Junko Enoshima is a Japanese artist who has been creating art for over 20 years. Her work often explores the relationship between the individual and the environment. She has been exhibited in Japan and abroad, and her work has been featured in publications such as The New York Times, The Guardian, and The New Yorker. Enoshima was born in Hiroshima Prefecture in 1984. After graduating from high school, she moved to Tokyo to study at the University of Tokyo. She first exhibited her work at an art show organized by a mutual friend in 2006. Since then, she has exhibited regularly at various galleries and museums throughout Japan. Enoshima’s art is often based on her experiences as a Hiroshima resident during World War II. In her latest series of paintings, “The Garden of Remembrance,” she uses images from Hiroshima’s destroyed cityscape to explore the idea of memory and commemoration. In one painting, “The Angel’s Wings,” a large angel stands guard over a destroyed building that once housed a hospital for the city’s citizens during World War II. In another painting, “The Memory of Hiroshima,” Enoshima uses photos taken during the atomic bombing of Hiroshima to explore how memory can be used to create positive or negative experiences for individuals. Enoshima is currently working on a new series of paintings that focus on her personal life experiences since Fukushima Daiichi exploded in 2011. The paintings will be based on photographs that she took after the disaster when she was living near Fukushima City Hall and other affected areas. She hopes that these works will help people understand what happened during those days and help them process their own emotions about the disaster."

Appearance Junko Enoshima

At the end of Killing School Life in Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc, Junko seems to be a high school age teenager, but because of her involvement in her classmate’s memory loss, she’s an additional two years old than the class believed them to be. The tall woman has an hourglass shape, with light blue eyes and long dark, bleached, strawberry-blonde hair that is tied into two twin hair pigtails. Because of her fake beauty, she is wearing heavily-made-up makeup, as well as fake red nails.

Due to their closeness, Junko and her older twin sister Mukuro Ikusaba have a number of physical traits. But, Junko has a considerably bigger chest than Mukuro and weighs 2 weight more that her. Junko’s eyes are rounder and bigger, and they are blue when wearing contacts, or naturally red, when compared to Mukuro’s pale eyes that are purple. Junko has freckles but not as many.

Junko’s typical outfit is an black cardigan layered over white dress shirt which is left open to the third button that exposes to the sides of her red-and-black bra and a red miniskirt with pleated hem and a pair of black mid-sized boots that have high-heeled platform and red laces. The dress is embellished by white symbols from their Former School. School. She wears an oversized tie that can be worn loosely around her neck. Its design that alternates with the pure white (Danganronpa 3) and also as a half white and black with an interdiction sign (Danganronpa 1) which hangs on her neck. She also wears a small neckpiece of black with a bow in red over her left breast with two small buttons on the right.

The most well-known accessory she has is her hair clips with twin bears that are modelled on Monokuma’s twin sides. The right clip features white that has dot eyes, a neutral smile and the other is a black bear sporting white muzzle, red eyes that are jagged and a sly smile. When she was in Hope’s Peak Academy, she rather wore a pair of hair slips that resembled cute bunnies, as well as a huge white and red bow. This is the outfit that her sister Mukuro dressed in for The Killing School Life.

Due to her fluctuating styles, the appearance of Junko’s changes depending on her mood. Her “royal” persona wears the smallest gold and red crown with jewels encrusted and her “intellectual” persona wears glasses and style her hair into ponytails, while her “depressed” persona sports several multicolored mushrooms the top of her head. With an eerie blue forehead without pupils.

Her “cute” persona simplifies her whole appearance to look more cartoonish. She has hair that is smoother, larger eyes that are bright and an unassuming smile. Her “rockstar” persona is very similar to Genocide Jack because her eyes appear insanely beautiful as well as her reddish forehead, and speaks with her tongue out and has a messy pigtails and making the hand-horn movement. Her “stoicism” persona (possibly) is characterized by her wearing an unassuming face while taking an expression that covers a portion of her face. her Monokuma character is characterized by having Monokuma before her.

The film Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope’s Peak High School the actress wore an cheeath-print gown with a light gold fur collar with a yellow cuff. the belt was thick and black with an sliver buckle, an thigh-band that is very similar the choker she wore, as well as black sneakers with heels. The outfit is complemented by brown pair of sunglasses with dark pink lenses, and the same set of hair clips that she used when Mukuro was posing as Junko and the cute white bunny as well as an enormous white and red bow.

The majority of the time in Despair Arc she was wearing a similar outfit to that seen the one in Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc however, her tie changed from Monokuma decorated to pure white, and her hairclips have been changed. Also, she was wearing the Hope’s Peak Academy uniform. The girl wore an unbleached brown cardigan layered over white dress shirt that was which was unbuttoned to reveal the lower portion the bra. She also wore a simple white tie that was loosely tied and a pleated navy blue skirt, and a mid-sized black boots with red laces. Her cardigan was embellished by buttons from the Former School. School.

The film, Danganronpa Zero, it is claimed that she looks less shabby without makeup. It’s also stated that her natural eye and hair shade is red, which is interesting considering that she didn’t recall having the name “Junko Enoshima” when she assumed her alternate identityas Ryoko Otonashi.

The film’s (chronologically) earlier episodes of the show like Danganronpa Zero and Monaca Towa’s flashbacks from Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls, Junko is shown in the third variant of Hope’s Peak Academy outfit. The cardigan has been taken off and her dress is closed to conceal her bra. Her bow tie in red is tied on the left-hand side of her dress shirt and the right pigtail is secured by the black bunny clip, which has eyes of red. The black miniskirt, and a tie, which doesn’t feature the circled X, and features an entirely different mix of black and white; the knot and collar are white, and the rest of the tie is black. Junko’s nails are painted red, but they’re longer than those in the other clothes she wears.

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Personality Junko Enoshima

As a fashion-conscious young lady, Junko Enoshima is described as “not fake” charismatic and eager to explore new things. In her first appearances she appears unbalanced and hot. According to the art book’s official description, she’s described as someone who “drips in discontent the second she speaks” and often gets unhappy with her fellow students. It is also said that she can be quite enthusiastic with a carefree attitude.

But, the real Junko that was revealed at the end of Killing School Life, is distinct from the others: extremely apathetic often bored and even to an unnatural extent. Due to this, her manner of conduct and behavior tended to be extremely unpredictable and unpredictable by her own whims; performing a single “appearance” for long enough is exhausting for her, which is why she’s prone to change between various identities. However, she’s capable of sustaining one persona for long durations of time when needed like when she was directing the students in Monokuma. 

The Junko’s “moods” comprised (but weren’t limited in) the Monokuma persona, sickening adorableness extreme depression, extreme sexiness, clinical sophistication with a eerie stoicism as well as prideful superiority. She would switch between “moods” frequently, usually mimicking the expressions of other students and expressions, which resulted in an extremely tense interaction with survivors. When she was at into Hope’s Peak Academy as one of the class 78 students She often spoke like she was telling a story and jotting down her thoughts in notebooks.

Most importantly, Junko was deeply obsessed by despair. She found it to be the greatest (and likely the sole) satisfying sensation for her regardless of whether she was the cause of others’ despair or being afflicted with complete despair. This was a risk for her since she was determined to make everyone be in complete despair. But, it also was her greatest failing, as she offered her adversaries an “fair” opportunity to defeat her, in order to make their despair the more devastating if they did fail as well as embracing her own sadness in the event that her plans did not work.

Both Junko herself as well as the game’s creators have both confirmed that she is not the reason behind the things she does , other being depressed which makes her more dangerous and ineffective to be argued by. But it is implied in the show that her analytical skills were what led her to despair, and that her hopes are her first victim because they view the ability as a sign of hope and utilize their talent to their own advantage and that is what drove Junko to use the talent that they were so fond of and use it for evil.

This makes her appear in a clearer light. It is also revealed that, in her amnesiac condition, Junko doesn’t show a need for despair, or even a an intense hatred of boredom suggesting that her perpetual bout of forgetfulness prevented her from falling back into despair. But, the re-emergence of her memories returned her to her previous behavior.

As the chief of the group and the mastermind behind Ultimate Despair, Junko was revealed to be extremely smart, clever, reckless, highly manipulative, as well as brutal and cruel, without guilt. She was a toxic character, and was physically and psychologically abusive to all who was around her. She tricked people into falling over her, and made use of their weaknesses, despair against them. 

Things like peace, hope and happiness irritated her, however she occasionally offered hope to other people but then turned into a deeper despair later. She would often manipulate people into doing bad actions rather than performing them herself. Then, She often blamed those who were manipulators and then claiming that it wasn’t their fault in order to prove your point. Also, She believed that the feeling of despair is present everywhere and that all hope is inevitably lost to the despair. 

Although she’s extremely skilled, Junko can also lie and cheat to advance her own agenda even though it’s hypocritical and contradicts her convictions. It is important to note that, despite the fact that she says despair is the greatest mystery but in the end the path of despair took exactly as she thought of it.

While she may be brutal and abusive towards some, Junko is actually capable of feeling affection for people she is close to but because of how much she’s been driven by despair to kill them, she does so in order to experience immense sadness.

Based on Kodaka as well as Junko’s voice actor, the character is in Despair Arc is an authentic version of her, more in line with her real self and more neutral prior to when she began to change her appearance frequently. It is possible that her actions in the first game was due to deteriorating mental health and a deeper descent into depression, which is the reason for her more disinterested and depressed character. This suggests that the Tragedy was beginning to annoy her, since the chaotic events unfolded exactly as she had planned it.

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Talents & Abilities Junko Enoshima

Ultimate Fashionista

The first talent of Junko and the one she’s most famous for is her initial talent and the one she is famous. She is extremely popular with the students at Hope’s Peak Academy. Even members of the Steering Committee guaranteed her talent. She was often featured for magazines on the covers. She utilizes the Super High School Level Analytical Talent to her advantage to mimic and create the appearance of she has a talent because she is able to predict the trends of the future.

Super High School Level Gyaru

The original Japanese name, Junko’s name can be described as Super High School Level Gyaru. The phrase gyaru is a reference to the Japanese Street fashion subculture. Gyaru fashion is usually defined by excessively dyed or bleached hair (mostly shades ranging from brunette to dark brown) and nails that are highly decorated and striking makeup. 

Because Junko is still a student at high school and is technically an Kogiyaru “kogyaru” (an abbreviation for Gao Xiao Sheng Giyaru Kokosei”gyaru” also known as “high school gyaru”). Kogyaru are famous for changing their uniforms at school (e.g. by reducing the length of skirts) and their love of platform boots , two noticeable aspects of her attire. 

The way one decorates their cell phones (as as constantly using the device) is a typical Gyaru behavior, which is the reason for Alter Ego Junko’s preference for an extravagantly decorated phone to be her courtroom model for the trial that will decide the fate in Danganronpa 2.

Gyaru generally are also known for coloring their eyes and bleaching hair, which means it is highly likely that Junko is not naturally strawberry blonde hair or normally blue eyes. With this in mind it’s very likely that her natural eyes and hair colors are the same as her temporary identity Ryoko Otonashi.

Super High School Level Analytical Prowess

Junko’s real ability to rapidly examine her surroundings at the speed of a human, precise memory and thinking. This ability also permits Junko to master and comprehend new talents and abilities simply by watching or studying it and seeing how she learned the essential techniques of creating an effective brainwashing video by watching Ryota Mitarai. She also learned how to develop her own A.I by learning about Chihiro Fujisaki’s works, then then figured out and perfected a way to erase selectively a particular part of someone’s memory after taking Yasuke Matsuda’s research , and being able to acquire other abilities or talents while learning in Hope’s Peak.

This is the reason that gave Junko her name of”the “Ultimate Fashionista” due to her ability to forecast trends. This ability allows Junko to accurately predict the trends that would be popular with the public. This particular ability has been crucial in initiating The Tragedy of Hope’s Peak Academy to predict and manipulate how the reaction of students in the Reserve Course Students , which led to “The Parade” and the setting off of and control the events leading the way to “The Tragedy” to become an actual global event/movement.

This skill gives her an amazing ability to create precise plans in a very short period of time. She also excels at detecting and manipulating other people. She is often able to anticipate what someone will perform before they actually make it happen – a skill she can utilize to take on those who are more powerful than she. It was this skill that caused her to become bored as she was able to precisely predict what would happen which fueled her fear of desperation because she was the “unknown”.

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Ultimate Despair

Junko is able to make anyone sink into despair and delights in the sadness experienced by her and others. By using her talents as Super High School Level Analytical Proficiency, she is able to identify the weaknesses of everyone and utilize this knowledge to influence or even manipulate the people around her to accomplish her will.

This was shown by the fact that she stopped her fellow Warriors of Hope from committing suicide and convinced the group to share her the message of despair by killing adults. There is also evidence that she has neglected her sister, making her extremely dependent on her. However, it is to be mentioned that she generally adopts a more private approach only with those she is truly interested in. She has a tendency to literally mindwash the masses using videos made using Ryota Mitarai’s technique of brainwashing using animation as well as her own talents of despair.

The only person she was unable to meet was Makoto whom could be called the Ultimate Hope in the same the way that Junko is considered to be the Ultimate Despair. In the instance of Izuru the initial Ultimate Hope He did not truly love her and his desperation was primarily due to his own frustration.

The ability to discern Hope, Talent and Despair

Like Nagito Komaeda Junko is said to have an odd ability to see despair and hope in others, and it isn’t evidently related to her analytical skills. This is apparent as a character in Danganronpa Zero, when she can feel the immense power that lies within Makoto even though she is currently living in the amnesiac personality of Ryoko. It is also evident within Danganronpa 3, when she also senses Makoto’s potential for hope and when she crosses paths with Mitarai Ryota, she is able to feel the potential of Makoto.

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Character Design and Creation Junko Enoshima

Junko’s prototype design in Danganronpa featured an overwhelmingly gold-yellow color scheme and more of a stereotypical “girly” appearance. She wore smaller pigtails that were worn at a lower level, and a tiny necklace, instead of tie, and a visible lipstick. As the game drew closer to being finished, Junko’s design was modified to match to her final look however, she wore an all-black and red plaid tie and no white dress underneath her cardigan.In the earlier version of the game Junko was believed as one of the victims.

Relationships Junko Enoshima

Family Of Junko Enoshima :

Mukuro Ikusaba

Mukuro is the twin sister of Junko’s. Although Mukuro loved Junko’s younger sister Junko was seen to display little affection for her sister, judging her as a tool used to perform her will, and she also her behavior towards Mukuro with a negative attitude. If Mukuro spoke highly about Junko she would yell at her and said she was a disgusting person. She often said she was a dumb-muscle that is only good at killing and ridiculed Mukuro when she expressed an interest in something other than her own interests (especially in the case of something nice and good such as wishing she had friends). Additionally, she often ridiculed Mukuro’s appearance and intelligence and believed that she was superior in every aspect.

Enoshima Junko appeared to show no respect about Mukuro and was determined to murder Mukuro (while Mukuro was disguised as her) in order to demonstrate for the rest of the students and also because she was a bad actor’. It is revealed that prior to going to Hope’s Peak Academy, Junko had previously tried to take down Mukuro. A prime example is that Junko attempted to kill her sister using an ice pick and gun in a limo. Mukuro however was not able to kill her sister, and resisted Junko’s attack, and then she tossed the grenade through the window. 

It is in Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony’s bonus mode, which isn’t canon in the Ultimate Talent Development Plan, Junko throws knives at Mukuro when they get together and it is clear that this is something of a bizarre routine between the two that they practice every time they meet after a few minutes. Junko is also shown to be physically abusive to Mukuro at times frequently hitting and kicks her, even though Mukuro occasionally seems to be enjoying the violence. The films Danganronpa Zero and Danganronpa 3 the story suggests that Mukuro may have sexually intimate feelings toward her sister, however Junko appears to not be aware of this , or isn’t aware of it.

In a paradox it was also revealed that Enoshima Junko really loved her sister, and that the purpose of her cruel behavior towards her was intended to make her feel depressed that Junko believed was an act of love. The murder and betrayal of her was designed to plunge them both to dismay (for Junko, the despair of killing her sister and for Mukuro and Mukuro, the despair of being killed and betrayed from her sibling). But, Junko never knew or attempted to understand Mukuro’s definition of despair was always different from her own.

Love Interest Of Junko Enoshima:

Yasuke Matsuda

Yasuke Junko and Yasuke Junko were close friends from childhood and remained on friendly terms as Yasuke’s mother was diagnosed with a disorder that was believed to be Alzheimer’s leading her to lose her his affection for him. This also led to Yasuke being abused and neglected when he was a kid that later caused him to suffer from depression and introversion prior to meeting Junko as he was in school. One of the most memorable moments between them as children was when Junko spent a lot of time building an Sandcastle. Then, one day the sandcastle was discovered damaged. Yasuke was furious and searched for the culprit, until eventually, Junko approached him and said that she actually destroyed her own Sandcastle.

Following the passing of his mom, Junko became the person who Yasuke believed was always there for him In fact, he did not have any other family members. Junko promised to stay by him which was a factor in his growing feelings for her. She also said that she will forever remember Yasuke even in the event that she forgets everything else, and they’ll always be in love. In the very first moment of his life Yasuke was crying in the presence of someone else after she made a promise to him that she wouldn’t mock him, wouldn’t reveal anything to anyone, and would not try to comfort him. 

He was a dependable person and willing to do anything for her since she had told him that she’s what’s most important to him the moment and kept him from feeling lonely when he needed it most. Junko was also prone to refer to them as “lovers” and was also romantically feelings towards Yasuke however, he denied this out of anger and said she was an “stalker” and treated her in a similar way to Ryoko later on in her life. Yasuke has said that Junko as “not family, nor a lover or even a close person to befriend … however, she was someone who was just equally important just like any of the others”.

Both eventually enrolled in Hope’s Peak Academy and after the school’s devastation, Yasuke reluctantly assisted Junko in her plans. She created her own persona Ryoko Otonashi. He wanted to stop her from ever recollecting her identity the real Ryoko Otonashi, so as to protect her from self-harm and ensure the safety of others. But, Junko had already planned ahead and planned murders at the school. Even though he was not a fan of despair or murder, Yasuke was willing to engage in illegal activities in order to protect Junko even if it made him to feel a sense of guilt.

Then, Yasuke understands and admits to himself that Junko was only manipulating him. He is disappointed by her love of despair and angry that she has assumed that she didn’t care about him. He says that he loves and hates her and then decides to kill her while she’s still Ryoko. But, he winds in being executed at the hands of Junko in a state of desperation, since it is one of the people she cares over the most. 

He was attacked in the back by Junko and, following that, she kicked him until it became an unrecognizable bloody mess. He believed that Junko didn’t care about him in the least however, in reality this was not the scenario. Junko didn’t see him as a serviceman or even an all-time ally, and really loved him just as much because killing him brought her sorrow and grief over his demise and allowed him to suffer in desperation to increase her own desperation, and proving that with her words “… I was the greatest person …” following his death.

Class 78th:

Makoto Naegi

Since the first time she was introduced to Makoto She knew that the he could cause trouble for her because of him and his luck being unpredictable . to the same reason, Junko Enoshima leaves Makoto alive since he’s the only one who is able to challenge her. Of all the students in the class 78th, Makoto is to be the most annoying and strange student of her classmates. In the film Killing School Life, Makoto is able to stop Junko’s attempts to execute Kyoko and Junko tried to convince the others to execute Makoto however, they instead vote to execute Makoto. Makoto declares she doesn’t have to die, however Junko executes herself despite his request.

Kyoko Kirigiri

Due to the fact that she was so close was to revealing the truth about the murder game and the fact that she had stolen her skeleton key Enoshima Junko realized Kyoko for what she was. She attempted to blame her for Mukuro’s murder. Mukuro whom was deceased at that time. However, the plan was thwarted by Makoto.

Class 77-B:

Ryota Mitarai

A student in the underclass and part of Class 77B at Hope’s Peak Academy. Her talents allowed her to spot an underlying “something” that was missing in Ryota at the time of their first meeting and she immediately set out to uncover his talent. Ryota was initially embarrassed. He was also irritated by Junko’s lack of interest in anime, however, he began to warm up to her once she started showing an interest in his work. Though he was often confused by the violent acts of Junko however, he was thankful to her for giving him an a completely new setting to create his animation.

But, Ryota starts to grow more suspicious of Junko when she starts talking about her feelings of despair, and Mikan is no longer acting as he normally does. When Ryota discovers an video that shows the students’ council’s joint murder sport, Junko tried to make the student feel discouraged by traumatizing him. Ryota was scared of her and, after he flees, Junko doesn’t kill him since she believed that getting away to escape the hassle was Ryota’s desperation.

Mikan Tsumiki

Mikan is the very first student in the class 77-B Junko was brainwashed. Junko Enoshima didn’t really like her, wanting to drive her mad (or check Mikan’s mind-washing video for Mikan) However the results of her brainwashing had caused Mikan to worship her doing whatever Junko demanded. Like the other sister of hers, Junko has verbally as well as physically physically and verbally abused Mikan beating her, as well as calling her disgusting. She also appears to treat her as the servant she is, because Mikan is seen rubbing her legs. Mikan speaks of Junko as being the one one who truly cared and took notice of her however, Junko never saw Mikan as anything other than a tool , and did not feel any affection towards her.

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Nagito Komaeda

Being one of the students who she brainwashed Junko is the only one who sees Nagito to be a tool similar to others in the Ultimate Despairs and is not a fan of him in any way. Nagito is a bit of a unipolar rivalry with her believing that she is his sworn enemy.

It’s later discovered that Nagito tried to kill Junko Enoshima during their first encounter , when Nagito stumbled upon Junko trapped in an underground tunnel accidentally. Junko kept her cool throughout these incidents and was amazed by the extent to which Nagito believed in optimism. Nagito was able to avoid killing her due to Izuru however Junko later had a brainwashing session with Nagito as well as the other students in his classmates.

Chiaki Nanami

Enoshima Junko was the one to kill the beloved class rep from Class 77-B. After meeting Chiaki in an underground space, Junko takes an interest in her and claims she’s wanted to be acquaintances with her, however it’s a blatant fake. Junko would like Chiaki to go through the brainwashing video however, after recording the video and then the brainwashing Chisa, Junko changed her decision. Conscient of how crucial Chiaki is to class members, Junko executes Chiaki to make Class 77-B feel dejected. Junko was amazed by how much optimism Chiaki was holding and mocked her for it as Chiaki was executed.

Hope’s Peak Academy Staff:

Chisa Yukizome

Junko Enoshima had a rocky relationship with the teacher in charge of the homeroom class in Class 77B. When Chisa discovered that Junko was at fault for the recent incidents on Hope’s Peak, she tried to shield the students from her. However, she ended up not succeeding after Junko controlled and brainwashed her using the aid of Mukuro. Even after being brainwashed Chisa did not feel the same sentiments that the majority members of Ultimate Despair held for Junko. 

Chisa didn’t admire or love her and instead of bringing sadness to the world she only brought it to Kyosuke and Kyosuke and the Future Foundation. Junko’s feelings toward Chisa aren’t known, but she appears to see Chisa to be more than just a instrument for her to carry out her will; Junko is seen personally speaking with Chisa during her time in the afterlife laughing about the things Chisa achieved as the ultimate despair. But, Chisa actually seems quite dissatisfied with Junko who is frowning as she talks about despair.

Kyosuke Munakata

Kyosuke always resented Enoshima Junko since he became aware of her part in the tragic play and made a vow to murder her. But, Junko didn’t view him as a major obstacle nor did she recognize his power, neither of which Kyosuke considered her. Junko managed to turn Kyosuke’s close family members against him, Chisa as well as Juzo. Through using brainwashing Chisa and harassing Juzo she was able to convince them to swear to her, and to cover up her guilt. Then, Junko is seen laughing about the way Chisa changed her mind about Kyosuke during the end of the world, proving she was amused how things turned out.

Juzo Sakakura

Juzo has a bitter hatred for Enoshima Junko for both of them causing him to abandon Kyosuke and triggering the Tragedy. After Juzo came up against Junko on behalf of Kyosuke, Junko managed to overpower Juzo in a physical battle (with some of the brainwashed students from the Reserve Course student). Then she blackmailed the man, warning him to display Kyosuke pictures of Juzo affectionately embracing Kyosuke’s private life. Junko was awestruck by the whole thing, and found it amusing, and declared Juzo insensitive, adding that that she did not have time to spend on someone like Juzo.

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Ultimate Despair Members:

Enoshima Junko appears to have close relations with a few members of members of the Ultimate Despair members, though she could have created those relationships to strengthen the loyalty of them to her and to bring them closer to despair. The general consensus is that they’re as being attracted to her and sharing the same love for despair due to her brainwashing. Some examples include Mikan Tsumiki as well as Nagito Komaeda, however Izuru appears to be the only exception.

Apart from that, Junko doesn’t care about the other two – with the exception for Mukuro and Izuru who she considers as pawns in her quest to reach her goals.

Izuru Kamukura

Junko Enoshima initially appeared to have an obsession with Izuru which could be due to the fact that Izuru is The Ultimate Hope, and attempted to kill Izuru due to his name.

After realizing that she and Mukuro were unable to beat him, she attempted to transform Izuru to one of the Ultimate Despair. She takes Izuru with her as she starts the Hope’s Peak killing game and she is able to frame Izuru to expose him to the dreadful side of life and finally convinced him that a world without hope was dull. Izuru has once shielded Junko from Nagito when he attempted to kill her using guns, proving that the two were on her side.

According to the Danganronpa 3 relationship chart, Junko declares that Izuru is a destiny-driven encounter. She believed that Izuru and her were meant to be together and the perfect pair to share dismay together. Sometimes, she acts as a wildly enthusiastic fan and engaging in flirting at times with Izuru in a playful way, but he’s completely unresponsive and indifferent to this. In a strange way, she appeared to view Izuru as a friend rather than a servant and was annoyed by the fact that Izuru went away without saying goodbye. It appears that she has a real attraction to him since she was seen in a state of shock and admiring Izuru with adoration following the shooting of Nagito and ended her life.

In the end, neither of these two really cared about one their other and only used one another. Izuru was only associated with her to show how unpredictability despair can be and Junko considered him an instrument in her hands saying that she’ll discover a way to use him.

In the first chapter in Danganronpa 2, Izuru acknowledges that Junko has abused him in the past. He seems to want revenge since he is determined to make use of her the way she used him. He is shown to have an unusual hatred for Junko, and is now regarded as an adversary likely due to his an unconscious anger at her actions. Danganronpa 3 shows that Izuru was manipulating the events that occurred after The Tragedy to strengthen both sides of the war, creating an environment where Junko’s despair could be a conflict against the Future Foundation’s hopes to determine which really was the stronger.

Warriors of Hope:

Monaca Towa

Monaca considers Enoshima Junko as her idol and savior when she stopped in the Warriors of Hope before they committed suicide in tandem. Junko was planning to make use of to use the Warriors of Hope as one of her pawns in spreading desperation to the world.

She seems to be one of the few people Monaca really loved. Also, Enoshima Junko was the only Warrior of Hope who knew that Junko was simply utilizing the services and didn’t really think about it, because she was so grateful to Junko for “shining the light in her dull world”.

Monaca also has numerous photos including pictures of Junko in her private room. One photo shows her and a younger Junko with her wheelchair. Although they were so close, Junko seemed to not realize that she was just pretending to be disabled.

In order to ensure that Junko’s legacy would never be over, Monaca’s ambition was to make the second generation of Junko Enoshima. Monaca hoped to become her successor following the advice of the Servant but gave her hopes of becoming a successor when she realized she did not want to be as he was, completely enthralled by despair and hope.

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