Yu Yu Hakusho is a popular manga and anime series that has been around for over 20 years. The story follows the adventures of a young boy named Yusuke Urahara, who is trying to find his way in the world. Along the way, he meets many interesting characters, including the evil organization Yakuza. This manga and anime series is full of action and adventure. It can be difficult to follow the story at first, but once you get started, it will be easy to stay interested. There are many different characters in this series, so it is important to keep track of who is talking and what they are saying. You also need to be careful when fighting against the Yakuza because they can be very dangerous. If you are looking for a fun and exciting manga or anime series to read, then Yu Yu Hakusho should definitely be on your list of options.

Appearance Koenma Yu Yu Hakusho

In Yu Yu Hakusho, Koenma typically is seen as a young child wearing the red obi sash that is that is tied around the waistline of an emerald-colored blue robe with pink trim with black pants. In the first time he appeared in the manga Koenma was wearing the bib of his robe. However, the bib was not featured in the subsequent chapters or in the anime.

But, once he enters the world of the demon and human He changes into a gorgeous teenager sporting medium-length brown hair that is parted in the middle (though sometimes he appears in his toddler appearance too).

In both of his forms the character wears the same appearance, as well as an “Jr.” marks on his forehead, and the blue pacifier that is kept within his mouth. He appears young in comparison to the years (exactly at 670 in the Manga and 666 in the initial part of the manga) due to the fact that he existed for a long time prior to the commissioning of Yusuke.

The Three Kings Saga, Koenma wears casual clothes in contrast to his main attire due to his disobedience to his father. He wears the same outfit as Shizuru’s since the long-sleeve orange shirt is replaced by an embroidered button-shirt along with his “Jr.” marks on his forehead was covered with the purple headband.

Then, he puts on the same costume as Tuxedo Mask’s, and its headband has red.

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Personality Koenma Yu Yu Hakusho

In Yu Yu Hakusho, As a prince Koenma has numerous subordinates, including the Ogre Jorge Saotome. Koenma has a (mostly in his toddler body) typically aggressive, with a aggressive personality and is an extremely loud and imposing prince demanding that his followers complete his work, regardless of whether they do so for the prince or not. He has a great relationship with Botan However, he has a twin relationship with Yusuke.

The original Japanese translation, the character refers to himself in the original Japanese version as ” washi” which is a term used by elderly Japanese women and men are known to use when talking about themselves. It could refer towards his age or the appearance of age or the desire to be seen as a serious individual through speaking in this way. In other countries , where dubbings are used are common, particularly Brazilian as well as Filipino ones the child form is likely to use lots of the slangs used by young children in these idioms.

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Storyline Koenma Yu Yu Hakusho

Spirit Detective Saga

Yusuke dies but is revived to life by Koenma who transforms into a ghost detective. Koenma offers Botan various things to talk to the other, but Yusuke is unable to utilize the items. If the saints invade the Human World He recklessly invites Yusuke into battle without knowing the identity of the Saint Beasts. He also sends the tape along with Hiei to to Yusuke which outlined what they were doing to the powerfulhold of Yukina. Hiei was able to find out the truth that the tape was given to Yusuke that he was not the only one who had been harmed, and Koenma also sent Kurama after them to search for of Hiei.

Dark Tournament Saga

In the Dark Tournament, it is discovered the fact that Koenma is the sponsor and manager of Team Urameshi. He then exposes his old, adult form in order to be less visible to the other demons at the event. In the majority of the arc the tournament, he appears in his viewing box , observing the games, often arguing with Jorge over something that is related to the game in question. In the final match against Team Toguro the team shows up at the very last second before they were exempted to be replaced by Genkai following her death as the fifth player in Urameshi Team Urameshi (5 participants were required to take part for the last match.)

The matches were decided, Koenma was to go up against Team Toguro’s manager Sakyo during the final game. But, Sakyo believed that if they were to battle they would not match the success of the previous game Younger Toguro against Yusuke and chose to place his bet (and the outcome of his game) on the outcome of the match as long as Koenma accepted the same terms.

Koenma accepted the bet, having no other choice since he believed that the odds were against him. He didn’t stand a opportunity against Sakyo in combat, which is what Koenma told Yusuke. After Yusuke’s victory, and Younger Toguro’s passing, Sakyo confronted Koenma about their bet. Convinced that of his own money Sakyo did no harm to the man as well as Spirit World, Koenma told him to cancel the bet. However, Sakyo decided to go ahead and continue with the bet and set off explosives throughout the arena, which went in under 15 minutes before leaving the arena.

Koenma approached Sakyo asking him questions about his plans. The question revealed that he was planning opening a gateway into Demon World, for no motive other than to increase the excitement. Sakyo promises Koenma that he is an enormous ego and that his plans will be over with him. When Shizuru comes across them, Koenma watches as pieces of the stadium fall apart and take out Sakyo before escorting Shizuru out. As Koenma and his companions run away from the stadium in flames, Jorge emerges from the debris and joins his boss as they are able to escape the danger.

Chapter Black Saga

In this Yu Yu Hakusho Arc, When Shinobu Sensui starts opening a door that leads to Makai, Koenma explains the former spirit detective’s history. He is also unsure whether Yusuke can overcome the sleuth. Koenma was filled by guilt, believing that the blame should lie with him for everything Sensui did. In this way his guilt, he used an apprehension pacifier in order to revive the youthful Amanuma “Game Master” Tsukihito when he was killed by Kurama.

He tries the use of his pacifier in order to make Sensui forever by releasing the energy released through his pacifier known as Mafuuken however Yusuke prohibited him from doing it. He later managed use the Mafuken after Sensui stole the pacifier from Yusuke however, Sensui overcame the barrier making use of his sacred Energy and was able to become an S class. Then King Enma released his Spirit Defense Force (SDF) to capture Yusuke’s body, the death of Sensui.

Koenma was a rebel against his father and stood up for Yusuke’s body to the disappointment by King Enma. If Yusuke is revived for the second time, Koenma is together with Yusuke on the back of Puu to Demon World and informs the SDF’s leader SDF that he doesn’t want to go away.

Three Kings Saga

By securing Yusuke and allowing him to transform, Koenma was directly disobeying the instructions from his dad. In a state of inability to go back into The Spirit World, Koenma hid himself within his Human World. The sage warned Yusuke of the deceitful actions of Enma as well as advised him to be alert throughout the day. After hearing about Yusuke’s internal stress caused by his empty defeat to Sensui and the general absence of worthy rivals in the Human World, Koenma suggested that Yusuke talk to Genkai. He is concerned by her decision to send Yusuke for Kuroko Sanada, who was a ex- Spirit Detective, due to her ongoing relationship with Spirit World. His father’s orders; King Yama’s directives are slated for removal due to his status as an S-Class Mazoku who has resurfaced.

When the news reached those in the Spirit World of Raizen’s failing health and the changing balance of power, Enma reinstated his son. Koenma dressed in his official attire, visits Genkai’s home in which Shishiwakamaru, Chu, Touya, Rinku, Jin, and Suzuka were being taught secretly under the direction of Kurama. Koenma stated that, while Kurama was a trusted source Kurama and his motives but his consequences from the coming war were too grave for Kurama’s personal opinions to dictate his actions.

In the show, Koenma and Botan observed the games of the Makai Tournament. While admitting that the outcome was positive, Koenma berated Yusuke for not taking enough risks in the fate of the three worlds. He immediately dismissed Yusuke from his post as Spirit Detective. He said he would have been fired anyway. Koenma and Yusuke were then friends for a while. One interesting point is that Koenma’s costume during Makai Tournament, her disguise Makai Tournament, strongly resembles, Tuxedo Kamen (Tuxedo Mask in the dub) which is from Sailor Moon. The character was developed by YuYu Hakusho’s creator Yoshihiro Togashi’s wife Naoko Takeuchi.

Botan later asked Koenma what she should do with all her “footage”. Koenma advised her to wrap it and reveal that the entire show consisted of clips from the archives from Spirit World, and the narration was by the ogre Jorge.


In the animation, Koenma is briefly seen stamping papers vigorously using his seal.

The manga depicts Koenma was able to depose his father and the entire ruling class from Spirit World. He sifted through a myriad of documents and found out that his father’s account was false. stories of demon cruelty toward humans. While demon attacks against humans did happen, a lot of the violence took place at the direction of humans themselves. Humans would employ demons as murderers and assassins while blaming all tragedies on the inherent evils of demons.

King Enma utilized this over-exaggeration to justify putting the Human World entirely under the realm to the Spirit World, and blocking from the Human World to it’s Demon World. He often seized demons of low class and train them into doing actions of violence in the Human World, in order to demonstrate that allowing demons to enter in the Human World would cause rampant destruction.

In the wake of this deposition Koenma began to feel depressed. To help him feel better, Botan brought Koenma to the party, which included spirit and demonic (including Enki) in attendance.

Koenma is later held hostage as well as Botan and hundreds of other spirits after a radical Spirit World religious sect, trying to “purify” the Human World and “purify” it, took into the gate of Judgment. If the demons are not eliminated out of the Human World The sect threatened to not just murder all hostages and their families, but also fire an Interdimensional Laser on The Human World. Yusuke, Kurama, Hiei and Kuwabara successfully escaped the Gates of Judgement and subdued the terrorists. One terrorist informed Yusuke that to prevent his Laser to stop firing he’d have to push a particular button on the terminal controlling it.

In addition to the proper switch There were two false switches that were in place. A false switch could detonate the weapon and kill any remaining in the Gates of Judgment and the other one would instantly start firing the Laser towards people in the Human World. Yusuke instructed everyone to exit the Gates while he decided which switch to activate. But, Koenma, Hiei, and Puu continued to be with him as he considered. Fortunately, Yusuke picked the right button, and in the last section, Koenma is shown stamping paper using his seal.

Items of Koenma Yu Yu Hakusho

Pacifier Koenma’s powers are based solely on his pacifier, to which he’s transferred his Spirit Energy to preserve his energy for dark times. It is able to aid Koenma bring dead bodies back to life. Also, it blocks humans upon contact, which helps him control the movement of his “prey”.

Techniques/Moves Koenma Yu Yu Hakusho

Metamorphosis It is possible for him to have the capability to transform his body from toddler into a young man.  He often employs this method whenever he wears Ningenkai as to feel better about himself and possibly stop the ridicule or disdain he normally encounters when in his toddler-like form. Reiki Shield Koenma is proving his capability to manifest defense shields with his energy of spirit.  These shields can be capable of protecting multiple individuals at once , and they can withstand the destructive aura of Koenma creating his shield, at least an apparition of the class of Upper B.  This is evident during Episode 61, Yusuke fighting. Toguro; Koenma uses it to defend Kuwabara, Kurama, and Hiei from Younger Toguro’s demon energies that was sweeping through throughout the Dark Tournament arena and killing the demons who were weaker present in the crowd.  Koenma stated “I have the ability to at the very least make some kind of barrier” after confirming that his lack of combat skills prior to the event. Ma Fu Kan (Mo Feng Huan, translated as Demon Seal Ring): Also known as a barrier made with the help of The Ma Fu Kanthe Conscience Ring and the Wicked Seal the Koenma’s Pacifier is the mechanism behind this method, the most powerful defense spell in the entire Spirit World.  When it is released, this method is believed to form an invisible kekkai net that is superior to the one that was used to separate Human World in the Human World from Demon World under King Yama’s reign.  Although this ability could be used at any time however, it is only used in extreme and catastrophic circumstances as well as darker times of existence.  The ability can take a long period of time, perhaps for centuries, before it can be utilized again because Koenma needing to keep huge amounts of energy in his pacifier in order to perform to its maximum capacity. There’s a pun in the sense that “Kan” in its written form by Kan (kan) to be a part of Kan Shou [kanshiyu] (kanshu) can mean “jailer”.  If Koenma could successfully employ this strategy against Sensui and his gang, he could have been Sensui’s enduring jailer. Specialized in demons, the Ma Fu Kan can also catch S-class demons, such as Yomi and Mukuro effortlessly.  But, Sensui managed to overpower and eliminate the pacifier.  It was due to the fact that Koenma utilized a large amount of his Pacifier’s Spirit Energy to revive Amanuma and revive Amanuma, an event that Sensui was able to predict.  In addition, as the spell is designed to trap demons and not specifically designed to control the Sensui’s Sacred Energy.  Although it is still able to be able to trap Sacred Energy users, as it required Sensui an enormous amount of energy to get it out but it’s not enough effective can be against a foe using the energy of demons.