One Piece is a manga and anime series written and drawn by Eiichiro Oda. The series follows the adventures of Monkey D. Luffy, a young boy who is trying to save his friends, defeat the powerful Pirate King, and save the world from an impending war. The show has been praised for its creative writing, strong characters, and exciting action sequences. Mr. 13 is one of the most popular characters in One Piece, and his appearances have been featured in various episodes throughout the series. What is Mr. 13? Mr. 13 is a character who first appeared in One Piece Volume 8, which was published on October 14th, 2013. He is a giant white-skinned fish with a long tail that he uses to swing around and fight with his friends. He has also been mentioned in other episodes throughout the series. How did Mr. 13 get his name? Mr. 13’s name was revealed in One Piece Volume 9 as “Kakuzu”. Kakuzu means “the one who knows everything” in Japanese, and it was chosen because he seems to know everything about Luffy and his friends’ every move.


Mr. 13, an otter, is dressed in the polka-dot suit. He also is wearing sunglasses.

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PERSONALITY Mr 13 One piece

Mr. 13 appears to be not willing to compromise with the people who had betrayed his leader. On his other hand it is cowardly to have disclosed his identity to the Baroque Works members from the Baroque Works to the Navy.


The Frontier Agents of Baroque Works are scared at the sight of him, and also his accomplice due to their close relationship with the boss. They are his personal assassins.


He. 13 is extremely adept in drawing. This talent is utilized first by Mr. Zero to recognize his adversaries, then used by the Navy to find Baroque Works members.


They first appear in the Twin Lighthouse to be punished for the incompetence by Mr. 9, and Miss Wednesday. They are then transferred into the Little Garden to check the actions on the part of Miss Goldenweek and Mr. 3. Miss Goldenweek. They instead meet Sanji who, in the guise of appear to be Mr. 3, was speaking with Mr. zero via the Escargophone (a type of snail-shaped phone). Sanji and his accomplice attempted to deter Sanji but were unsuccessful.Then, he was seized and rounded up by the Navy along with Miss Friday and they were required to draw the face of other employees from Baroque Works to help the Navy take down the company.