Nifa Aot is a small town in the province of Antioquia, Colombia. It is located in the municipality of San Vicente del Caguán, and has a population of about 10,000 people. Nifa Aot is known for its coffee production, and it is also home to a number of small businesses that provide services to the local community. Nifa Aot was founded in 1892 by German immigrants who were looking for a place to settle. At the time, it was known as Villa de las Flores (Villa of the Flowers). The town grew rapidly thanks to its coffee production, and by 1930 it had reached its current size. Today, Nifa Aot is an important economic center in the region, and it has been designated as a tourism destination because of its beautiful scenery and rich history. One of the most popular attractions in Nifa Aot is La Capilla (The Chapel), which was built in 1902 by German immigrants. It is considered one of Colombia’s most important religious landmarks, and it has been used for religious ceremonies by various denominations over the years. La Capilla also features beautiful murals that were painted by local artists in the 1930s and 1940s. Another popular attraction in Nifa Aot is El Castillo (The Castle), which was built in 1907 by German immigrants. It features beautiful architecture that was inspired by European castles, and it has been used for various events over the years including weddings and baptisms. El Castillo also features a museum that contains artifacts from the town’s history dating back to 1892. ..

Appearance Nifa Aot

In Aot, Nifa was a young lady who was short in stature and only a tiny bit larger than Levi and had shorter black hair and big eyes. She wore her Scout Corps uniform, but in other instances, she just wore a plain shirt with the vest.

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Personality Nifa Aot

In Aot, Nifa seemed to be a reliable individual to the Commander Erwin. She wrote down the information from the meeting and shared it with others , not knowing that they were ignorant of the truth of the events of history. She displayed a calm, serious approach to every circumstance.

Story Nifa Aot


First appearance Nifa in aot made on top of Rose Wall, following the time Ymir confessed that she was a titan who changed and was able to save Reiner, Bertolt, Connie and History from the active titans during the night within Castle Utgard. Hange is given orders to bring Ymir on a trip to Trost District, so she can get medical treatment.

Then, Reiner and Bertolt are exposed as the names that belong to both the Armored Titan and the Colossal Titan and, as a result, Nifa is placed on the wall facing the Colossal Titan together with several soldiers, and a portion of the Erwin’s soldiers. Nifa is wounded with minor burns, along with the other soldiers after that the Colossal Titan falls over Reiner along with Eren in their titanic forms.


In This Aot arc, Nifa is seen later after Eren is saved and Levi’s new team has been set up on another base. She sits in silence alongside Keiji, Moblit and another soldier, following Eren’s plan to close his plan to sever Mary Wall using the hardening capability, just as she did in the case of female Titan did. She is also a part in the group.After Erwin along with Dot Pixis’ meeting, she is carrying a note that informs them of the fact that it is the Reiss family is truly a royalty and Historia Reiss is part of the royal family. Nifa is taken note of Erwin along with Pixis’ meeting before heading to the place where Levi was to inform him of Erwin’s directions on him, his team along with his team and the Reeves company. Nifa shares the plan of Erwin: replace the King with History If Rod Reiss does not have satisfactory answers.

Then, as an assortment comprised of Military Police members move two funeral coffins into an automobile, Nifa is found hidden close to Levi monitoring the movements of the enemy. Levi finds it odd to find that the enemy’s mental state is similar to his own, and is wondering if “he” has something to be involved in it. Nifa is unsure of who the person is, and then asks Levi what “he” is. Levi asks him if he is aware of “Kenny the Ripper”, Nifa replies that it is true, but it was thought that he was an urban legend, and Levi confirms that he’s real and was a part of his life when he was a kid. With no hint of his presence, Kenny Ackerman appears over them, shooting shots from his blunderbusses directly into Nifa’s face. He then explodes, causing instant death.

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Nearing the point of death, prior to a battle against that Beast Titan in the shadow of the Mary Wall, Erwin Smith begins to think about whether the deaths of his fellow soldiers who gave their lives to give to humanity, have any significance. Nifa is among the many people remembered in the minds of Erwin along with Levi.


Isayama Has revealed the fact that Armin Nifa and Nifa likely are aware of their similarities in appearance. This is often mentioned by others.

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