Frieda Reiss Aot is a journalist and author who has written extensively on the history of the Holocaust. She is the founder and director of the Holocaust Studies Center at Brandeis University in Massachusetts. Reiss Aot’s latest book, “Uncovering the Facts: The History of the Holocaust,” tells the story of how information about the Holocaust was hidden from those who should have been able to prevent it from happening. The book is based on her work as a research associate at Yad Vashem, which is responsible for researching and documenting Israel’s role in World War II. Reiss Aot interviewed survivors, historians, and other experts to compile her findings. One of Reiss Aot’s main objectives was to provide a comprehensive account of how information about the Holocaust was hidden from those who should have been able to prevent it from happening. She found that many people were unaware of what had happened during World War II until it was too late. Reiss Aot believes that this lack of knowledge is one of the reasons why so many people are still living in ignorance about what happened during World War II. She believes that if more people knew what had happened during World War II, they would be more likely to take action to prevent its occurrence in future wars.

APPEARANCE Frieda Reiss Aot


Eren dreams about her and mistakenly thinks she is Historia. This proves that they share similar traits. Frieda stood taller than most of her relatives, and was only slightly shorter that her brother Ulklin. Her hair was short, black and straight before she ate uncle Uri. But, she grew her hair to below her shoulders. Her build was slim, her eyes were large and her face was round.Frieda wore the traditional female clothing of the royal family. However, she preferred simple dresses and skirts when walking around the city.

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Frieda was transformed into a titan . This transformation made Frieda almost unrecognizable. Although she retains her straight hair, it becomes lighter (it stays black in the anime). Her iris became a spiral shape along her eyeball, and her nose was almost skeletal. His muscle mass was smaller than that of a regular titan, but it was still noticeable. Similar to the Female titan, her torso was covered with a muscular lining. Her titan form was 13 meters high, making her a titan with average height.

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PERSONALITY Frieda Reiss Aot

Frieda was a cheerful and kind person. Because of her sincere character, she was well-liked in her village. She was very kind to farmers and would often visit their fields to compliment them on their hard work. She was very affectionate and loving with Historia. In fact, she erased her memories to protect her.Frieda experienced a sudden change in her personality after she had assimilated the 145th King Fritz‘s ideology and all of his successors. She even became delirious, without being aware of her surroundings. These delusions and changes included an aggressive, depressive personality and the belief that all humans were sinners and should die. He fought to protect his family from Grisha Jaeger, and even fought to save them.

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STORY Frieda Reiss Aot

Frieda is the woman Eren dreams of seeing. He saw her as a first-person view, while she sees herself in a mirror. Historia dreams that she interacts with the woman. He is taught to read by her and she promises him kindness. Historia says he wants to be like her. But the woman rejects the suggestion. She then manipulates Historia ‘s memory and tells Hange that he must forget all about Hange.Hange, Levi’s new team head out to find Eren. Hange then reads Erwin’s report about the Reiss family. The report states that Frieda was Rod’s oldest daughter. Her gentle and genuine character made her a beloved member of the town. A group of bandits attacked the Reiss family’s village chapel on the day of the Mary Wall falling, killing Rod and Historia. On the day of the Mary Wall’s fall, however, a group robbed the chapel in the village where the Reiss family stayed. They killed Rod and Historia. The Reiss family was murdered.Rod tells us that Grisha Jaeger entered the Reiss chapel to seek out a special power the Reiss family had. Rod says Frieda was superior than all titans. However, Frieda wasn’t able to reach her full potential, which ultimately led to her death. Grisha was successful in stealing the power and ultimately destroying the Reiss family. Rod informs Historia Frieda is alive and tells her that Frieda has not died.

.Historia and Rod hear distant echoes of fighting between Levi’s squadron, and the Anti Personalsonnel Control Squadron. Rod tells Historia all about the history of humanity by telling Rod that a mysterious titan constructed the walls and cavern. They could provide protection for mankind against the attacks of the titans so they could live peacefully. The titan creator altered the memories of all humanity, except for certain lineages like the Reiss. Historia is told by Rod that Frieda knew the entire history of mankind after the appearance of the titans. Frieda, at the age of 15, gained the ability to transform into a titan. She injected herself with the power and devoured her uncle. This gave her control over her titan form as well as all information about the history and creation of the world. This was repeated 100 times until Frieda. She had all the knowledge about humanity and had become the book of the life.

Like her predecessors, she decided not to divulge the secrets of humanity to anyone as it was proof of her inherited will. Rod informs Historia that Frieda would have used her titan power to save many lives at the time the walls fell. It would also have been possible for the world to be freed from the titans. Historia questions her father about whether that was the case. Rod informs Historia that Frieda’s power lies within Eren. If the power doesn’t remain in the royal blood the Reiss family, then it becomes useless. So if Eren is still in possession of this power, chaos will reign. Historia contemplates whether Frieda’s power should be used to inject him.

Historia contemplates whether to inject herself with the serum which will make her a titan. She relates the experience to a childhood memory. Her attempt to cross the farm fence where she lived resulted in her getting a splinter in one hand. Frieda, her half-sister, pulled it out and asked her if she had tried. Historia says she wanted to go to her home, so Frieda gently reminds her she shouldn’t cross the fence. Frieda changes her mood abruptly and shouts at Historia to stop crossing the fence.Historia questions her father about why Frieda and the rest of the Reiss family never fought against titans during the more than 100 years that passed. Because they were able to control titans, they should have had the ability to free humanity. 

Historia recalls Frieda acting like another person, saying that humans were sinful. This led to her depression. Historia questions her father about Frieda’s behavior. He says that Frieda was able to inherit the world’s memories and the ideology of its first king. Rod responds that the first King Reiss wanted a world where the titans ruled. However, he never explained why. 

Rod witnessed the same behavior in Frieda as his father. He never explained to his children why he didn’t rid the world from the titans. Rod realized that the Reiss’s power was omnipotent after Uri ate his father and inherited his memories. God. Rod says that every human decision is in God’s control. Historia is unsure whether to listen to her father and decide if she should be free from the Reiss power within Eren, or if she should follow the ideology of the king like her sister. Historia finally believes in herself, and not her father. She smashes the injection and throws her father to the ground.

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SKILLS Frieda Reiss Aot


When she makes History forget all about her, she proves that she can manipulate someone’s memories. Later, it was revealed that she, along with all the Reiss family members who possess the Coordinate are able to manipulate any person’s memory, except for certain lineages like the Ackermans and Asians as well as noble families.


Frieda gained her powers by injecting herself in titan serum. She transformed into a regular titan, and so devoured her uncle Uri. Frieda was able to change into a titan at will. This enabled her to access the lost history and ideologies of the first king who built the walls as well as the Coordinate. Frieda did not display any special abilities during her fight against Grisha Jaeger. She presumably has the standard capabilities of an intelligent titan.Regeneration: Frieda can regenerate from any wound in her human and titan forms, just like any other intelligent titan.Founder Titan: According Rod Reiss this power allows the user to control the titans and is the key to their extermination. However, Frieda has never used this power. Rod noted that Frieda did not have any experience with this ability and it was useless in her fight against Grisha.

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UriReiss – Frieda was the next heir to “Progenitor Titan”, and she injected herself with the serum. This made her an unintelligent Titan that devoured Uri, the previous holder.  Frieda was able to become a changeling titan and also acquired the Coordinate.

CURIOSITIES About Frieda Reiss Aot

The name Frieda is a Norse and Germanic legend. It comes from the goddess Freyja, a central figure in many Norse myths.  She is likely one of many references to Norse mythology, along with “Ymir”, and “Utgard”. Frieda is an Old High German word that means “peace” and comes from Old High German (fridu). Her name (thryd) also means strength in Old English. To transform into a titan, she used to bite her fingers.  This is why Eren does not even think about this. Yoko Hikasa was her seiyu. She had worked in the franchise before she gave her voice to the character. She was the performer of season one’s ending.

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