Jean Aot is a French actress and singer. She has appeared in a number of films and television shows, most notably the role of Élodie Gossuin in the popular series “Les Misérables.” Jean Aot is also known for her work as a singer, releasing several albums. ..


In Aot, Jean was a skinny teenager. He weighed 175 cm and weighed 65 kg . Jean has a broad face and brown eyes. His pale brown hair falls in tiny wicks at his forehead and is quite short. His sideburns are darker brown and show a separation of colors. Although his face looks very similar to Eren’s, it is said that he has a longer face than a horse’s.

He was 190 cm tall as an adult in 854. He has also grown his hair quite a bit, just like Eren.In Addition, He often appears in the Battalions uniform. It consists of a short leather jacket, beige shirt and brown pants. Then he put on a dark brown hairdo.

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In Aot, Jean was a very caring, sensitive, and kind young man. He was very close to his mother, and often cried. John has a tendency to be very open and honest. He will often express his opinions. Even though he is aware that it would be not smart not to give his opinion or that it could lead to a conflict, he doesn’t hesitate about expressing his opinions.Jean is pragmatic, but he also has a tendency to be exposed to danger. John has admitted that he would like to be a member of the Special Brigade. This group is well-known for its safety and comfort.Jean was extremely boastful and frustrated during his time as a recruit. It was easy to get John to lose his temper, and he was quick at resorting to violence. John was also skeptical about the possibility of humans defeating the titans. He mocked more idealistic people like Eren, and believed that resisting the titans would be futile.

Marco thought Jean was a natural leader despite his impatience. This was due to Jean’s ability to communicate with others and to manage situations well. Jean showed that he could lead his soldiers in times of need. He rallied Reiner and Armin to attack the Female Titan.John, despite his boastful self-image and prideful attitude, is confident and shows that John considers his comrades to have been true friends. Also, He is shocked when he must leave an ally who can’t defend himself and requires help to save himself and others. He was willing to risk his life in order to slow down the Male Titan. In addition, He feels that if it didn’t, there would be many more deaths. Jean later criticised Erwin’s plan. Erwin kept information secret from his subordinates in fear of a spy and felt that it did not justify the loss of so many lives.

Jean believes that it is important to look at all aspects of life with caution. He refused to accept Reiner’s plan for the Stealth Titan to be used in their ranks and to have him fight for them.Jean is from the Pink Wall and, more specifically, from Trost. Jean grew up in a quiet house, under the protection of his mother. However, he always wanted to lead a comfortable life as a soldier in the Sina Wall district .

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In Aot Jean, at the age of 18, enlisted in the Human Army. He was then assigned to the 1 04th Training Brigade. Jean confessed to his desire to join the Special Brigades during his enlistment and was given a headbutt by Chief Keith Shardiz. Jean and Eren met for the first time that night.They would quickly dislike one another and their mutual ideals. Jean would be motivated by her dreams and ambitions to place in the top ten for the Special Brigades, and surpass Eren, and she would improve her skills during her training.

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In Aot, Jean and the rest of the 104th’s recruits were sent to confront the Titans after the second attack by the Colossal Titan.Jean tries to vent his frustrations on Eren. But Eren orders Jean to get back together for their mutual allies.Jean can’t fight the first battle because of the shortage later. He and the rest of his group rush to the supply headquarters upon Mikasa’s appearance.Jean assumes the role of Mikasa, but soon loses faith in his ability and willingness to help others. Soon, a soldier is devoured by the Titans.

Jean sees the opportunity and recommends everyone use it to take advantage of the distraction. Jean leads the security group but, to her horror, many soldiers died because of her leadership. He admitted that he didn’t trust Ymir after Christa Lenz was kidnapped by her. John, who appeared second time as the Dreadnought titan, was John’s motivation to Eren to fight for humanity’s victory, proving that he had gradually adopted the same ideals as his critics.

John is furious with the supply team when he sees them in their corner. He shouts at them that they are responsible for the deaths and injuries to the soldiers.Soon, Mikasa and Armin arrive in the supply room with the assistance of the Titan Assailant. He is later part of the second group, having come up with a plan for getting gas from the supply area.

Jean defeats her assigned Titan. Also, He tells Sasha and Conny to help them, as they failed to defeat theirs.He is later seen with Marco, and later he says that he was not meant to be a leader. In addition, He said that many people had been killed under his leadership. Marco explained to him that Marco was weak, and that is why he was able react and help others.After getting refueled, he returns to Reiner’s side with Annie. Reiner suggests John go to help the Titan Assassin. John is hesitant because he remembers how they narrowly escaped death and how he wasn’t willing to risk his own life for a Titan.They didn’t have too, as the Titan that was attacked by the Devianthat had eaten Thomas.Surprised, Eren emerged from the neck Assaulting Titan. He was the first person to learn Eren’s ability transform into a Titan.

Jean discovers Marco’s body in the aftermath of the Battle of Trost and is clearly upset by the sight of his dead friend.Later, he and other soldiers from the 104th Training Brigade set fire to the bodies of their comrades.

John recalls Eren’s speech and Marco’s compliments on his leadership skills.He remembers his encouragement and his death, and he mourns his loss.He joined the Exploration Battalion in lieu of the Special Brigades during graduation, despite his fear about what he might meet with more Titans.

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Jean joins the Exploration Battalion and confronts Eren about his role as savior of mankind. He says that he trusts him completely because he doesn’t want to die. Jean is part of the 57th Extra-Mural Expedition with the Exploration Battalion.Jean meets the Female Titus shortly after the expedition’s start. To slow down the process, he cooperates with Armin, Reiner, as he believes that it will continue to kill more soldiers if it is not stopped.They manage to face the Titan but they are quickly overwhelmed and nearly die. However, the Titan continues its adventure. Jean desperately searches for her horse after the fight.Reiner is the only horse and Reiner will be riding. Reiner says one of them will have to go. Christa arrives on Jean’s horse.Jean and the others set out to reach the Forest of Giant Trees. They climb up the branches to distract the Titans and prevent them from entering the forest.

John is amazed at the speed with which the Titans learn how to climb trees. Armin confides in Jean that he believes their commander was spying on them while they wait. Jean questions the morality behind such a decision. Armin however defends Erwin by stating that it was necessary.Jean safely returns to the Karanese district after the expedition ends in failure.He is selected to represent Eren in his trial a few days later because of his similarity to Eren in eyes and demeanor. The operation to capture the Female Titin will be conducted without Eren.

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“One of the best at three-dimensionality. However, his impulsiveness and indecisiveness can lead to conflict. “

Instructor Keith Shardiz

John is skilled in three-dimensional maneuvering. He can maneuver on any terrain, even open, which is considered very difficult. John is also a great leader. Despite being weak, he can easily put himself in others’ shoes and make smart decisions. These qualities have earned Jean 6th rank in the 104th training Brigade.He is also proficient with firearms. At least, he can be seen using them during his persecution of the Exploration Battalion. He can shoot people with pinpoint accuracy without the intention of killing them so that they can be neutralized.

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As children, they were a couple. He is annoyed by his mother as a teenager. She continues to make unscheduled visits at the 1 Training Brigade Barracks, where he is learning to cook for him. Jean loves him as much as her mother, despite his appearances.


They often oppose each other’s ideas. Jean stated that he wanted the Special Brigades to be his “quiet” life. After a lengthy debate with Eren and his fine words, Jean finally decided to join the Exploration Battalion. John seems to be able to ignore their rivalries and remain cold towards one another, despite them being rivals. This is especially true when Eren, an intelligent Titan, has been recognized as a hope for humanity. 

He is jealous of Eren’s relationship with Mikasa, his adopted sister. After his time with Tactical Squad, their relationship improves, but it gets worse in 854 when he loses trust in Eren. Sasha Braus is his best friend and was killed in the Battle of Revelio. Eren believes he is responsible.

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Jean was Marco’s best friend. Marco was the one who encouraged Jean to recognize his potential as a leader. Jean’s psychological state was greatly affected by his death at Trost. Marco was there to support Jean no matter what, and was always there to help him in his times of need.


Jean has a crush on Mikasa. He became anxious the second he met her. Jean is jealous of Eren due to Mikasa’s attachment. He seems to also have high regard for Mikasa, and claims that she is the only person in the brigade who’s better than him.


Although they aren’t close, Armin is Eren’s best friend. However, they do trust one another. They share many of the same ideas, which makes them stronger. Armin demonstrated his friendship by saving his life by killing another human being.Also Read : Marley Warriors Aot : Everything You Need To Know

NOTES About Jean Aot

Hajime Isayama stated that Jean is his favorite character. “John” is derived from the Latin “Johannes”, which was renamed “Jehan”, meaning “blessed of God”. John was ranked 9th on the Character Popularity Poll.

QUOTES Of Jean Aot

“Don’t pee on a titan if you come across him!” “– Jean to Armin“We can finally get away from this city that is constantly threatening and suffocating, and start moving our bodies! There’s no need to stress anymore! We are safe in the beautiful city! “– Jean Kirschtein during Marco Bott’s debate“Hey, you people! “Hey, you people! I don’t believe we were taught to leave a comrade alone in the fray. You can shake a leg! Have you lost your courage at the check-in? “Jean Kirschtein, to the groups of 104th Training Brigade.“Well, that’s it… We are now faced with harsh realities… I believed in illusions. It would end like this, I knew. It was so obvious that we have no chance against these opponents …”Jean Kirschtein, to himself, when he believes that this is the end.“Is it a victory for humanity if we can exterminate the titans and turn into monsters? “