There is no definitive answer to this question, as there are many factors to consider when choosing a ship for a voyage. However, some of the more popular vessels in the AOT market include Ereri, which is considered to be one of the best ships in the market. Ereri is a large and luxurious vessel that can accommodate up to 350 passengers. She features an impressive deck space that makes it easy for passengers to move around, as well as comfortable seating and an excellent view of the ocean. Her engines are also very reliable and she has a very low fuel consumption. She is also very affordable, making her perfect for those who want to take a trip but don’t want to spend a fortune on their vessel. Overall, Ereri is one of the best ships in the market and would be an excellent choice for anyone looking for a luxurious experience on their next AOT voyage.

CANON Ereri Aot

Although the manga and anime do not have romantic overtones, their relationship revolves around the term friendship. There is an evident sense of mutual respect between Levi and Eren, which was clearly established during the manga. Both clearly care about the well-being of the other.On Eren’s side is Captain Levi from the Intelligence Corps. He portrays everything he admires and respects: freedom from insularity and hatred of titans and a desire for escape (when Eren questions about Levi’s history, Petra informs him that he was once a bandit in an underground city).

At the beginning of their relationship, Eren’s worship of the hero, and Levi’s conviction that Eren can become a tool for humanity, dominate the canon.Levi is soon taken into custody and asked Eren “Make your mind up already, what do YOU want?” Levi described Eren’s response, that he wanted to join the scout corp and shaft titans “not bad” Eren’s attitude towards the titans is so fascinating to Levi, he takes responsibility for him and promises that if he goes “over the top” and gets off the deep end, he’ll be killed on the spot.

Levy humiliates Eren in front of the courtroom when he fails to appear in court. Irwin believes Eren’s capabilities are a fatal tool. It is Levi’s brutal performance and his words that will ultimately determine Eren’s fate as an intelligence corps member.Levi, unlike Eren who is expressive but also reckless, is more closed-minded and rude than Eren . It is often difficult for Levi to express his thoughts because of his neutral expression. Both characters prefer body language to using words.

The Japanese novel Bright in the Forest of the Night, released as a bonus DVD, details Levi’s relationship with Eren, from their first meeting to the end.Levi and Irwin had already done extensive research on Eren’s background before they met. They learned that no amount of violence could be used to execute Eren or force him into the custody the intelligence corps.“He is a determined young man. “He’s a stubborn young man.” He was in many battles and has suffered countless injuries during his early years of practice. Human traffickers almost had him dead. He was even swallowed up by a titan. He would not let violence or any other type of pain break his spirit. “

Levi at Burning Bright

In Aot, Levi’s past in crime living underground, and the similarities between Ereri and his (both fatherless and forced to resort to violence to reach their goals), contribute to a guardian-custodian relationship.

In Aot, Ereri is able to openly talk to Levi in times of doubt or uncertainty, but Levi does not judge. Levi also recognizes the same anger within himself.Because Levi isn’t afraid to criticize Eren, their relationship can sometimes be complicated.Levi, unlike Mikasa or Armin, isn’t afraid to call Ereri “monster” in their first relationship. He also calls Ereri “child” in casual conversation. Levi is Eren’s antagonist, but he also reassures him when necessary.Levi assigned Eren to possess the ability to control a titan in his early days of living with the Intelligence Corps. When Eren is confronted and tagged by the monster by the rest, Levi takes Levi’s side and asks him how he feels. Later, he explains to Eren why the team reacted in this manner.Levi comforts Ereri after their death. He emphasizes that Ereri was powerless and tells a funny joke to try to cheer them up.

In Aot, Levi assisted Mikasa in rescuing Ereri during the expedition with the female. Levi fell while trying to rescue Ereri. He then decided against his will to retrieve Eren.

While Ehren’s affection for Levi’s character decreases over time he still admires him greatly and works harder to impress him more than any of his comrades. Levy is known for being “clean-cut” and Ehren, despite the fact they are in a crisis situation, puts himself out to help Jean, trying to meet Captain’s standards. This has earned him the nickname “grumpy housewife”.While no one at the table seems to be bothered by Levi’s comment on the cleaning they did, Ehren clearly is disappointed.

Levi notices Eren’s pain from the titanium strength training that he has been doing and offers him a handkerchief. He also comments on how “he must’ve used too much titanium strength.”

Levi was initially disinterested in their relationship and soulless at the beginning. But by the time they get to the final fights Levi has shown enough concern about Ereri Aot in different parts of the series that he would not mind killing Ereri the way he wanted. With the dynamic Isayama created, Levi can’t remain indifferent if he has to kill Eren.

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While Levi’s age is not officially confirmed, Isayama stated that he was “surprisingly old” and it has been suggested that he may be around 30. This has caused controversy, particularly in Western fandom, as Eren is only 16 years old. Fans continue to grow despite this. Some prefer to concentrate on the emotional connection between the two characters or reimagine the characters at various stages of their lives. Others emphasize that Eren has an emotional maturity almost equal to Levi because of Attack of the Titans.Humanity’s vulnerability the titans and the brutal death of Levi’s family and friends has led some fans to believe that they will quickly develop romantic/sexual relationships and find solace in one another. Both are strong and have to deal with the responsibility of being “the hope for mankind” and “the most powerful soldier”, but there are moments in canon between Levi that show they can overcome these difficulties with each other.

At a glance, Levi’s cold attitude and behavior towards Eren in episode 14 lends itself easily to the sadomasochistic model. The unwavering respect that Levi has for Eren and his inner fire indicate that Eren is willing to do anything to please him.Although the seme/ke dynamic is common in most yaoi manga suits Eren, many fans disagree with this claim. Both characters are balanced and not entirely subservient or controlling. Levi can be easily overpowered by Eren.Popularity of the Japanese spike is due to the large distribution of Yuki Kamiya (Eren) and Hiroshi Kaniya (Levi) as Seiyuus. Their voices are not the only thing that makes them popular in Japan.Both anime and games have produced “BLCDs ” that are very popular in Japan. The YouTube crossover clips have more than a million views. Levi is not a romantic pair, but Eren and are encouraging fan cultures with home videos of celebrities.Levi and Eren’s courtroom interactions are not the foundation of their relationship. The spike is also not exclusively sexual. Reincarnation is a popular theme among Attack of the Titans fans. Lena and Eren are two examples. After suffering pain from both humans and titans, it is possible to find comfort in the idea that they will live happy lives in the modern age.Levi’s position as a Captain in the Canon World and the strong dynamics that this brings have led to many fanfics about the alternate universe. The predominant theme is school, mainly due to the official parody series “Invasion! Giants of High School”.

Levi’s calm and calm outlook, in contrast to Eren, led to an increase in work. Levi was made the boss of the company while Eren was the student absent-minded. Like the characters in 50 Shades of Grey they are not afraid of violence and are comfortable with its limits. Artists have created crossovers between these franchises. As you can see in the ’50 Shades of Ereri” youtube trailer, they believe that connecting Ishayama and the concept of Reincarnation to the franchise will “make it meaningful” and provide a similar visual image.Ereri’s shippers help with a lot of official work. Magazine distribution, TV ads, and Eren’s dreaming about Levi on a CD track all contribute to the popularity of the couple within the Attack of the Titans fanbase.

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