Rikiya Yotsubashi is a Japanese journalist and author who has written extensively on the Japan-Korea relationship. She is the founder and editor-in-chief of the online magazine “The Korea Times.” Yotsubashi has been in Seoul for more than two years, working as a correspondent for “The Korea Times” and as an opinion columnist for “The Japan Times.” She has also worked as a foreign correspondent for “The New York Times” and “The Wall Street Journal.” Yotsubashi is the author of two books about the Korean Peninsula: “A History of Korea: From Joseon to North Korea” (2008) and “Korea: A New History” (2012). She is also a contributing writer to several magazines, including “Commentary,” “Foreign Affairs,” and “Slate.”

Rikiya later joined up with his group along with League of Villains to create a group known as”the Paranormal Liberation Front. He resigned his leadership position over to Tomura Shigaraki and became one of the nine lieutenants in the organization.

APPEARANCE Rikiya Yotsubashi

Rikiya Yotsubashi is a tall, witty middle-aged man who has an elongated, sharp nose and square chin along with dark, small eyes. He has short, orange-base hair, with a few big curves that are and a sloping back. There are no eyebrows visible however, he does have two dark moles that are located on the left on his forehead. It is due to his Gift that causes him to lose his hair rapidly. If he’s upset, an angry area appears around his eyes. it’s like an eye mask.As a young man He wore a dress identical to what he wears today. When he was an adult, he had an identical appearance, but was different in his hairstyle and a fringe that was placed across the forehead. Also, He had small eyebrows.In addition, He is always dressed in a suit which consists of a green t-shirt, an emerald tie, along with a dark suit with the appropriate trousers. He also carried a black hat and coat to his shoulders when attending MLA leaders.After losing the battle against Tomura He lost both legs. He had to lose for his safety. In the absence of his legs, he swung around in a machine chair.After a while after that, he began walking due to his legs that were mechanical.

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PERSONALITY Rikiya Yotsubashi

At first glance, Rikiya Yotsubashi appears to be someone who is a normal, everyday citizen. He is usually calm and isn’t apprehensive when people ridicule him or his staff and believes in an environment where people with different Gifts live better lives.But, this persona is only a facade because he is a believer in his father’s belief that Gifts are a right to be free and not be controlled by authorities. Rikiya will not be afraid to murder and torture others to achieve his goals . He is not tolerant of insulting his father or the MLAs. In the event that his Secretary Miyashita says that he is Destro an armed terrorist, he cuts his neck and kills Destro in the open. But he expresses regret over his actions by mourning his employee. He feels a bond and admiration for his colleagues and was deeply saddened by the loss of Curious who was killed at the hand by Himiko.He is not happy with the characters and their actions, frequently depicting the enemies as a result of their savage actions. In spite of his many talents and talents, he is of the opinion that people who have various Gifts are still being regarded as racially savage by the social system. The idea that you can be a victim an option that those who are persecuted choose to take since they are left with no alternative. He makes use of this belief to form his philosophies and claims that in a world with granted Gifts that are liberated there would be no need to be targeted for retribution.He slams some people as superior when he calls Tomura and his group simply a bunch of hooligans. He also believed that Tomura was not a basic or proper education.In spite of his pride, Tomura is aware of the dangers posed by his adversaries and rejects Tomura immediately after the rebuilding of his gift. In the aftermath of loss, he is aware of the loss. He prohibits his subordinates from take on a threatening manner without a reason, because they would be making an unneeded sacrifice. He can alter his opinion of others when he turns the power over the reigns to Tomura and follows his. Rikiya is able to admit to his error in the moment he announces his mistake when he abdicates his leadership duties. His new leader is the one the leader shows his remorse and respect.He appears to be an emotional unstable person who is often changing his mood. This occurs when his happy and calm attitude changes when heroes assault his base.

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general abilities as one of the leaders of the Liberation Army, Rikiya is a highly well-known and powerful individual and has a highly effective utilization of his Meta ability. In the face of the terrifying antagonist Twice as well as the various clones that he created using his gift, Double, Rikiya stood still and fought off the clones while standing still. In his Stress form Rikiya was able defeat Tomura as one of Tomura’s leaders in his League of Villains, and eliminate the majority parts of his left arm.. when Tomura was experiencing an awakening and a rise in physical strength, Rikiya was still able to take on Tomura through a change in his Meta abilities to a higher level, Rikiya sent Tomura flying across Deika’s city. Deika.After being unable to walk due to Tomura, Rikiya has been required to use prosthetics. They are unable to bear the entire burden of the Gift as was evident in his fight against Tsukuyomi in which the latter was able to beat Rikiya after breaking his legs.

Stamina Enhanced: Re-Destro has great endurance, and survived the fall that resulted from Tomura’s destruction to the building, and emerge without injury. This feat caused Tomura realize that he was the chief in the MLA.

The Company Director: Rikiya is the CEO of Detnerat which is a company that specializes on clothing as well as other accessories designed for those who have “abnormal” bodies.Tactical Intellect Rikiya was the one who created the scenario that drove to bring the League of Villains into war with the MLA. He was able to analyze numerous details and accurately conclude that the League of Villains had no Nomu to hand. After destroying a significant portion of Tomura’s left hand , and finding that Decay was still active , and the fingers of Tomura weren’t making contact with each other, Rikiya was able to determine that Tomura was experiencing an awakening that allowed his Der to change under certain conditions. Rikiya also observed Tomura’s increase in speed and observed that should Tomura had the newly enhanced physical characteristics in his participation in the Kamino Incident, Tomura would likely have destroyed at the very most one or two Pro Heroes during that event even without his Gift.Ability to Lead: Rikiya was previously the Grand Commander of the newly created Liberation Army. A armed force that has more than 100,000 members.

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stress  The Meta Ability allows him to take all the frustration and anger he experiences in order to turn it into strength. Once he has access to this power as a result, his strength and size are significantly increased. Because of his fact that he needs to repress stress to be able to use his Meta Ability during combat and battle, it has the unintended result of making him lose hair early in the process.

Strength Boost: By using his Meta Ability, Rikiya Yotsubashi gains an enormous increase in strength.  One finger was sufficient to take out a clone Twice made, and one powerful arm destroyed numerous League of Villains clones in one swift swoop.  Rikiya was able to quickly destroy the majority of Tomura’s left hand using two of his large fingers. Greater speed: By activating his gift using only the one hand, Rikiya could strike fast enough to eliminate the Twice replica before it could react.  If he activated his gift across his entire arm it was possible to make an attack that was fast enough to eliminate multiple clones from Twice as well as other participants from the League of Villains, with the only exception of Tomura.

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