The Namikawa Death Note is a novel written by J.K. Rowling and published in 1997. It tells the story of a young boy, Tomoyuki Namikawa, who is given a death note by his schoolmate, Kyohei Namikawa, in order to kill his own father. The note says that if Tomoyuki fails to kill his father within 24 hours, he will be killed as well. Tomoyuki does not know what to do with the note and spends most of his time thinking about how he can get rid of his father. He eventually comes up with a plan and executes it successfully.


One of Namikawa’s best traits is his intelligence. He is extremely knowledgeable. In one instance the actor is able to fool Light Yagami (who played L) to reveal the fact that Kyosuke Higuchi was the main person of Kira’s investigation. Kira inquiry into Kira and Kira, which truly amazed his real L. Perhaps, he’s one of the few who can deceive an investigator into believing that L’s knowledge is superior to his. Namikawa joked that he was astonished at how L was able to fool him (without realizing that he was in fact playing Light). He is also the largest physically powerful person in Yotsuba and has incredible interpersonal skills and an amazing ability to influence people around him.

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Namikawa has spent six years in America. He spent six years in US as a student and has graduated at the Harvard Business School. He is father to the director Yotsuba’s American branch. Namikawa is a professional with four dan levels in the shogi. As per the Death Note 13 How to Read, Namikawa is a snob to subordinates who are useless.


It was in the spring of 2004, (anime in 2007) Namikawa was one of eight people who took part in the secret gatherings in Yotsuba following the discovery that one of them seized of Kira’s ability to kill other people. Together and Masahiko Kida Namikawa, Namikawa warned of his death should anyone try to determine if anyone from Yotsuba was connected to Kira. Namikawa further stated that it was crucial to stop the police from discovering that Kira could kill his victims through more than heart attacks.When Touta Matsuda, who was posing to be Misa Amane’s boss “Taro Matsui” at Yoshida Productions, was found in the room watching Yotsuba’s employees were unsure if he was there to be a spy or to promote Misa. It doesn’t matter if “Matsui” was a spy or not, in an evening party at Misa’s home He fell drunk off the balcony and possibly passed away. Like his fellows Namikawa was convinced “Matsui” was not a threat to them.

Yotsuba then called an emergency meeting following Kida received a phone call from a person who claimed that he is Eraldo Coil, the detective they hired to figure the identity of L. The meeting was a success, and Hator slowly became more terrified of being arrested. Namikawa, as well as Shingo Mido, noticed that “Coil” possibly knew about Yotsuba’s connections with Kira. Namikawa was convinced that he knew Kira’s thinking. Because killing criminals has already transformed the world into a new one, Kira would be more focused on money, but in improving his social standing. Namikawa was in agreement with the others in their suggestion to increase “Coil’s” fee and entice Kira to be a part of Yotsuba’s management.

The next time they met at the next meeting, one of the eight members, Arayoshi Hatori was dead. Namikawa agreed with a lot of others that it was the proper punishment for Hatori who had expressed his desire to quit the group during the final meeting. At the time of the meeting, Namikawa was contacted by a call by Light Yagami, who plays L. “L” confessed to having watched the meeting with security cameras as well as listening equipment. He also demanded that a extension of one-month to the death of future victims, which was agreed upon by the meeting. The staff from the insurer ELF along with Santarou Zenzai from the Kugisawa group. In exchange, Namikawa and anyone who wasn’t Kira will be cleared of any guilt. In the course of the call, Namikawa answered what “L” asked. He believed that the call came from a subordinate. He made an appeal to others in Yotsuba Seven to Yotsuba Seven to first let “Eraldo Coil” discover the identity of L and delay the death of the following victims for one month.

After hearing via”Coil” “Coil” that Misa Amane was once taken into custody by L Namikawa and Ooi were not convinced that it was an appropriate idea to inquire about Misa about L since the Coil should have done it by himself. In the final decision, “Coil” himself was invited to take part in misa’s conversation. Namikawa remained unsure whether “Coil” could be trusted however, in accordance with the agreement made to “L”, decided not to decide between Kira and him. Kira.

Then, Namikawa sat down with Suguru Shimura, who was at Mido’s meeting, and they both said that they’d had enough of meetings. They began to speculate about who Kira could be, and Namikawa believed that everyone knew Kyosuke Higuchi. Higuchi even though he appeared to be a nice guy was, by far, the most obscene in his spending habits and fame. If “L” called Namikawa again and revealed the truth the truth to Mido Shimura and Mido Shimura. He also expressed his suspicions regarding Higuchi and received confirmation from “L”. 

In response to “L’s” request, Namikawa informed Higuchi about the forthcoming Kira Special that will air on Sakura TV. Mido, Mido Shimura and Mido Shimura also ensured they were certain that Eiichi Takahashi Masahiko Kida, and Takeshi Ooi did not do anything to stop the show. They were assured that Higuchi was the sole person charged for the crime of Yotsuba. As Shimura and Mido were worried about the impact this might have on Yotsuba’s image, Namikawa assured them that the interests of the company and the society was their core values.L’s strategy worked and Higuchi was arrested. According to the plan Namikawa was released. But he didn’t survive for long following the arrangement of the death of L and taking over his place, Light Yagami took the life of the other five survivors of the Eight by an attack of the heart on 10 April of 2005 (Anime 2008.). In the animated version, Yotsuba’s leadership was close to a decision that would give that the group would get a fresh beginning. However, before Namikawa was able to shake Shimura’s hands, he fell across the room in front of her.