Inuyasha is a popular manga and anime series created by Rumiko Takahashi. The series follows the adventures of Inuyasha, a young boy who is forced to fight against the evil Kagome Higurashi. The series has been aired on Japanese television for over 10 years and has been translated into many languages. Inuyasha is known for its unique and exciting story lines, which have made it one of the most popular manga and anime series in history. Here are some key information about Inuyasha characters that you may not know:

  1. Sango is the main character of Inuyasha. She is a powerful witch who helps Inuyasha fight against the evil Kagome Higurashi. Sango is also very loyal to her friends and family.
  2. Kikyo is a powerful spirit who helps Inuyasha in his battles against the evil Kagome Higurashi. Kikyo can transform into any animal she desires, which makes her very versatile in battle.
  3. Miroku is an important character in Inuyasha’s life and helps him during his battles against the evil Kagome Higurashi. Miroku is very wise and can see through most things, which makes him an invaluable ally to Inuyasha in his fights against her.

The Top 15 Inuyasha Characters Ranked Ever:

15. Kaede

Kaede, Kikyo’s younger sibling, assisted her in a variety of activities including collecting herbs and carrying her quiver full of arrows. Also, Kaede, who was the powerful shrine priestess and defended the village against demons, rose to prominence after Kikyo’s passing. When Kaede visits Kagome, she recognizes Kagome to be the advanced reincarnation Kikyo. Kagome liberates Inuyasha and connects the Subjugation Beads. This allows Kagome to instruct him in a single word: Sit.

Kaede lost her right ear as an infant. She now conceals it with an eyepatch. In the Final Act, Kikyo’s spirit appears before Kaede and apologizes for the pain she has caused her younger sister. Kaede weeps as she recalls all the years spent with her sister and regrets not being there to support her.

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14. Kagura

Kagura wanted to be free. In the game, she was tied to Naraku and was almost certain to die. However, Naraku killed her. She is one of the most beloved characters in the series. She has strong character development and is a sympathetic antagonist. In many ways, she reminds me of Kagome. Both are full of goodwill and don’t hesitate to achieve their goals. They won’t tolerate injustice, especially against Naraku, but they are strong in their own rights.

Many other characters in anime, such as Sesshomaru have a connection to Kagura. He’s another character that isn’t as bad as they appear. Kagura deserves a better ending. She deserved to be happy and free, and to have a long and fulfilling life. She is a force to reckon with. Although her death scene was tragic, she survived and was freed from the clutches of Naraku.

13. Naraku

Naraku, a half-demon, is responsible for most of the characters’ suffering. Onigumo, a gravely injured bandit, was discovered by Kikyo fifty years ago. He was fed and protected by Kikyo, and he is now a child. Onigumo, paralysed by his injuries, makes a deal with nearby demons to allow his soul to live in a new body made from their fused bodies. This will enable him to fulfill his wish for Kikyo.

Naraku has basic abilities such as shape-shifting and conjuring a defensive defense shield. He also swallows his enemies. However, new abilities emerge as the series progresses. Naraku has the ability to control whether or not he loses his supernatural abilities. He is a villain who manipulates others to accomplish his evil deeds. He is sweet and hot but also quite nasty.

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12. Jakotsu

Jakotsu was Tokotsu’s adolescent boy. He wished to bring back his son by giving him enough red skeletons of humans and demons. Moroha’s power was enhanced by Lady Izayoi, her grandmother, who gave her the rouge. This rouge includes all of Toga’s devil blood.

Before his death, Myoga was puzzled at how Moroha, a ghost with supernatural abilities, could be so powerful. Myoga explained that Moroha was the daughter Kagome Higurashi (the reincarnation the high-ranking priestess Kikyo), and Moroha is his daughter. He is extremely funny and strong when he has trouble with math. He is also a racist.

11. Jaken

Jaken, a small green imp-like devil, is dedicated to Sesshomaru. He often praises Sesshomaru’s superiority despite the fact Sesshomaru occasionally ignores and abuses Jaken. He looks more like a frog Jaken doesn’t have the strength to fight fires but Sesshomaru gave him the Staff of Two Heads.

According to the manga Jaken was once the king of similar demons. However, the anime shows that Jaken was once the lord among similar demonics. Jaken is responsible for protecting Sesshomaru’s daughters after Rin gives them birth in the Tree of Ages forest. Sesshomaru then hides them.

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10. Kikyo

Kikyo, a high-ranking priestess and wealthy woman, lived 50 years before the events of the series. The Shikon Jewel was protected and purified by Demon Slayers. Inuyasha fell for her and thought of using the Shikon Jewel as a way to make him human, so the Shikon Jewel could disappear and she could remain there as a normal human. Naraku, acting as Inuyasha and Kikyo are both mortally wounded.

Kikyo was once a poor man that I detested. After I finished Inuyasha I realized that she wasn’t as evil as I thought. Inuyasha loved Kagome more in the last act than Kikyo, because he said he was born to find her. Inuyasha and Kikyo are a great match. They are both very normal, have people who fear them, and were lonely before they met each other. This is a beautiful love story.

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9. Rin

Rin, an orphan, prefers to walk barefoot. She finds Sesshomaru near a large tree in the woods and tends his wounds. After seeing her parents brutally murdered by bandits, Rin is in shock and only uses hand gestures and polite smiles to communicate with them. She is severely injured during the attack of the wolf demons on Rin’s village. This young lady is amazing! The most important thing to me is a Rin spin-off film!

Kagome is a better antagonist than her; she’s a smart, sweet, and super smart girl. And, believe it, she has done more for the show since Sesshomaru was made into a not person. She is active, even though she travels with demons. If she sees someone wrong she will tell them.

8. Kirara

Kirara is Sango’s faithful friend. She is a kitten-sized cat with two tails. However, she can grow up to hold several people when necessary. Like the kitsunes she is a spiritual being. Her full-sized form, which is about the same size as her kitten, has fangs, fire, and the ability to fly. While her small, cute form is tiny and adorable. Kirara is the show’s strongest ordinary demon.

She is adorable and the perfect companion to a badass dog owner. Also, She is still a friend and mount to Sesshoumaru and Kohaku in Yashahime. She is adorable and the perfect companion to a badass dog owner. She is still a friend and mount to Sesshoumaru and Kohaku in Yashahime.

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7. Koga

Koga, a wolf demon, is the young chief of Eastern Wolf Demon Tribe. Naraku and Kagura almost killed him. Inuyasha is his first encounter. However, he quickly becomes a reluctant, sometimes ally, due to a deep sense competition over their respective combat abilities and Kagome’s courtship. After kidnapping Inuyasha for her ability find Shikon shards, Koga finds Kagome’s kindness, spirit, grace attractive.

Inuyasha, who is always jealous and irritable during Koga’s visits to Japan, fears that Kagome might have feelings for her despite only having ever known him as a friend. His work is breathtaking. Although many people hate the dub, I find his voice to be very charming. He is charming and graceful and will seduce Kagome. His charm is enhanced by his fast pace.

6. Sango

Sango, a sixteen-year-old demon slayer, is her name. Her father described her as the village’s most experienced exterminator. She travels in a traditional women’s kimono with a long skirt (most likely mobakama) and typical women’s leg and arm guards.

Sango is the most interesting character. Inuyasha has the most tragic story, as does every other anime. Because she has more to deal with than the rest, she is better than us. Despite not having magical powers, she can sense dark forces and have incredible instincts. Miroku loves her beauty and is able to have as many children as she wants. This is how adorable she is.

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5. Kagome

Kagome is a young woman who is compassionate and courageous. Despite her physical limitations, she is strong and courageous. She improves her archery skills as the series progresses and learns how to manage her powerful spiritual abilities. In addition, She is the most emotionally strong character in the series. Also, She never allows rage or envy lead to bad deeds.

Although Kagome might not seem to be the most striking character, her incredible spiritual strength was what saved her life. We’ll discuss Kikyo later. After discovering that she was the reincarnation a powerful priestess, Kagome became an archer and a marksman.

4. Miroku

Miroku, an 18-year old lecherous Buddhist monk, tours the country performing spiritual services. He has an addiction to ripping of or even stealing from his wealthy clients. While his khakkhara, sutra scrolls, and khakkhara can be used to attack foes, his most powerful weapon is the Wind Tunnel, which is basically a curse passed on Naraku’s grandfather.

Miroku was a brave and compassionate member Inuyasha’s squad. We admired him. Miroku was a kind and generous man who sacrificed his well-being to help others. He was vulnerable to common human defects such as blood loss and aging.

3. Shippo

Shippo, a tiny orphaned kitune, seeks to take the Shikon Jewel from Inuyasha & Kagome to gain power and revenge his father’s death. Inuyasha, Kagome and Shippo join him as a companion, despite the fact that his plan fails. Shippo is often depicted as a young boy who has fox-like characteristics like his ears, legs, tail, and feet.

Shippo is a young man with a lot to offer. His strategies have enabled the group to escape dangerous situations and call for help when necessary. It is clear that he is a great leader. Shippo was a man of courage and integrity. However, his inability to summon the strength to flee forced him to create distractions. Although his foxfire skills were not great, they could have been used to lighten darkened areas or fight enemy fire.

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2. Inuyasha

Inuyasha was the son of a dog-demon and a human mother. He looks like a young teenager. As a half-demon, he lived a lonely existence. Both humans and demons hated him for his mixed bloodlines. Because of his wild personality, Inuyasha is my favorite character. He is sweet, grumpy and has a great heart.

He is a great example of character development and community dynamics. Inuyasha is my favorite character because of his exceptional character development. He was a bad-tempered character who believed Kikyo had cheated and broke his heart years ago. He discovers the goodness of others and a compassionate side to himself.

1. Sesshomaru

Sesshomaru, a powerful dog demon, has been fear since the feudal era. In addition, Sesshomaru is Inuyasha’s elder half, and he was born from a great demon bloodline. Inuyasha is resentful that he did not inherit Tessaiga. Their first battle ends with Inuyasha cutting Sesshomaru’s left arm with a sword. He is cool, awesome, and great all at once. His character development is truly extraordinary

He is my favorite character from all anime. Sesshomaru makes a great supporting character. This adds to his appeal and mystique. Also, Sesshomaru’s character development is excellent for a limited number of episodes. Sesshomaru’s emotionless personality makes him unpredictable and badass while being lovable at the same. We see his true feelings as we watch the series.

Tell us now in the comments section which Inuyasha character is your favorite: Top 15.

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