Welcome to the Mikey Tokyo Revengers guide! This is a comprehensive guide to the team, their abilities, and their history. If you’re looking for information on how to become a member of the team or just want to know more about them, this is the article for you! The Tokyo Revengers are a team of superhumans who have been together for many years. They were formed when two friends, Mikey and J. Jonah Jameson, decided to band together and fight crime together. The team has since grown and changed, but their basic goal remains the same: to protect people and make sure that justice is done. The Tokyo Revengers are made up of some of the most powerful superhumans in the world. They have access to many different abilities which include: flight, strength, invulnerability, energy projection, super speed, and even telekinesis. They also have a lot of trust between themselves and each other which makes them very strong allies. If you’re interested in joining the Tokyo Revengers or just want to learn more about them, this is the article for you!

Appearance Mikey Tokyo Revengers

Manjiro is a teen who is shorter than average in height, with eyelashes that are piercing black and long, blonde hair that’s only tied on the top, with hair flowing on the sides freely.

In the first timeline Mikey’s hair was curled back, and he had an old CB250T motorbike.

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Personality Mikey Tokyo Revengers

In Tokyo Revengers, Mikey is typically a jolly teenager who enjoys playing games and play pranks on the people he considers to be his closest friends. Mikey is devoted to them and is determined to defend their respect. He is not known to show any signs of weakness because Toman believes that he is the basis and support to Toman If Toman would show weaknesses, Toman would also be weak.

As the leader of Toman his appearance changes drastically to become intimidating and powerful. Although Toman’s gang members admire Mikey but they also feel an element of fear toward Mikey and his incredible power. Mikey is also worried about Toman at a personal scale, as he demonstrates when he decides to unite the whole gang in search of revenge against a members’ friends. Despite his impressive appearance as the leader of Toman, Mikey remains a child in heart. Mikey has a childish disposition and is a lover of sleep whenever he wants to.

The events that unfold throughout the story cause Mikey to grow up quickly. Mikey is still a charismatic leader, however there is a underlying sadness that is hidden underneath the surface. In the heart of Mikey there is an immense dark side. Mikey is compelled to bear the burdens of an unsettling past, constantly trying to find the right way and giving in to the darkness. He often hides his past by smiling with a smug smile. If he doesn’t have the proper people to help him, he is corrupt, and becomes one of the more vicious criminals of our time. It is the main goal of Takemichi’s to ensure Mikey doesn’t wander off the correct path again.

However, even when Mikey does succumb to that dark There are contradicting aspects of his character and his behavior that is contradictory. Mikey is portrayed as attracted by and eager to live a life of violence, often committing inhumane acts or allowing his accomplices to commit them with no apparent emotional reaction, doing so with an icy face. He is even capable of causing harm to or shooting down close people who are close to him. However trying to distance himself from his fellow gang members as he is likely to be capable of controlling his urges in the long run. He tries to keep himself from the central control of his team and even to the point of suicide to find solace and an opportunity to end the chaos that he contributes to.

The main cause for this dark time is loss. When Mikey’s family members suffer or pass away and suffer, it impacts Mikey at a personal scale, to the extent that where he claims that their souls assist him which is astonished and astonishment of all who doubt the truthfulness of these claims. In addition to the rising body number, Mikey’s mental and emotional state is deteriorating. While he’s still capable of being calm and normal, the consequences of the darkening state become more evident even for Mikey himself. This is because of this loss which makes Mikey susceptible to manipulation, and, consequently, deteriorating his moral conscience. In all timeline that has a dark future the keystone was activated due to the deaths of those closest to Mikey which enabled third parties to fill the gap within his heart with evil.

Skills and Abilities Mikey Tokyo Revengers


As the head of Toman, Mikey has absolute control over his members. Mikey’s presence can increase the strength of the entire group in general, enhancing the power of all members and making Toman an extremely powerful and dangerous adversary against enemies.

Fighting Prowess

In Tokyo Revengers, Mikey is thought to be the most powerful member of Toman and possibly the entire one with the most fighting potential in the series. The nickname, “the invincible” Mikey is a reflection of his strength as well as the respect he has earned among other groups of criminals. Mikey is powerful enough to fend off the elite gang members with just one kick. his enemies frequently comment that they can’t believe the guy is only a teenager.

He is more inclined to kicks than punches since it causes far more damage and eliminates the disadvantage of height, making him more able to compete against tall adversaries. Though he has a great punching capability however, his kicks have smashed vehicles. The destructive power of the legs of his is famous that his kicks are often referred to as “nuclear”.

In addition to his fighting capability, Mikey possesses prodigious physical condition, which manifests itself in many ways. For instance, his lightning-fast reflexes render him invulnerable to unexpected attacks. The strength of his legs is so strong that he can not only lift a whole person with just the one of his legs, but utilize that leg to unleash a devastating immediate KO kick to an opponent and defeat them both in a flash.

Then it is revealed that a force consisting comprised of Draken, Mitsuya, Chifuyu and Peh-yan could not overcome Mikey.

Martial Arts

In contrast to the majority of criminals, Mikey has actual martial arts training that was honed into him since the age of a child. Mikey was also recognized as an exceptional athlete. This is because his fighting shrewsness, agility and reflexes are unmatched.

His signature move is the straight right-hand roundhouse kick executed at a dazzling speed towards the opponent’s temple that has caught even the most powerful opponents off of. The kick hooks the head of the opponent and then slams it against the ground. The majority of people hit by this kick fall out immediately. The kick can also be performed with Mikey’s left thigh.


Mikey is also proven to be a remarkable endurance athlete and tenacity. He has been smacked with strikes that would knock out many people, but Mikey is able to shake the shackles off and continue fighting. When were knocked unconscious but woke up quite quickly. Even after being beaten and suffering what could be a fatal injury but his ability to attack is not diminished even to the point where he was able to knock out an opponent down with just one headbutt, despite having already been slammed repeatedly by pipes.


Mikey is blessed with a unique charisma, which is noted by both insiders as well as other delinquents. This allows Mikey to keep his crew in order and gain the respect of the other leaders of the gang. However, this charisma is an enigma since while he has the potential to unite and unite the entire criminal world in his stead However, his charisma can be altered and destructive. Through manipulating Mikey into an evil force third parties are in a position to use Mikey’s power to further their agendas making some of the most deadly gangs today in multiple timelines and posing as the real masterminds.

Intuition of Mikey Tokyo Revengers

Mikey is a very distinctive and a very sharp sense of perception that manifests in a variety of supernatural ways. When he first met Takemichi, the boy was aware that he wasn’t typical middle school student, but it was difficult to comprehend the nature of the man, and was a bit sceptical of who or what he really was, because he could some degree of predicting future events. When Takemichi snatched Mikey’s hand in the present and travelled 10 years back into the past and then reversing time, Mikey at the time could see that the time-spreader had jumped yet again.

Another occurrence is an outcome of his close friendship with his buddies. Because of this, Mikey is able to discern their intentions. He was able to discern that Mitsuya was planning to act on Christmas night , and was able to be able to determine where he was, thus helping his fellow friends out of an entrapment. He says that his brother’s soul and Baji’s were the ones who were the ones who guided him.

Mechanical Knowledge

The younger sibling of Shinichiro who is a skilled mechanic Mikey is able to share his knowledge of machines, motorbikes specifically. Mikey can repair and assemble components of motorbikes well.

As a second adult appearance, Mikey has short, black hair. He also sports an inscription of a dragon on his neck, similar to those Draken as well as Takashi Mitsuya sport. He is riding the CB205T which was owned before by his brother Shinichiro Sano.

In the most recent timeline, he is wearing short white hair that has the middle part of his hair cut and the Bonten tattoo of his nape. It has the same design as his adopted brother’s, Izana Kurokawa’s earrings. The man is regarded as thin, deranged and has large bags of eyelids.

3 Facts About Mikey Tokyo Revengers

1. How Strong Is Sano Manjiro?

Mikey is among the most powerful characters from Tokyo Revengers if not the most powerful. One of the greatest sources of strength can be found in his martial arts experience as a child the way he learned to combat by his grandpa. The intense training coupled with his keen sense of humour and uncanny strength make him a powerhouse to be reckoned with. His fighting prowess has earned the nickname “Invincible Mikey. “The most powerful moves in his arsenal are his explosive kicks.

A person who isn’t aware of it is quickly thrown to the floor by Mikey hitting a straight kick on their head. In addition, Mikey was able to deliver such kicks with someone grabbing onto his leg. He’ll raise the person up using his leg , and then kick sufficiently to take out his target. Anyone who challenges Mikey will need to be able to cope with the force of these kicks.

2. How Did Sano Manjiro Become Leader Of Tokyo Manji?

Mikey started Toman in 2003, during his first year in middle school. He started it with five of his peers: Ryuguji “Drakken” Ken, Mitsuya Taashi, Hayashida “Pah-chin” Haruki, Baji Keisuke as well as Hanemiya Kazutora. They didn’t receive an abundance of recognition because of how young were, yet they could drive motorbikes and bluff heads against the most prestigious.

There were two main elements that led to Toman’s rise to power. Toman and both of them are related to Mikey. The first is his overwhelming power. Mikey was powerful enough that he could take down every one of Toman’s founding members. However, instead, he channeled his strength into bringing rival gangs down to submission. Mikey also has the ability to win hearts over through his captivating charisma. He is able to lead in rallies, inspire, and lift confidence of gangmates because of his charisma and warmth. He and his gang a formidable force.

3. Is Sano Manjiro Good Or Bad?

Mikey is a fine balance between the good and the evil. Despite being the leader of an infamous biker gang He has a solid moral guide. He values his family and friends, and will strive to do what will be best for his family and friends that could be working for his benefit or be against. There are many instances in Mikey’s story where key individuals in his life have had tragic end and results in him being sent into a dark space. In this way Mikey is a decent person, but he’s very corrupt.

The majority of the goals Takemichi has when traveling back to the past are to prevent Mikey’s tragic demise. If someone died by accident, for instance, that’s one more person to prevent him from falling to the bottom of the ocean. Without the support of his friends, his generosity, Mikey turned into one of the most notorious gang leaders and the most violent group in contemporary Japan.