Izuku Midoriya is a young man who has always been interested in the world around him. He started to learn about magic from his mother, and soon found himself drawn to the magical creatures that live in the forest. Izuku was always fascinated by the way they interacted with one another, and he decided to become a wizard himself. Izuku’s journey as a wizard has been full of adventure and learning. He has faced many challenges along the way, but he has also come to understand more about magic and its potential. Izuku is an amazing wizard, and he is sure to continue making an impact on society as a result.

APPEARANCE Izuku Midoriya

IzIzuku Midoriya is a tad shorter for his age with a round face and small, symmetrical freckles across both cheeks, big eyes that are green and dark curly hair in green that dangles in various ways and casts notable shadows upon the hair itself. All of these characteristics give an extremely scruffy but active appearance. He was initially very thin, but after his training under the Almighty He developed a well-developed muscle.

In his time at junior high in the year he dressed in his Japanese dark black Gakuran uniform, with yellow buttons. In Yuei it is the traditional male uniform, which is a light gray jacket , white pants with dark-green pants and an red tie that is not tied properly. Additionally, Izuku always wears tall red boots, with white soles.Izuku’s first costume for hero was made up of a light green suit with a red belt knee and elbow pads made of black as well as white gloves and his signature red boots. Also, he was wearing a mask with protrusions that resembled ears, akin to the Almighty’s hairstyle , and a respirator with the form of an ear. The suit was damaged severely during his fight with Katsuki Bakugo, requiring Izuku to get it fixed.

The Arc of the Unreal Catastrophe Zone, Izuku wore a Yuei sports suit that was blue tracksuits with a collar, and white stripes that formed”UA” “UA”. He also was wearing a black respirator that had elbow pads and knee pads.The costume of Izuku’s superhero was modified that made it appear more rugged and ready for battle. The color of his green was darker, the white inserts that he wears on his body became dark gray, and his kneepads were made longer and extend down to the hips while his gloves have been adorned by blue stripes. The respirator is now made of metal and has eight tiny holes. In the costumes, Izuku does not wear his mask, although it’s still on and has now become the Hood.Following the fight against Shoto The hands of his left hand were slightly bent and two cuts were discovered on the sides of the hand. The right hand of his received scars following the battle with Muscle. After recovering, Izuku wears a compression sleeves on his right arm to protect against any further injuries.In the Arc of the Hero Licensing Exam Izuku’s uniform was changed to enhance his combat skills. He now wears iron soles with armored soles, which are attached to the red boots of Izuku to help enhance the effectiveness of his leg kicks. Alongside these soles Hatsume made special gloves to support Izuku as part of his long-range suit.

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PERSONALITY Izuku Midoriya

IIzuku Midoriya is a quiet, reserved and courteous person. In the beginning in the tale, he appears dull and unassuming because he was victimized as a kid because of his lack of Whimsy particularly when contrasted with Katsuki. As a teenager Izuku was the target of bullies and was bullied by Bakugo. Bakugo being the principal culprit. However Izuku still views Katsuki as a close friend and, after he joined Yuei and beating Katsuki at Trial Combat, he has gained confidence and courage.IzIzuku Midoriya is also known for his dedication and determination will. Izuku is an extremely dedicated. From the moment he took the decision to be a hero He writes in his notebooks what is he knows concerning Heroes and their quirks, including Yuei’s pupils. He is very compassionate and will never let someone in danger, even if you know that you aren’t capable of protecting the person. If someone is having a problem, Izuku always tries to assist, even though it’s not his concern. Most of the time, he does this out of instinct, and not realizing what’s happened.

Izuku Midoriya is known for contemplating for a long time about subjects that are interesting to him, while muttering in his head. Izuku’s bravery is admired by many and he’s also won the respect and admiration of those who were once hostile to him, including Shadow Iida, Shoto Todoroki and Kota Izumi, leading him to be acknowledged as an authentic Hero in the eyes of Blur and Lady Nagan.In all of the heros, it’s that of the Almighty Who has had greatest impact on Midoriya’s existence, informing many of the values and goals that Izuku has adhered to since when he was a child. A lot of Izuku’s choices and actions are influenced through his desire be a hero that is similar to the Almighty and, consequently Izuku is a huge fan of his idol, even to the point of collecting objects that are associated with the hero and imitating his attributes. As a result of inheriting his quirk, Izuku has set his sights on to be a good steward of the legend of his hero, and He is always seeking ways to enhance his use of the quirk as he is conscious of the huge pressure that has risen since the official retirement of Hero #1. Izuku has such a reverence of the Almighty that according to him it’s now become a bit of a burden on the man to keep his own.Izuku MidoriyaIzuku is known for contemplating for a long time about subjects that are interesting to him, while muttering in his head. Izuku’s bravery is admired by many and he’s also won the respect and admiration of those who were once hostile to him, including Shadow Iida, Shoto Todoroki and Kota Izumi, leading him to be acknowledged as an authentic Hero in the eyes of Blur and Lady Nagan.In all of the heros, it’s that of the Almighty Who has had greatest impact on Midoriya’s existence, informing many of the values and goals that Izuku has adhered to since when he was a child. A lot of Izuku’s choices and actions are influenced through his desire be a hero that is similar to the Almighty and, consequently Izuku is a huge fan of his idol, even to the point of collecting objects that are associated with the hero and imitating his attributes. As a result of inheriting his quirk, Izuku has set his sights on to be a good steward of the legend of his hero, and He is always seeking ways to enhance his use of the quirk as he is conscious of the huge pressure that has risen since the official retirement of Hero #1. Izuku has such a reverence of the Almighty that according to him it’s now become a bit of a burden on the man to keep his own.

Izuku Midoriya is rumored to be more aggressive and rough side that is usually displayed in combat. This character makes him like Bakugo who is a bit aggressive and uncompromising and with a strong drive to beat the odds. It is because he views Katsuki as the perfect example of what a person who aims to win must be. He has acknowledged that he does not really enjoy the persona he is portrayed as and is trying to control it.IzuIzuku Midoriya is also a person with an empathy aspect, and has been able to recognize the villains he faces and even help them regardless of whether everyone around him believes this is unreal. At the beginning, Tomura thought of himself as a liar who willfully hurts people, but upon learning of his tragic tale and feeling a ache in his soul over the connection to the two All for One, it reinforced his conviction that a true hero is one that saves othersand not kills them. Consequently, He wanted to understand the reasons why they became villains, and whether there was a way to avoid fighting.Following the conclusion of Paranormal Liberation War, Izuku dramatically changed his attitude. After suffering the trauma of war and watching many innocents suffer, Izuku becomes more cold and distant from society. The immense stress and pressure make him want to go to combat, leaving behind the Almighty and the other heroes who look out for him , so that no one else is injured as a result of his actions. The more active and serious part of his personality has made people think that he’s not an eminent figure.

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one for all ( wannhuooru Wan Fo Oru?): Izuku’s quirk he got by the Almighty. The quirk provides him with inhuman strength, dexterity and mobility, by transferring the power of his body. This quirk Izuku improves his physical abilities (strength and speed, endurance as well as agility) to levels that are superhuman.

In the beginning, when making use of One For All Izuku suffered a great deal of injury to his body to an extent that he broke his limbs. In recent times, Izuku’s reflexes and speed have risen significantly, enabling him to stand up against opponents who are particularly powerful for longer. Izuku can focus his strength in a particular portion of his body or spread it out evenly across his body. However, concentrated strength in one area of his body can cause a lot of strain, which causes him immense discomfort. Midoriya is currently able to manage the majority of his quirk strength and not break a joint however his typical output is about 30 percent.“The “core” that is One For All, which was hidden by generations of accumulation of physical power is a mix of the quirks of previous owners. This allows Izuk his ability draw upon the quirks of previous One For All owners. You can also use multiple learned quirks at once which gives him more options when fighting. There are a few quirks that have been obtained by Midoriya to date:

Fa Jin (Fa hatsuJing kei Hakkei? ) A quirk that is owned by the 3rd owner of One for All.  This quirk permits Izuku to build up and release the energy of motion and later to harness the energy stored to create an explosive surge of speed and force. Premonition of danger (Wei kiJi kiGan kanZhi chi Kiki kanchi? ) is a quirk held by Hikage Shinomori, who is the 4th member of One For All.  The quirk allows the users to spot a danger within the surrounding area.  The effect is described by Izuku as a sharp pain within the head. Black Whip (Hei Bian kuromuchi Kuro Muchi? ) is a quirk owned by Daigoro Banjo, the fifth owner of One for All.  It allows you to make the whips that are dark in energy, and utilize them to grab objects in long distances and attract the user to the objects. Smoke Screen (Yan EnMu maku Enmaku? ) A quirk owned by En one of the six owners of One for All.  This allows Izuku to release a large smoke cloud out of his body.  The smoke could be a huge area and interfere with the view of enemies. Flying (Fu huYou yuu Fuyu? ) A quirk held by Nana Shimura, the seventh owner of One for All.  This glitch permits Izuku to keep his place and fly through the air.

General Abilities

fighting skills: Izuku Midoriya has decent combat skills and physical characteristics over the typical student. He has however, improved his physical capabilities through his training and was able to be a valuable aid in combat with the Blur. He was accustomed to using his fists to attack, but he has decided to alter his style of fighting based on kicks more powerful as his hands.A Sharp mind: Izuku Midoriya proved to be extremely smart on numerous occasions. He showed a keen eye and analytical abilities. In general his intellect helped him far more than the quirk. Izuku is able to think up strategies to make the most of circumstances and utilizes his expertise to make use of other people’s quirks to the fullest extent, like cooperating with Tsuyu or Minoru to get away from the evil in the zone of floods at USJ. Izuku also has a vast knowledge about Professional Heroes and their Quirks. Because of his expertise Izuku has been able to understand the mechanism for One For All, which allows him to utilize the Quirk more efficiently within a short time. Gran Torino even praised Izuku’s intellect, stating it was because Izuku is a person who thinks before acting.the threshold of high-pain In numerous instances, Izuku has demonstrated that he can endure significant pain. This is mainly due to his use of the Whim but Izuku was able move even when he was in extreme pain.

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Detroit Punch (detoroitosumatsushiyu Detoroito Sumasshu? ) The same technique as that of the Almighty but used through Izuku in the form of an uppercut. 

Delaware Punch (deraueasumatsuyu Derauea Sumasshu? ): Izuku Midoriya makes a “flick” using his fingers, resulting in an impact. The punch goes out so powerful that Izuku’s fingers are broken the way, which is the reason it isn’t possible to use this technique at more than 10 instances in a fight. In an emergency, he could execute the move with damaged fingers, which can cause serious injury to them. 

One for All: Full Coverage (wannhuooru hurukauru Wan Fo Oru Furukauru? ): Izuku Midoriya skips A Certain percentage of One For All’s strength throughout his body on an ongoing basis, not just temporarily using the techniques mentioned earlier, allowing him fight for longer and not break bones. This technique employing the quirk provides him more maneuverability. Utilizing this method increases his strength and speed, mobility and agility.The quirk is a great way to increase your speed, strength, and agility.

Detroit Kick (5 pa se n to de ro i su ma tsu, shi yu 5 Pasento Detoroito sumasshu): Izuku activates One for All Full Cover, then jumps into the air and delivers an upgraded downward blow on his foe. The move also served as this move to direct strike. 

Delaware Strike Air Attack (deraueasumatsushiyueahuosu Deraruea Sumasshu Eafosu? ): Izuku Midoriya uses his modified gloves that Hatsume Mei made for him to send the shock wave of compressed air at his adversaries and generating enough power to stun the opponent. This method was employed to fight free flight against the fleeing villain. Utilizing his five fingers, he is able to unleash as many as four Delaware strikes simultaneously.The One-for-All 100% is a method that lets Izuk to strike using the full force of the quirk

One for all, 100% desired area of the body and then severe injury to that area. The continued use of the same limb following an attack could result in fractures as witnessed in his fights with Shoto Todoroki (which led to Izuku being operated on to repair his left hand) along with muscle strains (leaving numerous marks across his arm).  100% Detoroito Punch (100 pa se n to de to ro i to su ma tsu shi yu 100 Pasento Detoroito Sumasshu? ): Izuku activates One for All at 100% and hits the opponent in direct.  1,000,000 percent Delaware Detroit Strike (1000000 pa se n to de the ro, i. e. de ra u su ma tsu Pasento Derauea Detoroito Sumasshu): Izuku uses One For All by a conditional 1,000,000%. It is also enhanced by adrenaline. This is powerful punches with unbelievable force that blows opponents off.  This punch was strong enough to overwhelm the muscle’s quirk, and deter the opponent. One for All: Full Coverage – Side Style (wanhuooru hurukauru shiyutosutairu Wan Fo Oru Furu Kauru Shuto Sutairu? ) In order to activate the One For All Full Coverage. Izuku employs a style of fighting that is centered around kicking which is naturally more powerful than arms.  Side Style: St. Louis Punch (hurukauru shiyutosutairusanruisusumatsushiyu Furukauru Shutosutairu San Ruisu Sumasshu?) Izuku when he activates One to all Full Coverage, while in the air, strikes his opponent in the side.