Hunter x Hunter is one of the most popular manga series in the world, and for good reason. The story follows young Gon Freecss as he travels the world in search of adventure and treasure. In this article, we will be discussing Ikalgo, one of the most interesting characters in the series. Ikalgo is a strange creature that first appeared in Chapter 593 of the manga. He is a small, monkey-like creature with a long tail and large ears. Ikalgo is very intelligent and skilled at using his tail to swing through trees like a monkey. He also has sharp claws on his hands and feet which he uses to climb trees easily. Ikalgo first appeared in Chapter 593 of the manga as Gon’s guide during their journey to find Netero, who had been kidnapped by King Yama. Ikalgo proved to be an invaluable asset during their journey as he was able to navigate through the forest quickly and find food and water when they were running low on supplies. Ikalgo has remained a key character throughout Hunter x Hunter’s entire run, appearing in every chapter except for Chapter 648 which focused on Kurapika instead. In recent chapters, Ikalgo has played an important role in helping Gon track down members of Team Leorio who have gone rogue. Ikalgo’s skills as a hunter make him an invaluable asset to any team he joins, and his unique abilities make him one of the most interesting characters in Hunter x Hunter ..

Appearance Ikalgo HXH

Coral-colored, octopus-shaped, chimera ant. It can inflate its head to grow tentacles. Also, can control and put on corpses.

Personality Ikalgo HxH

In HXH Ikalgo is intelligent and a great tactician. He can make quick decisions in an emergency situation but is more impulsive and can alter his goals depending on the moment. He is disgusted by his octopus appearance, and dreams of becoming a squid in the next life. This would be a role model for grace and elegance. He is averse to the amorphous nature of the octopus and tries to act in the highest principle.

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In HXH Ikalgo worked in the past for Jairo and Welfin.


Killua told Gon that Ant King Meruem, his guards, and their plan was to lead East Goruto’s entire population through the brutal culling-Nen. He wanted to save them. Killua realized, however that Gon’s fervor meant he couldn’t act responsibly and offered to help. 

Ikalgo started to tell citizens they were being led into slaughter and nearly stopped plans to induct the entire country’s 5 million inhabitants. Neferpitu saw that someone was destroying his puppets, and wanted to investigate. But Shauapuf prohibited him from leaving the King. Leor offered to help solve the problem.The chimera-ants had overtaken the country and forbade citizens to leave their homes to listen to them. This suppressed the subversion. The boy was forced to flee the populated areas by Flutter. Leor’s flying subordinate drove Killua into a forest where a group of chimera-ant soldiers ambushed him.Killua encountered Bombardier and his team in the forest. He was unable to use any of his abilities due to surveillance so he didn’t finish them all. Ikalgo began firing at Killua. Killua couldn’t dodge the bullets because Ikalgo with his exceptional vision saw his every move. Because the blood from the flea bites was not clotting, the wounds began to bleed heavily. Killua then expanded his aura and set himself up to take a shot to track the movements of the flea-bite, and so determine the direction of the sniper. Killua opened fire on the shooter once he was certain of his location. But that was exactly what Ikalgo needed. He tried to lure Killua into an underground cave where a group of bloodthirsty fish-ants-chimeras would await him.Killua was however faster and snapped Ikalgo’s neck. Ikalgo’s body fell into the water and the fish chimeras rushed to his aid. The octopus, however, managed to slip from its body and hold onto the stalactites. Killua saw the problem and cut off Ikalgo’s tentacle. The suction cups were used to hold onto the stalactite the same way. Ikalgo was amazed to discover that an octopus was hiding in the corpse. He tried to get past Killua but Killua managed to capture the chimera. 

Flutter, was communicating with Ikalgo and demanded a status report from Killua. He couldn’t send his dragonflies underground grotto, as they would have looked strange there. 

Killua heard Flutter calling out to Ikalgo and realized it was the one watching him. The boy realized that Ikalgo was trying to avoid the water for a reason, and threatened to throw him into the water if he did not tell him about other chimera bugs and how to defeat them. Instead of answering any questions, Ikalgo spoke about his “octopus complex” and his dream to be a squid. Killua was able to free him from his grasp with these words. The boy caught Ikalgo in the water and tossed him onto dry land. He praised his coolness. Flutter, the octopus, was moved by the boy’s actions and sent a telepathic message to Flutter confirming that Killua had been eaten.

May Also Like : Cheadle HXH : Everything You Need To KnowKillua was then attacked by the Oroso brothers, who further wounded him, but the boy managed to get them out of the water and kill them. Killua was bleeding profusely from the flea spit and his blood pressure would not drop. He was almost dead when Ikalgo reached out and saved him.Killua is able to regain consciousness after two days at the Underground Hospital in East Goruto. This was five days before the selection. Killua was threatened by the medical woman who ran it, that she would be able to take his body and organs. Killua called Gon to wire $10,000. Ikalgo tried convincing Killua that he should stay at the hospital. But to his surprise, all the boy’s injuries had healed. Ikalgo believed Killua would abandon him, but Killua called the octopus his friend because he knew him well. Ikalgo was very touched.They meet with Gon and Nuckle Byne and Jester McMahon to discuss their plans to attack Meruems palace. The pairs that were broken up to distract the guardsmen of the king will be allowed to enter through the Nova portals. Meleoron invisible will give them an additional advantage in the attack. Ikalgo will, however, attempt to rescue Palm Siberia who was sent to the Palace to monitor the Ant King’s guardsmen. Killua requested that the others consider her dead to prevent Gon from distracting herself from saving her.

Killua is upset by Pete’s En. Colt calls Killua and he learns that Pythou cannot use his En or any other abilities while he uses his healing ability. The squad determines King was hurt for some reason, possibly a woman. Ikalgo is determined save his friend. The squad made several loops through the crowd to confuse King’s guardsmen and actually passed through a portal to Central Staircase. In the disguise of Flutter Ikalgo ran to the elevators of the palace dungeon where Beaseth held his girls. Maenore, Inzagi, subordinates to Welfin blocked his path. Fortunately Killua, Gon and Killua ran past, and Killua returned the favor.But Wellfin’s underordinates Maenore, Inzaghi and Inzaghi stood in Ikalgo’s way to the elevators. It was fortunate that Killua , Gon, and Killua had just passed Killua to clear the path of a friend. Welfin was looking for a spy and was scouting the Palace for Flutter/Ikalgo. The octopus met Broda, Cheetoo at the elevators. He explained why he was going into the dungeons. Ikalgo replied that he had been sent there by Commander Hagya. His subordinate Flutter was unable to call Hagya’s commander Leor because Hagya had created a new name. This immediately raised suspicions from Broda as well as the Welfin who were listening in. Cheetoo was, however, in such a rush to test his new ability, he ran off without paying any attention.Ikalgo/Flutter descended into the dungeons. Broda and Welfin both followed him. They feared that they were complicit and would be waiting below for Broda. Broda wanted to confirm his suspicions, and get rid of Flutter/Ikalgo. Icalgo drove his truck to Bizet’s warehouse-garage and searched the place. There, he found Nan’s note to Palm asking him to consider her dead. On the way back, he bumped into Broda. He was convinced that Flutter didn’t know Leora’s new identity and shot him. Ikalgo managed to escape from the dragonfly carcass and hide under the truck. Broda thought he had defeated the enemy and attempted to climb back up. Broda didn’t know the password required by the elevator. 

Ikalgo viewed the enemy’s attempts through the dungeon surveillance area. Ikalgo let out a sigh and thought he had finally escaped his pursuer. Broda, however, smashed the elevator doors with his Auromeet. Ikalgo then began to lower the corridor flaps to lock Broda in, but Broda saw the danger and returned the elevator. Broda was able to escape through the elevator shaft, Ikalgo discovered. He climbed into the tank, and he blocked the shaft with it. He then poured oil into the car and lit it on fire. Ikalgo, who was hiding behind the acrid smoke smoke, snuck behind Broda but couldn’t bring himself to shoot him. Broda was locked in the corridor between the elevators by the soporific gas and smoke.Icalgo was just as Welfin took Hina and Bizef to the warehouses. Welfin spotted Icalgo pass Broda in smoke but failed to fire. Welfin realized that Ikalgo was too weak to kill tribesmen and used his Rocketeer to interrogate him. When Welfin didn’t follow his orders, he fired and launched Black Centipedes at Ikalgo’s skin. But Ikalgo refused to betray his friends. He was able to kill his tribesmen, and he knew that if he killed his enemy, he would also die. The chimera was unable to adapt against such a selfless foe and Welfin gave up. He could not remember the centipedes because his abilities did not allow for such an outcome. Welfin was forced to speak by Ikalgo, recounting his fears and misfortunes. After that, the centipedes vanished and Welfin lost his ability to stand. Icalgo, however, made it to the surface to search for his Punishment Squad comrades.Icalgo was shocked by the loss of the Palace but rejoiced when he saw Chimera and Palm. He was assigned to rescue Palm from Peijin, but she had already become a strong fighter and decided to join the squad. Killua wanted to fight Neferpitu together with Gon. However, it was obvious to all, even Ikalgo that it would be a sure death battle. Soon, they discovered Nakkl Bayn as well as Meleoron. Together they went to Pete and Gon’s west tower. Gon demanded that the operation be finished and that they go on to Peijin to treat Kaito. Nuckle suggested that they hang a reminder on the chimera guardsman to make it easier to control. But Gon took them hostage and gave them a waking Komugi. This shocked everyone.

The invisible Nuckle and Meleoron attacked Sha’uapuf’s clone as he ran into the palace to destroy Komugi. Palm was able to locate Chaowapuf using her ability, and saw that Meruem hadn’t died in the battle against Netero. The Punishment Squad’s remnants were scattered around the Palace in an attempt to ambush the Ant King and his guardsmen. Killua captured both Komugi, and Meleoron, and tried to flee Chaoapuf under the cover of invisibility. Palm, Nuckle and Icalgo were all willing to concede that Poof may be searching for Meleoron. Palm opened Meleoron’s palace dungeons entrance, while Killua was on the other side. Poof chose Komugi which revealed his true purpose.Meruem returned back to the palace, where he used his monstrous En. The Punishment Squad’s remnants realized how hopeless it was to defeat him. Nuckle fled and convinced Meleoron that he was following his lead. Although Meleoron wanted to revenge the King for Peggy’s death, he knew that they would not have any chance. Meruem, however, moved to the En Nuckle, Meleoron and trapped Nuckle, knocking them out with one blow and then bringing them into the throne chamber for interrogation. Ikalgo tried to find a suitable corpse at this point, but was afraid of the King’s power so he gave up.Ikalgo, Palm and En Meruem decided to hide in the dungeons. They ran into one another at the gate. The Palm had an idea in the dungeons to arrange an exchange of Komuga for Naccla or Meleoron. Also, Ikalgo asked Welfin for help in presenting the exchange proposal to King Naccla and Meleoron. In Addition, Ikalgo recalled that Welfin had also been incarnated as Zaikahal, so Welfin agreed to send Meruem the message. Ikalgo also took Broda at his words, to repay the debt for all the atrocities that he had committed.Palm offered to hide Komugi in order that the King could not find her. Ikalgo asked her why she thought Meruem would go to his death. She explained that the Little Rose was a monstrously poisonous plant.The Punishment Squad, which included the entire Punishment Squad, was still in recovery at the hospital after the elimination of the Chimera Ant Threat. Ikalgo, Meleoron were elevated to the rank of “Magical Beasts.”

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He is similar to all chimera-ants and has superior strength, agility, physical toughness, pain tolerance, and strength. It can breathe underwater thanks to its octopus gene, cling to surfaces using its suction cups and grow limbs.

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NEN IKalgo hunter X Hunter

In HXH Ikalgo, a flea-shooter, can transform two of its tentacles to make rifles that shoot huge fleas. Flea saliva can get into the bloodstream of victims and prevent it from clotting. Ikalgo can quickly knock itself backwards with a blank shot.

Resurrected doll – Ikalgo can climb into a corpse to control it. He can control the doll’s Nan powers and speak to it. The body is able to move as if it were alive under Ikalgo’s control, but the body doesn’t come back to life. It continues to decay.

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