In any story, there are five essential characters: the protagonist, the antagonist, the sidekick, the love interest, and the villain. Each one has a unique role to play in telling the story and making it come to life. Here’s everything you need to know about each one. The Protagonist is usually at the center of the story and drives it forward. They’re usually brave and determined, and they often have to fight against obstacles in their way. They’re also usually relatable, which makes them easy for readers to connect with. The Antagonist is always opposite of the protagonist and represents everything that’s wrong in the world. They’re often powerful and dangerous, but they also have a dark side that can be explored in depth. The Sidekick is someone who helps out the protagonist but isn’t as important as they are. They don’t have a lot of screen time or dialogue, but they play an important role nonetheless. The Love Interest is someone who either helps or hinders the protagonist’s quest for happiness. They can be kind or cruel, helpful or harmful - it all depends on how well written their character is. The Villain is always evil incarnate and represents everything that’s wrong with society. They’re often scheming and dangerous, but sometimes they have redeeming qualities too. ..