Hunter X Hunter is a popular anime series that has been airing on Fuji TV since October of 2009. The show is about a group of young boys who are sent to fight in a tournament to find the most powerful Hunter. The show has been praised for its unique and exciting story line, and it has been picked up by many other networks around the world. If you’re interested in watching the show, there are a few things you need to know before starting. First, you should be aware that the series is highly rated and may be too intense for some viewers. If you’re looking for something light-hearted and entertaining, then this may not be the right show for you. Second, if you’re not familiar with Japanese culture or language, it may be difficult to follow the plot without subtitles. Third, if you have an internet connection and are comfortable with using search engines, then you can watch the entire series online without any trouble. Finally, if all of these things sound like something that interests you but don’t quite fit into any of those categories, then I suggest finding someone who does - Hunter X Hunter is one anime that can be watched over and over again without getting bored.

APPEARANCE Canary Hunter X Hunter

In Hunter X Hunter, Canary is a girl who has brown skin with eyes that are green (2011 version) and brown hair (reddish in the version of 1999) and she is dressed in the look of a circus costume that includes the cane.

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PERSONALITY Canary Hunter X Hunter

In Hunter X Hunter Canary appears to feel a sense of personal empathy with Killua. In the event that Gon says her name to her, he observes an underlying gentleness and worry in her eyes. However, she is unable to keep it from happening. The flashback shows that Canary And Killua meet. Killua would like to have her as a friend however she informs her that she’s an employee in the household, which means she is not able to have any connection with her bosses. The flashback depicts Canary and Killua having a meeting in front her.

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STORY Canary Hunter X Hunter


Canary was born living in Meteor city where he was a member of the Meteor City Police, the home to mafia members and members of the Ghost Brigade. In the 2011 animated series the character says to Killua that she is his guide in the city, should the day come for him to visit the city.When he was just 10 years old, he beat an opponent known as a Blacklist hunter as well as hundreds of other people who attempted to overcome his position within a few minutes.


When she is with Gon, Kurapika and Leorio her professionalism is put at risk when Gon insists she’s not like Mike she is different, and that she is a woman with feelings, even though she tries to conceal her feelings.She is unable to let intruders overtake her and therefore she marks a line on the ground and informs them that if they cross it, she’ll need to eliminate them with force. Gon attempts to get over the line and takes numerous blows. In the end, the girl is defeated because Gon’s eyes are apparent as if she’s speaking the truth regarding Killua.When Gon strikes the concrete structure right next to her, she let out a tear, and then tells him to assist Killua as well, but at the same moment Kikyo Zoldyck shows up and strikes her, making her unconscious.Once she is conscious, she takes Gon, Kurapika and Leorio to the butlers’ quarters , where Killua is waiting to greet them. On arrival, Gotoh and other butlers welcome them and offer them to play an exciting game (flip the coin and then decide which hand it’s in) and if they fail to answer, Canary is killed.In the final moment, he makes a bow at the end, as do all the butlers when the butler bids farewell to Killua.

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In this Hunter X Hunter Arc Canary as well as Gotoh and Gotoh, who accompany Killua who has taken Alluka from her home at the Zoldyck Property. Killua informs her that he picked her because, as a womanand can be more caring of Alluka. Canary realizes that Killua trusts her and promises she will do everything to help him even if it cost her job or life.After being caught by drivers under the control of Illumi Zoldyck The group is required to walk by foot, but Killua makes use of the Kanmaru power to escape his butlers. In a flash, the servants are held with the help of Hisoka, Gotoh decides to confront him, in order it is possible that Canary, Tsubone and Amane are able to follow Killua. If Killua speeds up, Tsubone is forced to transform into a motorbike to keep up with him, Amane and Canary ride the bike and propel it by a dazzling aura. When Killua enters forests, Tsubone cannot follow him.In reality, Amane and Canary arrive at the airport prior to Killua and locate Killua. Killua then demands to purchase tickets to the eight airships which will be used to disorient Illumi. This is when Canary is able to distract Amane by asking him a few silly questions to draw his attention. He then allows Killua to get away with Alluka on one airship. Amane is annoyed and tries to pursue them across the sky but Canary says it’s no longer worth it, to which Amane throws an uncontrollable tantrum before letting go of her serious demeanor. Upon being able to see the situation. Canary says that she is the “real” Amane is cute.In the final scene, she is taken to the grave of Gotoh with Amane When Kiriko, a Kiriko whom pretends to be him appears.

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In Hunter X Hunter, As an apprentice to the Zoldyck family, Canary is a skilled combatant and is capable of destroying the hunters who attempted to get into the house without effort. The weapon she uses is a rod, which she always carries around with her. She is able to apply some of the assassination techniques including Shadow Step, although she didn’t know the name. She believes she may had learned about it while in Meteor City.


To date, he hasn’t utilized any of his abilities however when Tsubone turns into a motorbike using the aura of Canary to fuel his vehicle.

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How Powerful is Canary In Hunter X Hunter

In Hunter X Hunter, When Canary is first introduced, Gon refuses to fight her, recognizing her as someone with a big heart. In her past, however, it’s revealed that she grew up in the extremely dangerous Meteor City, and once protected the Zoldycks from an attack of over 100 trained Hunters with ease, suggesting she’s at the very least stronger than the average Nen user.

An assessment of Canary’s powers on the “Hunter x Hunter” fan wiki notes that, while she lacks the experience of characters like Gon and Killua, she’s capable of replicating complex techniques like the Rhythm Echo and the Shadow Step with little training. Furthermore, though she never wields Nen in combat at any point in the series, she demonstrates the capability to use Nen when she pilots fellow Zoldyck family employee Tsubone — transformed into a motorcycle — at extremely high speeds, possible only through significant magical enhancement.

Given the fact that Canary hasn’t fought a proper battle that pushes the limits of her strength, it’s impossible to determine the full extent of her powers. Furthermore, given her lack of participation in world-defining events like the Chimera Ant conflict, it’s unlikely she’s on the same level as some of the most powerful Hunters introduced throughout the series, like the smoke manipulator Morel, for example. Nevertheless, she’s a quick learner and was determined worthy of protecting the Zoldyck family, suggesting her combat capabilities are noteworthy nevertheless.