Hunter x Hunter is one of the most popular manga series in Japan, and it has also gained a large following in the United States. The series follows the adventures of Gon Freecss, a young boy who becomes a hunter in order to find his father, who was kidnapped by a group of hunters. The manga is full of action and adventure, and it is sure to keep readers entertained from beginning to end. Hunter x Hunter: A Comprehensive Guide provides an in-depth look at the series, from its inception to its current state. This book covers everything from the characters and their backgrounds to the various monsters and battles that take place throughout the story. It is an essential resource for anyone interested in learning more about this highly acclaimed manga series. ..

APPEARANCE NEon Hunter X Hunter

Neon is Cute teenager girl who prefers young clothes. Her hairstyle and accessories are reminiscent of psychic magicians.

PERSONALITY Neon Hunter X Hunter

In Hunter X Hunter, Neon is a spoiled, reckless, and morally impure girl. She loves the occult and collects artifacts made from human remains. She isn’t bothered by the fact her fellow capricious people cause so much trouble, but she can sometimes moderate her requests and show sympathy to loved ones.

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BIOGRAPHY Neon Hunter X Hunter

In Hunter X Hunter, Neon is the daughter Lyte Nostrade’s Nostrade mafia clan head. Lyte Nostrade earned his place in the mafia because of his daughter’s ability predict the future. He considers her his best asset and a guarantee of his power, so he surrounds him with bodyguards to ensure that she is always with him.

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It is very difficult for her bodyguards and servants to transport Neon to the Auction because it is too dangerous. She escapes from her guards and falls for Kuroro’s charm. Kuroro learns about her technique and steals her abilities of prediction. After her father Light loses his source of income, Kurapika is made the leader de facto of the Nostrade family. Neon agrees to return home after the Spiders murder Squalo.

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SKILLS AND POWER Neon Hunter X Hunter

Neon Nostrade is an expert, her ability to “Tidings-with-too-light” allows her to predict the future.“Tidings-with-that-light” (Tian Shi noZi Dong Bi Ji ,raburigosutoraita, Lovely Ghostwriter) – When Neon uses her ability, a Ghostwriter appears and writes with the unconscious Neon’s hand. She can’t predict the future.Neon requires that a person write their name, pseudonym, birth date, and blood type on a piece paper in order to make a prediction. If the person is unable to be there, their picture will be required.There are either four or five metaphorical verses that describe the predictions. Each verse describes future weeks beginning with the current week. If the prediction is made on a week’s last day, the first verse will be about events that have occurred.The verses that point to trouble are sure to give us a hint as to how we can avoid it.

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Neon’s maids stay by her side and help her with little tasks. They wear kimonos. Elsa is one Neon’s maids. She is a Squalo.Neon was hired to assist at the Yorkshin Auction along with her former bodyguards ( Daltzorn and Satchimono Tochino), Linsen, Ivlenkov), Basho. Senritsu. Daltzorn was originally the head of the guards, but he died shortly after taking the place of Kurapika.

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