Gabi Braun Aot is a journalist and author who has written for publications such as The Huffington Post, The Guardian, and The New York Times. She is the founder of the online news outlet, which she launched in February of this year. Aot’s website provides an inside look at the world of journalism and how it affects society. She also offers advice on how to be a better journalist and make a difference in the world. Aot has been quoted by outlets such as The New York Times, The Guardian, and HuffPost Live. She has also been featured on MSNBC’s “The Rachel Maddow Show,” BBC’s “The World at One,” and Fox News’ “Hannity.”

Appearance Gabi Braun Aot


She is similar that is akin to Frieda Reiss as well as Eren Jaeger. Her hair is black and short which she pulls back. She has large eyes that are light, large, upturned nose average height, and a slim body.As a member of Marley’s army, Gabi wears the standard uniform of a soldier with an armband that marks her as an Eldian.

lso Read : Declaration Of War Aot : Everything You Need To Know

PURE TITAN Gabi Braun Aot

As a titan her facial face is extremely distorted because her face has an ever-present angry expression. her teeth appear severely disfigured as they appear to be completely turned in addition to a noticeable lengthening of her jaw. Her size in her titanic form is not known.

Personality Gabi Braun Aot

In Aot, Gabi exhibits her enthusiasm and reckless by putting her life to destroy the armored trains that is part of the Allied Forces of the Middle East to demonstrate to the superiors she has the right to be granted that power and strength of the Armored Titan. She also displays a great deal of enthusiasm that is similar to Eren Jaeger in the desire to destroy all “demons” on Paradis Island.

BIOGRAPHY Gabi Braun Aot

854 YEAR

In Aot, Gabi received a enlisted to join the Marley’s Army in the Eldian fighter program. At the peak of the conflict in the Middle East between Marley along with his Allied Forces in the Middle East, Gabi and her colleagues were placed in front lines with the goal of taking over Fort Slava. When Falco is wounded by an explosion and his brother Colt manages to save him and take Falco into the trenches. Gabi questions him about his injuries and along and Udo and Zofia they begin treating the injured man. 

The head injury resulted in Falco to forget about the circumstance they were in So Gabi reminds Falco that they’ve been at war for 4 years and for them to win, they have to be able to capture Fort Slava and sink the Middle Eastern war fleet. Disappointed by the precarious circumstance, Udo presses hard on Falco’s bandages, not realizing then Gabi scolds Falco. Falco asks why cadets such as they are in the frontline and Gabi says to the fact that Magath’s commander is testing them to determine who will take over the strength that is Titan Battleship Titan and take part in the battle to stifle Paradis Island. 

Udo along with Zofia are able to discuss the requirements of the cadets however, Gabi insists that she, in contrast to her fellow cadets is prepared to take their fate onto her shoulders, kill the “demons” living in Paradis and liberate all “good Eldians” from their internment zones. Falco is then curious about the items Gabi is creating and she smiles as she gives him a few grenades she’s managed to put together.When it is discovered that Allied forces in the Middle East deploy an armored train which is manned by commander Magath intends to destroy it by using the 800 Eldian soldiers take on the firing of the enemy, taking away the threat, thereby preventing Marley from using his titans who change shape. But, Gabi decides to take the initiative and demands Magath the permission attack the train that was armored. Magath does not agree however, at the young cadet’s insistance, he lets her to do it. 

Gabi is requesting permission to take off the armband which identifies her as an Eldian as well as her uniform for military. Magath is willing to accept. Falco is trying to stop her but Gabi informs him that she will show him that she’s capable of inheriting her own Battleship Titan. Gabi is able to tie the grenades she collected earlier on her left ankle and walks slow towards the soldiers on the other side, in an act of surrender. After seeing her she is greeted by her Middle Eastern military is not sure what to do, since they fear she could become an Eldian.

 In the trenches Colt says that Gabi’s actions constitute in violation of international law, since the military is not allowed to wear civilian clothes. Magath responds that, should Gabi is successful in the mission she has set, then no person will be aware of it. Two Middle Eastern soldiers would dare to shoot him and when one is able to decide, Gabi stumbles. This was a the plan behind it, and in doing so, he’s in a position to throw the grenades, without not having enough time to react.

The explosions take down the armored train that hits the trenches of the enemy and knocks down a few soldiers. Gabi walks out laughing, however some of them begins shooting at Gabi. Magath commands Galliard to act and Falco arrives to help Gabi. Gabi locates a safe place to hide and, before the fire of the enemy can strike her Galliard is transformed to the size of a titan, and protects her as well as Falco with his arms. Gabi is thrilled to meet Galliard and he killed the soldier who attempted to shoot the two.The demise of an armored railway enables for the 800- Eldian soldiers to advance on the enemy thanks to two titans Galliard as well as Pieck. Gabi is still in the trenches and is wearing his uniform. After spotting Falco helping a injured Middle Eastern soldier, Gabi asks him if the soldier will be rescued so that she can reveal his infraction of international law which would result in her being removed and acquiring her power as the Chorus Titan instead, but Falco refuses to accept it. Soon after, Magath announces the infantry’s retreat, knowing that the air assault will begin immediately.

 Gabi observes how Zeke transforms a bunch of the eldians into titans. They are thrown onto the Slava fortress, destroying the fort’s defenses and devouring nearby soldiers. After the attack on the fortress has been completed and it is discovered that the Middle Eastern fleet is sunk however Reiner Braun known as the battleship Titan was seriously wounded. The war concludes with Marley’s victory. Gabi can’t believe technology is capable of causing serious damage to that of the Battleship Titan.

After the combat, Gabi and her fellow warriors relax in the nearby Middle Eastern city. As they sit on the docks of the city, Gabi remains worried about Reiner however, Falco assures Gabi that Reiner is in good hands. The group observes a number of distressed Middle Eastern soldiers being transported to their homelands in order to prove the world how cruel it is to employ pure titans in conflict. When Udo kicks an object discontented by the precarious situation in which Eldians are, Reiner appears reprimanding him. 

The cadet warriors meet him with enthusiasm and with a smile, except for Falco. Gabi tells Reiner that they’ll shortly be returning to Liberio and asks him to go with them as they explore this city, for the moment. Falco asks him if it would be better to return to rest. In a furious manner, Gabi asks him to go home if he does not want to join the group. But, Reiner stops them, explaining to them that they’re not yet old enough to visit the local store, which is a disappointment for Gabi.

Then, in the late evening, Gabi, his companions and his superiors depart by train to his home in the Middle East for Marley. In front of others, Colt who is drunk exults in praise of Gabi for her abilities to take down the armored train in the assault against Fort Slava. Gabi insists on stopping him but Colt insists on continuing, asking what she did to risk her life without a thought, before stating the fact that it was in the name of all Eldian warriors. The comrades in the room erupted into cheers, expressing their gratitude to Gabi for her bravery and Gabi was elated and carried to Colt’s shoulder, crying with joy at the generosity of her fellow soldiers. The officers then go to sea.

After a long trip after a long adventure, after a long adventure, Marleyan soldiers as well as Eldian warriors return to Marley. In the outskirts of Liberio the soldiers are disembarking from the train and in the midst of them Gabi is loudly celebrating their return home. As she watches an empathetic Falco attentively, she walks up to the man and informs her that she’ll inform the authorities if he is found behave in a strange manner. 

The soldiers make their way to the ghetto , navigating in the streets of Liberius to the smug eyes of the residents. When they get to the entrance to the prison the families are waiting there and proceed to greet them. Gabi is greeted by his parents as well as his aunt Karina who invites them over to her home in the night to commemorate his victory.

After dinner, Gabi tells her family members how she was able to defeat the armored train of the enemy and her parents are thrilled to announce that she is the hero in Eldia, Karina inquires Reiner whether you think Gabi is able to become a warrior . He promises her that, based on her actions in battle, Gabi will definitely inherit the strength of an Armored Titan.On the next morning, Gabi as well as Reiner walk through the streets of the internment zone in Liberio before heading for the headquarters in the ghetto. At the camp for training of the headquarters of the warriors, Falco trains in front of the beaten Udo as well as Zofia and Zofia, who complain that they have to rise so early. 

As he watches Reiner along with Gabi on the way, Falco remembers that to defend her, he’ll need to catch her and screams loudly that he’ll take on the strength that comes from Battleship Titan, which is met with a head-bumper in the face by Gabi who challenges him to try.The warrior’s name is Falco.

After a month, following the conclusion of the war Gabi continues to go to the military academy in order to continue her education. She is unexpectedly lost to Falco in an athletic contest that Both Udo and Zofia are proud of on him for achieving this achievement. Gabi meets the attention of Falco near the gate to the interment facility and is disappointed with her loss she is able to rub in her face the notion that she is superior to him.

Falco responds that it’s true, however the army hasn’t yet decided on the successor of the Battleship Titan and that only up to then, he’ll remain committed to giving his all. Gabi informs Falco that it’s not essential for him to beat her as relatives of the family will soon become the honorary Marleyans in the event that Colt becomes the heir to his father, the Beast Titan. Falco enthusiastically, yells at Gabi that what he’s doing is to defend her. After that, he departs the area. They are then ordered to go away.

Following a short conversation with Gabi with Falco about what transpired and then after Falco has left the area, the remaining students visit the place in which the stage on which they will hear the Tybur family will deliver their announcement is currently being constructed. Udo is shocked when he discovers that the Tybur will make their announcement in the area of internment.

Gabi responds in the same manner, contemplating the fact that a lot of influential people from various countries are expected to gather in the same place. The youth think this is an opportunity for them to make nations around the world to support Marley’s cause. Udo says that representatives from Allied Forces in the Middle East are also in Liberia despite the fact that they were fighting them up until the last few days. 

The ambassador also states that even though several nations in the world are in deep hatred for Marley however, the hostility towards Eldians is far more severe and that to be in the same zone is a shame. Gabi says that in the event that they do, they will remain close to them, but without doing anything. He also says that they will show them that they’re not monsters or anything similar.

The night prior to an Annual Liberio Festival, eminent Willy Tybur organizes an event that gathers diplomats from abroad who came to Marley to listen to what he had to speak about the issues facing the people in Paradis Island. Gabi as well as others cadets were invited to serve as waiters during the event. The following day Gabi along with the other cadets went to the carnival with Reiner before going to the main pageant event, Gabi can’t help but be swept away by the excitement of attending the event and can’t help but overeat, which causes him to experience extreme indigestion. 

After a few hours, she finds place with her friends and warriors in the specially-designed theater to celebrate the event. After hearing that from Willy that it wasn’t the Tybur family who saved the world, but rather the the 145th king from Eldia, Karl Fritz, Gabi and their companions are shocked following Willy’s declaration of war on Paradis the armed forces. Eren Jaeger is seen as a titan at the ceremony to kill Tybur. While the scene is chaotic, Gabi notices that Zofia was crushed by a massive debris. She then observes that Udo when he attempts to move the boulder to aid her is crushed by an eerily agitated crowd.

Colt grabs Gabi and shields her, hiding behind a stone block in order to keep from being trampled. After escaping from the scene Colt takes a wounded Udo and Gabi inquires about his condition, Grice believes that even although the man is in horrible condition it is possible for him to be taken to the hospital.After finding out that Udo was already dead, Colt asks Gabi to locate his family and to stay clear of the area of conflict. She doesn’t listen and goes to the place, as she approaches the guard at the entrance to the internment zone and is told to stay clear of the area but she says she will aid in the battle.

 After watching how the man as well as others who were marching in the area were killed by various adversaries, Gabi picks up a rifle from the ground, and then runs towards the spot and swears to herself that she will take out Eren.Upon arriving at the area of internment where she comes across Magath and Falco and they reveal that Reiner is alive, but in a state of unconscious in an area in the middle of the battlefield. The three then observe at the battle as titans Beast and Freighter are defeated by their foes. Gabi and Falco insist that she go away.

Gabi and Magath observe as Falco pleads with Jean Kirstein not to kill Pieck Pieck, who is slain with a lightning sword and an explosion of steam from the titan diverts the trajectory of the spear. As it strikes elsewhere. Pieck’s body, mutilated, is removed from the beast and Falco accepts the victim in the arms of his.

 Magath immediately commands Falco along with Gabi to transport Pieck in a secured spot then they race to a nearby structure. Falco as well as Gabi are in the building, and they find out that Pieck is alive, however, her wounds are so severe that it’s healing slower than normal. Also, Gabi says to the fact that Cargo Titan has a much less resiliency to attacks in comparison to an Armored Titan.

Gabi is extremely concerned over Reiner when she inquires Falco about his health He replies that he’s unconscious and isn’t interested in being snubbed by anyone. In addition, Gabi is shocked by and tells Falco the truth. Eren is the murderer of Udo, Zofia and a host of others. Looking out the window, Gabi notices that the blimp is coming towards. 

In a panic over the fight that is raging between Porco Galliard as well as Eren Jaeger Gabi and Falco desperately call Reiner outside the building, begging Reiner to help save Porco. Determined to make sure that nobody is in danger, Gabi grabs a rifle and flees the building, claiming she’ll take out Eren as Falco attempts to stop her. Gabi along with Falco are later taken into the house.

Gabi is chasing the blimp when Falco attempts to stop her. Upon becoming aware of her presence, Falco tells her that there’s no use in running after her enemies any longer since they’re currently in high air, and she will not be able to stop them. Gabi tells her friend that despite the disrespect she’s endured in the place she’s spent her whole life, it is her home, and her family members reside in the area, and therefore she’ll not forgive anyone who attempts to do anything to hurt the place. 

Gabi examines an intruder outside the airship and shoots him dead with shots into the head. his body sinks to the ground . Upon studying the body, Gabi discovers one wire in the EDMAP remains attached to the aircraft. Falco is able to get close to Gabi and finds her holding the gun belonging to the victim, and asking her what she’s planning to do. She says that she plans to take out all of Paradis the demons. Falco insists that she’ll only end up being killed herself. Gabi quickly masters how to operate the device and having a strong determination her goodbyes to Falco.

In the blink of an eye, Falco grabs the body of the soldier. He then with Gabi is able to climb into the airship. Gabi questions him about what he did to him, and Falco states that he’ll be the one who gets an Armored Titan. Gabi manages to get inside the vessel while Jean detects her presence and in an instant she fires Sasha in her right-hand. Sasha collapses in the face of her shocked colleagues as Gabi continues her killing spree.

She shoots Jean while he does the same thing, however Falco intervenes, pushing her to the side, making both shots are missed. The children are in the midst of their fellow soldiers as Jean and Connie take care of Sasha, Gabi insults her opponents while saying she will struggle for Zeke while Jean says she will go along to make these remarks in front of her, and when they are transported to the prison of the airship.

Gabi and Falco look at Zeke in shock and determine that Zeke was captured in the hands of the adversaries. When they arrive in Paradis the two of them Falco are imprisoned in the prison to be punished for the murder of Sasha as well as Lobov. In the next day in their cell Gabi can incapacitate an officer, and along with Falco is able to escape from prison. Gabi along with Falco are discovered in inside the prison.

After a few hours in the wilderness, Gabi and Falco make a stop at a river to take a break and argue with each other, they are spotted by Kaya who decides to transport their bodies to Blouse stables belonging to the family, after seeing the state they are in. After arriving the two men are accepted and choose to temporarily work at the stables, Gabi cannot help but complain about having to live alongside those whom she views as enemies. Falco informs her that they will remain there till Marley decides to enter Paradis.Kaya invites them to lunch, and while she talks about the orphans who work in the stables, and how they are supported by the queen’s rules, Gabi states that the people of Paradis try to claim that they’ve never done harm to humanity, and therefore cannot be able to redeem their mistakes. Kaya is asked if those were the lessons she learned in Marley as well. Gabi attempts to hurt her by revealing her true identity. Falco blocks her from speaking and draws the attention of other children. Kaya takes over the role of Gabi.

Following this, the little girl decides to bring them to her village in which she grew up and then recounts the story of the day that a titan was seen in the area and ate her mother in the flesh. Kaya is unsure why she was forced to suffer in the way she did while Gabi is determined to justify her demise insists that it’s entirely due to the crime committed by was the Eldian Empire committed a few centuries ago, despite the fact that Kaya insists that her mother did not commit any crime. 

Falco is then determined to tell them that their mother had been the subject of a probe which Marley executed in Paradis in the year 2004, which led to in killing a number of people. Gabi protests against Gabi for divulging secret details to enemy.Kaya later reveals how she survived the next day following the rescue of Sasha because Sasha served as her shield during her escape after which she informs Gabi along with Falco they know that their family has attended a dinner party hosted by an Marleyan man working at a local establishment and he is willing to accompany them in order to determine if they are able to come back to their home.

 Gabi inquires about what he did to help them, and Kaya responds that her dream is to become Sasha. Gabi questions her about why she is helping them, and Kaya says that her dream is to become Sasha. Kaya then informs Gabi as well as Falco she and her children has received an invitation to dinner from the Marleyan man who is employed in a local eatery and she is willing the restaurant to see if she can get to get home.

Then, Gabi and Falco are transported to the restaurant where Nicolo is employed and which Kaya recommends they examine if they would like to go back to Marley. In this restaurant Kaya says to the boys Nicolo was the one Sasha was with which naturally shocks Gabi who informs Kaya the truth that in Marley the relationships between Marleyans and Eldians were strictly forbidden. Gabi and Falco are able to get into the wine cellar of the restaurant in which they reveal themselves to Nicolo as volunteers Eldians from the Marleyan Army and warrior candidates.

 Nicolo inquires about how they came to Paradis and they answer that they went about getting into the airship that the troops of the island arrived in Liberio. Nicolo is terrified by the reply to which he questions the children if they have any involvement in Sasha’s demise. Gabi confidently responds with satisfaction the fact that she killed “that Demon”, as she stated about Sasha in one shot. Nicolo furious, takes to the bottle to to strike Gabi with the bottle however Falco gets in through the bottle and gets knocked unconscious.

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A number of Middle Eastern soldiers – After successfully taking down the armored train with explosives, it crashes into the trenches and crushes several Middle Eastern soldiers.  Lobov – When the enemy of Paradis entered and fled their territories, Gabi shoots this soldier who was guarding the airship in which they were fleeing. Lobov After the attack and the subsequent escape of Paradis the enemy from their area of control, Gabi shoots this soldier who was guarding his Airship in which they fled the scene. Sasha Blouse – Gabi utilizes his EDMAP of the person he killed, and then board the airship. Once he has stepped onto the vehicle the shooter kills Sasha with a gun, who is killed a short time after being hit by the bullet.

Skills Gabi Braun Aot

A part in the Marley’s military service program Gabi was given extensive military instruction. She showed her ingenuity by connecting a number of grenades to make a more explosive explosion which she then utilized to take down an armored vehicle in Fort Slava. She also is a part from the army of The Marley’s.


Gabi’s style and her name have been unveiled by Hajime Isayama, a few days before the launch chapter 90 in which she made her debut.  He shared the information in his website while enjoying UFC. Gabi’s appearance is akin to the appearance of Tsubaki the Character from Chapter 0. In the July edition of Bessatsu Shonen magazine, Isayama confirmed that Gabi is an adaptation of a female character of Eren that he created sometime in the past.