The Todoroki family is one of the most influential and well-known families in Japan. They are known for their successful businesses and their philanthropy. The Todoroki family has a long history in Japan, dating back to the 18th century. The patriarch, Todoroki Iida, was a prominent business man and politician. He was also the founder of the Japanese National Railways. His son, Todoroki II, became a powerful politician and businessman. He was also the founder of JVC Corporation. His grandson, Todoroki III, is a powerful businessman and politician who has been involved in many important projects in Japan. The Todoroki family is also well-known for their children: Iida Yoko (born 1966), Iida Toshihide (born 1969), Iida Nobuhiro (born 1971), and Iida Hiroshi (born 1975).

Membros conhecidos da família Todoroki

Enji TodorokiRei TodorokiToya TodorokiFuyumi TodorokiNatsuo TodorokiShoto Todoroki

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A família Todoroki não tem a família usual onde todos se amam e todos os dias correm bem.O tratamento de Enji com Shoto é a causa principal da maioria dos conflitos familiares. Enji forçou Shoto a se submeter a um programa de treinamento desumano desde jovem. Ele queria fazer dele um herói, que acabaria por superar todo o Poder. Shoto desenvolveu ressentimento em relação ao plano de seu pai. A ideia de se tornar o sucessor de Endeavour foi rejeitada por Shoto. Ele finalmente descartou todas as suas características que estavam associadas com seu pai. Isso inclui seu fogo peculiar . Depois de derrotar Izuku Mioriya, Shoto aceitou a parte do fogo de sua peculiaridade.

Enji parece ter pouca preocupação com seus filhos, exceto Shoto. Enji não os pressiona a treinar tanto quanto Shoto e não parece se importar tanto com eles. Ele se refere aos irmãos de Shoto como “coisas”. “Natsuo é amargo sobre Enji e se recusa a perdoá-lo por seu tratamento de sua família. Fuyumi é a mais próxima de seu pai de todas as crianças. Ela quer uma família equilibrada e uma relação normal. Shoto tem opiniões mistas sobre Enji, mas ele está orgulhoso de seu heroísmo. Ele tem sido um fracasso como figura dos pais. Enji não espera que sua esposa e filhos o perdoem. No entanto, ele quer pagar por todos os erros que fez ao longo dos anos.

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Enji Todoroki usou toda sua influência e poder para se casar com Rei. Enji queria ter um filho com uma peculiaridade poderosa, que superaria Todo O Poder. Eles não estavam apaixonados e se casaram para alcançar o objetivo pessoal de Enji.Antes de Shoto nascer com sua peculiaridade híbrida, o casal tinha uma filha e mais dois filhos. Enji tinha Toya como seu filho antes de adotar Shoto. Ele viu sua peculiaridade em Toya como uma versão mais forte e viu grande potencial nele. Toya não herdou a peculiaridade de Rei, então seu corpo foi incapaz de suportar o calor. Toya também ficou desiludido com o treinamento intenso de Enji e perdeu a cabeça. Ele ateou fogo na floresta para fingir sua morte no incêndio. Toya teria morrido durante o incidente. Apenas um pequeno fragmento de sua mandíbula foi encontrado.

Enji ensinou Shoto a ser um herói usando métodos cruéis e degradantes aos 5 anos de idade. Devido à intervenção de seu pai, Shoto não conseguiu interagir com seus irmãos. Rei tentou parar o treinamento de Atji shoto tão difícil, mas Enji insistiu que ela não treinasse com ele.Rei também foi vítima do abuso de Enji, até que ela se tornou mentalmente instável. Um dia, ela foi superada pelo lado esquerdo de Shoto. Isso a lembrou de Enji jogando água fervente sobre Shoto. Enji a levou para um hospital psiquiátrico depois deste incidente.

Shoto se formou no ensino médio e começou a odiar seu pai. Ele se inscreveu para o ensino médio dos EUA e mais tarde perdoou o pai que havia abusado quando criança. Ele se inscreveu na U.A. Enji parece ter mudado seu comportamento depois que All Might se aposentou. Ele agradeceu a All Might e disse a Shoto que ele era um pai melhor.

Fuyumi e Natsuo visitaram sua mãe, e eles têm uma ótima relação. Natsuo diz que não se lembra de seu pai e que isso mostra que Enji não se esforçou para educar seus filhos mais velhos. Rei diz aos filhos que Enji os visita secretamente. No entanto, eles nunca se conheceram pessoalmente. Natsuo acusa Enji pela morte de Toya e se recusa a perdoá-lo, apesar das tentativas de Fuyumi de reconciliar a família.

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title: “Everything You Need To Know About The Todoroki Family” ShowToc: true date: “2022-12-02” author: “Steven Wilson”

The Todoroki family is one of the most influential and well-known families in Japan. They are known for their successful businesses and their philanthropy. The Todoroki family has a long history in Japan, dating back to the 18th century. The patriarch, Todoroki Iida, was a prominent business man and politician. He was also the founder of the Japanese National Railways. His son, Todoroki II, became a powerful politician and businessman. He was also the founder of JVC Corporation. His grandson, Todoroki III, is a powerful businessman and politician who has been involved in many important projects in Japan. The Todoroki family is also well-known for their children: Iida Yoko (born 1966), Iida Toshihide (born 1969), Iida Nobuhiro (born 1971), and Iida Hiroshi (born 1975).

KNOWN MEMBERS OF Todoroki Family

Enji TodorokiRei TodorokiToya TodorokiFuyumi TodorokiNatsuo TodorokiShoto Todoroki

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The Todoroki family does not have the usual family where everyone loves one another and every day runs smoothly.Enji’s treatment of Shoto is the root cause of most family conflict. Enji forced Shoto to undergo an inhumane training program from a young age. He wanted to make him a hero, who would eventually surpass all Might. Shoto developed resentment toward his father’s plan. The idea of becoming Endeavour’s successor was rejected by Shoto. He finally discarded all his traits that were associated with his father. This includes his quirk fire. After defeating Izuku Mioriya, Shoto accepted the fire part his quirk.

Enji seems to have little concern for his children, except Shoto. Enji doesn’t push them to train as hard as Shoto and doesn’t seem to care as much about them. He refers to Shoto’s brothers as “things.” “Natsuo is bitter about Enji and refuses to forgive him for his treatment of his family. Fuyumi is the most close to her father of all the children. She wants a balanced family and a normal relationship. Shoto has mixed opinions about Enji, but he is proud of his heroism. He has been a failure as a parent figure. Enji doesn’t expect his wife and children to forgive him. However, he wants to pay for all the wrongdoings he has done over the years.

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Enji Todoroki used all his influence and power to get married to Rei. Enji wanted to have a child with a powerful quirk, which would surpass All Might. They were not in love and they married to accomplish Enji’s personal goal.Before Shoto was born with his hybrid quirk, the couple had a daughter and two more sons. Enji had Toya as his son before he adopted Shoto. He saw his quirk in Toya as a stronger version and saw great potential in him. Toya did not inherit Rei’s quirk so his body was unable to withstand the heat. Toya also became disillusioned by Enji’s intense training and lost his mind. He set a forest fire to fake his death in the wildfire. Toya was assumed to have died during the incident. Only a small fragment of his jawbone was found.

Enji taught Shoto how to be a hero by using cruel and degrading methods at the age of 5. Due to the intervention of his father, Shoto was unable to interact with his siblings. Rei tried to stop Enji’s Shoto training so hard but Enji insisted that she not train with him.Rei was also a victim to Enji’s abuse, until she became mentally unstable. One day, she was overcome by Shoto’s left side. This reminded her of Enji throwing boiling water over Shoto. Enji took her to a mental hospital after this incident. 

Shoto graduated high school and began to hate his father. He applied for U.A. Shoto graduated high school and later forgave the father he had abused as a child. He applied to U.A. Enji seems to have changed his behavior after All Might retired. He thanked All Might and told Shoto that he was a better father. 

Fuyumi and Natsuo visited their mother, and they have a great relationship. Natsuo says that he doesn’t remember his father and that this shows that Enji didn’t make the effort to educate his older children. Rei tells her children that Enji is secretly visiting them. However, they have never met in person. Natsuo accuses Enji for Toya’s death and refuses to forgive him, despite Fuyumi’s attempts to reconcile the family.

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