Hunter x Hunter is a popular anime series that has been airing on Fuji TV for over 10 years. The show follows the adventures of two young boys, Gon and Killua, as they travel around Japan in search of adventure and treasure. One of the most popular characters in the show is Goto, a mysterious swordsman who first appears in episode 3.0.0 of the anime. Goto is a powerful individual who can fight with any weapon he chooses, and his skills with it are unrivaled. Goto first appears as a supporting character in the anime, but he quickly becomes an important player in the story. He is not just a fighter; he is also an thinker and strategist. He has a deep understanding of Japanese culture and its customs, which allows him to navigate through difficult situations with ease. Goto’s story begins in episode 3.0.1 of the anime, when he comes across Killua while on his way to find some treasure hidden inside a temple. Killua is not sure how to get out without getting caught by Goto, so Goto takes him on as his apprentice and teaches him how to use his skills effectively. Since their first meeting, Goto has been interested in learning about Killua’s life and what makes him so special. He soon realizes that Killua is not just another average person - he has something special inside him that makes him different from anyone else. Goto becomes very close with Killua during their time together, and they share many adventures together during their travels around Japan. In episode 9 of the anime, Goto finally meets up with Killua’s family - his mother (played by Yoko Shimomura), father (Kouichi Yamadera), and sister (Ai Kayano). It was through this meeting that Goto learns more aboutKillua’s family history and why they are so important to him: because they are all part of his


Gotoh is very calm and elegant. dress style that is the uniform of Zoldik’s butlers as well as wearing glasses. He is wearing traditional attire, with an asymmetrical black tails jacket, white shirt and tie featuring a cross with a different color circular shape in its center.His face is calm and often there is a swelling vein on the forehead. His hair is short and black, and he has goatee and a beard.

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Even though he’s a cool, methodical, but nonetheless calm, Gotoh is more expressive when he’s angry even though he attempts to remain calm. It is evident that he has a hint of anger repressed when he smashes the coin before the trio of Gon Kurapika as well as Leolio as he tells the trio about how he feels toward Kirua.He is moderately scared of Tsubone while serving the interests of the entire Zoldik family as butler, he displays himself at times more inclined to assist Kirua who he loves.

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If Gon goes off to search for Kirua an the Kukuru Mountain, Zebulo allows him to contact the Zoldik Stewardship to inform them that he’s a friend. Gotoh responds to the call and cut the conversation short by declaring that Kirua does not have any friends. On the second phone call from Gon, Gotoh will show Gon that anyone with any reason could target Kirua’s family by pretending be his friend to reach Kirua, and Gotoh will not allow Gon to go through.After that, when Gon, Kurapika and Leolio are stewards, Gotoh and four other butlers will be welcoming them after receiving an order to wait until Kirua arrives to them. But, Gotoh, attached to Kirua is going to subject the guests of Kirua to a game that is lost in the event of a loss is a sign it is expected that Gon and his fellow players return to their original position. The game is initially played in which Gotoh will throw a token into the air, and then grabs the coin quickly using either of his fingers.

Gon Kurapika, Gon, and Leolio must then determine the which hands it belongs and only those who have provided the correct answer can continue playing. Leolio as well as Kurapika are eliminated one after another, Gotoh will then increase the difficulty by having the coin move between himself and four other butlers. Gon will eventually see the path of the coin, and take the victory just before Kirua’s arrival. When everyone is leaving the Kukuru Mountain, Gotoh manages to cheat Gon with another contest of tossing coins, manipulating the game and telling Gon to be vigilant in a world where everything is true and to take care of Kirua.

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When Kirua is back in Kukuru Mountain to bring Aruka back to healing Gon, Gotoh along with Kanaria, Amane Amane, Kanaria, along with Amane, Kanaria and Tsubone will be among the butlers charged with the escorting Kirua and capturing Kirua in case he breaches the rules set by the Zoldik family.During the travel the driver will help Kirua by helping him comprehend the situation they’re in, by providing clues in the conversations via phone or before Amane. He will also handle the discussions in conjunction with Leolio along with Morau regarding their conditions of arrival at the hospital in which Gon is.

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Irumi after having managed to turn around the vehicle in which three butlers were, as well as Kirua as well as his wife. Gotoh must phone Tsubone to request for him to go after Kirua who had escaped their grasp.Soon after, Hisoka, partially defending Irumi’s interests was seen. Gotoh was able to fend off a hail of his playing cards using his money and asked Kanaria along with Amane to look for Kirua. In the course of the battle, Gotoh can only manage to fend off the magician before his coins turn against him and he’s confronted and eventually killed by Hisoka.

A Kiriko is shown (the son) and he is portrayed as Gotoh after his death , so that Kirua is unaware that Kirua was murdered.

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Gotoh utilizes coins that he launches using his fingers swiftly and powerfully, according to Hisoka is faster and more potent than real bullets when they are thrown.Gotoh can give an effect of rotation to some of his coins , causing them to make them fall into the Hisoka’s Pansy gum, which causes them to be immobilized and making his arms move in the direction of rotating. The effect of rotating also has the capability of causing greater harm, resulting in a reduction in propulsion speed.We don’t know whether the fragments are real or the possibility that Gotoh was carrying the pieces. The propelled pieces are diverse and follow the pace that of an machine gun. in the face-to-face confrontation battle with Hisoka, Gotoh specifies that He used more than 22 the propelled pieces.

Gotoh can shoot many pieces of his hand rapidly and more forcefully than guns. He could also make spinning effects to each one in order to inflict more damage on his adversaries at the cost that they slow down.

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