Cheadle HXH is a new, high-end hotel that opened its doors in early 2018. It’s located in the heart of London, just a few minutes’ walk from the city center and close to all the major tourist attractions. The hotel has 5 floors and features a total of 176 rooms. It offers a wide range of services, including an indoor pool, gym, spa and sauna. There are also several restaurants and bars on site. The hotel is open 24/7 and can accommodate up to 2,000 guests. It’s easy to find and can be reached by public transportation or by walking from the city center.

Background Cheadle HXH

In Hxh, Cheadle is the face in the netero proponent faction within the Hunter Association.

Appearance Cheadle Hxh

In HxH Anime, Cheadle is a woman with bespectacles who is average in height and has the sea-foam green hair cut in a medium length. The headdress she wears includes a pair ears that look like dogs, a modest white knee-length dress and a white caplet that has a an elongated cross on the neck’s front. The top of her jaw and nose also resemble that of a dog. When she travels into the Dark Continent, she acts as the chief physician in the form of a uniform for medical professionals as well as her hair cut shorter.

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Personality Cheadle HxH

In HxH, Cheadle is proven as a serene and intelligent person with a clearly defined moral compass. Cheadle appears to be smarter than the majority of Zodiac signs because even Pariston admits that his procedure abilities aren’t as good as hers, though it’s unclear if he actually admits this in a sincere manner. She is very pragmatic and generally calm, but she can be a bit irritable with Ging whom she admires at times most often due to his unpretentious attitude. She is fervently dedicated towards Isaac Netero and loathes Pariston. It appears that she has a mild dislike of Saiyu because of his inconsiderateness. When speaking, she will specify whom she’s speaking to in the middle of the speech. She’s demonstrated to be sensitive because she acknowledges Leorio’s talent and the potential to become an effective head for the Hunter Association and the reason for why Ging isn’t able to avoid his Nen punch at all.

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Plot Cheadle HxH

13 th Hunter Chairman Election arc

Following the death of Netero, in accordance to his wishes, Cheadle and the other Zodiacs meet to determine the manner of determining the appointment of the new Hunter Chairman. Cheadle informs Botobai as well as Kanzai that Netero picked Morel in addition to Knov instead of either of them due to the fact that they wanted to hunt by himself. She also edits Kanzai’s spelling. Once Pariston is on the scene, he assumes the initiative, and is willing to transfer the reigns to Cheadle and Botobai, but they are hesitant. If the Vice-Chairman suggests they do not attend the election and instead make him the Chairman, Cheadle becomes hostile towards his rival. Ging’s candidacy makes her unhappy also. In order to decide on an electoral method Ging proposes drawing lots, disregarding Saiyu’s objections and tries to create a system which would thwart Pariston’s schemes. Beans is chosen to draw Ging’s list, which is a surprise to everyone Hunters as voters and candidates which causes the zodiac’s anger. Cheadle is shocked by Ging’s appointment as the Director of the Election Task Force, and especially by Ging’s reluctance when Pariston refuses to accept it.

She finishes second in both the second and the first round during the 13th Hunter Chairman Election Following that, the Zodiacs meet to discuss how to deal with concerns about absentees as well as invalid votes. When Pariston proposes confiscating the Hunter License, Cheadle covertly exposes his plans to deprive them of the status of Hunters and to deny them the right to vote. She would prefer Ging were there due to Pariston being a raging monster and she wonders what the reason is for Netero named him Vice Chairman. But, in the third round which Cheadle holds her position there is a rise in abstentions. When Pariston is able to come up with the idea of giving a speech to the entire group, Cheadle silently reaffirms her dislike for him and the way he reminds her of Netero. Cheadle attends the gathering and then places second. In large part because of Leorio punching Ging to make a quorum finally achieved, Cheadle, becomes one of only 16 candidates who are eligible.

The fifth time she is forced to third position by Teradein and she holds it up to the seventh round. Beans informs her that Ging that she wants to go and she follows him to get his guidance regarding how to beat Pariston. She is furious at him numerous times and especially when he displays her morals are easy to read and asserts the fact that Pariston will be the one person who carries the spirit of the late Chairman. As he knows she’ll reject the suggestions he makes, he restricts his remarks to explaining to her Pariston’s scheme, which consists of delaying the conclusion of the election until “Day of Reckoning”: the following Hunter Exam. He discloses that the Vice-Chairman’s secretly demanded 100 airships to move approximately 55,000 hybrid Chimera Ant cocoons ready to be born in Cheadle’s Royal Palace of East Gorteau into the territory that was the old NGL in order to make use of to entertain himself. Ging is then forced to leave Cheadle to determine the details of what Pariston plans to do with them. He suggests she examine the Hunter Bylaws for clues.

Being one of the finalist, she is a part of the final assembly of Hunters at which Botobai has recently quit the race, followed by Mizaistom show their support for her. Astonishingly she gets her turn to speak, she recommends Leorio as the new Chairman. As she listens to his talk and realizes the reason Ging allowed himself to be beaten by him. She believes she can make him a better Chairman. She is convinced that Pariston will be defeated. To the delight of all, Pariston announces he believes that the most appropriate candidate would be Mizaistom. Cheadle attempts to discover the best way to influence the vote with his speech. The next time she is last in the poll and is dropped from the first two. She is briefly stunned by the aura Nanika has. Pariston is keen to hold a second Q&A with Leorio who Cheadle believes is a useless strategy. The Vice-Chairman proposes the motion in an emergency to amend the Hunter Bylaws and the Hunter Exam which, in contrast to Kanzai, Cheadle is a favorable to. As she thinks Pariston will try to influence Teradein’s votes Cheadle declares she will become Leorio’s advisor in these things. When Morel introduces a restored Gon, Cheadle understands Pariston was the winner. She inquires when the odds were stacked against him that the outcome would go that way. In shock the man responds that he thought of a similar scene in the same moment Ging declared that Gon wouldn’t be killed, and that If the Boar his formidable foe was confident that Gon’s companions would achieve their goals, then he would also trust them.

Cheadle will use Gon’s emotional entrance in order to influence Leorio’s votes However, Pariston blocks her plans by asking him to choose who he’d choose to vote for, to which Cheadle responds that he’d support him because Leorio is seeking to become a physician. Pariston is elected Chairman however, upon naming Cheadle as Vice-Chairman, he immediately takes off. In fury she chases him after they leave the room and is shocked to see Netero’s tears over his death. Pariston warns her to not create the boring Hunter Association, or he will surely “make fun” of her.

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Dark Continent Expedition arc

Cheadle is elected Chairman of the election that follows. Following the election, the Zodiacs go through a film that Nasubi Hui-Guo Rou the ruler of the Kakin Empire proclaims an expedition for the Dark Continent led by Netero’s son Beyond Netero, and that the Chairman’s death left a document on DVD that contained instructions to be prepared for the same scenario. Cheadle declares she has endorsed Ging’s and Pariston’s request to be removed in their position as Zodiacs in addition to revealing that V5 has commissioned to establish the Hunter Association to hunt down Beyond. The Zodiacs look at Netero’s DVD which he requests that they plan a more successful trip towards the Dark Continent than his son’s. As they debate the plan of action they get a phone telephone call by Beyond Netero himself. The Zodiacs meet Beyond in person, and Beyond hand himself in the keys to their phone, instructing them to call the V5 to talk to them. Beyond is held in a cell. Cheadle notes her conversations with Beyond. Beyond claims that he will be released, and the Hunter Association will go to the Dark Continent with him, which Cheadle considers impossible. Cheadle believes the man is like Netero deeply. Contemplating that their battle is one of war, Cheadle reconsiders her initial idea of involving only the Zodiacs. Cheadle has Mizaistom contact the V5 after she announces that the whole Hunter Association will go to the Dark Continent.

Cheadle calls Leorio offering him a spot in Leorio calls and offers him a place in the Zodiacs in light of the outcome of the election Cheadle is considered to be the most revered Hunter. Leorio explains that she has asked her university has granted him an indefinite time for studying abroad, should he choose to accept, but warns that there are risks and difficulties. He agrees to and makes another Zodiacs nomination. Cheadle then dispatches Mizaistom to retrieve Kurapika. The next night the IPA Director instructs her to draft an agreement for Beyond and assures her that the IPA Director that there will be severe consequences in the event that Beyond declares any findings as his own. The contract is presented to Beyond that outlines the limitations on his rights and freedom, as well as his obligations to Hunter Association and the V5. Hunter Association and the V5. After signing the contract she is informed that they’ve obtained “permission”, but they still require “qualifications”, “means” and the “contract”.

Cheadle appears later to greet Leorio as well as Kurapika and introduces the two to the rest of the Zodiacs. She explains the V6 as well as which is the Five Threats, and their strategy to go Beyond but only to beyond the New Continent. She explains that the difficulty of the mission with A, while they Chimera Ants were ranked B and is asked if anyone has any concerns. Kurapika raises his handand says that he has several. First, he explains how many people who are infiltrating Netero’s side, Zodiacs have been able to find and surprise everyone. After Mizaistom takes him away and resumes her talk telling everyone she’s been looking for expert medical doctors who can travel into the Dark Continent safely. She is part of members of the Science Team. Also, She explains that modifications in that of the Hunter Exam were made so that they can choose the most qualified applicants to join the expedition. She also asks for the Zodiacs to work together and give their best.

Cheadle is the examiner for the final test in the 289th Hunter Exam. The candidates are asked to answer the following questions: first, if they knew about Nasubi’s work prior to its release in which means; and finally what are the economic social, cultural and economic benefits prior knowledge could grant. After Kurapika has a look at all candidates, Mizaistom summons all the Zodiacs, with Kurapika absent and Leorio. He and Cheadle look at each other and she is aware that he’s going to disclose an alleged mole in them, but she’s skeptical. Like all the others she boasts about her skills and is unaware the fact that Kurapika is watching the group through a camera in order to find the lie by Dowsing.

Succession Contest arc

After the meeting has ended, Cheadle rushes to Mizaistom to inform him that the Kakin princes are seeking bodyguards. It could be that rebels they resisted in their Hunter Exam might still be allowed to board the vessel. There are six requests.

Cheadle then boarded the ship for her home on the Dark Continent. Also, Cheadle is in charge of the medical clinic in the third level of 3. Cheadle appears that she is located in her Medical Ward in Tier 3 along with Gel as well as Leorio.

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Election Standing

Abilities & Powers Of Cheadle Hxh

As chairman of the Hunter Association, Cheadle has the most authority of all Hunters and has access to all privileges that are annexed to. The extent of her combat and Nen capabilities have been uncovered however, since Cheadle is an Zodiac Cheadle was once believed for Netero’s assistant in the sparring and was considered to be a stronger person by Kanzai to be more powerful than Morel and Knov and Knov, it is likely that she is an experienced and strong Nen user, despite Pariston’s claims that she does not have the strength required to be Chairman, something she was convinced that he didn’t believe. According to Pariston Cheadle is the person with the most effective leadership abilities in the Zodiacs. Also, as a scholar of law and a physician is a sign that Cheadle is well versed in medical and jurisprudence. Her status as Triple-Star Disease Hunter suggests that she has made findings essential to the medical field.

Preternatural Perception In contrast to Leorio she was able to sense Nanika’s aura after healing Gon.

Genius-level Intellect: Cheadle is intelligent, well-informed and pragmatic which earned her the title of “Brains of the Zodiacs”. Although she’s capable of keeping her cool, there are times she can, particularly during times when Ging as well as Pariston are in the mix, lose her temper. Even though they are able to make more precise predictions, she’s adept at predicting the future of her adversaries and the direction of the elections, which makes her an effective strategist.

Nen Cheadle HxH

As an Nen Hunter She is competent in using Nen.

Does Miss Cheadle the most qualified person to be the Hunter Association Chairperson of Hunter X Hunter?

If the other candidates were of an exquisite Hunter aged to the point of looking like a smothered baby, a beautiful boy who had a plan as well as a computer geek who resided in cyberspace and a virologist, I’d think she was highly qualified. She’s a 3 star Hunter and also a member of the zodiac sign. The job would be an office hot topic which could reduce the average Hunters other activities. It is important to note that Leorio wasn’t the only one to be drafted.

I’m still impressed the fact that Ging kept his spot on the list owing to the his votes of sympathy after being ejected from the list by Leorio…


Cheadle’s 13th Chairman Election Standings
Election RoundStandingVotes