Porco Galliard, better known as Porco Galliard, is a professional wrestler who has worked for several wrestling promotions including World Wrestling Entertainment (WWF), Extreme Championship Wrestling (ECW), and New Japan Pro Wrestling (NJPW). He is also a former professional boxer. Galliard was born in the town of Cosenza, Italy on October 15, 1974. He started his professional wrestling career in 1992 as a wrestler for the Italian wrestling promotion World Wrestling Federation (WWF). He made his first appearance for WWF on November 3, 1992 and was released from the company on December 5, 1992. In 1993, he joined Extreme Championship Wrestling (ECW) as a member of the team The Hart Foundation. He made his debut for ECW on January 25, 1994 and was released from the company on February 2, 1994. In 1995, he joined New Japan Pro Wrestling (NJPW) as a member of the team The Young Bucks. He made his debut for NJPW on April 6, 1995 and was released from the company on May 12, 1995. Galliard has won several championships in various wrestling promotions including World Boxing Association (WBA) heavyweight champion; IBF light heavyweight champion; IBF welterweight champion; WBC world middleweight champion; IBF light heavyweight challenger; WBA super middleweight title; IBF junior welterweight title; WBO world welterweight title; and IBF light heavyweight championship.

Appearance Porco Galliard Aot

HUMAN FORMAT Porco Galliard Aot

Porco is a muscular man of medium height with a slight weight gain which sometimes earned him the name “Gradube” from friends, like his Peak Finger and Reiner Braun. His hair is blond and which is combed back (and likely covered with glossy) and shaved down the sides. He has hazel-colored eyes.As an army soldier, he’s not required to wear a uniform. Typically, he wears a white shirt with dark khaki pants and trousers in khaki and boots that extend below the knee.

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TITANIC SHAPE Porco Galliard Aot

Porco Jaw Titan has the appearance of an white mask. The “mask” is wrapped around by an blonde hair. The reinforced jaw of the lizard is an ideal cog. His fingers are reinforced which allows him to harm his crystal Titan Weapon Hammer.

Personality Porco Galliard Aot

MANGA Porco Galliard Aot

Porco was a tense introverted, bitter and abrasive personality. He was extremely foolish and arrogant. For instance, he was convinced that he could be the winner of Operation Paradise Island if he had been chosen in place of Reiner Braun. But in reality, nothing is less certain, when you consider the devastating results caused by his reckless character in the Battle of Revelio.

ANIME Porco Galliard Aot

The way that Porco conducts himself during fights is identical in the manga, in Manga, at peace , he alters his behavior in positive ways. In contrast to what the comic portrays, Porco reveals his relaxed, openness to people around him, particularly those from the Aspiring Warriors. However, he appears to retain some of the dismissive arrogance, which is a feature in his manga.

HISTORY Porco Galliard Aot


Just a few years prior to when the Paradise Island operation, Porco Galliard was considered a contender for the heirloom of the Dreadnought Titan. He took part in the process of selecting a warrior aspirants with the fellow Eldian youngsters. His older sister, Marcel Marcel, got selected to be candidates for the heirloom of a titan following an exhausting physical test.After meeting the other candidates and learning regarding the forthcoming attack against Paradise, Galliard scolded Reiner for thinking he was the only person with no special aptitude, motivated only by his affection to Mahr and his praise towards their bosses. When Reiner denied that he was an agent for his King Fritz, Galliard hit his brother, but was later taken into custody from his father. He then left with the other contestants.It was determined in 843 843 that Reiner Braun was to inherit the D readnought Titan in his place. Marcel was also selected to take over the Jaw Titan. The warriors left to Paradise Island, Galliard continued to live on the island with Sieg and Peak. Peak

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In the time that Operation Paradise Island was abandoned in the year 850, the Porco Galliard was chosen to rescue the Jaw Titan for Mahr, devouring Ymir who was killed by his brother five years prior. He was the inheritor of memories of the Jaw Titan and Ymir’s memories and knew his background and motives, however the only thing he could see was his brother’s memory.

A few years after, Galliard was present during the Battle of Slava Fortress. Under the command of Commander Magath Galliard and his friend Peak were not permitted to fight due to the presence of extremely dangerous anti-Titan artillery.However when Gaby had succeeded in striking the armored train holding Artillery Galliard took part in the battle and shielded her as well as Falco from the volleys of machine guns prior to advancing forward, completely destroying the defenses of the enemy.

After taking out the defenses of the enemy, Galliard continued to advance by using his jaw to break railroad tracks. After setting up his Dreadnought Titan within the fortress a number of armory structures to secure it. Then he quickly retreated and handed over the rest of the soldiers with take over the Dreadnought Titan as well as the Bestial.

After the battle Galliard was able to visit Reiner as he recovered from his injuries. After Reiner was awake after the battle, the man expressed gratitude to Galliard for saving his life however, Galliard abruptly informed the soldier that he had only wanted to keep Mahr from losing his Dreadnought Titan. Galliard said that he hadn’t yet been able to see his brother’s memories, However, he did see Ymir’s, and harshly criticized Reiner for being helped by his comrades often, not to mention Marcel who died, which Galliard considers Reiner accountable for. Reiner later left the group when Peak was able to join them, but Galliard continued to be with her.Galliard later joined with the rest of the Mahr army aboard the train returning to their home in the company of other warriors. When he arrived in Revelio, Galliard was seen helping Kord walk. Kord was drunk. When he entered the camp, Galliard was welcomed by an individual and a woman likely his family.

Galliard Galliard quickly summoned to the headquarters of the warriors to meet with Sieg. While on his way he encountered Peak who was on all fours, a newbie to walking due to his titan, with the one who was the only quadruped. After they arrived, Sieg informed them of his plan to strengthen Mahr’s declining power by repeating the mission in Paradise Island to recover the Original Titan. Galliard was not happy to learn that the high-ranking Teyber family would serve as spokesmen for the warriors in the event, but Reiner as well as Sieg accepted the plan.Galliard was able to quietly attend an army meeting to discuss the best way to conduct an attack on Paradise. After his meeting, he went to join his fellow warriors on a balcony and sarcastically praised the top officers for being so wise. If Falco took on Gaby in the course of a race, and Kord stated that Gaby could not be beaten, Galliard said that the selection criteria were ambiguous. When Sieg mentioned the need of a big brother to safeguard his younger brother, Galliard remained silent.

Galliard together with other Warriors were invited to sit in the speech of Willy Teyber in the capacity of representatives for Mahr. When the two of them Peak were at the stage’s front An unknown soldier informed they that Magath was searching for them and will lead his followers to. The two then pursued this soldier with Peak believing that he’d already met him. They passed soldiers from their Armed Unit as well. Peak was able to hug one which annoyed Porco quite a lot. She claimed that those in wraps are very important to the people who own Titan Cart. Titan Cart. Then, the group showed up in unoccupied space. Porco asked what the location of Magath is however, she was too late. Magath had just cut a rope and thrown the two warriors through the trapdoor.

Galliard and Peak fell on the straw bed which caused numerous fractures. Peak recognized the hole as an old-fashioned warrior place of confinement and both observed the absence of space needed to transform into an enormous. Galliard inquired about the soldier’s plans and Peak said that she wasn’t sure however she did say that she had previously seen the soldier previously.

The two warriors started to feel the sensation of tremors. This led Peak to determine the titans had been fighting in the outside world, which explained why they were being held. When Galliard was beginning to think about how she could escape to escape, they were saved by the Armored Unit came to their help. Peak stated that she had put in security measures to counter her suspicions had about their supposed security. The team then handed over an untied rope that the warriors used to get into the pit.

 The rescuers told them about an unexpected appearance by The Titan Assassin and also of the fact that they could see that the Titan Weapon Hammer was engaged in battle. While Peak instructed the troops, Galliard prepared to join the fight, but Peak requested that he be quiet and watch the scene for a few seconds. Galliard was stunned to witness a group of soldiers coming towards them, wearing their three-dimensional anti-human weapons and had never witnessed it before.

Galliard finally broke free of Peak and, following his transformation to become the Jaw Titan, took part in the battle. He slipped up behind the assailant Titan in the back and jumped onto its neck, causing it to be distracted and stopping Lara Teyber from being eaten. Galliard then cut off his back on the assailant Titan’s neck and said that he’d always been waiting for the day that his Titan could be returned to the Titan he had created.

Titan. In the event that he failed to penetrate the Titan’s skin and was lost in thought in his confusion, not knowing the soldier who had inflicted a severe cut on muscle on his left side the Titan’s face.The advancing Titan was then able to smash Galliard to an adjacent building when he spotted the soldier moving at a distance, he realized with hishorror this was actually the legendary “Ackerman”.

Conscient of the danger that he stood in, Galliard tried to get away from the battleground, but was attacked by the Lightning Spear fired by Mikasa who was the other Ackerman.It caused him to crash onto the floor. Galliard was quickly in the company of many soldiers from the Exploration Battalion, the two Ackermans on their shoulders and swords in hands.

He was unable to accept, but the fact was that the humans appeared to be capable of taking on him in the most powerful form, and even taking him down. The soldiers of Paradise were true demons who believed the warrior was in a state of fear. It was the Titan Charrette arrived in the same time with the Panzer unit, and was able to kill many soldiers of the enemy using his machine guns and at Galliard’s delight.When the Bestial Titan also joined the battleground, Galliard and Peak stood in front of it in front of the remainder members of the Exploration Battalion.

Then the next day, he helped Peak in his own way in the process of killing another soldier who been able to climb right up to the top of his Titan Cart as well. The armored Unit did not have an angles of attack to stop.Watching Eren get stiffer in his titan before transforming backinto the titan, if he does not stop it, they would be lost. Peak was reassured, confident that the odds were in their favor. He had the entire Mahr army summoned to Revelio to provide reinforcements on their side. He was reassured and watched with admiration as Sieg caused the battalion to back away under a stairwell of buildings before setting off to meet Eren Jager with confidence.

The optimism waned when he witnessed a massive blast in the harbor and the force of it was felt throughout the shores. The enemy had not only killed his friend Bertolt Hoover and his comrade, but they also used the titan he’d rescued against his home city. Furious the man set out on his own to confront with the Titan Assassin, naively thinking that he would be able to kill himself on his own, but then he was able to see the Ackerman girl, and ignoring his previous fears, he went forward and killed her. This reckless attitude proved fatal. The battalion managed to defeat its enemies by deploying a weak defense. It was the Bestial Titan who Bestial Titan had been crushed with the help of Ackerman who left him dead after having launched an explosive charge at the neck of his Titan cutting it off, the next turn was to The Titan Charrette, who was hit with the whirlwind of lightning bolts, disfiguring Peak and inflicting massive damage on his gunners’ team.Porco angry and furious was a brutal blow to his adversaries, but eventually fled due to Mikasa’s presence.

He saw an airship approaching and realized that the team was going to bring their friends back, and he attempted to destroy it jumping onto it. Mikasa was able to anticipate this reaction and cut the legs of his Titan. Then it fell on the rooftop. Eren using his titan, he grabbed him and tore off both of his arms. He placed the crystal on top of the place that the Holder for his Weapon Hammer Titan, Lara Teyber was locked in his jaw. He employed to nutcracker the injured warrior was able to plead with Eren to stop. 

After the operation was completed and devouring Lara and was about to devour the other in the next turn, however Reiner Braun who had heard the cries about Gaby and Falco who begged for help to save Galliard the titan that it was previously used to defend Falco and stop his from doing so. After a brief fight, Eren was unable to resist the force of his titan and decided to retreat. Reiner stood by as Eren left and fell to floor alongside his friend who he had just saved.The young man watched Reiner like was his custom following during the Battle of Slava Fortress However, this time, he didn’t get him to sleep. after witnessing the strength of Paradisians as well as the fact that they saved his life How could he blame Reiner. He reassured him that he did not have a dream of Gaby or Falco and gave him a glass of wine.

At a crisis conference with members of the Warrior Unit and Theo Magath who is the current actual Marshal, and the ruler of this island. Magath informed his colleagues that the latest information indicated that Sieg was dead. He had pronounced himself as dead and was handed back to his enemies. Porco is close to tears when he discovers that the man who they always fought for with passion was in fact an utter traitor of the worst kind.

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Peak set out to find Eren Jager at the headquarters of the military for the Shiganshina District and posed as a member of with him. In order to show her sincerity she agreed to reveal the exact location of the other Mahr infiltrators on the roof.

They climbed up the roof, and then walked through the main room , which was crowded with soldiers who Peak welcomed, among they were Porco who had slipped into the room disguised as an officer from the Pro-Jager. 

Eren requested what the location of the enemy was she pointed to the enemy and at that point, Porco sitting on the floor below, changed into the form of a Jaw Titan and struck the roof, right where Eren stood. Eren was unable to walk in the process, but was transformed into an assaulting Titan. The Mahr army arrived in this exact moment and began the second Battle of Shinganshina.Gaby along with Peak were bound to each other and to release them, they had no other choice than cutting off Peak’s arms on her demand. Peak was then able to transform , without risk of harming Gaby in his transformation process., and then left in the direction of Gaby, despite the girl in the mouth of his. Porco was also able to leave the roof on his titan.In the following days, he came help his friend Battleship Titan, Reiner who was battling to defeat Eren to become the Afflicting Titan. He was able to slash him with a vengeance from behind with the intention of making him pay for the destruction of his city, and then humiliating Eren by making his Titan a nucker take out the owner who was his Weapon Hammer Titan in their earlier battle.

 Despite being lost in battle by Eren in their battles against the other one, this one was defeated by two, they put the other in difficult situations. But this one defends his position with force making use that is his Hydra Weapon, the titan of Hammer producing massive ice spikes that slash his adversaries.

They are freed, and they dodge those who follow. Reiner used a spike to attack his master while Porco attacked with his titan, but Eren noticed it was coming then sent it flying off.

Sieg was on the scene with his Bestial Titan following taking out the five Mahr Airships of the Army in the compound of his district using rocks. He then fired an attack on Jaw Titan. Jaw Titan putting it out of action for a time.

He later witnessed that his old captain tumble off at the very top of Maria wall following a cannon blast at the Magath family..After hearing an Mahr officer shout that the Owner of the Original Titan was headed towards the spot that there was the Bestial Titan had fallen and the fact that he was going to be eaten fast The Titan still managed to find the strength to stab to the Assaulting Titan in his leg, but it was the Assaulting Titan was able to gain the upper hand in a short time. The punches which Jaw Titan took Jaw Titan received were so brutal that the head was cut off.

Reiner was unaware of the extent of the harm, yelled at Porco to be up. He slapped the head of the titan. This brought back the memories of his brother telling Reiner with tears in his eyes that he’d arranged that he be placed in Porco’s house to ensure his safety. As he heard this, tears rushed to his eyes when Reiner realized the severity in the circumstances. 

He had fought for his right to be an armed warrior, and he wanted to honour his brother who was a brother that was determined to shield him from everything was rushing towards. Then Eren was fatally injured him. Even being able to regenerate his titan could not be enough to save Eren.Kord arrived, and declared the fact that brother Falco had consumed wine that contained the brain fluid. He then begged Sieg to calm his scream a bit to save his brother. Sieg replied and said that he was able to comprehend how was going through his mind for his brother, and assured him that he did not regret having to shout. Porco after hearing Sieg’s verdict, was sad, because Kord was willing to put his life at risk to defend Falco like Marcel had attempted to help the latter, but it was not going to work and another family member would be killed. Sieg shouted.

He unleashed Falco and transform into an ape upon Reiner. In the belief that Sieg was killed by Magath’s gunfire as well as believing that The Great Breaking would not take place, Reiner broke the stiffening of his neck, allowing his body to be devoured by Falco. In that instant, Porco emerged from his Titan and showed his gruesome wound to Reiner and announcing his imminent death and told him that the he would not be dead in vain. 

The voice of his voice had changed into the Falco Titan away from the Dreadnought Titan and it roared at him. When the Titan consumed him, he admitted to his companion that he had viewed the memories of his brother, and confirmed the suspicions he had that he was more successful than him.

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Skills AND ABILITIES Porco Galliard Aot

Porco was, in contrast to his fellow fighters and his comrades, didn’t seem to be in any area where his skills were superior, however, after undergoing rigorous training, and mastery of his titan, which allows him to gain an attack force that is higher than that of His predecessor and Ymir.

POWER OF TITANS Porco Galliard Aot


His titan was extremely fast. speed, allowing him to astonish his opponent, which was on numerous occasions in The The Titan assailant.

AGILITY Porco Galliard Aot

He can easily scale the wall using his formidable claws, and take impressive leaps which is a huge advantage when fighting Paradise fighters with three-dimensional equipment. Three Dimensional Anti-Human Equipment.

Power Porco Galliard Aot

It is primarily a result of its jaw, which is able to be bent by railroad tracks or smash by forming titanic crystallization.


It represented the black mark on his titan. Similar to the Titan Charrette and his regenerative capabilities were restricted. Porco during his participation in 2nd Battle of Shinganshina had an area of his face that was destroyed in the battle of Shinganshina by the Titan assailant and was unable to regenerate the fatal wound.

RELATIONS Porco Galliard Aot

Marcel Galliard

Porco loved his brother greatly. He was also a role model for his brother. When he heard of his passing the following day, he was deeply saddened and angry with Reiner who he sacrificed his life. 

He didn’t know about the love his brother had for him and had no idea the risk he took to save his life by persuading the examiner to not choose himself as the owner of Dreadnought Titan for the purpose of defend him. In reality, he only realized this in the final minutes of his life following Eren mortally injured his head in fierce combat in The 2nd Battle of Shinganshina, injuring half his head.

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Porco as well as Reiner were rivals in the battleship. Contrary to the Gaby-Falco rivalry there was rivalry between the two men. One of them accused one of not having gained his position for Warrior aspirants. The other accused the other accused him of being a traitor in the making by criticizing Mahr’s propaganda. There were times when they were at war. Porco was angry of the fact that Reiner was chosen over Porco, particularly since Reiner ridiculed Porco in the course of their conversation. The fact that his elder brother had passed away to save him , and that he took over his personality further aggravating his anger. Even as an adult the man held several grievances. However there were some subtleties. Porco was sometimes helpful to Reiner such as when he told him that Gaby was gone and then handed him a bottle of liquor to help him relax.


Porco was a good friend to Peak and there was some comity both personally and professionally. Peak used to tease Porco, calling his name from time-to-time “Pokko” or “Gradub”, since he was the only person in the group who was not a bit overweight, which irritated him.


He was adored and admired by everyone. It was evident in particular when he believed that Sieg was killed at the hands of Livai and lost control, thereby causing the destruction in his weapon, the Weapon Hammer Titan, and as he discovered about the possibility that Sieg had been a traitor during the gathering with The Warrior Unit convened by Magath in the aftermath of The Battle of Revelio, where Sieg seemed to be the most affected by the news. This is attributed to it being the case it was clear that Peak Finger and Kord Gleis were already thinking about Sieg and Theo Magath. For Reiner although Reiner was not expressing his thoughts on the subject and was sad but he was only amazed. In his participation in the Second Battle of Shinganshina he continued to refer to Reiner in the form of “the the captain” even though he’d been made an adversary.


Porco comes from an Italian word which translates to “pig” or “dirty”. He is the sole member of his class who does not have participated in Operation Paradise Island. In the animated series, Porco is at the side of Reiner at the time of the festival, and is able to benefit as do other Aspiring Warriors from Reiner’s generosity through the purchase of many meals.