Kaede Akamatsu is a Japanese artist who has been working in the field of video game design and development for over a decade. She has worked on titles such as “Final Fantasy XIII” and “Dragon Quest XI.” Akamatsu is also known for her work on the “Soulsborne” series, which is a collaboration between FromSoftware and Bandai Namco. Akamatsu was born in Tokyo, Japan in 1984. She began her career as a graphic designer before transitioning into video game development. Her first title was the PlayStation 2 game “Soulsborne,” which was released in 2006. Since then, she has worked on several other titles, including “Final Fantasy XIII” (2010), “Dragon Quest XI” (2015), and “Nioh” (2017). Akamatsu’s work has received critical acclaim. In 2010, she won the Best Original Score award at the Game Developers Choice Awards for her work on “Final Fantasy XIII.” In 2015, she won an Excellence Award at The Game Awards for her work on “Dragon Quest XI.” Her most recent title, “Nioh,” was nominated for Best Action/Adventure Game at The Game Awards 2018 but lost to “Red Dead Redemption 2.” ..

Appearance Kaede akamatsu

Kaede has a tall, young woman who has sleek ash blonde hair that extends to just under her shoulders. Her hair has a slight curvature towards each side and makes it appear much larger than it actually is. Her hair is parted at the right of her face, with her bangs draped low above her eyes, before being wrapped around her ears with a single ahoge appearing out of the rear of her parted hair and two tiny clumps of hair that sit between each shoulder, and they extend outwards at the end. The eyes of her are slanted inwards slightly, and are framed by lengthy and prominent lower and upper eyelashes as well in the game, sprites. their iris are warm, plum-colored however on her reference sheet for official purposes the irises are more of a brown.

Kaede wears a white dress shirt that is pinkish that has an orange tie around her neck. Over it, she is wearing a sleeveless, pale pink dress with a dark pink hem and a v-neck collar. The school’s emblem is located on the left of her chest. The skirt is a short dark purple skirt which is embellished with five thin black lines, with music notes adorning the lines, creating an authentic melody though it’s not the most appropriate tune. in her hair, she has five hair-slides with a similar style. The knee-high socks she wears are a colder purple shade than her skirt, sporting the same crest of the sweater’s outer side, and on her feet, she wears the tan lace-ups, with the thick brown soles.

She also wears a simple white backpack that has a flap lid, secured by an elongated golden clasp and two pockets to the sides.

The Prologue, Kaede wears her school uniform, which is in a navy blue seifuku. her skirt and collar a slightly darker shade. She also has white trims around the collar and a second one on the cuffs. Also, she wears a red scarf that is tied loosely on her chest. Also, she has black knee-high socks, and penny loafers which are dark in blue, which is probably navy. The slides that are in her hair are normal straight hairstyles.

Personality Kaede akamatsu

Kaede is a positive hard-working and optimistic person. As a leader with strong character She has a determined spirit and is not afraid to act. Her most notable characteristic is her deep confidence in herself and her fellows. The main reason for her playing the piano is seeing people smile.

Kaede has a warm and caring personality that causes her to think about other people before she does. This is why she isn’t able to instantly be suspicious of people, as shown in the video by even creating an alibi to gain her faith in Makoto and having no justification for his innocence. She’s willing to lie to justify her actions however, she appears to be uncomfortable when doing it and is inept at lying. As with the other protagonists before her, she is an extremely sensitive personality and is a good listener to others’ problems. But, as you can see in the Free Time Events with other students, she is able to inspire others to improve even more in a way than the other protagonists, and she’s not shy to speak up about it , and even point out their weaknesses. It seems that she’s quite quickly adored by other students.

But, as a pianist at an early age, she has the particular talent of weaving music in her conversations. She also avoids certain tasks like cooking or playing sports as she is worried that her fingers will be injured, which could affect the ability of her fingers to play. After speaking with Tsumugi at one of the Free Time Events, Kaede was astonished and disconcerted after realizing how much of her life and her identity are dependent on piano and that she isn’t really able to do anything elseto do, and she was desperate to find new activities.

Kaede is also sometimes oblivious and funny at times. When she is at K1-B0’s Free Time Events, she is known to ask questions in an uninformed manner , in which she makes an assumption about his robotic personality. She also pokes at Tsumugi’s cheek and pushes K1-B0’s emergency button with no authorization, which shows that she’s quite playful and insecure. In addition she is known to make a habit of making sexual remarks about other girls, like repeatedly saying that she finds Tenko cute, or describing Tsumugi’s sexually attractive aura and body, and even threatening to pull her skirt to reveal her pants to get her talkShuichi even telling Tsumugi that she voices like an old man. Yet she is completely unaware to other girls’ comments about how they like girls. In Tenko as well as Himiko’s Free Time Events, she is unable to comprehend that they are referring to homosexuality when discussing “playing on the team of another” or being attracted by an other girl. She also is very sensitive to vulgarity as seen during her Free Time Events. While she’s determined and brave she can be more afraid of certain situations, for instance, not liking horror films because they can make her fearful when she is in bonus scene.

Although she is a warm and welcoming individual, Kaede is shown to possess a very firm, often a bit easily annoyed character, too, since she is known to attack people when they bother her enough. When Shuichi is frightened after the first time they meet, she shouted at him to stop to soothe him. However, she was also quite irritated by his jitteriness and then hit Shuichi on the head when the latter didn’t respond for a short time. She is gentle with Miu however, she sometimes snaps at her every time she’s fed up with her insults. She once angryly declaring to Miu she had “nasty cow’s udders” following Miu repeatedly accused Kaede of having tiny breasts. In the course of her investigation, she advises Himiko to keep calm and quiet a few times, expressing her displeasure for her nonsense and unneeded conversation about magic in such a critical situations. She is also very assertive with Kokichi in a blunt way, telling her when she is unhappy with his conduct and her thoughts about him, like believing that he’s just seeking attention or that he is delusional. Kokichi responds with a statement that Kaede appears to know how to defend herself. In one moment she disarms Monokid by shouting at him to stop talking. She also is quite determined about any illegal acts she reprimands Kaito for cheating, and Miu for wanting to take drugs to get high.

In fact, her tendency to pursue her private justice may be her most significant fault. Kaede isn’t willing to quit when it is the right option, even if pushing ahead would just make things worse. She never questions her convictions and believes it with complete confidence. In one instance, she encouraged the group to escape through Monokuma’s trap, and was then slammed by Kokichi due to her actions. This stoic and controlling attitude makes her somewhat unpopular with students. However, she seems to be feeling very guilty for her actions and did not seem to be aware of how her actions affected other students at that time. Kaede also has the ability to be a liar during the Class Trials, though only to help strengthen the group’s unity as Kokichi stated and she is at ease doing so. If she is pushed to the limit, Kaede would go as the extent of trying to kill the mastermind to save her colleagues from the mass executions in Chapter 1. Kaede is always motivated by positive intentions and is driven by her hopes and dreams to get to know the other students and help them get from the institution. But, Kanda has pointed out that she’s unsure of about whether to consider Kaede a decent person, saying that she has no motives to do so because she isn’t convinced she’s right, but she gets a bit insane when her perception of what’s right is wrong.

Then, it’s discovered that the memories of Kaede were altered in order to appear as someone with an entirely different personality. In fact, Kaede was a person who was averse to people, with problems trusting others, and announcing with a dazzling smile that she was not a believer in the human race. But, it is to be noted that it’s unclear if this is the truth and could be a flimsy statement told by Tsumugi and was later exposed by Shuichi.

Talent and Abilities Kaede akamatsu

Ultimate Pianist

Kaede’s ability to be the Ultimate pianist is an invention created through Team Danganronpa. In light of that it isn’t clear whether Kaede has been a successful musician in past.

As the ultimate pianist, she was highly skilled in playing the piano since the age of just. She was able to earn the title of the Ultimate Pianist after she was crowned the winner of an award in a competition. Her primary motivation to play her instrument was bring joy to her audience and remember the reason behind her performance so she could manage her anxiety.

Enhanced Hearing

Kaede has improved hearing that is similar to Ibuki Mioda in the Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair which allows her to hear more than three different voices’ arguments throughout an argument during the Panic Debate.


Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles’s Students:

Shuichi Saihara

Shuichi appears to have faith in Kaede She reassures her, saying to her to “if she’s the one to do it, she’s got the ability to do it”. Shuichi’s presence is believed to soothe Kaede due to his position as a detective, even though she admits to being to be undependable. She tries to boost Shuichi’s confidence through giving him a few pep talks.

At beginning, Shuichi admitted to not entirely confidence in Kaede whenever murders take place this is a source of disappointment for her however she accepts this because she believes that Kaede is able to solve the case. However, things changed when they started investigating the school together. As Kaede began to admire him for her determination and placed an enormous amount of trust in Kaede’s. He offered to assist Kaede several times throughout Chapter 1, and even bowing at Miu in one instance just because he witnessed Kaede bowing to her. They also shared an intimate moment in the classroom during which Kaede was holding Shuichi’s hand. She’s fully aware of his fear of revealing the truth kept him from making use of his talents in the role of an Ultimate Detective properly, so she urged him to keep his head up high and vowed her to confront the truth, no matter how difficult the outcome could be.

Kaede has been proven to love Shuichi the way she demonstrated it during the first Class Trial in which she tried to shield suspicion from him, after other students began to accuse Shuichi of. This eventually led to Kaede being chosen as the culprit, which was extremely hurtful to Shuichi.

The two had a tearful and emotional exchange, and Kaede was in tears as Shuichi brutally inquired about what she was thinking of when she killed Rantaro and he retreated at the moment he was informed that Kaede was scheduled to be executed. After Kaede apologized to her classmates her apology appeared to be directed towards Shuichi. It is believed that Shuichi apologized to Kaede and attempted to save her from her execution. In the initial part of her execution Shuichi tried to grasp Kaede’s hands, but his attempts was unsuccessful.

When Shuichi is in his Free Time Events in chapter 1. She is spending time with Shuichi and, with awe, asks what Shuichi do as an Ultimate Detective like himself do? Shuichi states that he does not get involved in cases that require an extensive amount of investigation. He spends most of his time in the detective office of his uncle in which they are the recipients of a number of cases. Kaede finds out that the majority of his job is small-scale jobs such as infidelity cases as well as background checks. He also participates in follow-ups with clients and the runaways. Shuichi acknowledges the importance of this because people have reasons to do so for running away and it is the responsibility of the detective to ensure that both the victim and the runaway are satisfied. Kaede is in agreement with Shuichi’s stance and asks whether all detectives are kind as Shuichi. In the following free-time occasion, Kaede learns that Shuichi is under the supervision of his uncle as his parents are in the United States, working towards their careers as an screenwriter and actor. To Kaede’s delight and surprise, she discovers that Shuichi’s parents have a reticence regarding having a relationship with their son. She begins to question if Shuichi was mistreated as a child growing to be a teenager. Then, he talks about his first incident, which involved the search for a missing pet belonging to one of his classmates and then reveals it was an alligator, which is a surprise to Kaede. He explains the process of capturing the alligator, and is presented with chocolate on Valentine’s Day following having found her pet. To the surprise of Kaede to receive the gift the recipient received, he states that it was an act of kindness and, even more important, the knowledge gained from solving that case was the basis for his work as a detective. Kaede is then praised Shuichi for the kind of detective that he is and hopes that they can be a part of the same team for all time and makes him be proud of his accomplishments.

From the point of view of Shuichi, Kaede first spends her time explaining the trends of traditional music Shuichi and also the story behind the composer of the piano, Chopin. Kaede also mentions playing on the piano with a King at one of her shows that impresses Shuichi.

After the initial free-time event, Kaede begins her introduction of the piano to Shuichi and starts to teach Shuichi. In the course she narrows the gap between them and rubs his hands to adjust their position upon the keys of the piano. This results in Shuichi to go into a flush.

While the tutoring continues, Shuichi is praising Kaede for her traits of working with other students, bringing teamwork to the table and never ever giving up. Kaede states that all of her qualities stem from her experiences with music. She loves using music to make people smile. In addition, She adds that she’d like to create songs for movies or games and have them played in the audience to see them later in a concert. She adds that she’ll gift Shuichi the first concert ticket much to the delight of Shuichi.

After that the two take a break from their pianos and Kaede is transformed into an investigator who will uncover Shuichi’s hidden. Kaede begins to ask him about his favourite food and where he would go when he went going out with a partner. This sparks curiosity, and Shuichi is curious about what notes are being used to serve. In reply, Kaede claims the notes are secretly written which is a surprise for Shuichi. She assures him that it will not be used for anything that isn’t good and claims that “Detective” Kaede Akamatsu is only starting her investigation of Shuichi.

The two then perform Claire De Lune in a piano duet, and they have a wonderful time in sync. Afterward, Shuichi thanks her for giving him the joy of the piano and lauds her for being a wonderful teacher. Kaede invites him over to her house so that they can play a duet on her piano and get to know one and get to know each other better.

At the Love Suite fantasy event, Shuichi played the role of Kaede’s boyfriend. The two had their first anniversary celebration. Kaede was furious because Shuichi did not refer to her as “sweetheart” instead of her name instead. The way it was written in the Japanese, Shuichi was asked to address her using her name rather than his usual manner of referring to Kaede by the name of “Akamatsu-san.” But, when Shuichi attempted to call her “sweetheart” for the first time, each find it difficult to maintain their calm and, in particular, Kaede is stunned. Believing that she is in danger, Shuichi asked her if she was okay. She then was calling her Kaede once more out of habit which caused her to point at her with some annoyance that he reverted back to calling Kaede this. Shuichi apologized and then Kaede says it’s okay and, a little hesitantly, acknowledged that she really likes his passive nature. Shuichi did a smirk and sat down, prompting Kaede to remind him not to do it and to point out that she was very embarrassing as well. In the blink of an eye, Kaede hugged Shuichi and they fell to the mattress. Shuichi started to panic and he cried out, but Kaede requested him to hold her more tightly. Kaede acknowledges that Shuichi’s heartbeat is her most favorite song and she believes that when Shuichi inspires her, she’s able to do anything. Then, Kaede asks if Shuichi would “do this together” and she pulls her closer without ever saying even a word. It’s assumed it was Kaede and Shuichi had a sexual relationship following the incident.

Within the Ultimate Talent Development Plan, Kaede and Shuichi have a number of interactions that demonstrate their school-life together , as well as the close bond between the two. Kaede assists Shuichi in her pursuit of Monokuma , by bringing together students to deter him from his naughty behavior. Alongside their interactions, Kaede gives Shuichi a ticket to her recital on piano and is misinterpreting Shuichi’s words to mean “wanting to meet her” instead of her performance. Shuichi thanks her accepting the invitation, and Kaede states that she has many music for Shuichi to listen to. At the festival of sports, Kaede stops by the table tennis tournament to support Shuichi but not be able to witness his win and still be praised. In her final season at the Academy Kaede decides to speak to Shuichi to ease her nerves prior to her performance with Sayaka and is worried that people will not enjoy her music. Shuichi encourages her and admits that he’s worried too as this is his first concert, but is looking forward to the concert together with Maki along with Kaito. Even though the trio decide to head home after the concert, Kaede asks Shuichi if they’d prefer to travel somewhere just them. He agrees to, which gives her some confidence to go to the show.

Rantaro Amami

Rantaro is awestruck by Kaede as a leader for her abilities. Kaede believes that he’s an enjoyable person and is easy to communicate with. Yet, Kaede was surprised how Rantaro is so relaxed and relaxed prior to his Class Trial in the demo begins. Kaede says that despite the fact that things have gotten complex, Rantaro discovered the method to get rid of the entire situation, which left her wonder. She was also a bit confused by how Rantaro is so calm in his confrontation with Monokuma in the midst of the crisis and was determined to know what was his greatest talent is.

In Kaede’s Free Time Events, Kaede declares that she would like to become friends with Rantaro regardless of his past. previous. Despite his ability being as undiscovered and his being suspect, Kaede still cares for Rantaro and admires him. She also believes that he’s not the one who is behind the entire Killing Game. Kaede inspires him with optimism and helped him feel less depressed. Rantaro is also a bit concerned for Kaede since he’s anxious and commented on how she’s trying to help everybody and advised her to relax. He believes Kaede is comfortable to talk to and is at ease when she is with her. He describes them as”comrades” among the Ultimates because they’re more normal than the other members.

Kaede often assumes the notion that Rantaro might be a womanizer who is trying to smack her, even though he says he’s not the type of person. If she was ever invited by him to have tea with him, Kaede was curious and assumed it was a dating simulation in which Rantaro could be hitting on women. But, Rantaro admitted that his looks could be reminiscent of an actor but he’s the most laid-back, friendly man.

In Chapter 1, it was demonstrated that the two appeared to be on excellent mutual respect and even get well. It was revealed that Rantaro painted Kaede’s nails. She suggested the design of nails that Kaede requires because her nails were long. Rantaro is extremely accommodating with Kaede and have faith in one the other and have a sense of trust. Kaede has inspired Rantaro by his words and brought him to tears with determination, and he is determined to end from playing the Killing Game.

Then, Rantaro suggests that he should visit the library to locate the secret entrance to the mastermind’s hidden location however, he was murdered in the hands of the mastermind. In the dark, Kaede got involved at the wrong moment and diverted Rantaro away from his mastermind’s attacks. When Kaede first saw Rantaro’s body her legs began shake and she was scared to discover that Rantaro had died. Kaede demanded to determine who killed Rantaro and also states that she would never ever forgive someone who killed a significant friend of hers. In her trial Kaede thought she was the one responsible for killing Rantaro and confesses to her guilt. She describes herself as a terrible murderer, and she is sorry for Shuichi as well as Shuichi specifically. She is regretful of “killing” Rantaro after the trial ended and was later executed.

in the uncanon Danganronpa V3 bonus mode Ultimate Talent Development Plan, Kaede was waiting for Rantaro following the Christmas celebration that had nearly ended. Kaede was aware that Rantaro will be back soon. Kaede says that she had left a cake for Rantaro. At the end, they shared a meal together. In a separate moment, Kaede stops by Rantaro’s soccer game to support him. He was shocked and delighted with the gesture, saying he’d try his best in the match and asking Kaede to sing loudly for himself and his team.

Kaito Momota

At the beginning, Kaede is angered when Kaito tells her that he broke the law in order to get an opportunity to join the space program. But, he’s later revealed to be among the few who will always support her throughout this Killing School Semester, as they share a similar optimistic outlook.

Sometimes Kaede delivered rousing talks of hope during moments of stress in the first time the class been introduced and Kaito always responded in a manner that was agreeable, stating that he would have done the same thing, and even asked for Kaede to hug him, which she politely refused, showing the lack of affection between them and affection, they share the same attitude. Kaede seems to be grateful for his assistance, even though she seems to mostly express her gratitude only in her mind.

Kaito is extremely friendly to Kaede and praises her for her determination to bring everyone together and make them cooperate, to the point where they suggest she could be a great astronaut for his free Time Events. Kaito does however mention her ability to take on the initiative and invites her to become his companion. She is graciously declined, but is encouraged by Kaito’s positive attitude.

Kaito will not hesitate to defend the actions of Kaede throughout Chapter 1. When Kokichi is trying to convince others that Kaede is causing them to desperation, Kaito gets angry and promises Kaede that she wasn’t responsible for the incident. When Kaede is found as the one responsible for the murder of Rantaro, Kaito cries and along with Gonta and Tenko and threats to take on the fight for her life in the beginning however Kaede quickly puts an end to the threat herself.

Maki Harukawa

Following the time that Kaede and Maki announced their identity as Ultimates, Kaede claims that Maki’s soul, and Maki can be a source of intense affection.

Despite Kaede’s love for Maki the latter has shown to be distrustful of her, and has publicly expressed disdain towards her. She also accuses Kaede for breaking the bond she tried to foster between the students. While she displays minimal amount of emotion when she hears about Kaede’s demise, Maki secretly feels some guilt for having a bad relationship with her first after the fact that Kaede was implicated by the mastermind of the Rantaro murder case.

In contrast, Maki seems to have an enviable connection and Kaede within Kaede’s Ultimate Talent Development Plan, to the point that Kaito wonders why they’ve been so close. Despite calling the relationship she has with Kaede as an “arrangement” she’s generally observed with her, which is a clear indication that her relationship is similar the same as Shuichi and Kaito’s. She also promises that she’ll find ways to make Kaede play the piano for the orphans in her orphanage. However, Maki still tends to not be friendly towards her. one example is when she invites herself to accompany Chihiro Fujisaki in Gundham Tanaka in order to demand the proper burial of dead birds found by Chihiro, who is astonished by her kindness is a bit apologetic by Kaede who tells her that behind the caretaker’s rough exterior is a genuine person, to which Maki responds in an angry and embarrassed tone and admonishing Kaede to tell her she does not requirement to join her and to the dismay of the pianist.


While initially reticent about his robotic character K1-B0 later tells Kaede that he’s happy to have her as a friend, after he discovered that she’s not a robophobe.

On the course of her Free Time Events with him, Kaede seems to be fascinated by K1-B0 because she’s the first time she’s interacted with a robot. Kaede is also intrigued by K1-B0’s capabilities and questions him. K1-B0 didn’t know about Kaede playing around because humans are extremely irritating. He says that Kaede was the first person to have to ask numerous questions without hesitation. Kaede.

In his final Free Time Event with Kaede when she was there, she presses the emergency button, making K1-B0 unconscious for a short time. Once K1-B0 has returned to normal she suggests that perhaps the emergency button shouldn’t be in such an obvious a spot and that he needs to discuss it with the professor. the issue. K1-B0 continues off on a tangent regarding Kaede legally becoming her mother if she is a part of his style, much like it is the case with his dad and then suggests that he be calling her mom from the moment on. Kaede is a bit uncomfortable with the whole thing, but K1-B0 exhibits a more mature, though not entirely a bit uncomfortable sense of humor by smirking and admitting that he had been joking as a retribution for causing trouble to his body. K1-B0 becomes a bit nervous when he requests Kaede to keep the emergency button a secret from anyone else and she accepts.

Miu Iruma

Kaede and Miu’s romance can be quite sometimes negative, because Miu is known to smear her, just as she does to other people and, in particular, refers to her as “Kaeidiot” (Bakamatsu for Japanese) and calls her breasts small. While Kaede might be frustrated by Miu’s rudeness she is empathetic and protective of her when she displays her vulnerability.

The first chapter of the novel as Kaede pleads to help Miu, Miu seems uncomfortable in spite of her normal arrogant attitude. If she accepts to help, Kaede grasps her hands with excitement and creates Miu to sweat.

The second Free Time Event with Kaede, Kaede appears worried about Miu as it appears that she’s never had any friends and is determined to help her improve in communicating. But, even Kaede is exhausted after having a conversation with Miu trying to assist her.

Miu is also obviously upset following the news that Kaede was found to be guilty.

Miu seems to have an attraction to Kaede. In their first Free Time Event together, Kaede has had enough of Miu’s bad behavior and tells Miu she’s breasts actually look large. Miu is then tempted to kiss her to be sure there’s nothing wrong because they’re both girls. Kaede feels uncomfortable, and she smacks her gently for her to shield herself. If Kaede offers her a present she truly likes, Miu blushes shyly and thinks about whether Kaede is truly interested in her, perhaps explaining why she chose what she wanted to gift Miu. Miu is back to her arrogant state and jokes that she’s a “flat-chested fool” like Kaede is likely to fall for an intelligent, sexy woman like her.

In Chapter 3, Miu also tries to determine if the wax model that she made of Kaede that Angie created is wearing underwear.

Kokichi Oma

Kaede was puzzled by Kokichi’s playful behavior and the unusual Ultimate talent. She thought he was a child who was naughty and constantly fawning over attention. She was quite tough with him, even declaring her displeasure with him in public to which Kokichi once replied with a slack, genuine smile. He appeared surprised when he mentioned that Kaede appeared to know how to defend herself. Even though Kaede believed that he was an integral part with the other group members and believed that they all should cooperate, she usually did not like him. At times, the man was very irritable within her group. At the start of the second Free Time Event with Kaede and Kaede, he yelled that Kaede was planning to kill him , but he was playing and having fun, and then he attempted to fool Kaede by making it appear as though K1-B0 was behind her using knives. He stated that he’d never refuse the invitation of Kaede and then, in an obnoxious way, claimed that he was lying, clearly happy with the anger it caused Kaede.

To Kokichi, Kaede appeared to be among the students that he was a slightly more interested in because he seemed to be having amusement while talking to her. He also looked more serious and mysterious while they were alone and it seemed to suggest that he held some kind that he was a fan of her. In one instance, Kaede slyly made fun of her by asking how far she’s traveled with Shuichi before claiming that he just wanted to inquire about how long they’ve explored the region. Then he explained that they’re strangers therefore he doesn’t really care the things she does or Shuichi do, and explained that even close friends don’t necessarily share everything with one another. Kokichi said that he’s more worried about people who are sharing too much than strangers, which frightened Kaede and she remained silent with a worried look. Then, as Kaede ran to put an end to the fight at the restaurant, she had the option to sit down to chat with Kokichi and inquire about why he wasn’t in the cafeteria to stop the fight in the event that he knew about the fight. He pointed out that the deadline was nearing and asked her who would she stop those who need to act to ensure their survival. But, he smiled and stated that based on the same logic who would he be to stop her? He then told her to take them off the road and said that the same thing about her.

Kokichi has a tendency to become confrontational with Kaede and seemed to try to force her to question her thinking. He was quick to spot the flaws in Kaede’s judgement and optimistic approach to thinking because she was willing to push others to the next level regardless of whether it was the best to quit. In this Death Road of Despair, Kaede instructed the group to continue until everyone’s spirits were broken. If Kaede was determined to continue, Kokichi interrupted her seriously with his face concealed by shadows, telling her to stop immediately. He said she could continue as long as she wishes, but requiring others to join in is fundamentally an act of torture. Kaede was astonished and confused at his remarks and did not realize that her actions could have come off as such. Kokichi became teary-eyed when the man explained that what really hurts is denial of the right to give up in a difficult circumstance in addition to the knowledge Kaede was adamant that Kaede will not allow them to abandon their efforts while maintaining the moral good standing. Kokichi wept and shouted the words she spoke of were not encouraging them, but rather admonishing them. Kaede was trying to convince her that she wasn’t referring to it as she did however, several other students stepped in to help Kaede and others exhausted, as Kokichi declared and turned to Kaede.

The next day, Kokichi brought up the discussion of the previous day, but was now depressed and asking whether Kaede was fine and also pointing out of how rude the other members were toward Kaede “poor woman”. The other members claimed that it was he who was the one to suspect Kaede initially however Kaede stated that it was okay and suggested that she could have been more mindful of her fellow members. When the situation appeared to calm to a halt, Kokichi suddenly acted relaxed and said that blaming Kaede was just a ruse to create a feeling of unison. Then, after Kokichi was frightened about dying in the game of killing, Kaede assumed he was considering murder and stated that it was not a good idea to do such a thing. Kokichi was able to calm down, and smiled as he was confronted Kaede asking her to take responsibility should he pass away.

Then, during the second Free Time Event, after realizing that Kaede had fallen for a lot of his deceits so far, he advised her that she’d be the first person who dies if she continues to fall for such a easy mark. He attempted to convince she join his club and become a cover agent pianist however she was convinced that the whole thing was Kokichi’s illusions. Also, He explained to her how the meaning of “common sense” differs with each individual, and inquired about why she believes her definition is the correct one. He told her the reason he was warning her is since he really loved her. In addition, He advised her to not cry back at him when things did not work out as she had hoped. When he said his words were nonsense, Kaede did not appear to listen to his words.

When Kaede was revealed to be the primary victim, Kokichi was shocked for some time when he remarked on the pity of the person who spoke of collaboration and unity later was able to kill someone with cold blood. Following Kaede revealed her reasons Kokichi was able to explain that it didn’t occur to her that she had fallen into Monokuma’s trap when the idea of killing popped into her mind, and regardless of the reason, she opted to participate in the game of killing right at the moment.

Just prior to Kaede’s execution Kokichi displayed a blank expression (which is often a sign of the sincerity of his character) and he simply declared “bye” and later said that Kaede was not boring. From his perspective, this seemed to be an impressive compliment. And it’s worth noting that Kokichi used the same phrase at the request of Shuichi Kaito and Shuichi. Kaito.

Tsumugi Shirogane

At first, it was believed to be a doll of a life size, Kaede didn’t expect that Tsumugi was given the title of”the” Ultimate Cosplayer due to her typical appearance. Kaede says that she can detect some kind of “pheromones” that couldn’t keep her from falling from Tsumugi due to her lack of her costume. Kaede also stated that Tsumugi has an “strange kind of sexy, almost sexually attractive aura” around her, possibly due to the fact that people would be glancing at her curves on a regular and regular basis, or so Kaede states. It’s unclear if Kaede was just playing or actually hurting Tsumugi however it must be mentioned that Shuichi even admitted to Kaede she sounded like an old man following the time Kaede said those things regarding her.

In the bonus sequence (triggered only when the player provided Tsumugi Nail Brush that was present at the beginning of Chapter 1.), Tsumugi offered Kaede to paint her nails. This led to Rantaro stopping Kaede’s meeting with her. Then it is found out that Tsumugi has no ties with Kaede. In Chapter 1 Tsumugi was able to figure out Kaede’s scheme and, after she found out that Kaede’s plan was not successful, Tsumugi decided to kill Rantaro herself to keep the execution of others. In the aftermath, Tsumugi was able to frame Kaede for the crime and also executed her.

Angie Yonaga

Kaede thinks of Angie as a religious person. He is somewhat frightened when Angie requests blood to burn for her god. No matter if she’s a good or bad, Kaede thinks that it will be difficult for her to become close.

When Kaede had been executed Angie was able to apologize for her for her actions and stated that she’d be resting in Heaven, but Miu responded that Kaede had a very difficult route to take.

Korekiyo Shinguji

In His Free Time Events, Korekiyo spoke to Kaede concerning his mother until she joked around and asked him if he’s involved in sexual incest. He seemed to be a bit angry and said that incest is not a good thing. Kaede apologized and assured him that she was not referring to the word “bad and quickly brought him back to calm.

Korekiyo is a fan of Kaede and her positive nature greatly and requests Kaede to become her sister’s best friend. Kaede accepts and Korekiyo departs to come up with an effective “method” to meet, implying that Korekiyo could have killed her in the future , if she hadn’t been killed so early in The Killing Game.

Kaede believes that Korekiyo is creepy, yet she thinks he’s an honest person who is concerned about his sister. But, she’s somewhat unsure about this because she doesn’t know him very well. She also believes that Korekiyo is “so pretty” due to the influence of his older sister.

Kirumi Tojo

Kaede believes that Kirumi is a fascinating talent that is skilled and has an affable and serene atmosphere. Kaede wondered if she should call Kirumi to express her feelings. Also, Kaede says how fortunate Kirumi is since she’s always busy and is able to help many people.

When she was at his Free Time Events with Kirumi, Kaede straightforwardly told her to not distract the other students with too excessively, because they may get dependent of her. She claimed that she had the best and worst characteristic, and using Kirumi’s frustration at being referred to as the group’s mother her words finally reach her as she realized that in order to live up to her ideal of selfless dedication her, she must start contemplating her own requirements.

Tenko Chabashira

Kaede believes that Tenko is adorable, and spends much of the time praising her appearance at Free Times Events, which makes her very uncomfortable for Tenko. Because Kaede is female, Tenko is willing to shield her from degenerate males.

Enemies Kaede akamatsu :


They both meet in they play the Killing Game. Monokid would ridicule Kaede to make her believe in being able to leave the academy as did her classmates. He would get scared whenever Kaede held her own when she confronted him and this is what ultimately caused Kaede to fall in the clutches of the Mastermind and perish as did Monokid, who was pushed to his death by Monodam.