In the world of Naruto, there are many powerful shinobi with unique abilities. One such shinobi is Juzo Biwa, who uses his music to control the minds of his enemies. In this article, we will explore the basics of Juzo Biwa’s abilities and how they can be used in battle. Juzo Biwa is a master of music, which he uses to control the minds of his enemies. By playing certain notes on his flute, he can force people to do whatever he wants them to. This ability is especially useful in battle, as it can be used to force opponents into submission or even kill them. Juzo Biwa’s music also has other effects. By playing certain notes at just the right time, he can create powerful illusions that can confuse or even harm his opponents. Additionally, by playing certain notes at just the right time, he can create powerful sonic waves that can damage or destroy objects. Juzo Biwa’s music is powerful and versatile enough that it can be used in many different ways in battle. By understanding how his music works and using it to your advantage, you will be able to defeat your enemies easily! ..

Backstory Juzo Biwa In Naruto

The moment that Juzo became a part of his team, the Seven Ninja Swordsmen in the Mist He became the holder of the Kubikiribocho the weapon he used several times to dye battlefields with blood of his adversaries. The brutality of his actions made Juzo famous across different parts of the Shinobi world.

At time after the Third Shinobi World War, Juzo and his team-mates snatched an Konoha team of Might Guy, Genma Shiranui and Ebisu. Juzo was astonished to discover to learn that the young ninja had knowledge of his team and was aware of their increasing popularity. Before the swordsmen were able to move farther, they came surrounded with Might Duy, who activated the Eight Gates Released Formation, risking his life to let his son and team members to escape.

In the animated, Juzo survived the encounter together with Raiga Kurosuki as well as Fuguki Suikazan. After an incident Juzo went missing and was a part of Akatsuki. Following an incident that led to the Uchiha Clan Downfall, Pain directed Juzo to join forces with newly recruited Itachi Uchiha. In time, Juzo and his new team-mate completed various missions together. Then, they were assigned an assignment to The Land of Water, much to Juzo’s displeasure. Following the completion of the mission, Juzo and Itachi were pursued and attacked by a group of hunter-nin headed by Yagura the fourth Mizukage. Juzo along with Itachi were able to knock down the majority of the hunter-nin. However, Yagura took on the form of his Version 2 form and launched the Tailed Beast Ball toward Juzo.

In a short amount of time, Juzo attempted to deflect the attack using the Kubikiribocho but was unsuccessful and was mortally wounded. When Itachi defeated his opponent, the Mizukage, Juzo lamented having to die in this nation by reaching for his sword that he believed was his only real friend. In his final moments, in respect for his fellow soldiers, Itachi left the body of Kubikiribocho in the hands of Juzo. In the wake of his death, the sword returned to the hands of Kirigakure.

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Personality Juzo Biwa

Juzo was famous for his brutality that was inhuman. In the show outside of battle, he is depicted as a relaxed person who even made jokes to his colleagues. In addition, he was shown to be extremely welcoming to newcomers and showing them how Akatsuki operates. His loyalty was to Akatsuki following Pain’s commands without hesitation. In terms of assignments, he was extremely careful and thorough and preferred to conduct his assignments in the most professional manner possible. He even worked to make formations so that he could better align with his partners to achieve the best possible results in combat.

He was a snob in his community to the extent that he did not want to undertake any mission to The Land of Water. Juzo had a feeling of being a lonely person who was without a companion in his life. Therefore, he decided not to give any final words to Itachi prior to his death with a focus on his precious sword. However, he did demonstrate some concern for Itachi when he advised Heachi to escape and get away prior to the arrival of reinforcements from the enemy. Also in the event that Juzo demanded Itachi to kill his brother in case he is destined to be killed by Kirigakure. He then offered the same to Itachi should he get caught by Konoha.

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Appearance Juzo from Naruto

Juzo was a slim and tall shinobi, roughly the same height as the sword that he used. Juzo was not a shinobi with eyebrows, no creases around his eyes and a cross-shaped mark on his cheek. The eyes and hair are dark grey as well as his locks are curly and spikey. He has light tan skin. In addition, He also was sporting an dark red (black for the Naruto Color Edition) grid mark that covered his jaw. Also, He was wearing a black, tight-fitting sleeves-less shirt, with two thin, thin stripes across his chest, an embroidered belt and light-colored pants, as well as black arm covers that extended from his hands up to his biceps. Juzo also had bandages on his neck and face that were also a cover for his ears as most participants of the Seven Swordsmen, also had teeth that were pointed. As an Akatsuki member Akatsuki, Juzo wore the traditional Akatsuki Cloak, as well as an cut Kirigakure forehead protector to symbolize his break with the village. He also was also seen with his fingernails and nail polishes painted in green.

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Abilities Juzo from Naruto

In the seven Ninja Swordsmen from the Mist, Juzo was one of the most strong Shinobi Kirigakure ever created, and was at a point of becoming Mizukage himself, just like his fellow members. As with all the members of his squad Juzo had a great combat skills and was extremely proficient in the art of kenjutsu. Armed with the Kubikiribocho that could regenerate itself from iron gathered from the blood of its victims, Juzo was strong enough to turn battlefields red from his enemies’ blood and earned international fame for it.

In the manga, he was capable of getting through his Eight Gates Released Formation, and his talents allowed his acceptance as a member of Akatsuki which was an organization which was capable of capturing Jinchuriki. Juzo was also an adept Water Release user, capable of creating water clones, and then engulf his surroundings in dense mist.

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