Kiri is a land of many kages. Each kage has their own unique abilities and strengths that make them essential to the success of their village or town. This guide will provide you with a comprehensive overview of the 6 kages of Kiri, as well as a few tips on how to become one yourself. The 6 Kages of Kiri There are six kages in Kiri, each with their own unique abilities and strengths. The Kage of the Forest, for example, is able to control nature herself and can heal any wounds she comes across. The Kage of the Sea, meanwhile, can summon powerful sea creatures to help them in their battles. Finally, there is the Kage of the Sky, who can use powerful spells to help their village or town prosper. Each kage has a specific role in Kiri’s society and economy. They are responsible for governing their village or town and ensuring that it remains healthy and prosperous. In order to become one yourself, you must first be elected by your fellow villagers as an honorary member of one of these roles!

The Mizukage in all their forms are known until the present. The first one may have been the creator of Kirigakure no Sato. Second Mizukage was summoned through his Kabuto Yakushi method of resurrection in the Fourth World War Shinobi, Yagura, Terumi Mei, and Choujuro among the Seven Mist Swordsmen. Yagura is the one who, by his actions (though under the control of Tobi) resulted in Kirigakure being dubbed “the “Blood mist”. Fifth Mizukage will be Mei Terumi, who tried to alter the way her predecessors had done. She was succeeded by her bodyguard, as well as the hidden Mist Journin Choujuro.

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First Mizukage . There is no information about his life, however, he could be the one who started The Village of Hidden Mist.


As he grew older Byakuren was a plethora of gray, long hair, as well as a lengthy beard and moustache that blended together to nearly covered his face. He was also afflicted with a scar that crossed the left eye, and appeared to be blind. 

The teeth of his were triangular and sharp; the same trait that has been passed down through generations of Shinobi from Kirigakure. In terms of attire, he wore an unassuming light-colored, loosely-fitting Kimono, paired with dark-coloured pants. The right side of his eye was black while the left eye is pure white.


In the Warring States Period, after the creation of Kirigakure Byakuren fought tirelessly to create the village as an integral part among Kirigakure as one of the Five Great Shinobi Countries. However, its administration was limited in its interactions with other villages.

In the initial meeting with the other five Kage Byakuren was attended by an shinobi from his village and later became the third Mizukage. He was seated with the other and informed Hashirama Senju that, if behaved so humble as to bow before them, his peers and he was likely to suspect that there was an ulterior motive for gathering in this manner. 

He was furious at the time that his First Kazekage made a demand for an animal with a tail — because the sand priests from Sunagakure were already sealing one away -they demanded 30% of what other nations would be willing to pay for the tailed beasts from Konoha and claimed the price was too high for an amount. When fighting broke out and Hashirama offered his plea to them to ensure their children’s future and to unite, he gazed at the scene with interest.

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As the First Mizukage and the founder of Kirigakure, Byakuren was undoubtedly a powerful shinobi. He was hailed as a legendary shinobi who excelled in worldly wisdom.


The second Mizukage is an ally of the Hozuki Clan. The Second Mizukage was summoned by Kabuto by summoning The Unholy World: Raising the World, along alongside the fourth Kazekage as well as The Third Raikage to fight against the Shinobi Alliance on the side of Tobi and the White Zetsu Clone Army.


In his lifetime, Gengetsu had a mutual animosity in the 2nd Tsuchikage which culminated in the two men being killed in their final battle.

In this competition In addition, he was acquainted with Onoki while he was in his early years and played with him.

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Gengetsu is usually casual, cheerful and has a relaxed attitude in certain situations. Gengetsu is also extremely charismatic and doesn’t hesitate to praise others, while simultaneously being sometimes a bit of a bully as witnessed by his unmistakable enthusiasm after observing the sheer force of Gaara’s sand assault looming toward him, and confessing that the times he picked on Onoki while he was a child. In addition, he is a bit of a bully.

Gengetsu is prone to taking an instant affection for any shinobi who is able to show potential, regardless of place of origin or the age of their ancestors. As a result of this traitis that Gengetsu is extremely disorganized about even major moments in his life for instance, when he forgot Mu and Mu were killed and required Mu to help jumpstart his memory, before recollecting their deaths when they reincarnated.

Despite his carefree approach, Gengetsu still cares deeply about the fates and fates of Shinobi who hail from his own village, and is dreading the possibility of confronting them when he reincarnates. Yet, he is determined to do to assist Shinobi in locating the true him after is his Demonic Illusion: Steaming Multistoried Building is cast. Gengetsu also was a man of honor, as he demonstrated when he immediately defiantly reprimanded Mu for attempting to use subversive tactics after the fourth Shinobi World War was over.

Gengetsu has also been seen to be sporting some short-temper times. In the anime, he’s displayed a lot of concern about his facial hair. This can be seen in his initial threat to kill shinobi which mentioned the thickness of his hair however, he let bygones be bygones after an apology on the issue.

When the matter was it was brought up again and again, the threats to his life only resurfaced again. His anger was evident in relation to Mu and the enmity between them that he seems to place greater importance than his own life. This is shown by the method of his death, and also his inability to discern the reason for his reincarnation simply because the murder of Mu was in dispute.

A large part of this conflict is believed to stem from Gengetsu’s aversion to the way that selfish and naive Mu has become, and this can be shown when he slammed Mu for saying to Onoki that he must make sure to avail of the disbanding process of Allied Shinobi Forces. Gengetsu also took very fond of Gaara and has referred to him as the “golden egg” in the current group of five Kage and has even refused to aid him in battling his steaming Danger Tyranny clones in order to prove his worth.

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Gengetsu taking on Gengetsu, who is able to take on the Fourth Division.

As the second Mizukage, Gengetsu was undoubtedly a formidable shinobi, one of the strongest shinobis in the village at his day. Gengetsu’s power was so strong that he could even kill the second Tsuchikage even at the expense for his own death. When he tried to inform a lot members of members of the Fourth Division on how to beat him, and tried to fend off the attack, no one could overcome his methods, which allowed him to easily defeat majority of them. He also was skilled at Taijutsu, capable of destroying a bunch of shinobi in just one punch. Gengetsu was strong enough to get out of Gaara’s sands after tearing off the seal. Gengetsu also had an unspecified kekkei-genkai.


Nature Transformation

Gengetsu is a liquefying creature that escapes his confinement.

Gengetsu was adept at Water, Fire, Lightning as well as Earth Release, along with Yin and Yang Release. As an ancestor in the Hozuki clan his most well-known characteristic is Water Release, which he could use to change your body to liquid before transforming back into an unconstrained form at any time. Additionally, he could utilize his fingers to shoot water-based bullets which could easily penetrate a sand clone. In the cartoon there was also the possibility of creating water bubbles that could strike down enemies with extreme power and speed.

Gengetsu also employed a kind of substance Gaara said was more like oil than water because it could not just seep into his sand, but also destroy the structure of the sand. This was evident when he was confined through The Sealing Tag, this water caused the sand that was around the seal to stick to it, only to break and let him escape. It was later discovered that the water that Gengetsu has in his body is actually an amalgamation of water and oil, which makes it unique.

Gengetsu’s Steaming Danger Tyranny Clone.

Gengetsu could also utilize the substances in his body to create a powerful technique that allows him to make the appearance of a chibi-like replica of himself made of water, surrounded by an extremely thin layers of oil. When the clone is moved around it, the oil gets hotter and causes the water within to evaporate, and the clone to grow by size, until the pressure that builds up from steam within causes the clone to rapidly explode. The water vapour is carried into the air , where it cools and forms hail. The hail then reduces and restructures the clone. This allows the process to begin the process over. Gengetsu’s infinite explosion for the reason that it is a continuous number of explosions that occur until the clone is impervious and cool.

Summoning Technique

Gengetsu could summon the power of a Giant Clam to assist him during battle. Declaring himself the Yin Release genjutsu user, Gengetsu demonstrated the ability to use these in conjunction with the mist the clam releases when it opens its shell which Gengetsu could use to create illusions that would conceal their true location. They are so realistic and confusing that even Shinobi were unable to understand it despite him explaining it to them. There is only one way you can get rid of the illusion is to destroy the actual the clam.

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3rd Mizukage, The little was known of him, other than that he was a part of the first Mizukage in the initial meeting in the five Kage. When the Sage of the Six Ways summoned the souls of all previous Kages in order to restore the Team Seven into their home world the man was present with them, which suggests that the man was the third Mizukage.


He was a tall man with black sclerae, no visible pupils, and long, black hair which reached down to his back with what appeared to be pearl-shaped objects encircling his head. He wore the standard Kirigakure attire complete with pinstriped arm and leg-guards over which he wore a sleeveless haori with ragged ends and a poncho-like scarf around his neck. At the time of his death, he had aged considerably, with notable creases, visible frown lines around his mouth, and much lighter-coloured hair.


Though the Third Mizukage’s abilities remain mostly unknown, the fact that he was chosen as the Kage of his village, suggests that he was the most powerful shinobi of Kirigakure in his time, as the village chooses only the strongest warrior as its leader. Even before becoming the Mizukage, his power was such that he was chosen to be the bodyguard of the First Mizukage.


“The Fourth Mizukage  is Yagura. Yagura had been a Sanbi Jinchuuriki and was among the few that could be an instrument of the tail beast, however Yagura was ruled by Tobi through Sharingan as his leader, and under Yagura’s rule, the actual chief is Tobi.


As a young man, Yagura took part in the village’s barbaric ritual , where Academy students were ordered to kill each other in order to be able to graduate. After the Three-Tails revival following having been “killed” during Rin Nohara the beast’s tail was encased within the youthful Yagura and he was able to manage its power over the next few years. As a jinchuriki was regarded as the third person to have the full control of a tail beast. Yagura as the strongest Shinobi in his village at the time, was chosen as the fourth Mizukage.

Yagura getting defeated by Itachi.

In the anime where two of Akatsuki entered The Land of Water, Yagura joined the hunter-nin’s team to catch the two. When his unit was destroyed by Akatsuki, Yagura quickly entered his Version 2 mode and killed Juzo Biwa. In the midst of his work, Itachi Uchiha was able to stop Yagura’s movement using Amaterasu which allowed Uchiha to flee. In the end Yagura shot and killed Iwabee Yuino’s grandfather.

Yagura is being questioned by Akatsuki.

At this point an unidentified man that claimed to be “Madara Uchiha” took control of Yagura and gained control of the entire village. Under his rule the village was renowned for his involvement in a variety of criminal acts, such as stealing the weak, and his total repulsion of any form of discord in Yagura, thereby enhancing its reputation for being the “Village of the bloody mist” . Following the time that Kisame Hoshigaki was killed Fuguki Suikazan, who had leaked information into other towns, Yagura commended Kisame for taking down the traitor. However “Madara” disclosed that he had been manipulating the Mizukage.

His rule of tyranny led many people in Kiri to believe that Yagura was being controlled and also other villager’s wanting him be executed. Zabuza Momochi was a notable person who was dissatisfied with Yagura’s rule and led an attempt to take over the government which ended in a failed attempt to take his life. In the end Ao’s Byakugan succeeded in dispelling Tobi’s genjutsu. This resulted in the death of the Fourth Mizukage just a few days later. In the show, Kirigakure was still grieving over the death of Yagura just prior to taking part in the Chunin Exams.

While Yagura passed away shortly after Tobi’s grip on him was broken, and the Three-Tails were extracted however, he did conceive an infant before his death and was later to become Kagura.

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Yagura appears to be formal articulate and calm with a semblance of diplomatic grace like when he received Naruto in the name of all the jinchurikis and the tailed beasts. He does exhibit an enthusiastic and defensive nature as evident by his rage at Naruto Uzumaki because he believed Yagura was less powerful and more youthful than him, who died before even experiencing the world and not paying attention to what he was saying. Yagura is also extremely proud of his achievements as Mizukage. Mizukage who claims to have been distinguished in his entire life. Additionally, Yagura was very talkative and interested, breaking from his formality to ask Naruto what it was like how to get to kiss Sasuke Uchiha (however this seemed like it was more in the direction of ridiculing Naruto because of his irritated demeanour at the time).

After being subjugated by Tobi’s genjutsu in his time as Mizukage however, Yagura became a tyrant that was known for instilling fear across the village by committing a variety of acts of violence against the village and showing no respect for shinobi who he considers to be people who are not loyal for the community. Yagura also held grudges towards the shinobi, including Juzo. He was uncompromising in battle, refusing to show mercy towards Itachi and Juzo who fought him and was extremely decisive in battle, since the battle turned to Version 2 rather quickly to eliminate his enemies.


Yagura was an adult young man, although quite small when compared to the age of his peers. He had messy, short gray hair that fell down on his right cheek. It also was spiked on the left. He also had no pupilless pink eyes, and what appeared to be a scar-like stitch appearing under his left eye all the way to the cheek. His outfit consisted of an unisex grey shirt that had an Kiri forehead protector that was affixed to the front and an armour with a short-sleeved design and an apron of green. He also carried a turquoise sash on his waist, and a an apron of green to match his pants, and brown boots. In addition the sash, he carried the club, which had different size hooks, with flowers of green at the top.

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Reincarnated Yagura with both Sharingan along with Rinnegan.

Yagura was one of the strongest shinobi in his village, leading to his being chosen as the 4th Mizukage. He also mastered the power of Isobu when he was a child and became a master Jinchuriki. In the animated series He was able to combat Itachi and Juzo two of the members of Akatsuki and kill Juzo, and almost taking out the first.

Yagura was often seen carrying the club, which had different size hooks as well as a green flower at the top which suggests a bojutsu-like skill. In the animated Yagura was shown as capable of fending off Juzo Biwa’s assault on Kubikiribocho with his club. Following his reincarnation, he served as one of Tobi’s six Paths of Pain, Yagura was seen in the same light as the Sharingan as well as the Rinnegan. In combination with the perceptual as well as ability to predict the Sharingan and the common field of vision and the field of vision abilities Rinnegan, Yagura is able to fight more effectively and efficiently. Similar to the other Kage, Yagura was capable of employing his Summoning Technique, but the specifics of what he was capable summoning isn’t known.


Nature Transformation

Yagura with water release Ninjutsu using his weapons.

Yagura was able to integrate his hook-ended, large club in the Water Release ninjutsu, which enabled him to construct water mirrors which can bounce off attacks by turning the “mirror” 90 degrees, causing reflections to appear and form a mirror and collide with mirror-mirrored targets. Since these reflections employ exactly the same technique that their counterparts do regardless of kind, they are able to repel any attack successfully. But, when they come into contact the reflections break off into the water. In the animated the character was also proficient at Wind Release, able to swiftly clear a dense fog using a powerful gust.

Jinchuriki Transformations

Main article Jinchuriki Forms

Yagura as he appears in Version 2 form.

In the Three-Tails’ jinchuriki, Yagura was granted a large amount of chakra as well as endurance by the creature. He was also among the few who were believed as having mastered full control over their beast. He showed some of the Three-Tails and was capable of manifesting one of its tails. Additionally, when he was being slain and imprisoned by B’s clone Yagura changed in the Version 2 form to escape being sealed. This allowed him to execute the Tailed Beast’s final technique, which is the Tailed Beast Ball. In the animated, Yagura had enough control in this form to show it was strong enough to endure Amaterasu even though Yagura was seriously injured. In this particular form Yagura could perform Coral Palm, a technique that causes corals to expand regardless of the surface he selects and when it is applied to his opponents, it limits their movements and eventually entraps the corals. If he was forced to change into his full Three-Tails shape, Yagura was able to move at a high force and speed simply by rolling himself into an elongated ball. Even with a tiny size Tailed Beast Ball, Yagura can channel all of the power to the same spot where the ball can explode to inflict severe destruction.

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Fifth Mizukage is young woman with controversial characteristics. She is devoted to her village and strives to bring it back the way it was following the bloody reign of Jagura. Also, She is armed with all three Elements of Water, Fire and Earth along with two genomes that have been enhanced, the Lava Element and the Boiling Element. She uses the Lava Element the most often.


When she was a child, around nine years old, Mei had to endure Kirigakure’s horrific graduation ritual. In the dark times in The Village of the Bloody Mist Mei had fought in blood of other people as well as her own blood to protect the village.

When she was appointed after her appointment as Mizukage, Mei came across difficulties while trying to reverse the bad legacy that was left behind by the fourth Mizukage as well as the village’s own story. In the show, in after Yagura’s demise, Mei received a letter from the Fifth Kazekage and Hokage to inquire whether Kirigakure could take part in the forthcoming Chunin Exams that their villages were hosting. After listening to her assistance, Mei informed the Hokage that her village was not taking part in the Chunin Exams.


Mei employing Mei using the Hiding by Mist Method.

5th Mizukage Mei is a kunoichi with a lot of power that led to her being referred to as the the Fifth Mizukage. She is quiet, attentive and sensitive and can discern subtle discrepancies in a person’s character like when she noticed the differences in the way Ao behaved as Fu Yamanaka took over his body. Her strength was enough to push Sasuke Uchiha to the edge and hurt him despite his use of Susanoo. She has also demonstrated skills in taijutsu. For instance, she was capable of preventing Black Zetsu’s attack on the daimyo with just one punch during the 4th Shinobi World War.

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Nature Transformation

Mei employing Lava Release.

Mei is adept in nature-inspired transformations such as Water as well as Fire, Earth as well as Lightning Release. Through Water Release, she’s able to create a massive torrent of water that could extinguish the strong Fire Release technique used by Madara Uchiha. She is also able to quickly apply that same stream of water create an enormous dragon. Mei is also able to use to use the Hiding in Mist technique to hide her movements and those of her companions. After two years of her participation in the Fourth Shinobi World War, her proficiency in Water Release enabled her to successfully defend her village from the huge meteorites that broke away from the fallen Moon.

Mei employing Boil Release.

Mei also has two elements in her kekkei genkai. The first that is Lava Release. Combining natures of fire and earth her body can release acidic mud that melts nearly anything it comes across. The large amount of steam produced when the fluid hits can be used as a smokescreen to allow an additional attack when the opponent is in a state of distraction. The amount of radiation could be enough to melt a portion of Madara’s Susanoo ribcage. The second genkai of kekkei, Boil Release, allows her to use both fire and water natures to create a corrosive mist which can melt nearly everything it comes in contact with. It even managed to melt into Sasuke’s Susanoo ribcage. She also has the power to alter the power and pH of the mist that is created through her Boil Release methods and is not affected by the mist itself.

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The sixth Mizukage  is one of the seven last Seven Mist Shinobi Swordsmen using the Hiramekarei Sword.


Despite his modest appearance Chojuro is an extremely competent ninja. He was accepted to his group, the Seven Ninja Swordsmen from the Mist and then being selected as one of the fifth Mizukage’s bodyguards for the Kage Summit. As a member seven Ninja Swordsmen of Mist Chojuro’s talents were already regarded as among the best in the entire village, which showed he was a man with tremendous potential. 

In the Fourth Shinobi World War, Chojuro proved himself that he could defeat Black Zetsu, while fighting alongside his comrades. Later, his abilities were greatly improved when his rank was elevated into the position of the Sixth Mizukage. Even when faced with multiple wielders from the Swords of Seven Mist Chojuro has the ability to consistently beat his adversaries. In his work with his Fifth Kazekage also known as Fourth Tsuchikage Chojuro was strong enough even against opponents as powerful such as Otsutsuki Clan.

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Nature Transformation

Chōjūrō utilising Water Release.

In the anime, Chōjūrō is highly skilled in Water Release, able to perform them with few-to-no hand signs. If he’s without an actual sword, he can create a blade of water to work as a replacement, as well as produce a massive water surge from underground to catch an opponent off guard and subdue them.