Endorsi is a new and unique move in the Tower of God game. It allows players to control their characters’ bodies by using their minds. This mechanic has been met with mixed reactions from the community, but it is definitely an interesting addition to the game. Endorsi is a very powerful move that can be used to escape difficult situations or take down enemies. It can also be used for strategic purposes, such as trapping enemies or distracting them while allies take down other enemies. Endorsi is not without its risks, however. If used incorrectly, it can lead to character death or even worse. Players must be careful not to overuse this move and instead use it sparingly in order to maximize its potential. Overall, Endorsi is an interesting addition that adds a new level of strategy to the Tower of God game. It will be interesting to see how players use it in future updates and tournaments. ..

Personality and Appearance Endorsi TOG

Androssi is a pretty human-looking girl. It is believed that she is extremely beautiful, since she is Zahard’s Princess, and also has short brunette hair. Her only human-like features are the small horn that is on left side of face and her bright eyes. She is dressed in a yellow gown that has two pins of red and is often seen wearing high heels which can land her into trouble in combat. Androssi is among the top adored Zahard’s Princesses. She is believed to be “milky white” by Ja Wangnan and Edin Dan.

She’s a bit cocky and a bit aloof at times likely due to her the time together with Baam who’s actions like the pursuit of Rachel seem to her as innocently foolish. She was extremely ambitious and never thought of climbing up to the point of jumping on other people.

Endorsi is extremely self-centered, aggressive, extremely brutal and did not hesitate to lie to “teammates” in order to gain more height in the Tower as shown during the Hide-and-Seek Test. She is intelligent however, her emotional side always seems to be in the lead, which has often resulting in reckless actions. In comparison to the real-life character of Aguero the interpersonal skills and teamwork are among the lowest. She is often unable to follow the direction of the team leader and do things on her own volition and frequently come up with surprise appearances.

Abilities And Powers Endorsi Zahard Tower Of God

Androssi as an Zahard princess in Tower Of God , proved incredibly strong for an Regular. In addition to her fellow Regulars she was awarded the title of the most powerful Regular of all. Following she passed the Hide-and-Seek Test, she began to be praised as someone who was able to fight on even ground against an opponent who was ranked (although Quant was limited to one baj in Shinsu). In the Hide-and Seek test, she demonstrated herself to be a very clever strategy and her close-range combat abilities were among the top among the Regulars.


Androssi has shown impressive speed and agility during combat, and has excelled in this arena over all her rivals including Anak. She’s demonstrated the ability to leap well over 30 meters, and then kick at someone’s face prior to even attracting their attention. She was also able to counter Ranker’s assaults

Excellent Physical Combat Skills:

Androssi is highly trained in combat techniques and is able to easily defeat other Fishermen at her level. She is also Zahard’s Princess and, consequently she has been given Zahard’s power, which gives her a lot more power and agility than regular Regular. She was capable of hurling aside an opponent twice her size using only one hand. It was reported that the current Regulars, Androssi is unrivaled in terms of physical ability.


Although it’s not among her most frequently used methods of combat, she is proficient with swords as evidenced through her usage of Narumada that she was also able to ignite.

Shinsu enhancement:

Androssi is able to use Shinsu to increase her fighting skills. With Shinsu she’s adept at leaping over massive heights, and she also gains greater speed and agility.

Relationships Endorsi Tower Of God


Androssi and Rachel and Akryung in the first round and killed the remaining 197 contestants in the same test. In one instance she said to Anak that she felt Rachel “comes from a different world than they do” and that’s the reason that she did not kill herself with the other contestants. After learning that it was Rak that Rachel was a traitor to Baam in the name of FUG, Androssi now considers her as a traitor.

Check Out : Rachel Tower Of God : Everything You Need To Know

Twenty-Fifth Baam:

She initially was uninterested in Baam until they began to talk to one another and she was added to Hatsu’s list of friends. In her individual way, she was concerned to Baam through helping him when he was in a tight spot. She was influenced in a small way by Baam’s ideas and beliefs and started to feel a connection with him.

May Also Like : Twenty-Fifth Baam Tower Of God : Everything You Need To Know

Anak Zahard:

Androssi As well as Anak Zahard have a kind of sister rivalry and usually fight each other whenever they have the chance. During the Hide and Seek test Anak Zahard confesses Baam Baam that she is really hoping to join forces with Anak and mentions that her plan of eliminating the Fishermen was designed to assist Anak as much as she does. In the final exam, after considering Baam’s words and not obeying Ren’s instructions to take down Anak she decided to work with her to battle Ren after suggesting they have a meal together (which Anak would have to pay for).

Also Read : Tower of God Characters : Our Top 20+ Strongest Characters TOG

Khun Aguero Agnis:

She isn’t a fan of Khun however they appear to be in good terms with one another. They’ve worked frequently both in tandem to assist Baam get through the exams.

Check Out : Khun Tower Of God : Everything You Need To Know About Aguero Agnis

Ship Leesoo:

Androssi is currently a part of an team of Passing Regulars from The Floor of Tests, under the direction of the Ship Leesoo. He still has a strong influence over her about though.