Hunter x Hunter is a popular manga series that has been around for over 10 years. The manga follows the adventures of a young boy named Hunter and his friends, who travel to different parts of the world in order to hunt morel mushrooms. There are many different ways to hunt morel mushrooms, but the most common way is to use a bow and arrow. There are many different types of morel mushrooms, so it is important to find the right one for your hunting purposes. You can also purchase morel mushrooms online or from some local stores. When hunting morel mushrooms, it is important to be aware of their habits and how they respond to certain types of hunting techniques. For example, you may need to use a blind or blinds with perches in order to catch morels without being seen. You can also use traps or other methods in order to catch morels. Overall, hunter x hunter is a popular manga series that offers many different ways to hunt morel mushrooms. If you are interested in learning more about this popular manga series, be sure to check out our comprehensive guide on how to hunt morel mushrooms!

APPEARANCE Morel Hunter X Hunter

In Hunter X Hunter, Morel is tall and massive with a strong build. He has a long, gray hair that reaches his shoulders and a large chin. He is always dressed in pants, a shirt and tie, and sunglasses.

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Personality Morel Hunter X Hunter

In Hunter X Hunter, Morel is a skilled tactician who can quickly and accurately assess enemy capabilities and devise the best plan. Morau, despite his stern exterior, is a compassionate, kind and sentimental man.



V5, after learning about the Chimera Ants attack against the GGL, asked that the Hunters Association investigate it. This would be a difficult task, so Chairman Isaac Netero decided to tackle it himself. A Punishment Squad was formed by several Hunters who had unique skills and were able to defeat many enemies without engaging in confrontation. Morau was accompanied by Nakkl Byne, Jester Mahamahon and Nov. He also accompanied his apprentice Palm Syberia.The punishment squad arrived at the Republic of Rocario to quarter the apprentices. Netero, their mentors, and Netero went to NGL to investigate the situation. This was done in order to make sure that the Chimera Ants would not lose any valuable genes if the inexperienced fighters died.After Neferpitu had been hatched, this happened. The Guardsman saw Nan’s strong people prowling the GGL – Kaito. Gon,, Killua. He decided to test his strength. He killed Kaito but Killua was able to knock out Gon, and ran away with him.

Netero and Morel met Killua at NGL customs house. Killua was saddened by Neferpitu’s superiority and feared that he would have to flee. Kaito was left behind. Nove and Morel didn’t believe that the ants were as dangerous and dangerous as the boy claimed, and they laughed at Killua’s inexperience. Morel said that the Nan volume of the opponent can’t predict the outcome of duel. Killua acknowledged that Gon was trying to kill Pete after he cut Kaito’s arm off. Morel said that Gon was not yet hopeless. Netero, however, took Killua’s words seriously. He suggested that Gon and he fight Morau’s followers for the right to join Punitive Squad.After reaching Netero’s NGL, Nov and Morel saw Neferpita, who was guarding the nest. Netero said that the chimera was stronger than he was. Nove and Morel denied that such an existence could be possible. The Chairman however admitted that he had lost half of his strength due to old age and was now at the same level as Morel and Nove. Morel decided to first find the enemy’s numbers, and he made a lot of smoke-filled search rabbits. Neferpitu detects a surge in Nan energy but a hatched Shiuapuf stops him from rushing at his enemies.To defeat the chimeras, the Punitive Squad employed the following tactics: Nov covered the area with smoke, Morel engulfed it in smoke, Nov made portals in the fog where the chimeras fell one by one, and finally reached the Interdimensional Mansion where Netero was able to kill them all. The Punitive Squad was able to eliminate 20 units of chimeras in one month. At the end of the month, it was decided who would join Punitive Squad: Gon with Killua or Palm, Nuckle Byne or Jester MahMahon. Nov and Morel were doing Netero’s Ant Toss and got bored so they decided to wager on which students would win. Morel placed a wager on his Nuckle and Jester for 100,000 jennies. The more gambling Nove put a million to ensure that everyone would be there.

A chimera ant named Colt landed at their refuge the day before they arrived. He told them that the King had already come into the world, which severely damaged his mother, the queen Ant. Now that her life was over, the chimeras were willing to give up. But only if the humans would agree to save her and stop the collapse of the hierarchical chimera-ant pyramid. They must do so because if they don’t, the chimeras will abandon the nest and attack people around the world. Moraw and Nov decided that Colt should be taken to Chairman Netero. Netero believed Colt, and called a medical team to assist the Queen of Ants. He sent Morel and Nove to the nest. Then he went to create a plan to stop the expansion of the Chimera Ants.Most of the chimeras were leaving the nest to start their own kingdoms, so Nuckle and Jester waited for them. Dr. Lee, the most skilled medic, cannot do anything about the horrible damage done to the Ant Queen. She dies. Colt feels depressed because he failed to protect his beloved one yet again. But fate gives him another chance. It turns out that the Queen had another baby, Meruem– Kite. Moraw swears to the ant that he and the baby will never attack humans.

Morel, Nuckle and Jester find a Kaito doll in an abandoned nest of ants. They take it to the “Hotel Rafflesia”, and then return to the Republic of Rocario where Palm, Gon and Killua await them. Cheeta is ambushed by Morel and Nuckle, his apprentice. He can still move at the speed a bullet and easily dodges all Hunters’ attacks. Morel covers them in smoke and Nakkle attacks Chita using his Toichi. Chitu runs away after he decides to get rid of the mysterious stalker. Morel is told by Nuckle that the percentages won’t stop ticking away, but that he will still sense Chitu being somewhere.

Gon displays a strong desire to revenge his friend and bring him back home to normal when he is presented with the Kaito doll.Meruem the Ant King seizes East Goruto. He organizes a 10-day culling where all 5 million people must go through the Nan Initiation. Only 1% of them have a chance to survive. He is pursued by a punitive detachment.

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In this Hunter X Hunter Arc, Morel arrives at the East Goruto border and decides to test Gon’s strength. He demands that he hit him as hard as possible. Gon remembers Kaito’s tragic ending and gathers enough aura to kill his friend. Morel is saved by Killua. The Punitive Operation’s new plan allows Morel, November, Nuckle and Jester to sneak into East Goruto. Meruem is there, but Netero doesn’t appear until the day before the attack. Gon, Killua and Nuckle, along with Jester, sneak into East Goruto a few days before the mass selection. Nov, Palm and Morel then recruit one of the corrupt Eastern Goruto functionaries to transport Palm to the Palace of the Command-in-Chief. Nine days prior to DayX, they make a deal to meet Marcos, a local high-ranking tycoon. Nov must restrain Morel who is ready to tell Marcos everything he thinks.Gon is unable to accept that the Chimera Ants kill civilians while they make their way towards the palace. Killua takes the initiative to stop the culling.Reports of chimera-ant attacks from the Yorbian continent are flooding in. The Hunter’s Association dispatches salaried Hunters to combat them. However, they are not sufficiently qualified to do so. Morel is furious at the Association’s functionaries trying to frame Chairman Netero. Nov however says such unsubstantiated allegations are best avoided.

Killua’s sabotage actions are noticed by Neferpitu, who sends Leor’s detachment to chase him. Killua must retreat eight days before the mass selection.

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In This Hunter X Hunter Arc, Morel and Nov, however, decide to carry on Killua’s cause. They begin to destroy Neferpitu dolls at the capital of Eastern Goruto Peigin in just a few days – six days before the selection. Leor arrives to help them. Chitu is excited to try it on someone else, as he receives a new ability by Shauapuf. Leor offers Chitu the chance to fight Morel, a member of Punishment Squad. Chitu’s ability to transport him and his opponent to an isolated materialized place allows him to use this ability. Morel was shocked to see Chitu, and assumed that Nan could be removed from his control. He considered the battle with Chitu fortunate, as the Punitive Squad’s plans were dependent on Nuckle’s ability. The Nan Skimmer also had to be defeated. 

Chitu explained that his Field of Eggs ability allows him to escape into an isolated area where he must be caught by the enemy within eight hours. Morel was disappointed and lost all his enthusiasm. Morel pretended to be going to bed, created a dollop smoke before him, and then he tied the smoke rope to Cheetoo’s leg in a circle. He completed the task in five hours. The smoke doll then headed towards Chitu and reeled the rope. Chitu could not break the tether and lost his temper. He created the crossbow. The Morau doll laughed at Chitu’s ability. It is much slower than Chitu. The chimera was furious and attacked the doll. Morau then caught Chitu and dispelled his ability. After losing his ability, Chitu returned to the Commander in Chief’s Palace to request a new one. Meruem and his guardsmen were also present.Nov had already caught Flutter’s chimera-watcher and dragged Flutter to his Interdimensional Mansion. It starts to rain. Nov and Morau suddenly discover that En and the Neferpitu dolls have disappeared. Nove and Morau can’t miss the chance to invade the Empire so they go to the Palace of the Commander-in Chief to prepare the portals.Nov is absent so Leor lures Morau to an underground chapel. Hunter is shocked to learn that Leor uses Morau’s friend’s rainpipe ability to summon large amounts of water. Leor, who was surfing, tried to drown Morau by filling his underground chapel with water. Morau was furious when he discovered that his friend could create chimeras. He submerged and began to increase carbon dioxide concentration in the chapel. Leor began to feel weaker and lost control over the materialized surf. He fell into the water and drowned.

The Palace Nov was confronted by the true power and might of the King’s Guards and, when they could not provide combat support, the Punitive Squad, except Chairman Netero, gathered in the Interdimensional Mansion Nov to discuss a plan. Morau alone will go against Shauapuf, Nuckle, and Jester against Montepi. Gon and Killua are against Pythu so that Netero can face Meruem one-on-one. Killua is troubled by Pitu’s case of closing down his En. Colt calls him and he explains to him that Pythou can’t use his En or any other ability while he uses his healing ability. The squad concludes King injures himself for some reason, probably a woman. Morau is worried about King’s unusual behavior. Nov provides an overview to the squad, as he cannot go on the attack with them. He says that Poof has hypnotized all the people present for the culling.Due to the brutal battles, Morau had only 30-40% of Nan’s normal volume left on the day of the attack. Everybody except Nova leaves the Interdimensional Mansion. The Guardians are fooled by their laps around the crowd and think they have blended in with them. They actually walked through the Central Staircase portal, which was guarded and monitored by Montetiupi. Netero, Zeno, and the Nan-dragon were seen leaping from the top of the palace. The dragon was then scattered into thousands upon thousands of Nan charges.The Punishment Squad was confused when the charges fell on the Palace. Nuckle and Meleoron, who were invisibly and defenseless, were able to descend on the Palace, confusing the formation of Punishment Squad. Montetiupi wasn’t supposed to be there at all. Everyone froze in confusion. Gawn was the only one to realize that Nuckle and Meleoron were dead, so someone else must be fighting Jupie. Killua also realized this and ran at his enemy. Jester only then rushed into the fray. The invisible Nuckle then struck Yupi, hanging him as a reminder. Gon and Killua realized that Yupi was being fought by someone else. The chimera became startled at the sight of their enemies and climbed the ladder. Morau created a smokescreen to disorient the enemy and hurled his pipe at him, distracting and driving past. One of Jester’s flying hands gave the pipe to the teacher.Morau used En to find his opponent Poof in the throne area. He went there and caught the Guardsman in an escape trap. Shauapoof used the Spiritual Message ability of his Spiritual Message to ensure his opponent was in danger and wrapped himself in a cocoon. Morau thought that he was fortunate, as his task was to keep Poof in line. But Poof began to seep into the smoke, splitting into small pieces. 

Yupi, who had destroyed the place with a blast and pummeled Nuckle and Jester, entered the throne area looking for the King. He found a smoke trap but could not penetrate it or shout to Shauapuf. Morau was puzzled by Poof’s inability to respond to his comrade in arms and began to question his tactics. He realized that the enemy had somehow escaped the cocoon, and he was able to dispel the smoke trap. Shawapoof laughed at this decision and split into several small Poofs before running to the King. Morau summoned Crimson fighters to destroy these particles. However, they didn’t disintegrate into smaller pieces and were then reassembled. Puff, with his largest and most important body, grabbed the tube from Morau before he flew off.Morau couldn’t use the smoke without the pipe and was forced to control the summoned Crimson fighters. He went back to the central staircase where Jupiscrash and Nuckle were furious at Jester’s disappearance. Morau made Crimson into Nuckle and Nuckle’s clones. Yupi was furious and forced him to freeze once more. This caused his anger to explode and he could not control his anger so that Nuckle could attack the chimera and increase its Nan-debt. Yupi, however, figured out the Hunters plan and only faked frenzy in order to lure Nuckle within striking distance. The invisible Killua snuck up on Yupi and beat him with electricity. Yupi was too fast to do anything so he got into an even greater rage and was able transform himself to become even more dangerous.

Morau was left with only seconds before the Nakkl-created chimera bankrupted his strength. Yupi, however, felt compassion for the people and decided to give him an immediate death. Meleoron was able to cover Morau in invisibility, but Yupi’s punch hit the Hunter, and they were all caught on the blood trail. Nuckle was unable to let the teacher die, and he agreed to end Yupi’s bankruptcy in return for Morau’s death. This was something Meleoron and Morau couldn’t allow. Meleoron removed Hunter’s invisibility and ordered his apprentice to not betray his efforts as well as the sacrifice of the Jester. Nuckle saw Yupi swinging towards his teacher and gave up, and he removed the bankruptcy. Yupi was able to get rid of the threat and went looking for the King. However, he didn’t kill the men.Now came out, explaining that he was who had taken the Jester and that it didn’t matter if Yupi went, since Netero had already started the battle against Meruem. He took Morel who was incredibly mad at Nuckle and ordered his apprentice go after the Ant King’s Guards.

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In This Hunter X Hunter Arc, Morel was admitted to the same hospital that Jester McMahon, Gon and Gon after the battle against the chimerasants in the Palace of East Goruto. His condition improved and he was able to call Colt to inquire about the growing up of the baby chimera. Colt told him that the baby had recalled Kaito and Morau ran to Gon in the hope that this would wake the boy up. Despite all the efforts of his friends, Gon’s health continues to deteriorate. Morau assures Killua that they will come up with a better wiping solution for Gon. Killua finally makes his decision and demands that Gon be saved by engaging in the family secrets.Leorio arrives to Gon at Killua’s request to set up conditions for Nanika’s secret healing by Gon. However, Goto who is with Killua and Nanika, enters the conversation with an instruction about secrecy. Leorio is furious and Morau intervenes by taking his phone. He promises to keep everything secret.

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Skills Morel Hunter X Hunter

Incredible lung capacity and ability to hold his air.


Crimson Nan is Morau’s ability to make dolls out of the smoke he inhaled from a giant pipe. These dolls can be sensitive and intelligent and can hide or attack targets on their own depending on the situation. However, they always follow the instructions of their creator.

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