Smokers are one of the most popular groups in the world, and for good reason. They have a lot to offer smokers, both in terms of health and social benefits. Here are some things you need to know about smokers:

  1. Smoking is not smoking Smoking is the act of taking a cigarette or cigar into your mouth and inhaling the smoke. Smoking is not just taking a drag on a cigarette or sucking on a cigar. It’s taking all of the smoke from a tobacco product, which can be harmful to your health.
  2. Smoking is addictive Smoking is addictive because it’s something that we can’t help but do. We need cigarettes to make us feel happy and satisfied, and smoking gives us that feeling. It also increases our risk for developing lung cancer, heart disease, and other diseases.

Biography Smoker One Piece

In One Piece, Vice-Admiral, G-5 commander. Also known as White Chase Smoker.

He can transform his body into smoke by using the Logia Devil Fruit (or “Plume Plume Fruit”) power. Jutte can turn the power of an opponent’s devil fruit with his Sea-Prism Stone-tipped weapon.

After meeting Luffy at Logue Town, the Grand Line has been following him in pursuit. He tenaciously attempts to capture Luffy, even though he escaped. He is not a good listener and will ignore orders, but he is loyal to his crew.

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Appearance Smoker One Piece

Smoker is a light blue/green-colored man with a long, wavy hair. He has two distinctive features: he can always be seen smoking two cigars simultaneously and smoke coming out of his mouth because of the Plume Plume Fruit.

The Young Past Days

He wore the same hairstyle that he did as a child. His face appears to be dirty with a runny nose, and a bandage on his forehead. It looks as though he has just been in a fight with someone. He wore a simple white shirt with a pair of glasses around his neck. He wore simple black pants and black boots. He wore a pair mittens or boxing gloves, and carried a baseball bat with a few nails inside. He was also accompanied by an exhausted dog.

His hairstyle was a military-style buzz cut during his time as a cadet. He also smoked cigars but only one at a time.

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A large, thick, blue specialist marine jacket is worn by him. It has a greenish fur lining his neck, wrists and hem. On the jacket’s back is the Japanese kanji ” justice“, (Zheng Yi, Seigi). The jacket is strapped with many cigars. A Seaprism Stone-tipped Jitte is his weapon. However, it was broken during the Battle of Marineford by Boa Hancock. He also has a pair of brown leather gloves and blue jeans, with a belt that is brown, and large, military-issue brown leather boots. He also rides a custom-made motorbike, giving off the impression that he is a criminal marine.

The manga shows that the fur of the man’s coat was originally blue. It was later changed to dark brown and then modified to match the anime. However, it has a lighter tone and green zips.

He was not wearing his jacket during his time on the Grand Line. However, he did have a subordinate to carry it. He was seen wearing his jitte on his back with a number of belts. On his right chest was a scar.


His hair was dyed a light white after the timeskip. It is now longer and slicked down, with the sides cut shorter. The scar from his forehead to his right side shows that he is wearing sunglasses. He also wore the Navy’s traditional military coat over his outfit, draped over his shoulders as a cape and topped with his jitte. Vergo on Hazard broke it. He is one of few high-ranking marines, more specifically a vice admiral, to not wear a standard suit.

Hair color: Light Blue-Green (debut), white (after timeskip). Skin color: Not knownEye color: BrownAge: 34 (debut), 36 (after timeskip)Birthday: Not KnownHeight:Weight:

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Personality Smoker One Piece

Smoker is a veteran Marine who was first introduced to the story in Logue town. Smoker, unlike many Marines in One Piece does not adhere to the rule of Absolute Justice. He follows his own code and preaches it to Tashigi. The Straw Hat Pirates can remain free despite being pirates during Alabasta Incident. Smoker’s view of justice allows them to do so. After learning that Zoro had been ordered by Luffy, he let Luffy go. After Luffy’s stupid comment, he lost his temper and quickly walked away. Luffy was warned by him that he would try to arrest him as a marine the next time they met.

Smoker was also averse to taking credit in Alabasta’s victory over Crocodile for the Straw Hats, cursing even the World Government when they tried to reward him.

Smoker is also very perceptive. Because he saw similarities with Gol D.Roger in Luffy, he became very interested in him. He also began to follow Luffy, which he continues to do even today. He often wondered if it was a coincidence that Luffy appeared on the anniversary of Roger’s execution and created such a vortex.

Smoker is a ruthless pirate fighter and will fight them with all his might. He expects that pirates will not be merciful towards him. This is why he was surprised when Zoro saved Luffy from drowning. He was forced to leave Luffy’s crew and move on.

Smoker, on the other hand is committed to global justice against criminals, pirates and terrorists. He will not forget those who forsake law and escape his grasp. Although he seems to agree with Garp and Kuzan’s “moral justice”, he recognizes that not all marines can be as noble as their images suggest and that not all allies should be trusted blindly.

He has a tendency to harbor grudges against pirates who have escaped from him. He prepares for a tough battle and plans to capture Portgas D Ace. After Luffy interrupts them unexpectedly and throws them through many walls, Smoker barely recognizes Ace as soon as he spots Luffy. He simply shoves Ace to the ground, and he prepares for Luffy, his primary target.

Smoker treats his subordinates the same way as his peers. He never abuses his position. Tashigi, his subordinate, is also brusque.

When Smoker decides to abandon his current activities and pursue Luffy, he demonstrates his obstinate disposition. Smoker is not a follower of the established idea of justice. He prefers to live up to his own code. Luffy and Smoker meet for the first time in their lives.

Smoker is a serious, gruff man. He rarely smiles, if ever. Smoker is often sharp and sarcastic towards anyone he perceives as a nuisance. He also gets annoyed and angry at stupidity and silly antics that disrupt his peace. He is driven and passionate about protecting innocent people and his subordinates. He will be extremely angry at those in power who claim to protect them but are actually manipulating or deceiving them.

Smoker appears to have a passion for rock balancing, first seen in Logue Town. Smoker doesn’t like loud noises around him as it distracts from his focus. Smoker is also skeptical of the Seven Sea Warlords because he views them as pirates. He has been betrayed four times by Warlords in this series.

He is a gentle man despite his somber demeanour. He was in Logue Town when a little girl walked up to him and dropped her icecream on his pants. He even gave her money for a new cone. Tashigi, his subordinate is also treated with respect and protective empathy.

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Relationships Smoker One Piece





Monkey D. GarpWorld GovernmentSeven Warlords of the SeaBartholomew KumaStraw Hat PiratesMonkey D LuffyHeart PiratesTrafalgar law


Whitebeard PiratesPortgal D Ace


Revolutionary ArmyMonkey D. Baroque WorksCrocodileKuja PiratesBoa HancockDon Quixote PiratesDon Quixote DoflamingoVergo

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Abilities and powers Smoker One Piece

He is a formidable combatant. His Logia Devil Fruit skills and strength set him apart from other marines. He was in Logue town and on the brink of arresting Luffy, but he was stopped by Monkey Dragon.

After the Enies Lobby events he was not satisfied with his capture of a pirate who had a bounty worth 50,000,000 berries. Luffy confronts Smoker in Marineford and he remarks that Smoker is stronger than he was before being pinned to ground. Because of his overall strength, Smoker was able to request a transfer from G-5 to the extremely fearsome New World. This branch is known for being cruel, insane, and merciless. They are said to be insane and brutal, who feed sharks with needles or use them as kindling. Smoker was able to win their respect by following his orders.

Luffy is the only marine to beat him, with the other two being Aokiji as well Kizaru and Sentomaru. Luffy is unable to use Armament Haki because he was injured at the time.

Smoker was able, after the timeskip to cross the New World entrance easily and reach Punk Hazard. He and his crew captured some pirates that were freed from Hordy’s grasp. He was able to give Trafalgar law a difficult time during his time on Punk Hazard before he was finally defeated. He was able to strike Luffy even after he was changed to Tashigi’s physique. He also defeated Caesar’s subordinates despite not being in his original body. He was also able fight Vergo on fairly equal terms, despite Vergo’s superior mastery in Haki. Smoker’s goal was to rescue Law’s heart from this rogue Marine. He was defeated however by Don Quixote Doflamingo, another Warlord.

As Smoker demonstrated during the Alabasta Arc, he told Sanji that he would attack the third Banana Gator who entered the room. “That growl just now was identical to the one who ate my key.” He also has great strategic skills. He was able to organize the attack on the pirates at the plaza, during Buggy’s attempt of execution, in a matter of minutes.



Physical Disabilities

Smoker’s strong build is evident. He was able to leap about two stories without difficulty while holding Luffy down and keeping him there. This feat is remarkable considering Luffy’s inhuman physical power.

Smoker is now significantly stronger in fighting and physical strength after the two-year timeskip. He can fight against Trafalgar Law in battle, and he can also use his Devil Fruit powers to fight Vergo, one of the most powerful members of the Don Quixote Pirates.

He is also extremely resilient and durable. After receiving a Haki-enhanced kick by Boa Hancock, his attacks are strong enough for them to shatter stone, Pacifistas armour, and even a few pieces of Pacifistas , Hancock kicked him to get off Luffy.

He was able to withstand the powerful blows of Vergo repeatedly, and even in severe injury, he survived Vergo’s Demon Bamboo attack, which is strong enough to smash steel with the shock.

Fighting Style

Devil Fruit

Main article:Plume-Plume Fruit

The Plume-Plume Fruit, also known as Moku Moku No Mi, or Moku OkunoShi, is a Logia-type Devil Fruit that allows Smoker to manipulate, control, and transform smoke into his will. He’s a Smoke Human (Yan Ren Jian, Kemuri Naingen). He can alter the smoke’s density to make it thicker or thinner, which allows him to constrict and hold others in it. He can fly, just like most Logia users. His lower body becomes smoke and he propels himself like a rocket.

He does not seem to have any exploitable weaknesses at this stage, other than the standard Devil Fruit weaknesses. This is due to his intangible ability. His current control over his powers means that the only way to injure Smoker, other than through the use Haki (as Hancock did during their brief battle) or the standard Devil Fruit weaknesses, is by using Hai .

Smoker uses his smoke power to power his motorbike, The Billower Bicycle for on-land transportation.


These are the named techniques Smoker uses to use Devil Fruit:

(howaitosukurin Howaito Sukurin).
The Smoker makes his entire body a dense smoke cloud and then quickly attacks his enemies while they are confused.
 This attack was used first against pirates who were attacking the port.
 This is Smoke Screen in the English anime dub.
The Smoker uses normal smoke to engulf and trap his opponent.  This can be used to entrap many people simultaneously while Smoker’s troops prepare to arrest him.  This attack was first used against Buggy Pirates.  This is Smoke out in the English anime dub. White Blow : The Smoker fires dense smoke from his arms at his opponent to blast him hard.  He can trap his opponent with the White Out attack after striking.  Another variation of this attack is where he makes his opponent’s arm into smoke, and then launches the fist at him as a long-range punch.  This attack was his first attempt in Logue Town. He did it because he wanted to help his captain who was being held captive by Smoker and his vicious force.  Sanji was hit directly in the upper body, and then he was thrashed against an upright pillar.  This attack is White Fist by the Viz Manga and Smoke Blow by the anime dub. White Snake: The Smoker fires a lungful of dense smoke out of his hand and follows the opponent until it hits them.  He may then start thrashing his opponent around.  He follows Monkey D. Luffy across many rooftops until his prey escapes.  This is Smoke Snake in the English anime dub. White Spark : The Smoker turns his entire body into a dense smoke cloud and charges at his opponent.  Smoker’s White Blow had blocked Ace’s Kagero. Now Smoker uses this attack.  This attack is known as Smoke Spark in the English anime dub. White Vine: To trap his enemies, or grab an airborne target, Smoker turns into a spiraling column.  Smoker attempts to capture Luffy using this technique, but he blows away the smoke with a Gum Gum Balloon and escapes.  This is Smoke Stack in the English anime dub. White Launcher: The Smoker turns into smoke, launches himself at his opponent and then re-solidifies, pins him down with the Nanashaku Jitte.  It was first used in Marineford against Luffy.  This is Smoke Launcher in the English anime dub. White Cloud : The Smoker hurries diagonally, while the airbone in his lower-half transforms into smoke.  It was seen in Grand Battle! 2. White Shoot: After knocking the enemy to the ground, Smoker sprints with kick and his lower-half transforms into smoke, much like White Cloud.  It was seen in Grand Battle! 2. White Strike : The Smoker transforms into smoke, smashing the ground with his right hand and creating a shockwave that traps his enemies.  This is called Smoker’s Unique Action in Pirate Warriors 3.  In English, this attack is called Smoke Strike. White Hound: The Smoker turns into smoke and emits dense smoke into large circles around him.  He draws enemies around him to the center and attacks them quickly with a rapid succession of strikes from his jitte.  It is Smoker’s second Special Attack.  In English, this attack is called Smoke Hound. Jitte Dance (Shi Shu Luan Wu, Jitte ranbu): The Smoker swings the Jitte several times for horizontal strikes and hits the enemy into the air before turning around to deliver a final blow that knocks out multiple foes.  It is the first Special Attack of Smoker in One Piece – Pirate Warriors 3. White Blow Rush (howaitoburoratsushiyu, Howaito Buro Rasshu): Smoker hits an enemy with his jitte, then uses White Blow repeatedly and hits the enemy again with his weapon.  This move was first seen in Burning Blood.


Main articleHaki

Smoker could not use Haki before the timeskip. However, he did have some knowledge.

He was promoted to Vice Admiral during the timeskip. This confirms that Smoker has the ability. This is also proven in the fight against Trafalgar Law when Smoker remarks to Tashigi about her Haki not being at a level that would permit her to oppose Law’s powers. It can be implied that he can use Haki to defeat a Devil Fruit’s powers, claiming he is the only one who can do it.

He landed a punch that rendered his hand and a portion of his arm completely black during his fight with vergo. This was an example of Armament Haiki. Later, he did the same with Vergo’s elbow as he struck him in the face. He can also infuse his Nanashaku Jitte using his Haki, just like Vergo.


One Piece

Before the Timeskip

As Buggy was getting ready for Luffy’s execution Smoker arrived at the plaza along with his men. The Marines didn’t know what to do as the pirates were fighting one another. Smoker advised the marines that they should let them fight so they can capture Alvida, Buggy and Buggy once they have cut Luffy’s head off. Buggy was about cutting Luffy’s head when Zoro, Sanji stepped in to save Luffy. Tashigi and Smoker were shocked to learn that Pirate Hunter Zoro was now part of the Straw Hat Luffy crew. Luffy apologized to his crew, saying that this was his end. He smiled and accepted the fate of his crew. Shocked, Smoker remembered Gold Roger’s execution 22-years ago. Buggy was about to murder Luffy when suddenly a lightning bolt struck. Smoker asked a marine whether he had ever seen anyone laugh at an execution platform, knowing that they would die. A marine replied that even the most wicked pirate would not be able to face death. Smoker said that this was exactly what Luffy did when he was executed 22 years ago.

“Why did he smile …?? Why? He didn’t know that he would be saved. No. He must have realized that his life was coming to an abrupt halt. Death. He accepted it. He smiled and was completely prepared.–Smoker comments on Luffy’s smile.

He realized that Luffy was escaping and ordered the first unit of his troops to take care. However, their gun powder got wet from the sudden storm. This left the port open for them to escape. Smoker was determined to capture Luffy, even though it was not the right thing. Buggy took his Chop–Chop Buggy mode, and headed towards the harbor. Alvida, who had taken off her sandals and was following her abilities, followed closely. They were stopped by Smoker, however. After the Marines had caught the Buggy Pirates, Alvida and Alvida, Smoker pursued Luffy. Alvida mentioned that her Devil Fruit powers didn’t work on the net. Buggy explained that the net was made from a special material specifically designed to capture devil fruit users.

Luffy and Sanji were entrapped by Smoker, who blocked the path to the harbor. Smoker grabbed Luffy and caused Sanji to jump into action. However, Smoker’s Devil Fruit had no effect on him. Smoker used his White Blow to blow Sanji to the ground. Luffy tried to fight back but was defeated. Smoker was about ready to deliver the final blow when a mysterious man named Dragon appeared. He stated that the entire world government was searching for him. To which he replied, “waiting for our response”. The wind suddenly blow everyone away, and Luffy and his crew were able to flee.

Smoker asked Dragon why he helped the crew escape. Dragon said that he didn’t see any reason to stop a man from achieving his destiny. Smoker, his subordinate Tashigi and Luffy set off after them, leaving his Logue Town post. He was stopped by a marine who tried to remind him about his duties to the top-ups. He said he could tell them not to order him around. He then set sail for the Grand Line to pursue Straw Hat Luffy, his crew, and other people.

Smoker had been able to intercept Mr. Smoker had managed to intercept the conversation between Mr. He was able note four keywords from the conversation: Princess Vivia Straw-Hat Mr. 0 und orders. Tashigi asked him whether Mr. 0 had anything to do with Mr. They had just caught 11 yesterday. Smoker believes that this is possible, and it could even be a sign of a secret criminal group. These claims were denied by Mr. 11, who claimed that they were too far in the dark. Smoker asked him about the meaning of the note in his pocket. The nervous Mr. 11 thought that he had probably burned “that” note. Smoker tried to explain the note but before he could go further Smoker stated that they had never found any note in Mr. 11. This shocked Mr. 11 who realized he had blown his cover.

Aokiji had planned to send Luffy a message by Smoker after he had incapacitated Luffy. However, Luffy didn’t hear the message because he was frozen at that time. He did not relay it to Luffy as he thought it was too stupid.

After the Enies Lobby incident, the Straw Hat crew received new bounties. Smoker, who was on an island in the Grand Line, had just caught a pirate for 50,000,000 Berries. He had no problem with it and even asked what had happened to the Marines standards. Tashigi, who was elevated to Ensign, approached him and asked if he’d seen the Straw Hat Pirates wanted posters. Because she was not wearing her glasses, she was really talking to a random Marine soldier. Tashigi was then informed by Smoker that they needed status to increase their limits. He also pointed out that Straw Hat pirates were becoming more well-known around the world. He then said that he would place a bet on his pride and crush them in the ” New World”.

Smoker reported that Portgas D. Ace had been executed. He also reported on the summons of the marines to reinforce Marineford.

He was seen after the war in Aokiji’s Office, asking him about his reassignment as G-5 Marine Base, New World.

During the Timeskip

When Smoker, Tashigi, and Tashigi were transferred to the G-5 Base, Vergo told them that the soldiers were rowdy and not very bright but overall they were good people.

Smoker eventually spoke with Admiral Fujitora about the events at Alabasta, and how the World Government had covered them up.

After the Timeskip

After the timeskip Smoker (promoted vice admiral and Tashigi to captain respectively) were promoted to G-5 Unit 01. After being freed from Hordy’s clutches, they captured some pirates. Tashigi was scolding her subordinates for joking around during battle. Smoker said to her that he was being interrogated and told her to keep quiet. Smoker turned to his prisoners and repeated that pirates were being slaved by Hordy, citing this as the reason why no rookies had passed Fishman Island over the past month. They are now coming out of the water almost non-stop. They then claimed that a pirate group had stopped the New Fishman Pirates’ rebellion and eventually freed them. Smoker will not be told about the pirate who liberated them, said one pirate. Another pirate urged him to speak, saying that they were dealing with G-5 and describing rumors about their torture methods. Smoker asked the marines if they could take the prisoners. One pirate said that the Straw Hat Pirates saved them. Smoker said that he knew this already.

Smoker and Tashigi were informed about Doflamingo’s defeat at Dressrosa by Law. They were happy that Issho didn’t allow the incident to be covered-up like it was with Alabasta.



Smoker vs.  Buggy Pirates, and AlvidaSmoker vs.  Monkey D. Luffy, and Saji (interrupted Monkey D. dragon); Luffy fights Smoker in the anime. Smoker vs.  Portgas D. AceSmoker and Tashigi Unnamed Pirate with 50,000,000 Berry Bounty. (unseen). Marines And Seven Warlords of the Sea vs.  Whitebeard Pirates Allies and AlliesSmoker vs. Monkey D. Luffy. (interrupted Boahancock). Boa Hancock vs. SmokerG-5 Marines vs. The Freed New Fishman Pirates’ Slave PiratesG-5 Unit 01 Marines Vs.  Trafalgar lawG-5 Unit 01 Marines vs.  CentaursMonkey D. Luffy vs. Smoker (in Tashigi’s body). Tashigi (in Smoker’s body), Tashigi(in Chaser’s Body), Nico Robin, and Franky vs Caesar Clown. (Unseen). Smoker vs.  VergoSmoker vs.  Don Quixote (interrupted Kuzan).


Smoker vs.  HallySmoker vs.  Mokey D. Luffy (Town Square, Roguetown).