Korekiyo Shinguji is a Japanese journalist and author who has written extensively on the Japanese military and its role in the country’s history. In his latest book, “Lo que No Debes Saber: La Guerra en Japón 1945-1952,” he offers a unique perspective on the conflict that took place in Japan during the war years. Shinguji begins his book by discussing Japan’s surrender in 1945, which marked the end of World War II. He then turns to the role of the military in Japan’s post-war history, discussing how it played a significant role in both the government and society. Shinguji also looks at how Japan’s military efforts contributed to its own destruction during the war years. Shinguji’s book is an important look at one of Japan’s most important wartime periods, and it provides a unique perspective on one of Japan’s most complex conflicts.

Appearance Korekiyo Shinguji

Korekiyo Shinguji is a slim, tall student who has pale skin tone and long ocean green hair. His hair is believed to be a representation of an old-fashioned aesthetic and «puts his female peers on the spot». His eyes are narrowed as well as his lips surrounded with a sage green face mask that covers his neck and mouth, with a zipper in the place where his mouth would be creating a sinister and look that is mysterious. 

The mask is worn wherever is he goes, regardless of where he goes. has various masks for eating or showering as well as other activities that are commonplace. If the mask is removed it’s revealed that he wears lipstick in the look of his tulpa, which was inspired by his sister who passed away. His appearance changes to more feminine, as his chest grows slightly larger and his eyebrows get thinner and he develops eyes with more lashes. Eyeshadows also start suddenly appearing as if his sister’s appearance takes over.

He’s wearing a dark-green military uniform that is paired with black knee-high shoes, with a zip running along the front, and two straps that hang over the zipper. The uniform is comprised of an under-shirt of white and the button-up is dark green with a red armband that is slung around the left side of his former high school Sunset Hills High School and a green military-style cap that has his school’s emblem on top, and a distinctive chain with a revolver’s chamber and bullet-like charms hanging off the chain. 

When he speaks about one of the Free Time events, he claims that his sister fashioned his outfit for him during the time they were sick. He is seen wearing what appears be a sterling locket on his neck. His hands are completely covered with bandsages, though it’s more likely that he’s not hurt and is linked to sorcery. 

The prologue shows he is wearing the uniform of his first high school. He wears a black unbuttoned blazer, with golden cuffs, and a grey knitted vest that has an v-neck. He doesn’t have the hat that he wears the anthropologist’s uniform, as well as his hands remain unprotected. He is wearing grey slacks and brown shoes from school. He is still wearing the mask on his face, but it’s there is no zipper. 

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Personality Korekiyo Shinguji

Korekiyo Shinguji is a solitary and somewhat spooky person However, he’s also extremely cool-headed and smart. He has met a myriad of human beings throughout his research in cultural anthropology and he is able to remain calm even in the most stressful conditions and is convinced of approaching situations with a calm and rational approach instead of an emotional approach. 

He is more calm than others in stressful circumstances, since for him, it’s an opportunity to observe. However, his spirit breaks when he is on an encounter with the Death Road of Despair, and he gets a bit panicky when Gonta is at the Insect Meet and Greet. His morals are described as «a little odd,» and he at one point claims that there is no issue with killing, and asks why other people do, and explains that killing is considered to be illegal only due to human laws and these laws don’t apply to The Killing Game. 

He knows that his behavior and appearance make him appear as a possible murderer however, he does not seem to be concerned about what other people consider his character. He believes that the public are not to be concerned about the possibility of him being a murderer, since he only wants to be observed.

He is extremely enthusiastic about his work and can get exuberant when discussing the subject. This is demonstrated when he gets scared after Kokichi uses the katana in his laboratory without authorization in fear that it could be damaged and is threatening to rip out his nerves. He thinks about various subjects in a profound and complex ways and sometimes gives lengthy uninvited anthropology talks.


He has come up with a idea of «humanity’s infinite beautifulness,» believing that all human beings are beautiful even their «ugly aspects» and that beauty is born out of hardship, however, as evident in the way he communicates Kokichi and Miu the two, he tends to find loud and vulgar people to be annoying and often asks them to keep still. He is extremely fascinated by topics that he does do not always agree on as the author states that he does not believe in gods, however is interested in them in the context of studying human nature and culture. He does, however, believe in spirits, ghosts, as well as the afterlife. He is fascinated by communication with the dead, as well as death generally.

Korekiyo Shinguji generally speaks in a the most polite and calm manner, but sometimes he appears to be a bit off and causes others to feel uncomfortable because of his peculiar and sometimes bizarre thoughts, such as when playing his participation in the Killing Game, he observes other students with great curiosity in the kind of appearance they’ll show as humans in these situations, seemingly not worrying about their security. 

There has been a report that Korekiyo has a deep interest in anthropology that it often appears that he’s not so concerned about the wellbeing of the people who are around him. He has the ability to say things that are disturbing quite openly, such as commenting that Gonta might use his incredible power to smash the skull of a child. Also, he is a master of peculiar ideosyncracies. He is extremely obsessed by wearing a mask and removing his mask only when who his sister considers to be reliable. In his Free Time Events, he says he wears an individual mask for various activities for example, bathing, eating sleeping and even exercising. 

But they’re identical, and even though they have an opening in your mouths, it doesn’t seem like food is passing through it while he eats or drinks. He has a distinctive and slightly creepy laugh. known by the name of «kehehehe» according to his English localization. in the traditional Japanese, «kukuku» is the distinctive sound that he uses to laugh.

Contrary to most of the students in the show He has a lot of experience in sexual relationships. He has stated that he is highly popular with local women in a town that engaged in bonding. He’s sadomasochistic, he loves the suffering of others as it is what he believes are the most raw emotions beautiful, as well as enjoying his own pain because he believes that it will make him feel closer to his deceased sister and to the beauty of humanity in general. 

In the Love Suite event, it’s stated that he’s willing to be in physical relationships with people «out out of curiosity» even if it’s not mutually agreed upon, however the event states that he will never be a lover. Although he appears open to having only physical relations with others, in the bonus portion of Love Across the Universe he does not want to watch porn as the man has «already offered all of himself for someone». In fact, he’s shown to be extremely romantic, who believes that love is love’s «power that is love» which can make even the most difficult thing possible. He’s very fond of love stories and romance and stories that focus on forbidden love.

Shinguji Korekiyo has a crush on his sibling and says that he is deeply affectionate with her, saying that she’s the only person loves. His appearance and clothes are closely linked to her and he has been known to rise at least two hours prior to the announcement in the morning, and spend all day getting dressed in a relaxed manner and causing the others to view him as a very edgy person and even called a liar by Kaito. He may speak on behalf of her, as an example by telling someone his sister is very happy with them, or even that she does not trust them as of yet. Students in other classes either do not comprehend what he’s discussing or don’t observe the conversation. 

It is later discovered that his sister who was older than him has passed away and that he’s the serial killer with the objective is to kill over hundreds of women whom he regards as «pure» and believes that they’ll become «admirable acquaintances» to his sibling in the next life. Korekiyo also claims that his sister and he were in a relationship of incest and that the fact that his usual target is women could be due to this. After suffering from traumatizing death and torture previously, the man began developing female split personalities or tulpa, that is based on his sister.

It is a way to cope against the extreme stress. Although normally calm when stressed, it can trigger him to suffer from panic attacks, which can leave him hyperventilating and in a state of not being able to speak effectively. The sister persona is reassuring towards him, but she also gives him instructions that Korekiyo is able to comply with without question. The persona is also said to dislike people in a an uninvolved and condescending way and refers to pupils in the class as «ignorant youngsters» and «such an awful lot».

When he’s revealed to be the perpetrator during the third trial Korekiyo does not seem to not feel any guilt in his conduct, but but he really considers other students as his close friends, possibly because of his own convictions regarding death and skewed morality. In the course of the trial at first, he is frightened being identified as the perpetrator however, he slowly settled down when his «sister» demanded that he admit defeat, because dying would mean it would mean he could be brought back to his sister. 

In his final words he says that death is not acceptable to humans, and that living beings must reasons to accept death whenever it occurs however forced, which is why different cultures have funeral ceremonies and stories of resurrecting the dead. He claims to have come in the belief that how you deal with death can affect the way you live your life. This suggests that his actions could be a means of coping with the grief he feels over the death of his sister and that he’s conscious of this on a personal degree. He says he will watch the rest of his «friends» as ghosts and he sneers that he’ll be watching the way they react to the passing of their family members. After his execution his spirit is shown responding with complete horror and disbelief when his sister is with Monokuma cleansing him with purifying salt. This indicates that he believed his actions were in line with the wishes of his sister.

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Creation and Development About Korekiyo Shinguji

According to the series ‘ creator, Kazutaka Kodaka, Korekiyo’s character’s setting is a blend of a variety of images such as underground culture, anthropology archaic and visual kei. The design appears to be influenced by the character of Japanese performer hide’s music video for the track Dice. It’s likely that this was intentional because Kodaka is a huge lover of the music of hide and confirms that the Korekiyo’s look is in part influenced by visual Kei bands. His name is also a powerful reference to anthropology and history and his sprite poses were created with a myriad of things in mind and, most importantly, images from visual kei bands. The mask was Rui Komatsuzaki’s concept and Kodaka is the person who chose to adapt it to the story.

This Chapter 3 of the game was designed to be like the plot of a Japanese horror film, which is why Kodaka developed the Ultimate Anthropologist to fill the part of a character that is familiar with nursery rhymes. To create a character that was unique, Kodaka planned to give Korekiyo gobis (Japanese end particles) written in katakana but was wary because it seemed exaggerated. 

However, the method of speaking worked well together with Kodaka’s Japanese voice actor Kenichi Suzumura’s voice. Kodaka also planned a lot of scary character moments for Korekiyo however the staff constantly told him that he was scary enough with just the major story elements so some of the horror was diminished. Kodaka believed that perhaps the reason he was a fan of story with a dark underground character way too much, and believed Korekiyo would be popular among those who love Suehiro Maruo’s manga, even though at the time that the publication of the official artwork was released, Kodaka had not yet seen any comments about the manga.

The character’s moments revolved in the realm of forbidden love which was akin the Showa period’s underground cinemas or stage shows. He wrote some meaningful phrases in the first part of the script to hint at. In the last remarks, Korekiyo is stated to be the most beautiful male in the group and has an extraordinary beauty that’s difficult to discern through his spooky smile. «If Korekiyo was more approachable». 

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His name, Shi Qingkorekiyo may be translated to mean «just und pure». It is possible that this meaning is intended to be ironic to his real self. His title Zhen Gong Si shinguji is comprised of three characters: Zhen which means «true», Gong – meaning «palace» and Si which means «temple».

Incredibly, the term Gong miya, apart from it’s literal significance, can also be used to mean (usually bigger and/or more significant) Shinto shrines, while the term Si tera is reserved only for Buddhist temples. When you consider that Shintoism is a part of Buddhism as well, Buddhism are both practiced in Japan and how Japanese folk tradition is heavily influenced by the two religions, Korekiyo’s name may suggest his field of specialization.

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Alternate Fates

The song Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony (Demo Version) Korekiyo was with Kaede as well as Makoto Naegi at the vicinity of the school store as well as the cafeteria. Korekiyo declared himself to be an Ultimate Anthropologist and explained a small amount about his area of specialization.

Talent Korekiyo Shinguji

Ultimate Anthropologist

» A fear that was once a part of the past transformed over the course of time to a creature we recognize. The world is always changing. Anthropology tracks these shifts. Therefore, I have to be aware of the present as I study traditional customs of the past.» — Korekiyo Shinguji

Korekiyo’s fame to be»the Ultimate Anthropologist is a fabrication that was created by Team Danganronpa. Because of this, it is not clear if Korekiyo travelled the globe as an anthropologist before.

Shinguji Korekiyo is an ananthropologist. To be exact, a cultural ananthropologist who studies folklore, customs, legends poetry, and other forms of. His area of expertise is ethical and cultural customs that are not yet evident, such as shichigosan or setsubun. He attempts to examine and understand these types of customs that are traditional from a rational point of view and says that cultural anthropology is an art that seeks to understand the nature of humanity.

Korekiyo Shinguji is very knowledgeable of customs and folklore from all over the world, having said he’s completed a large field trips, traveling across the country to learn about different traditions, culture and customs from various areas. As he demonstrates in the video of his Free Time Events, he is well-versed in the folklore of Indonesia (Hainuwele) in addition to Greece (Medusa) and Greece (Medusa), along with a variety of folklore from his native country of Japan. Folklore, myths and myths in the field of anthropology and that’s the reason he extensively examines them as an anthropologist. He studies nursery rhymes songs, traditions, and the events that are expressed through song and song.

According to him that fieldwork is crucial for the field of anthropology. Listening to stories told by firsthand experience and recording tools, or even lifestyles are just some of the reasons it is essential to conduct fieldwork. Because the world’s culture is constantly evolving as an anthropologist Korekiyo stated that one must be aware of the present as he studies traditions from the past.

He’s shown to be an excellent educator and storyteller. Korekiyo has managed to stir Shuichi’s interest to study various things about anthropology, after the two of them had lengthy conversations with the ultimate Anthropologist. As part of the course of his Fifth Free Time Events with Shuichi and Korekiyo, the two promise to conduct a fieldwork in the future, and Korekiyo is delighted to join his debut as the Ultimate Detective as his first apprentice.

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Relationships About Korekiyo Shinguji

Family of Korekiyo Shinguji :

Older sister

According to Korekiyo Shinguji the sister of Korekiyo sickly, was more knowledgeable than any other person and was a huge influence on him. When she was a child, and was admitted to an infirmary, Korekiyo claimed to have stayed there reading to her. This sparked his curiosity in anthropology as an field, and he acknowledges her as the reason he is who he has become at today. Because she was isolated and didn’t make any friends because of her situation and condition, it is believed that Korekiyo spent lots times with her.

Korekiyo’s latest uniform was created by his sister who felt that the old one was too small for his. Due to her health issues, this was labor-intensive, therefore he is proud of the item, believing it to be unique. The mask he wears could also be related to her ill health.

He fell in love with his sister. And, according to him, their relationship was incestuous. He said he didn’t really consider what others believe, and believes that it is genuine love. Following the death of his sister He came up with the concept of «sending admirable people» towards her during her final days. He began to hunt down and kill girls who met his criteria as her «friends» and the ultimate goal of 100 victims.

While working in the field during his fieldwork, he was beaten and tortured by locals close to death, which caused him to dream of seeing his sister. The incident caused the development of an alternate personality or Tulpa that was based on her to cope with stress. When he was in a state of stress when he was feeling down, he would speak to himself using the persona of his sister in an effort to calm himself. 

The sister’s persona appeared reassuring toward him by calling Korekiyo «dear Korekiyo», but she also seemed to be quite passive and Korekiyo was able to follow her commands without question. This suggests that she might have been manipulative and perhaps abusive to Korekiyo as Korekiyo was the only person who was with her and could count on while she was alive. It’s also interesting that she was able to decide what type of clothes that he should wear, because her goal was not for him wear clothes that weren’t appropriate for his personality.

Although he says they were extremely close, his sister’s spirit was turned against him after the execution, and she worked with Monokuma in order to expel his spirit using salt. According to Kodaka it’s unclear if she was truly possessed or was controlled by Monokuma. If she is real, the ritual was her method to express her anger towards her brother, who had killed others in her name and claimed that she was feeling. No matter if her story was authentic or not, summoning the one closest to Korekiyo was the goal of Monokuma’s nagging. 

Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles:

Shuichi Saihara

Shinguji Korekiyo thinks of Shuichi as a decent person, however, he doesn’t see Shuichi as a potential friend for her sister because Shuichi is a male. In Korekiyo’s Free Time Events, he will instruct Shuichi anything and queries that he’s fascinated by, including distinctions between anthropology, historical and archaeology. 

The intriguing upbringing of Korekiyo fascinated Shuichi and the young man was curious about whether Korekiyo wears his mask off while eating and asking him to tell him a story that resonates with Shuichi. In Korekiyo’s most recent Free Time Event, Shuichi who had complete trust in him accepted to go on a field trip along with Korekiyo after they had escaped from The Killing Game as his first disciple.

The Killing Game continues, Shuichi is still finding Korekiyo slightly creepy but he has more faith in his. At the end of Chapter 3 Korekiyo asked for his assistance to allow Shuichi contact Kaede’s spirit. However, Shuichi politely refused because he claimed that all he had to convey to the dead victims was that he and the other victims have a chance to live. Korekiyo was also shown to be extremely disturbed over the way Korekiyo was talking about rituals and dead, and he wanted to end the discussion quickly. 

When Korekiyo got executed by Monokuma because of his infractions for murdering Angie Tenko and Tenko, Shuichi has conflicted opinions about Korekiyo. He still considered him his friend, however, Korekiyo seemed to be averse to murdering more victims to help his sister even if they’re alive.

In the course of this Love Suite fantasy event, Korekiyo is willing to have a date with Shuichi however, Korekiyo makes it clear there is no romance between them. In Korekiyo’s fantasies his friend has requested to test BDSM with him. Shuichi does not know about this and is uncomfortable in the presence of Korekiyo believing that he might be afraid of him, but is still fascinated by his dream. Korekiyo is asked whether Shuichi is scared, and gives Shuichi permit to go. He claims that it’s terrifying the first time.

He takes a rope from beneath the bed which prompts Shuichi to make an attempt to escape. But, Korekiyo catches his hand and puts him down on the bed, saying that he has never stated that the he would not stop Shuichi should he attempt to escape. Korekiyo is interested at the stunning beauty Shuichi will display and promises to guide him to perfection and let him experience the type of joy that he’s never experienced before. 

Shuichi is scared of the potential danger and he is forced to drink his way through since he’s in no way to escape and then his brain starts to wander and he relaxes and it’s widely implied Korekiyo did get what he desired at the final. When Shuichi is awake in his bed following day, he is left wondering whether it was the result of a nightmare, but his body is still aching.

In Korekiyo’s graduation ceremony using the Bonus Mode Love Across the Universe, Korekiyo declares that he would like go on a trip together with Shuichi before introducing the two of them to his sister since Korekiyo is a wonderful companion, even though he isn’t one to allow males to be close to her. Shuichi is confused when he starts discussing the words «sister» and «lover» «lover» as well as his «sister» however, Korekiyo has a complete confidence in Korekiyo and is unaware of the potential danger that the other poses.

Rantaro Amami

In the first chapter, Rantaro had a good impression of Korekiyo and believes that he is interesting and appears to be the sole one who is positive of Korekiyo.

In his very first Free Time Event with Kaede, Rantaro tells her that Korekiyo is a very charismatic person However, if she spends the time to talk to him , she’ll get to know his personality. Additionally, he explains the fact that Korekiyo is a calm and collected person who appears to be smart.

In the bonus mode of the Ultimate Talent Development Plan, it is revealed the fact that Rantaro as well as Korekiyo are extremely good friends. They share a keen desire to travel and share a very close bond with their sister, reportedly having a brief conversation when they’re in the same school and tell them what they’ve been doing recently. It’s also suggested that Korekiyo is interested in getting to know Rantaro’s sisters to make them their «friends» and murder the sisters.

Angie Yonaga

Korekiyo Shinguji was one of the students who knew the fact that angie’s Student Council was based on brainwashing. He was not interested in joining it, as that he did not think in God. But, Korekiyo considered Angie an excellent friend to his sister, and he killed her after she saw the other murder plots he had planned. In the course of trial, when Korekiyo was suspect and started to get scared, he seemed angry and demanded what time they’d mention it following Himiko was once more mentioning Atua.

In the non-canonical bonus mode Ultimate Talent Development Plan, Angie experienced a bizarre response after Korekiyo declared that he was attracted to Atua only from a the anthropological and critical points of the. Angie was then able to inform Korekiyo that Atua’s hours of operation are closed during the day and that she doesn’t want to follow someone who isn’t really religious. But, Angie then returned to her typical passive aggressive humour and advised Korekiyo to pray to avoid having to risk being judged.

Tenko Chabashira

Tenko is known to Korekiyo as a creepy person and isn’t happy when he attempts to talk in a creepy manner because she is averse to males.

Despite the fact that she dislikes males, Korekiyo thought that Tenko is the perfect candidate to be his sister’s older «friend» during the next life. He was awed by her desire to protect Himiko by joining the Angie’s Student Council and later offering to participate in the ceremony in her place.

There is also a possibility that due to her aversion to males, Korekiyo believed that she could keep males away from his sister.

Kaede Akamatsu

In His Free Time Events, Korekiyo talks to Kaede of his sibling until she jokingly asks him if he’s got an issue with his sister. He is a little annoyed at being treated like this. Kaede apologizes and assures him she wasn’t referring to it in a negative way that brings him back to calm.

Shinguji Korekiyo is a fan of Kaede and her positive nature extremely and requests Kaede to become her sister’s best friend. Kaede agrees and Korekiyo goes off to devise an effective «method» to allow them to get together. He had told his companions that he intended to kill Kaede at the beginning, but quickly canceled the plan after Kaede was executed in Chapter 1.

Kaede believes that Korekiyo is creepy, yet she thinks he’s someone who is nice and takes care of his sister. However, she’s somewhat unsure about this since she doesn’t really know him very well. She also thinks Korekiyo is «so cute» due to the influence of his older sister.

Maki Harukawa

Maki is among the female students that isn’t able to meet the requirements of Korekiyo for his sibling’s «admirable friend» which means she’s not a murder target for Korekiyo. Due to her status as an assassin, and in general social, Korekiyo Shinguji thinks she doesn’t believe in «the power of love».

Miu Iruma

Miu is among the female students that doesn’t meet the criteria of Korekiyo in the sense of his sister’s «admirable friend» which means she’s not a murder target for his murder.

Kokichi Oma

Kokichi has a rough time with Korekiyo by his conduct. If he tries to hold Korekiyo’s katana, without permission, within the Research Lab, Korekiyo disturbingly is threatening to rip out his entire nerves, that is enough to scare Kokichi.