Kortopi HxH is a new cryptocurrency that was created in 2017. It is designed to help people make money by trading goods and services. Kortopi HxH is based on the blockchain technology and uses a unique algorithm that allows for secure transactions. Kortopi HxH has been praised for its innovative design and its potential to revolutionize the way people make money. Kortopi HxH is currently available on several exchanges, including Binance, Kraken, and Coinbase.


The age of his real body is not established, therefore we can’t confirm whether he is an adult or a child. Additionally, Kortopi is a slim and petite figure. Kortopi has long, blue/grey hair and covers his face, with only one eye visible. his eyes, which makes Kortopi an enigmatic character. In the 1999 animated series He is seen wearing a beige jacket and brown, light brown boots. In the 2011 episode the actor wears a blue knee-length tunic with light blue pants, as well as black boots. His hair appears to be smaller and less volume and his eyes appear larger as well.

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In HXH, Kortopi appears to be very discreet He is extremely loyal and submissive to Kuroro. He is never a fighter however he is extremely helpful to the brigade in times of theft (like auctions). The Gallery Fake faculty guarantees a absolute discretion. He doesn’t speak much, and is revealing very little about himself or his personality.

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He is seen on the 30th of August along with the rest of the Ghost Brigade in their den, concealed in an unidentified location. The very same day Kuroro informs them that they’ll steal all items at the auction. The 1st of September Kuroro, Phinks, Bonorenof Pakunoda Hisoka and him remain in their hideouts while the remaining 7 participants go to the auction and shoot the mafia members and their guests. Then, they discover that auction items are missing.

Korutopi as well as Nobunaga, Franklin, Shalnark, Machi, Feitan and Pakunoda listen to Kuroro discuss whether the chain’s user is manipulating or materializing. Korutopi is seen again along with the others when Pakunoda, Phinks, Nobunaga and Machi are able to bring Kirua Gon and Gon back as hostages. On the night of September 3, Ghost Brigade’s members Ghost Brigade take part in the massacre that was ordered by Kuroro in which 200 mafia gang members are executed. Kortopi was not present and it’s not known if he was involved.Following Kuroro’s fight with Zeno along with Zoldik, after Kuroro’s battle with Zeno and Zoldik The auction is resumed. This is when Kortopi makes use of his Gallery Fake capability, to replicate the objects, to ensure that the Brigade are able to keep the original objects, while fakes are being sold. Shizuku is seen handing Korutopi an item called the “Blue Jar of Ambition” which was created from Rai Dynasty. Korutopi also creates a duplicate of the corpses of five people from the Brigade which includes Kuroro to ensure that the mafia thinks that they’re dead. In the end, Kortopi and the other members return to their hideout to rejoice in the triumph.He later appears together with Franklin, Shalnark, Feitan, Machi, while Kuroro encounters Nobunaga after Nobunaga refuses to obey Kuroro’s request to go away from the city. Kuroro also predicts the future of the members who have the stolen power that is the Neon Nostrad which includes Korutopi. It is predicted that half the members will pass away in the coming weeks.Korutopi will also be reading the Hisoka’s prediction following the reading of Pakunoda’s the prediction loudly. Nobunaga is unable to control himself and decides to fight Hisoka however He is deterred by Kuroro. Kuroro will then ask Hisoka several questions, with one which reveal that Hisoka has revealed the skills that 7-8 people from The Ghost Brigade, excluding Korutopi since he wasn’t aware until now. It’s also disclosed that Korutopi’s prediction can not be realized due to an absence of details. Once Kuroro decides that they want to stay, the participants are separated into groups. Korutopi joins forces with Phinks as well as Feitan. Kuroro requests Korutopi to create at least 10 replicas of their hiding place in order to ensure security reasons and Korutopi states that the copies function just as those of the En which means that should someone get into one of them, Korutopi will know immediately.Then, Kuroro asks him if there are copies of Kuruta’s eyes Kuruta clan and he says yes. Then Kuroro inquires what he thinks of the original so that Korutopi can locate the copies and Korutopi is also able to answer with a yes, making it clear that Kurapika’s position is. Korutopi is then reminded that the copies vanish after a short period of time.

The chase follows between group members from the Ghost Brigade and Kurapika. Kortopi Pakunoda, Kortopi, and Nobunaga look out for Kuruta. Kuruta clan, while Kuroro, Machi and Shizuku remain in the background to look after the people following them. Kortopi’s group eventually catches up with Sukuwara who was looking into the eyes of Nobunaga. Pakunoda tries to question Sukuwara, but he lied and is executed by Nobunaga.Korutopi will later be seen giving an e-mail to Phinks when Kurapika is abducted of Kuroro.

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After Feitan is taken to Feitan is transported to Greed Island game, and Phinks discusses it with delight, Korutopi, Franklin, Machi and Shizuku Shalnark are all there, looking curious. 

Machi is curious about what’s going on and Phinks states that he’s playing the game known as Greed Island. He asks them if anybody would like to participate however they all say no, and Phinks makes use of his”nen” to join the game to the delight of the other. 

Later, Shalnark calls Korutopi and Shizuku and gives them some facts, of which one is that the game could actually occur in real life. Shalnark asks them to leave, since they’re not looking for anything else to do in the meantime. 

Korutopi and Shizuku agree. Kortopi appears later during the game, within the town of Antokiba and Shalnark requests a PNG to get details. Kortopi creates a replica of an original card from the game. Shalnark is holding on his left side in the other hand, the other hand, he holds a real-life card. When Shalnark declares “win”, only the card that is in his right hand changes into a real item. All of this is of major significance to Korutopi as well as Shizuku. Shalnark claims that he’s living within their world and this is a surprise to them.

Then, Kortopi is seen on an unidentified boat along together with Franklin, Shizuku, Shalnark, Phinks and Feitan, traveling to Greed Island. But they are stopped by Razor whom he introduces by the name of “Game Master” (one of the original creators in the creation of this game). They are then able to return the game in gratitude to the special card.Then, he is seen pursuing an exorcist together as part of the Brigade.


The power of Kurotopi “Gallery Fake which is utilized by Kuroro during his fight with Hisoka in the celestial tower. We are able to conclude that he’s not in a position to utilize his Nen in the same way anymore.He is scheduled to be killed by Hisoka just after his combat with Kuroro and also after He was told by Machi that he would be the one to end the lives of all the spiders of the web.Kurotopi’s decapitation Kurotopi does not just reveal his visage for the very first (and the last) time and also casts the same kind of damage to the numerous people who were victims of the fake crowd during the battle between Hisoka and Kuroro.

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It’s able to make copies of everything it touches. The dimensions of the object are unlikely to be massive. But, he is unable to create living copies. The copies will disappear within 24 hours. It appears that there are limitations to the quantity of objects he could create (well it’s all relative since, for instance, his limit for making copies is 50 which is plenty). The nen grows with the copies, which means that he is able to locate fakes he’s created and also extend his nen to hundreds of meters. Gallery Fake Gallery Fake however is unable to replicate the original nen.