The Zoldyck family is one of the most powerful and influential families in the world. They are known for their wealth, their political power, and their connections. The Zoldycks are a family of assassins. They have been killing people for centuries, and they have a reputation for being ruthless and efficient killers. The Zoldycks are a very old family, and they have many descendants. Some of the more famous members of the family include Dmitri Zoldyck, who is a billionaire businessman; Gogo Zoldyck, who is a member of the Russian Parliament; and Yuri Zoldyck, who is a world-renowned assassin. The Zoldycks are not just killers though. They are also very wealthy people. Dmitri Zoldyck is worth an estimated $5 billion dollars, while Gogo Zoldyck has an estimated net worth of $1 billion dollars. Yuri Zoldyck is also very wealthy, with an estimated net worth of $2 billion dollars. The members of the Zoldyck family all have different talents and skills which they use to help them in their work as assassins. DmitriZoldyk is known for his skills as a businessman, while YuriZolodyk is known for his skills as an assassin. GogoZolodyk is known for his skills as a politician, while some members of thefamily are also skilled in other areas such as art or music. ..

Please note that the Zoldyck Family will only be explored in anime, so there won’t be any spoilers.

How Strong is Zoldyck Family ?

There are currently 4 generations of family members who have been shown. The series’ main protagonist is Killua Zoldyck. Zeno was the grandfather of Killua and is believed to have fought Netero. He admits Netero is old, but he wasn’t a baby when he died. Silva was the father of Killua and was given a contract as Phantom Troupe member #8. He succeeded in killing his target. This led to a fight between the Troupe’s Leader Chrollo.

What is Estate of Zoldyck Family ?

The Zoldycks are very wealthy. Kukuroo Mountain, and the surrounding areas. This ensures privacy for the family and makes it difficult to intruders. A security booth is located at the gate’s front. This is a decoy to those who want to force entry. The guard will give the intruder a key to the fake doorway. Mike will deal with intruders who enter the building. Mike will deal with any intruders who make it past this point. The gate also has a small building that houses the gate keepers.

It seems that the estate was specifically built as a training ground, fortress and home. Although the Zoldycks are well-known, there isn’t much evidence to show what their appearance looks like. One family member can be photographed and sold for millions.

The Zoldyck Mansion, located at the bottom of the estate on the mountain, is a large Victorian-style house. It has been shown inside to have rooms for each family member. There are also rooms for training, torture, and a meeting room. The main office of the butler is also located here. Alluka has a special room there.

How The Zoldyck Family Members Are Trained ?

Their training is a key part of their extraordinary abilities. All children receive training in assassination from a young age. This includes everything, from mental and physical training to how to resist torture. All children must choose a specialization in order to learn assassination techniques at a certain age.

What Are The Family Rules in Zoldyck Family ?

Sometimes, family members end up on opposite sides of the same job or fighting over an internal or exterior objective.

These are the times when rules must be observed.

  1. It is not permitted for family members to kill one another. It should be noted that they may bring in an outside party to try to kill each other. This seems unlikely, however, given the family’s abilities.

  2. The current head of the family can restrict the movement of family members. The Head (Currently Silva), can place restrictions on an offending family member if they perceive danger to the family, or if the family has secrets. They can also restrict communications and how close they must be to an objective. If the restrictions are broken, the family member will be subdued and returned to face with punishment.

  3. There are no secrets in the workplace between family members. As shown in the Phantom Troupe story, family members can accept contracts from opposing factions. As long as one side is still alive, this does not cancel the other’s contract. If the client passes away before the contract is terminated, there is no agreement for them to continue their work.

  4. Never make a deal that you don’t understand. The consequences of breaking a deal are not discussed. Killua did tell Gon that his brother hates Killua, but he wouldn’t risk breaking his promise to make a deal.

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Who Are The Zoldyck Family members ?

The Zoldyck family isn’t your average family. Their home is surrounded by mountains and stones, and Mike, a huge hunting beast, guards the area.

This is so normal!

It seemed that their children had been trained from a very young age. Killua was six years old when he entered the Heaven’s Arena. He also climbed to the 200th rank at eighteen. Kalluto, Kalluto’s eldest son, is currently a member of the Phantom Troupe. The Zoldyck family members are unique in that they can resist almost any poison, have high tolerance for electricity, pain and strength. Their front gate weighs 16 tons.

9. Maha Zoldyck

He is Zeno’s grandfather and the oldest Zoldyck member. He was believed to have fought Isaac Netero, although there aren’t many details. Isaac is the only one who survived the fight and lived to tell about it. Although his appearance in anime was brief, it is clear that he did not last long. And Although it is not known what kind of nen user this man is, the Zoldyck great grandfather should not be underestimated.

Also, not much information is available about the Zoldyck Family’s eldest child, it is revealed his wife is still alive. Unfortunately, the anime doesn’t show much of his wife.

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8. Zeno Zoldyck

Silva Zoldyck’s father and grandfather, His name alone is believed to be capable of inducing fear to people from the underworld. An experienced assassin who has gained his skills over many years in the assassination industry. Although it is not clear how powerful his power is, he once said that he can kill a Mafia group in seven seconds and that Zeno would be impossible to beat even at full strength.

Zeno is a skilled Nen user. He can blast an aura that devastates his surroundings, and can also transform a dragon into a transport or attack weapon. Zeno can transform the dragon into a meteor shower that destroys everything below. He seems to still have a moral compass, despite his incredible power. This is not to injure any innocent at all. He also seemed to have high hopes for Killua, and preferred him over the rest of his brothers.

7. Silva Zoldyck

He is the Zoldyck head, a calculated man who will only act if he is certain of victory. He, like his grandfather had a high regard of Killua and appointed him the next heir. It is not known how he met Kikyo Zoldyck, but it was the catalyst for the Zoldyck family we now know.

Silva’s strength is displayed during the Yorknew City Arc where he faces off against Chrollo Lucifer and his father Zeno. He is immune to poisoning when Chrollo slices Silva with Ben’s knives. The poison could paralyze a whale, even if it was injected at 0.1 milligrams. Silva continued the fight and was close to killing Chrollo when Illumi called him. It is worth noting that Chrollo was saved by Illumi’s assassination work.

6. Kikyo Zoldyck

The mother of the Zoldycks’ children is still unknown. There is a possibility that she may also be a deadly assassin, given that she is a Zoldyck descendant. She showed favoritism towards Killua and wanted him to succeed in assassination.

Kikyo is a protective, overbearing mother. It is evident that she is suspicious of anyone who comes within close proximity to her son. She was just like the rest, and she didn’t seem to care about people outside of her family. Instead, she was willing to test Alluka’s powers on innocent people.

5. Illumi Zoldyck

He is the eldest of Silva and Kikyo Zoldyck’s children. He is disguised as Gittarackur when he first appears to Killua. Although he is a largely expressionless man, he seems to be very protective of Killua. He inserted a needle into Killua’s brain at one point.

His Nen type, or manipulator, is his Nen type. He uses his needles to alternate his body, such as in the Hunter Examination arc, or to kill others. He can control other people with his needles, but only up to the point that they become too tired and end up dying.

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4. Milluki Zoldyck

Milluki is his second oldest son. He is not like his brothers and is a shut-in, never leaving the family home. Also, He is a skilled programmer and hacker, but he lacks the same physical abilities as his brothers. He may be one of the smartest and most technologically savvy Zoldycks. This might explain why he is accepted by the rest.

Milluki is an otaku, and quickly becomes a coward when Killua threatens him with his death. In addition, Milluki spends his time in his bedroom where he keeps his manga, anime, and figurines. Milluki is determined to protect his figurines, and he threatens Killua with death if he breaks them.

3. Killua Zoldyck

He is the heir to Zoldyck’s family, but he doesn’t care about it. He met Gon at the Hunter Examination. Killua is cheeky and mischievous by default. He also has a love for sweets. Killua, despite his eccentric personality, is still part of the Zoldyck clan. Killua can easily pierce the chest of anyone by simply using his hand. But before Killua discovers his Nen abilities Killua is already a foe.

His Nen ability revolves around electricity. His Godspeed ability allows for him to strike at opponents faster than lightning. This ability allows him to run faster than any moving vehicle. Killua, despite his talent, is not interested in the family business. His character develops throughout the series, as he moves away from his family’s control.

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2. Alluka Zoldyck

Alluka Zoldyck, the youngest of the siblings in the manga so far, is Alluka. Unknown circumstances lead to Nanika, a Dark Continent entity dubbed Nanika, taking control of Alluka Zoldyck. Now they live together in one body. Killua’s closest relative is Alluka. He treats her as a younger sibling than the rest of his family. Silva kept her in a room below five huge safety flaws because he refused to call her his child.

Her ability to grant wishes is what makes her frightening. She will first ask for something from each other, and refusing to grant her request could lead to them dying. She’ll be able give anything anyone wants once she’s in her “wish granting” mode. Nanika was once asked by Killua to heal Gon. This is impossible now.

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1. Kalluto Zoldyck

Kalluto Zoldyck is the newest member to the Phantom Troupe at ten years of age. He seems to be obedient but quiet, and appears to believe that he has a good mother. Although he was quiet initially, he became more vocal when he joined Phantom Troupe to replace Hisoka. His main weapon is his fan which can cut through steel. He also has a medium which allows him to use his abilities, Dance of the Serpent Bite.

Like his family, Kalluto seemed to be able to move at a great speed and strength due to his Zoldyck training. Kalluto, as an assassin is skilled at stealth and can disappear without anyone being able to notice him. Hisoka was impressed by Kalluto’s skills and abilities.