the most trusted associates for Baji and their friendship dates back to their youth. Matsuno was only a twelve-year-old child when he first met Baji and was completely the opposite of Baji If we’re being truthful.

Chifuyu and Baji have a special bond that is like nothing else is not often seen in television. As of this point in the show, Baji has done just about everything he can in order to appear as the most villainous character he could.

He deceives everyone except for Chifuyu. Only he can tell the details of what Baji actually plans to accomplish. This is in spite of the fact that Baji has never revealed his plans to his friend anything or even hinted at his intentions in any way (Tokyo Revengers manga Chapter 50).

Chifuyu Matsuno Chifyu Matsuno is the Vice-Captain of the First Division of Tokyo Manji Gang.

He was a helper to Baji during his studies at one point and Baji was taken to mean his friendship despite Matsuno not thinking highly of Baji. When Matsuno was assaulted by a group of gang members Baji was there to help and washed the floor with every individual. This earned him the respect of Matsuno. He was eventually a part of in the Tokyo Manji Gang just for his own good later.

It’s among the most memorable friendships in the series. They eat together as family, but Matsuno permitted Baji to get rid of him, just to keep Baji getting into Valhalla without suspicion.

It was the time that they had not spoken a word between them. For all Chifuyu could have known, Baji could have actually been serious. In spite of this Chifuyu believed in his friend without hesitation.



As the captain of Toman’s First Division, Baji holds authority as well as control over his entire platoon and also directly over Chifuyu Matsuno who is his vice-captain. It’s unclear which authority he had under Valhalla, if any but it could be higher than the average because of his loyalty and strength test.

Fighting Prowess

Baji is among Toman’s best fighters and can compete with tough opponents on his own. His strength is not something to be taken lightly because he has the ability to take on 50 opponents with a massive cut in his back, and with only an iron bar at his side. He then collapsed after he was diagnosed with anemia.

Baji is a formidable physical force In the past, Baji was able to beat Mandala’s leader by a single blow at his face that was so powerful that even the brick wall that he hit into was smashed.

Trivia About Baji Tokyo Revengers

Based on the Official Character Book of characters:His image’s color is that of deep blue. The person he admires or respects likes the most is Natori Yuko (Actress). The person he hates or is afraid of is his mother. The show he likes the most is Kayo Suspense , Gekijyo. His most favorite place is Mikey’s home Dojo. He is not a fan of food that has been simmered. His particular talent is that he turns to violence in order to convince. The goal of his life is to run an animal shop. His story of heroic courage (or his failure story) The man was loved by animalsand wandering cats frequently entered his home.

Keisuke’s chart of relationship In the pastKazutora The same crimeTakemichi: Trust him to Mikey and TomanChifuyu is a close friend was made the mistake of repeating an entire yearA typical daily routine of one particular day (from early morning to the time of bed):He’s got to go back one year.  The mother of the child was crying.  He needs to do his homework, but he doesn’t recall anything from the class.  After consulting with Mikey and Draken, they told him that wearing glasses could help him become more intelligent and so he went to Shibuya together with Draken as well as Mikey to purchase glasses.  They got into a dispute with the juveniles who hit his shoulder.  The delinquents had invited a large number of their friends, so they’ll wait until now.  There are around 40 people that have been invited. If Baji beats Mikey as well as Draken in the game of rock-paper-scissors, then he’ enjoy the 1 40 vs. 40 match.  He didn’t buy glasses. Based on the query “Who do you want to be your lover? “, Baji is ranked number 1 on the list of The Top 3 Top Boyfriends.  He did however respond “What do you mean? I’m not interested. …”.