Nen is a mysterious ability that allows its users to manipulate the elements. It is one of the most commonly used abilities in Hunter x Hunter, and it has a lot of uses. Here are five things you need to know about nen.

  1. Nen is based on the Chinese concept of qi.
  2. Nen can be used to control the weather, create illusions, and even heal wounds.
  3. Nen is not just limited to humans; some animals also have nen abilities. For example, Gon can use nen to control his body’s muscles and Kite can use nen to fly.
  4. There are different types of nen: offensive, defensive, and support nen. Offensive nen allows users to attack their opponents or damage objects or buildings, while defensive nen helps protect users from attacks or heals them if they are injured. Support nen helps users move faster or communicate with others more easily.
  5. Nen is not always easy to use; it takes a lot of practice to learn how to control it properly. ..

What are the FOUR KEY PRINCIPLES of Nen in HxH ?

The 4 principles of Shingen Ryu are the first step to fully understanding Nen. All other Nen skills are based on controlling the flow of one’s aura. The four main principles are Ten (Zetsu), Ren (Hatsu).In HxH, Nen users can easily learn these basic skills. 

A beginner should learn Ten, and try to keep it up for as long as they can, while an expert Nen user will use Ten almost every day, even while asleep.


Open aura ties require that a person learn how to prevent their aura from escaping. Tenu (Chan, Shield) refers to the act of keeping the bonds open. However, it also involves the act of keeping the aura around the body and not away from it. Tenu users feel like they are immersed in warm, viscous liquid. 

Ten protects the user against Nenu auras from other people and some physical attacks. Ten gives the user a youthful energy, which means that Ten slows down the aging process. Meditation can help improve one’s Tenu quality.


Zetsu (Jue, Suppression), unlike Tenu, which protects someone from the uncontrolled flow their aura, completely stops the loss of life energy. It is possible to preserve all of the aura within the body by closing off all cells. Zetsu users can conceal their presence by closing off all cells. This is useful for discreet actions like burglary or stalking. It is also an excellent method of recovery, as the life energy doesn’t leave the body. 

This technique has a disadvantage: it is more susceptible to damage than ordinary aura flow and exposes you to the Nen. Because there is no life energy shield, even weak attacks with aura can inflict serious damage.


Ren (Lian, Strengthening), is a direct result of the Ten technique. The aura around the body is also much larger and more intense. This affects both the defensive and offensive sides of Ren’s physical parameters. 

A large amount of energy is released, which allows you to perform advanced techniques and abilities that are dependent on auras.


Hatsu (Fa, Estrangement), is the dispersal or release of an aura. This allows it to be used in a specific way. This technique is usually related to the personality, feelings, and aura type of the person who performs it. Each Nenu user will have a unique experience with it. 

Hatsu can be described as a way of expression that develops into a unique skill. It is important to focus on your own capabilities when learning it. Imitating others will not help you master the technique.

What are ADVANCED TECHNIQUES of Nen in HxH ?

In HxH, After mastering the basics, every Nen user can learn more advanced skills. Many of these skills can be combined with simpler techniques. It is important to master Ten, Zetsu and Ren before you start. 

Hatsu is a skill that each Nen user can develop in parallel over a long period of time.


The extension of Ren technique is Gyo (Ning, Concentration). This is when a greater than normal amount of aura is concentrated in a particular part of the body. While this increases the power of the organ, it leaves the rest less protected. 

This skill is used to increase the power of the eyes. It allows you to see the aura that has been hidden by someone (e.g. Use Inu This allows you to use Inu to defeat unknown opponents.


In (Yin, Concealment), a more advanced use of Zetsu allows the Nen user almost to completely cover their aura. This technique is useful for creating traps and planning stealth attacks. Unlike Zetsu, however, it doesn’t stop the aura flowing, but makes it invisible. You can use Gyo to defend against Inem through En or on your eyes.


En (Yuan, Surrounding) a technique that makes use of Ren and Ten to determine the exact shape and direction for any object within its range. Ren is a technique that allows a person to extend their aura to a very small area around their bodies. Enu’s aura emits more energy, which allows for greater influence. Tenu is used to give this energy a shape, usually a circle. 

The sphere must be at least 4m in diameter to allow the skill to work. Because Surround is more common, it can be exhausting to use for long periods. Master of the technique can usually extend their En to a radius of 50m. There are exceptions. Zeno Zoldyck is one of the most powerful assassins today.

He can create Encirclements with a radius up to 300m. Kortopi, Phantom Corpse member, was able to create En-like copies from objects. This allowed him to determine their location up to 2500m away. The Chimera Neferpitou An displayed an amoeba-like, irregular En with branches that extended 2 miles.


Shu (Zhou, Shielding), is an advanced form of Ten. This involves surrounding the object with an aura as if it were a part of the body. This makes the object stronger and more resilient to damage (Shu protects it just like Ren’s body).

Hisoka can use this technique to increase the physical properties of his cards. They become sharper and more durable than knives. You can use “shielding” in combination with other techniques, such as Ko or Gyo.


Ko (Ying & Wrath) can be described as an enhanced version Gyo. It allows you to concentrate all your aura on a specific part of your body. This technique also includes elements of Tenu and Zetsu as well as Renu. 

It has a similar effect to Gyo but is much more powerful. While the power at the focus is exceptional, the rest of your body is completely unprotected. This skill is very dangerous and purely offensive.

It is also rarely used in combat. It is only useful in rare, hard-to-counter surprise strikes or when it’s possible to neutralize an enemy’s attacks using something other than Nenem.


Ken (Jian, Strengthening), is an advanced combination from Ten and Ren. This combination of Ten and Ren is used to defend the body. The aura surrounds the body in a stronger than normal aura, which lasts for a longer time. 

It is similar to Tenu but much more powerful. It is also much more exhausting. Kenu can be used to protect against any attack and is significantly less harmful. If the vital energy levels for the attacker and the defender are the same, such a shield can even nullify most damage done by opponents using Ko. 

The aura spreads evenly throughout the body during Fortification. This means that the user can’t deliver very strong blows. But, Ryu can counter this.


“Ryu” is the term for continuous use of Gyo in combat in different parts of the body. You can adjust your aura to increase or decrease offensive and defensive power by freeing up “Focus”. 

This can be used in combat to transfer 70% of the Nen to your fist to deliver a blow (30% remaining to protect your body) or to your elbow to block an opponent’s attack.

What are the TYPE OF AURA of Nen in HxH

Percentage Chart Nen Types HxH


An Amplifier is a student who increases the water content of a glass in a water test. Reinforcement is the strongest category. It allows users to evenly spread their auras for defense and attack, making even simple skills very powerful. Also, reinforcements can increase regeneration. Hisoka says that enhancers can be simple and sincere.

Who are the Amplifiers hxh ?

Gon FreecssKastroUvoginPhinks MagcubNobunaga HazamaIsaac NeteroMaha ZoldyckTsezguerraRammotPalm SiberiaMenthuthuyoupiHollowGido

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A student who changes the taste of water during a water test will be a transmutator (Bian Hua Xi et al., Henkakei). Transmutation is the ability to alter the properties of an aura in order to imitate another. Because of their similarity, transmutation is often mistaken for conjurer. Transmutation allows an aura to imitate different substances. 

The ability to transform the aura into these substances/things is possible with conjurer. Trasmutators are able to copy the properties of real objects. Killua Zoldyck resembling electricity, for example, copied the properties of electricity through his aura. Transmutators can make his aura have many properties that are not identical to real things. Bungee Hisoka’s Rubber is an example of the properties of rubber and rubber.

Feitan’s aura is a replica or the solar zone. She transforms her Nen into thread. People who don’t know Nen cannot see transmuted substances. Those who know Nen need to use Gyo to see the transmuted thing. Hisoka states that transmutators can be both dishonest and changeable.

Who are The Transmutators nen Users in HXH?

Hisoka MorowKillua ZoldyckSilva ZoldyckZeno ZoldyckMachi KomacineWormFeitan PortorBiscuit KruegerSadasoZazan

ILLUSION / Conjurer

A student who creates an object from water in a glass during a water test is considered an conjurer. The ability to create objects out of one’s aura is called conjuration. This is the only type where an aura can show the object it created, even if the person does not know Nenu. The creators of created objects do not depend on them, so even though they are far away, nothing happens to them. However, In can make the materialized object invisible.Special abilities can be given to objects created with Nen. Shizuku, the Fatomu Corpse bandit, can “conjure” an endless vacuum cleaner that can sucking up any object that isn’t a living thing or created with Nen. Like manipulation, conjurer comes with its limitations and conditions. Kortop i is an example of Kortop i, which means that things created by Nen disappear automatically after 24 hours. Hisoka says that conjurers are anxious.

Who are Conjurer nen Users in HXH ?

KiteKurapikaShizuku MurasakiBashoOwlAbenganeKessGenthruKnovPuppyBonolenov NdongoCheetuTsubone


A student who changes the color of water during a water test is called an Emitter (Fang Chu Xi / Hoshutsukei). An emitter can, for instance, make a Nen ball from scratch and then throw it. An aura’s strength and intensity decreases quickly when separated from its source (the person it belongs to), but strong emitters can separate their aura for long periods of time and keep it intact.Some emitting abilities can be confused with conjurer abilities. They are however different. People who don’t know Nenu are unable to see the objects created by emitters. Hisoka says emitters can be impulsive.

Who are Emitter users?

Leorio ParadinightPokkleRiehlveltMizukenMelodyShachmono TocinoFranklin BordeauGoreinuRazorBlosterPikeKnuckle BineBat

MANIPULATION / Manipulator

A student who moves a leaf across a sheet of water indicates that he is a manipulator (Cao Zuo Xi et Sosakei). A manipulator is able to control inanimate (dead), objects in a specific way. 

The advantage of manipulation is its ability to control the enemy. To control someone manipulators will often need to touch or attach something on the body of the subject. The greater the risk, the more control they have over them. Hisoka says manipulators can be argumentative.

Who are The Manipulators In HXH ?

Illumi ZoldyckMilluki ZoldyckKikyo ZoldyckKalluto ZoldyckZushiSqualaBaiseLeechShalnarkMorel MackernaseyShoot McMahonFlutterIkalgoShaiapoufBoki


A specialist is someone who causes other effects than those listed above. They may find that their effect will help them decide where to go. A Nenu type that is not compatible with the other five types is called specialization. A specialist type offers more options. Kurapika, for example, has the specialist ability to use all types Nenu. If conditions are met, Chrollo Lucifer can steal any Nen ability. Uniquely, the Neon Nostrade specialization appears to use only the Manipulation and conjurer types. Even though we are not born with the exact type of specialist it is possible to become one. The closest thing to being specialists on the diagram is manipulators and conjurers. Hisoka says that specialists are independent.

Who are Specialists in HXH ?

Chrollo LucilferNeon NostradePakunodaKurapika (when his eye turn scarlet). NeferpitouLeolMeleoronAlluka ZoldyckOmokageMeruem