Muzan Kibutsuji is a mystery. It has been around for centuries, and no one knows what it is. Some say it is a curse, some say it is a sign of good luck, and some say it is simply an old superstition. But whatever its origins, Muzan Kibutsuji has always been a mystery to those who have tried to understand it. The story begins with an old woman named Muzan. She was born in the early 1800s, and she knew about Muzan Kibutsuji from her childhood days. She would tell her children and grandchildren about the curse that had befallen her family, and how they had all been cursed by the same thing - a black snake that could turn them into animals if they were not careful. No one knows for sure what Muzan Kibutsuji is, but everyone who has tried to learn more about it has failed. No one can explain why the curse exists, or how it can be broken. Some say that the black snake might be responsible, but no one knows for sure. And even if someone did know how to break the curse, there are still many people who are afraid to try because of the potential consequences - including death or transformation into an animal themselves. But even if no one can explain Muzan Kibutsuji fully - or even partly - there are still those who believe in its power nonetheless. They believe that by understanding its secrets, they can find a way to break free from their cursed fate… and maybe even find love too?

HISTORY Muzan Kibutsuji

He was born at an era that was peaceful and serene. He generally adopts the persona of a human and has the life of humans. There are occasions where she appears as female. He treats his followers with a coldness and kills all subordinate demons he dislikes. While she is the most powerful demon, she is not one to actively participate in battles.

In the case of the Shimokagengen He executed all four of them without hesitation and with no hesitation, with the exception of the that reacted positively and the final one was handed a dead or alive “death sentence” of “reinforcement with himself’s blood” (or the death penalty if can’t endure). 

He is extremely ruthless in his character. One thing you must be aware of is the fact that lower Kagengen were not as shrewd in their thinking. So in comparison the Hibiki Kyoukai (formerly called Riku Roku in the lower Kagengen) with the perfect plan for breaking the deadlock there’s a point that you cannot be adamant about being penalized. On the surface, he seems to appear to be a calm and composed individual, but in actual there are tantrums and he is a tangled mess. While he’s extremely strong according to his own words, “a creature that is as close to perfect as possible,” however, he has a shy side that isn’t as strong.

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The first demon that ever existed and is the ancestor of all demons Mushame Zan can be described as the most powerful demon that exists with a tremendous amount of strength and is able to easily defeat the Five Pillars of Itsutsu in a single attack against Shiratotan Taknjirou, Iino no Sukesuke, Zenzen Itsu and Kanawo. He later was in a position to almost kill Tanjirou by poisoning him in one attack and would have almost killed Mitsuri an extremely powerful Hashira if she had not been saved by her Demon Slayers. 

Should Gyou plumei, Gigi Yuu, Jitsu Sane Yami and Koobaba Uchiha weren’t had the same antidote received of Cha Cha Marumaru the three would have fallen to the poison. After about 30 hours of combating Hasira, Mushankedesan showed his leg whip and increased his attack speed rapidly and instantly beating his fatigued Demon Slayer. 

In the following days it was apparent that Mushankan began to slow down because of Tamayo’s ageing potion and began to influence him throughout the fight. However, he was capable of defeating the Slayers without difficulty in the end and was able to gain an edge over Sumitanjirou during their fight, naming the Hihi Yobiko Yoboku.

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