Shinobu Sensui is one of the most notorious and feared criminals in Japan. He is also one of the most prolific killers in history, having killed over 100 people. Sensui was born on October 10, 1941, in the town of Kamioka, Japan. At a young age, he showed an interest in martial arts and began training under a master swordsman. In 1963, Sensui left Japan to travel around the world. He eventually settled in Brazil, where he started working as a bodyguard for a wealthy businessman. In 1974, Sensui returned to Japan and started working as a bouncer at a nightclub in Tokyo. That same year, he met Yoko Shimomura, who was then working as a hostess at the club. The two quickly became friends and began dating. In 1976, Shimomura gave birth to their son; however, Sensui never officially adopted him. In 1978, Sensui moved to Hawaii and started working as a bodyguard for another businessman. That same year, he met his future wife Yuko Kobayashi while she was out shopping with her mother. The two married two years later and had two more children together before divorcing in 1992. In 1993, Sensui moved back to Japan and started working as the head chef at an expensive restaurant called “The House of Flowers.” However, his time there was short-lived; he was fired from his job after only six months due to complaints from other employees about his erratic behavior and violent tendencies. Sensui’s criminal career began in 1994 when he killed four people – including three members of the Yakuza – during an attempted robbery at their headquarters in Kobe City,. He was later convicted of these crimes and sentenced to death by hanging . However , his sentence was commuted to life imprisonment due to public outcry over his crimes . In 2002 , Sensui escaped from prison by breaking out through ..

Appearance Shinobu Sensui

Shinobu Sensui was a tall, broad shouldered, long-limbed man with tan skin, an ovoid jewel in the middle of his forehead and a rather long neck. He normally kept his hair slicked back, with a bang arching slightly over his forehead. He wore a casual long-sleeved gray shirt, dark gray jeans with a matching black belt on his waist and a matching shoes making his outfit into a shades of gray.

Though the unusual length of his limbs gave the illusion of a slender build, on one occasion after he lost his shirt it was seen that his torso was quite muscular. This occasion also revealed that his torso, shoulders and arms were all covered with a great deal of heavy scarring, which Sensui inflicted upon himself as part of his combat training. His Kazuya personality also has the ability to morph his right hand and part of his forearm into a gun barrel.

In his Defense Form while utilizing his Sacred Energy, his long sleeve gray shirt is covered in a yellow spirit armor with light yellow sleeves to cover his arms, a yellow loincloth which is connected to his gray shirt adorned with a white belt and a matching sash which is hanging loose in each sides on his belt, light yellow pants with light cyan kneepads on his knees and his black shoes from his casual outfit. He wears a yellow steel pointy hat which it was connected to his yellow armor.

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Personality Shinobu Sensui

The original Shinobu Sensui personality, before his madness took hold, held extreme black and white views on the nature of the world. As such, he was as virtuous as humanly possible to those whom he considered righteous, but was utterly ruthless with regard to all those who he believed to be evil. This perspective enabled him to kill demons for years, often quite brutally, without feeling even the slightest hint of regret or remorse. However, his views of the world began to change somewhat after meeting the demon Itsuki, who was accepted by Shinobu as his partner despite being a demon. According to preceding Spirit Detective Kuroko Sanada, Sensui was said to have had an air of someone with many thoughts on their mind; always thinking in order to keep himself sane and afloat.

His views on the natures of humans and demons were turned disastrously upside down after witnessing a horrifying ritualistic celebration known as “The Feast of Human Vices”, at which humans were sadistically torturing demons to death for their own pleasure. Seeing that humans were capable of evils at least as great as those of the demons, Sensui’s mind snapped.

Unable to cope not only with the contradiction to his black and white views of the world, but the fact that he had unwittingly slaughtered many demons who may not have deserved it, Sensui went on a murderous rampage and butchered virtually all of the attendees. The rampage, combined with Sensui’s guilt and his inability to adapt his thought processes to reality, caused him to develop dissociative identity disorder, creating the first of his additional personalities, the sadistic murderer Kazuya, to take responsibility for all the killing he had done.

Upon his reemergence from the recesses of his psyche during his first fight with Yusuke, the original Shinobu personality retained the polite demeanor of his youth, but was openly and obviously deranged, laughing madly when he activated his Sacred Energy for the first time. He also appeared to have little issue both hurting and killing at least humans without any mental shielding from his additional personalities, as he not only killed Yusuke but rather sadistically broke his arm while making a pun about it.

However in the anime, he was visibly disturbed by having to kill numerous encroaching demons while in Demon World, and he had a curious sense of honor which shone through when he allowed Kuwabara, Kurama and Hiei to attempt to avenge Yusuke’s death. He was also extraordinarily intelligent, and was able to successfully manipulate, predict, and outmaneuver all of Spirit World’s greatest assets and planners to succeed in not only opening a tunnel to demon world, but destroying the Kekkai Barrier.

Possibly due to creating six other personalities to specialize in certain tasks, Shinobu has been known to be more complete than the other six personalities as it was stated his anger, calmness and the other polarizing aspects of his personality come together. It is implied this “completeness” is required to master Seikoki as Shinobu stated he is the only one to be able to use Seikoki.

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Extra Personalities

As Shinobu Sensui fomented his plan to wipe out humanity, he developed six other personalities to both carry out and take responsibility for all the immoral actions he would need to perform. As he developed more and more of these personalities, his original self rarely ever surfaced at all. For instance, Sensui’s second confrontation with Yusuke was the first time the original Shinobu Sensui personality had expressed itself in many months prior. Four of these six are nameless (in the official story), and three of these four have tasks for which they were created. These three personalities were never named in the manga or anime, but were described by the author in a later interview.

The personalities are:

Minoru, is the orator and suave manipulator, and is in control for most of the Chapter Black saga. He was created to persuade the six other psychics to join his cause. He is described by Itsuki as a prideful man who talks too much. Of the known personalities, he is the second spiritually strongest after Shinobu. He shares his name with Minoru Kamiya, Sensui’s comrade in the Chapter Black saga. His color in Shinobu’s mind is light green (talking with his other personalities for the last time) or purple (when Itsuki talks about the other personalities, the one looking the calmest is purple which fits right with his trademark purple energy aura and attacks). Minoru seems to echo Shinobu’s sentiments, showing passionate kindness to animals, as proved when he allows a butterfly to rest on his finger before he started his fight with Yusuke in earnest. Kazuya is a violent foul-mouthed personality, formed in the wake of the breakdown Shinobu suffered upon crashing the Feast of Human Vices all those years ago. His emergence causes the formation of a gun barrel over his whole right hand, but he is not the strongest of the seven personalities. He was the killing specialist of the known personalities, deriving sadistic pleasure from incapacitating his victims, and was known to kill puppies and small children for his amusement. He says that he was created to do the dirty work; all the stuff that Shinobu and the others couldn’t tolerate, much less do. As such, he is the physical manifestation of Shinobu’s hatred towards humanity. He shares his name with Kazuya Hatanaka, the second husband of Shiori Minamino (Kurama’s human mother). He seems to possess great physical strength, but apart from a surprise attack with his hidden gun, he was by far the least effective personality in his attempt to fight Yusuke. In Shinobu’s mind, he is represented by the color red, likely for the bloodshed he causes. Despite being the killing specialist, Yusuke mentioned that Kazuya was actually too weak to beat him and he stated Minoru would stand a better chance against him than Kazuya would. This implies the only reason Kazuya backed Yusuke into a corner was because he was caught off guard since he was not aware of Sensui’s split personalities until Minoru switched to Kazuya and used his hidden gun. Naru is a childish and sensitive female figure in charge of Sensui’s non-violent emotions, oftentimes emerging late at night to cry over the implications of the plan. She appears to emerge only in front of Itsuki and, according to him, composes the most beautiful poetry he’s ever heard. This personality is the one that he loves, second only to Shinobu, and he goes so far as to imply that the two of them are in love. Like Sensui, she cares about the Human Realm, but understands humans must die for their sins. Her color in Shinobu’s mind is green. This personality is not named in the English dub. George is a master of all types of weapons that Sensui may need, and he may have Kazuya’s gun(though Itsuki states that only Kazuya can form the gun). It is implied through the anime that George is also foul mouthed like Kazuya, but leans to be more cynical then deranged. His color in Shinobu’s mind is light blue. Makoto takes care of the burdening errands that Sensui would have to deal with: shopping, cooking, cleaning, driving, etc. It is implied through the anime that Makoto is the one with his eyes shut and never speaking both when Itsuki explains Sensui’s personalities and in the background with George while he sarcastically remarks about Shinobu’s extreme love for the world. His color in Shinobu’s mind is orange. Hitoshi is the part of Sensui that cares the most about animals and plants. He was the one who likely convinced the five other personalities that the ningenkai’s only problem was humans. It is implied that Hitoshi is the one that looks somewhat disgusted during Itsuki’s explanation of Sensui’s personalities. In Shinobu’s mind he is yellow.

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Powers and Abilities Shinobu Sensui

Shinobu Sensui was a very powerful human, noted himself to have more than ten times the spiritual energy than Yusuke in their fight. When Sensui started releasing his Sacred Energy, Hiei mentions that if Sensui was a demon, his energy levels would have been S-class, even though he was still suppressing his true power and openly saying that he was using less than half.

Sensui’s power was so great, that he held a distinct advantage over Yusuke, even in his demon form. According to Raizen, Yusuke’s demon ancestor and the most powerful of the Three Kings, Sensui would’ve eventually killed Yusuke had he not interfered, despite that Yusuke had been revived as a mazoku.

Additionally, it should be noted that these judgments of Sensui’s power were made at a time during which he was so ill that he was judged to have about two weeks left to live. Sensui is also shown to have very sharp senses. Despite Sensui having more than enough power to overwhelm Yusuke, Sensui’s instincts were hesitant to do so. It was revealed the reason behind Sensui’s hesitation was because his instincts sensed Yusuke’s dormant demon blood and knew killing Yusuke would trigger his rebirth.

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Fighting Style

Resshūken : An elegant fighting style that is only available to fighters that have mastered all other forms of martial arts. This style is considered to be the strongest, most elegant, school of martial arts in existence and relies on fast footwork in order to focus on fending off enemy attacks with the arms and using the legs to counterattack with powerful kicks. 

Genkai was the one to identify and name this fighting style during the first confrontation between Sensui and Yusuke. The English dubs pronounce this as “Reshuyuken.” As a result of his training for this martial art, his physique is extremely well developed, to the point where Yusuke compared hitting him to punching a tractor tire. At one point, after punching Sensui repeatedly in the stomach, Yusuke had to take a somewhat comical time-out while Sensui was down to nurse his battered hand.

By adding Spirit Energy to this style, Shinobu Sensui created a new fighting style that he calls Reikō Resshūken , which Kurama describes as “energy and style as one“. Reiko Resshuken often involves him creating orbs of spirit energy with his hands, which he then kicks toward the opponent, enhancing their offensive force. The English dubs pronounces this as “Rayko Reshuyuken. ”As Kazuya, Sensui fights in a more brutal, sadistic manner. As the origional Sensui, his fighting style completely changes once he activates his Sacred Energy, because the style depends on which type of armor he has activated: the ultimate defense or the ultimate offense.