The Armored Titan is a massive, armored robot that was first seen in the anime series Attack on Titan. It is one of the most powerful robots in the world and has been used by the Titans to fight against humans. The Armored Titan is made out of metal and has a number of features that make it one of the most powerful robots in the world. It has a large shield that can protect it from attacks, as well as a number of other features that make it one of the most powerful robots in the world. The Armored Titan was first seen in Attack on Titan and is one of the most powerful robots in the world. It is able to fight against humans and can easily take down any enemy.

ABILITIES Armored Titan


The armored titan can also regenerate limbs and damage, just like the other titans. His human form is also included.

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Reiner in Armored Titan form demonstrated enough strength during the Shiganshin invasion to take out the Wall of Mary’s inner gates from a run.

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His body transforms into armor. Colossal, and other titans, do not have this feature. Hanji has compared the armor to the knights’ armor of the past.

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The “Breath of Fire that appeared after the destruction of Maria’s inner gates suggests that the armored one is severely overheated. His body has overheated and his skin is reinforced, increasing the amount of steam that must escape his mouth. His body was heated enough to produce steam, and this peculiarity was demonstrated once.

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HISTOLOGY Armored Titan

Rainer Braun, Bearer Of Armor, Berthold Hoover, Marcel Galliard and Annie Leonhart were sent on a mission: to destroy all humanity within the walls, and to capture the power and will of the Titan Progenitor.Hoover broke the Shiganshina gates, and Rainer followed him to the gates at Maria’s wall. This opened the way for the unintelligent Titans to enter. Brown, Leonhart, and Hoover then mingled in the Walls to find the Titan Progenitor.

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STORYLINE Armored Titan


Five years after the Fall of Wall of Mary in the year 850 Rainer and Berthold make plans to capture Eren, Ymir, and take them with them to Marlia, their homeland. They are about to capture them when Mikasa attacks them. He overhears their conversation and cuts Rainer’s arm. They transform into their titans. Rainer grabs Eren, and he rolls down the Wall. Berthold grabs Ymir who is unconscious, and he becomes the Attacker.Rainer and Eren engage in a brief fight. Eren nearly pulls Rainer’s neck while ripping off Rainer’s right arm. However, Rainer is saved by the Colossal Titan’s falling body, which Eren was unable to resist due to the titan’s properties. Reiner seizes the chance to rip Eren off the Attacker’s neck, and the trio, Berthold, Ymir and themselves, run into the Forest of Giant Trees located inside the Wall of Mary. Soon, they are overtaken and attacked by the Reconnaissance Corps. Rayner opens his arms to try to pull the titans away from him. Mikasa grabs Rayner and, as they prepare to retreat Rayner starts throwing the inept titans towards the scouts. Mikasa and Eren fall from their horses and run into the Smiling Titan, who five years ago ate Eren’s mother, Carla. Eren comes in contact with him and uses the Coordinate to direct them towards the Armored One. Eren takes advantage of the situation and orders his soldiers to retreat.

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Three months after the Battle of Troost the Scout Corps arrives at Shiganshina. Eren Yeager uses his titan’s armor-formation ability to seal the inner doors of the district. Armin suspects that warriors may be nearby and offers to start a search. Shortly after, the scouts find Rainer hidden in a crack in the wall. After Levi attacks him, he plunges his sword into his neck. 

Reiner uses the titan’s special power to transfer his consciousness into another part of the nervous system so that he can transform back into an Armored Man, as well as repair the damage sustained during the attack. Rainer uses his strength to climb the wall Maria to defeat the Scout Corps horses unintentionally at the start of the battle. Rainer realizes that Eren suddenly becomes an Attacker in the city, and engages him in battle. The story’s second battle between the Attacker and the Armored Man begins.

Eren’s skin-strengthening titan abilities have helped him defeat the Armored One. But it is the Thunder Spears that will finally defeat him. This explosive weapon was developed by the Intelligence Corps. With their blasts, the spears destroy Reiner’s armor. One of them hits the head of the shifter, ripping off the top part. Rainer survives by transferring his consciousness to the titan’s nervous system. Bertolt sees this and comes to his aid.

Berthold is fighting the Scout Corps. Rainer flips Armored’s body onto his back so he can’t reach him and can safely recover. Reiner heals himself and Armored is able to rejoin the battle with Colossus. However, he has lost all memory of what happened that day. Rainer is again attacked by the Recon Corps with thundering spears. This time, they are able to open the titan’s back and remove the shifter from it.

After the battle is won, Rainer starts to be interrogated. It is futile to wait for the Warrior’s crack to happen so she sends Mikasa to Levi to obtain the serum that will make him an intelligent titan and find out about the other teams. However, Mikasa fires flare missiles upon reaching Levi. This signals to Hanji that the serum is not available. Rainer is killed immediately because of the high potential danger. Rainer is not able to be killed before Peek, dressed in a Trucker uniform, and Zeke Yeager arrive, taking Rainer, half-dead, from the hands the enemy. They escape together with him, just outside Maria’s wall. After losing Berthold and Annie, the Warriors defeat Maria’s wall to return to Marlia.

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