Kobeni Chainsaw Man is a documentary film about a man who has dedicated his life to chainsaw carving. The film follows Kobeni as he travels the world, demonstrating his unique style of chainsaw carving. Chainsaw carving is an ancient art form that has been passed down through families for generations. Kobeni Chainsaw Man is the only person in the world who specializes in this type of chainsaw carving. His unique style of chainsaw carving is based on traditional Japanese artistry. Kobeni Chainsaw Man began his career as a carpenter, but he was never satisfied with the way that he looked. He decided to dedicate his life to chainsaw carving and began traveling the world to demonstrate his unique style of chainsaw carving. Kobeni’s goal is to inspire other people to pursue their dreams and passions, no matter what they may be. ..

Appearance Kobeni Chainsaw Man

In Chainsaw Man, Kobeni is a slim young lady with long black locks. On her face are four bumps, two of them under her eye on the left, one on the lower right corner of her mouth, and another in her cheek on the left. She usually wears a professional dress and has two hair clips.

The welcome party for newbies she wore a vintage dress she got from her older sister, which was thought to be adorable by other devil hunter.

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Personality Kobeni Chainsaw Man

In chainsaw man, Kobeni is a shrewd coward with a few moments of bravery. Her first encounter to the Eternity Devil resulted in her being paralyzed by fear and screaming. She’s demonstrated to fall apart under pressure, and she is crying when her group gets stuck in the hotel and she faces the possibility of everyone being starving to death with no assistance.

The fear she feels makes her make drastic decisions to keep herself safe, like becoming angry with Denji by threatening to kill him with knifepoint after a devil offered that he would free her for his life. She even went so even as to accuse Hirokazu Arai that he was a spies for the devils since he stood up for Power from Kobeni’s delusional claims. However, despite how she behaved towards them in her panic she felt a sense of regret for her actions and felt a sense of appreciation to Hirokazu for protecting her during the time they were being attacked.

However , when Kobeni starts to act, she has proven herself to be calm and efficient in ruthlessly tackling her opponents Katana Man and Akane Sawatari and forcing them to withdraw and then crashing into panic after the battle is done.

Although she is forced into a job which she doesn’t like because of the family she lives with, Kobeni still cares about her family members as she gives money towards her older brother to help his education. She also drives her family on her automobile.

Kobeni is seen to be nervous when she is repeatedly hugged by Himeno however, she is able to tolerate her actions.

Kobeni is known to drink drinking alcohol, particularly when it is purchased by another person. Her passion is eating yummy food items. She is a fan of the taste of ice cream, which she’s only had three times in her lifetime.

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Plot Kobeni Chainsaw Man

History Kobeni Chainsaw man

In the first grade, Kobeni saw her parents purchase her ice-cream only once on her birthday. Her first tasting was described by Kobeni as so delicious that she went into a flurry, fell and dropped the ice cream.

Kobeni was a devil hunter partly due to her parents forcing her to work to help her older brother in order to attend college. With the choice of becoming a sex-worker or a devil hunter Kobeni decided to pursue a career as a devil hunter , and was a part of Public Safety despite wanting to go to college too.

Bat Devil arc

In this Chainsaw man Arc, Kobeni had been one of the evil hunter that was accompanying Aki Hayakawa in saving Denji of the Leech Devil. Aki instructed Hirokazu and Hirokazu to get the survivors out of the way.

Kobeni is one of six devil hunter along with Aki, Himeno, Denji, Power and Hirokazu, who were assigned the responsibility of locating demons inside Morino Hotel. Morino Hotel.

Eternity The Devil

When Himeno said her plan that the individual who takes down the devil will be awarded an affectionate kiss from her in exchange for the reward, she was able to hug Kobeni and stated that rewards would be much more inspiring. In in the Hotel, Kobeni joined the rest of the guests but became more nervous and murmuring to herself. Aki inquired of Himeno about the two newcomers, and Himeno declared that Kobeni is quite talented, but shy.

The group is confronted by what is believed to be a head that has been decapitated, leading to Kobeni who mumbles in fear and doesn’t move. The head is captured by Himeno and cut into two by Power. While they move across their adventure through the Morino Hotel Power threatens Kobeni to test Himeno and causes Himeno to choke Power by using Power’s Ghost Devil arm as a warning. When the group realizes they’re on the 8th level of the hotel, both Himeno and Aki are able to ask Kobeni to remain still and make two peace signs while they explore the boundaries of the space they’re trapped in.

Kobeni starts to panic and fears that she’ll be starving to death, and Hirokazu attempts to calm the girl by reminding her the reason she chose to be a devil hunter. Power is jolly at Kobeni’s suffering as Himeno is trying to calm her and reminds the girl that fear can be the food that the devil loves.

Kobeni eventually broke down in a panic and attempted to drink her drink from a bathroom. Then she was knocked off by Himeno and thrown into an uninviting bed. In the event that the Eternity Devil appears before Denji, Power, Aki and Himeno and proposes to free them from their hotel for the life of Denji, Kobeni emerges from her room and stabs her with a knife. She demanded Denji to allow the devil to consume the devil.

She is rushing at Denji using her knife, but Aki quickly disarms her, and she’s knocked to the ground by Himeno who kicks her into her chest. In the aftermath, The Eternity Devil laughs smugly while she’s beaten down. Then, in her paranoia Kobeni starts accusing Power to explain their present condition although it doesn’t match with her capabilities as Blood Fiend. Hirokazu attempts to talk logic into her, however Kobeni claims that he is defending an animal that could make him a spies to the Devils. Both of them freak out their fears, their collective fear feeds the Eternity Devil, who expands and begins manipulating world, tilting it, while trying to get Denji’s heart.

Kobeni starts begging someone to murder Denji. As Hirokazu holds Denji, Kobeni tries to attack him with her knife. She fails. the man, but fails to stop Aki who dives in the path of her attack. Kobeni insists that it’s not her fault while blaming Denji for refusing to be devoured. Denji insists that it’s his plan to be eaten but in the context in his strategy to take on his opponent, he will fight the Eternity Devil and make it surrender. Kobeni stands in horror and shock with other people as Denji transforms into a violent cut and rips himself from the Eternity Devil’s mouth.

After waiting for the best part 3 days to see the fight of Denji with his counterpart, the Eternity Devil to end, Kobeni sits in the corner exhausted.

When they leave after leaving the Morino Hotel, Himeno orders Kobeni and Hirokazu to notify Public Safety. Kobeni is later invited to a welcoming party to welcome Division 4. She introduces herself, and reveals her age and hobbies, however she keeps the identity of the devil with whom she’s contracted as a secret. Other devil hunters say that her attire is adorable.

After the party, Kobeni returns home, saying that alcohol bought from another’s tab tastes the best of all.

Katana Man arc

Kobeni was one of some of the hunters who demonized by the Gun Devil’s plan to assassinate the Special Divisions of Public Safety. An old lady pulled out her pistol and fired at her in full daylight together with Hirokazu.

Hirokazu was struck by a bullet in her neck first however he was able to shield Kobeni with his body and help her save herself at the expense to his life. Kobeni was successful in killing the attacker, and then went on to help Denji just a few minutes later.

When Kobeni was seen on at the spot, Akane Sawatari tried attacking her by slashing her with the tail of the Snake Devil but Kobeni easily dodged the attack and ran over the body of the Snake Devil to strike. The Snake Devil’s arm was cut by the Katana Man before he could shoot and then dragged the weapon from the air to shoot him from the back. She attempted to shoot Akane also, but ran out of ammunition and was forced to retreat behind Denji’s body to ward off Akane’s counterratack. Akane fled into a van carried Katana Man onto. Katana Man onto, leaving Kobeni in the rear with Denji. Kobeni looked down at Denji and apologised for wanting to kill him she reflected on Hirokazu who gave up his life to her. When she was crying and announces that she’ll leave when she meets Miss Himeno.

Kobeni participated in the attack on terrorists headed by Akane and was instrumental in taking Akane in the midst of a riot after she put the throat of Akane with a knife. When Aki asked the reason Kobeni was not able to leave Public Safety like she planned to do, Kobeni smilingly said that the bonuses would be due in the near future.

Bomb Girl arc

Kobeni tried to ambush Reze along with The Violence Fiend. After observing the violence fiend’s attack was unsuccessful and then hearing him instruct that she should retreat, Kobeni promptly collapsed and declared that her legs couldn’t work. She desperately apologized to Reze and asked for mercy, declaring that she had quit her job. Reze returned to her search for Denji and Kobeni, leaving Kobeni to flee in fear.

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International Assassins arc

Kobeni and the Kobeni and the Violence Fiend were for a walk and came across an unidentified devil, which was killed by the Fiend killed. After hearing Kobeni wanted to know what devil the devil should be identified as the Violence Fiend speculated that it was the Grapes Devil. The group took a break after which the Fiend purchased Kobeni an ice cream as reward.

Kobeni shares her Violence Fiend of a story that she grew up with. She first attempted ice-cream, before stating that for an Violence Fiend he isn’t a extremely violent person. She agrees and says it’s due to the fact that he still has the majority parts of his brain. He states that he is unable to recall much other than the fact that Makima helped him. Then, a man who appears be Kurose appears in a bullet-ridden vehicle and claims that his companion and master were gunned down. He tells that they notify headquarters and then they leave to obey him.

Kobeni as well as Kobeni and the Violence Fiend are persuaded by Kurose to free Denji from the hospital. Afterwards, they meet together with the group that is in order to guard Denji. Power is intrigued by Kobeni’s vehicle and asks if the vehicle is hers prior to getting into it and asking for the ride. Kobeni attempts to block Power but Power is able to drive the car directly into Denji and the assassin posing as Kurose. Power immediately accuses Kobeni for the accident and accuses her of being a murderer. However, when it becomes clear it was Kurose had been an assassin, she gets all the credit even as Kobeni remains in a state of discontent inside her car.

Later, Kobeni is seen kneeling down beside her car to assess the damage. She also worries about how the cost will be to repair the scratch.

Kobeni as well as the Violence Fiend are with Kishibe in the area in which Denji’s team is targeted by the puppets which are under the control of Santa Claus. Kishibe gives instructions to Kobeni along with the Violence Fiend to take charge of the remaining dolls in the vicinity as he battles Quanxi’s gang of fiends.

Inside the department store Kobeni is in shock as Kishibe and Aldo fall on top of her car, slamming the roof and she is left in shock.

Kobeni and the Kobeni and the Fiend are enveloped in darkness, just like the rest of us at the department store as Santa Claus calls upon the Hell Devil to bring everyone into Hell. After being taken into Hell, Kobeni looks around in stupor.

If you see the Darkness Devil appears and blitz through the devil hunters brought for Hell, Kobeni has her arms cut off, just like all the others, leading her staring at her sleeves that are empty in a state of confusion.

While Darkness Devil begins to slaughter everyone, Darkness Devil begins slaughtering everyone as the Darkness Devil begins to slaughter everyone, the Violence Fiend asks her to remove her mask and hide from him, and she obliges.

Aki then advised Denji that Kobeni quit her job in Public Safety.

Control Devil arc

Kobeni is discovered to be an employee of the Family Burger restaurant. Family Burger after accidentally summoning Chainsaw Man to her by soliciting assistance following the abuse of another employee. When two employees are murdered in the attack by Chainsaw Man, he sits down, and starts to yell incoherently , before Kobeni finds a way to interpret his cries to mean “Hamburger”, and grabs the food to bring to him. She slips and spills the food on the floor, and Chainsaw Man is only causing him to yell more loudly as a new meal is made. An employee shouts at Kobeni and tells her that they’d all be killed because of her, before being swiftly killed in the hands of Chainsaw Man. As he grabs the second food item to bring to Chainsaw Man, Kobeni walks forward before falling over and spilling the food onto Chainsaw Man. When a fourth worker is killed, Kobeni picks up the pieces of the hamburger that fell and then quickly reassembles it before throwing it over the table in the front the back of Chainsaw Man.

When Chainsaw Man consumes the smashed hamburger, he grabs Kobeni by his intestines and takes away from the establishment. Then he takes her out to an ice cream cone, and she says that “It doesn’t taste like anything”. After that, at the suggestion from Chainsaw Man, Kobeni begins to play Dance Dance Revolution. Kobeni scores the perfect score.

After she finishes the task, she turns and is surprised to see Chainsaw Man in the background and Makima who is on the top of a building that is directly in front of her. Kobeni attempts to discredit her involvement in happenings however, Makima informs her she had an “great deal” to do in it, and she believes that the fear she had about Chainsaw Man had grown weaker. As Makima shoots an attack on Kobeni with a black spear created by the power of Angel, Chainsaw Man moves in front of her, and pushes her away and the spear is able to pierce Kobeni in the back.

Kobeni finds herself in an underground safehouse, along with Denji along with Kishibe. After witnessing the attack of Makima, Kishibe warns her that she’ll never be able contact her parents for a long time. Kobeni is happy that she is able to call her parents. She tears up and shares her anxieties by telling Denji she’s in awe of his ability to regenerate. Denji discusses his personal well-being with Kobeni since he has did not have any influence over the events of his life. This is similar to the extent that Kobeni is able to relate to, being in a position to make money by working a risky job in order to send her brother off to college. While Denji looks on the television with people cheering at his appearance, he has another breakdown of emotions, leaving Kobeni in fear.

Abilities Kobeni Chainsaw Man

As per Himeno, Kobeni is talented However, she is stifled by her insecurity. This was later proved to be true when Kobeni is able to defeat The Katana Man in his human form and force Akane Sawatari to withdraw.

Physical Abilities Kobeni Chainsaw Man

Enhanced agility: Kobeni has an amazing level of agility, capable of avoiding an attack by the tail of Snake Devil Snake Devil before running across its body, an act which prompted Katana Man to call her the monkey.

Devil Contract

The Unknown Devil’s Agreement: Kobeni has a agreement with an unnamed devil whose identity is kept the secret.


driving: Kobeni possesses a driving license as well as her own vehicle, which she utilizes to drive her family around. However, her specific skills are not known because the only time she’s been in the car was during the time that Power was involved in a crash.