Nile Dok Aot is a new online resource that aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the basics of the Egyptian political system. The site was created by the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights (EIPR), in collaboration with other civil society organizations, and is based on a survey of Egyptians conducted in late 2016. The survey found that most Egyptians are not familiar with their country’s political system, and that they lack confidence in its institutions. Most respondents also said they want more information about their rights and how they can exercise them. The Nile Dok Aot website provides an overview of the Egyptian political system, including an explanation of the presidential, parliamentary, and local government systems; information about human rights abuses; and links to relevant resources. The site also includes a forum where users can share their experiences and questions about the political system. The Nile Dok Aot website is a valuable resource for Egyptians who want to learn more about their country’s political system. It will help to improve citizens’ understanding of their rights and how to exercise them, and it will also help to build confidence in Egypt’s institutions. ..


Naile was middle-aged, with short black hair and a thin moustache. His build was similar to Erwin Smith. His face was hard and rectangular.

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In Aot, Nile Dok was proud of his ability to be rational. He would look at all options when faced with a difficult situation and pick the one that makes the most sense to his mind. He wanted Eren Jager to be executed, but he was not unable see his value, unlike Pastor Nick. A potential civil war within the walls was too high a risk considering that the Exploration Battalion couldn’t guarantee anything about Eren. Also, He retracted his position after Livai reminded he that the Special Brigades were not equipped to deal with Eren’s titanic form.

He was also selfish and concerned about his safety and that of his family.  He was aware that his department was corrupt, and that one branch was committing murder or torturing without his knowledge. So he censored the press to cover up the cases. He believed that this would ensure his safety and success by keeping the clamps on and he laughed at Erwin, who had given up.

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In Aot, Dok Nile had grown a lot over the past four years in the 854. He was a man of integrity and empathy, as he was shown by Queen Historia, whose well-being and feelings he considered.



In Aot, Dok Nile was in the same class as Erwin Smith and he encouraged him to join the Exploration Battalion. However, he did not stop laughing at Erwin’s idea that there might be a human race outside of the Walls. Mary was their love at the time. Naile decided to give up her dream and join the Special Brigades because she was capable of doing that. Erwin, on the other hand, chose this one and abandoned his love for Mary. Mary was his preference over adventure. Nile wed Mary Dok, and they had two children together. He rose up the ranks to become commander-in-chief in his military corps.

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In Aot, Nile Dok was upset before Eren Jager’s trial at the Military Court. One of his most trusted men, Waltz, asked him about why Eren Jager was still viewed as a hero after his exploits at the Battle of Trost, which was due to the power of Titan Assailant. Waltz agreed, adding that this could be used as a pretext to revolt against the authorities. Naile concluded that they had to resolve the case of Eren. He made his men stand up because Daris Zackley , the Generalissimo Daris Zackley , had just arrived in front the court in a carriage. He was greeted with respect.After having carefully considered and weighed all the advantages and disadvantages Eren and his Titan Assailant would bring, the commander Dok made his final decision. Eren’s titanic power had saved the District in Trost from a titanic attack, but he was a threat to humanity’s balance of power, particularly within the Human Army. Therefore, he proposed to dissect Eren in order to study his body and dispose of it as soon as possible.He also noted that Eren was seen as a threat by most people, such as clergymen, even though the message was primarily directed at residents and businesses of the Pink Wall. Dok Nile concluded thus that Eren should be dissected and removed from parole in order to avoid civil war.

Mikasa told Eren that the Titan Assassin had missed his death but had saved her life later, Commander Dork deemed this biased. After investigating Eren’s history, he discovered that he and Mikasa, 9 years old, had killed three adult brigands using all of their physical strength. It was dangerous to trust these abnormal people.After the revelations by the head of Special Brigades, the assembly also discussed Eren’s life. However, others threatened Mikasa. Even though he attempted to argue at the start, Eren intervened and soon afterwards he began to shout abuse at the assembly. It was not an easy task to wait for Naile’s reaction. After a brief moment of silence before the insolence of the teenager, he ordered Waltz to point his gun at Eren.Eren’s life was saved by Livai Ackerman, who went to bat him up in front of him.Naile was furious at him for playing with fire. He could force him to transform and create a massacre by annoying him. Livai wasn’t impressed and stated that he would only kill him if this happened. He suggested that Eren be included in the Battalion. Zacley was still reluctant, and Dok was furious at the involvement of the Battalion in the matter. Erwin was not able to believe that he had interfered with internal affairs. Erwin used Naile’s argument to explain that an expedition would be outside the walls and that he intends to use it.

Naile’s fury, his generalissimo agreed Erwin’s proposal. Eren would live on.Later, he learned from Commander Erwin Smith the Female Titan was under control of a human similar to the Titan Assailant. He also saw that she was fighting with the Titan in the middle of the Stohess district. The commander of the brigades was furious that he had been withheld from his information and he refused to allow him to be arrested for violating the public security. He let him do his thing, but asked Marlowe Joynberg and the other brigades members to assist the Exploration Battalion.

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At Erwin’s request, Naile met Erwin inside a carriage in the capital . He was not in a great mood and he thought he was trying to play on their friendship so that Erwin would give him information. Erwin attacked him frontally and asked him if he knew about the murder of pastor Nick. He said no. The First Division was the capital’s military police network. It was different from the other. Although he claimed to have managed all branches, in fact he never had contact with them. They would not be investigated if these soldiers were guilty of a crime. He felt he’d said enough, and told his interlocutor he wouldn’t give any further information. Erwin wanted to know if they would turn Eren over if the internal threat was stopped.Naile replied to his last question, saying that it wasn’t for him to decide. However, the former changed the subject completely. He started to tell Mary about his wife, Mary. He asked how she was doing and noted that they were expecting their third baby. As Naile expected, he brought up their past. Erwin reminded Mary that they were good friends and had both wanted to join the Exploration Battalion. But Naile’s love for Mary forced him to abandon that idea. He married Mary and joined the Special Brigades. Naile informed Erwin that he didn’t regret making this decision, and that his greatest pride was his family. Erwin stated that he would continue to serve the military police, but that it would not protect his family forever. He wished to leave with this warning and continued his work. He confessed to Mary that he loved her too. Naile suspected that he preferred the titans. Erwin thought he liked them more than Mary. Naile told him then that he was crazy.After a bloody skirmish between the Exploration Battalion, and the First Division, Naile was interviewed for the Belk News Agency. He gave little information to the agency and asked that they not mention the First Division’s new Three Dimensional Anti-Human Equipment. The reporters refused to speak about the case until the approval had been given. He thought of them as he left, worrying. Although the First Division was autonomous, it was troubling that the rest of the Brigades were kept in the dark. It was built to kill. It was unclear if the weapon would be used against the Battalion, or if it was also intended to purge the Special Brigades in order to put its men. He would be the first target as a commander of the Brigades during a purge.

Later, Erwin was taken into custody by Roger a First Division Brigade officer for a murder case that was attributed to his men. It involved Dimo Reeves (the most powerful merchant in District of Trost) and three of his employees. To explain himself to the King, he was taken to the Royal Palace at Mitras.In fact, the First Division members responsible were actually at fault.Naile visits him in his cell. He has been previously beaten and has a swelling face.He tells him bitterly of his summons from the government. Also, He suspects he will give a death sentence. He is shocked at the difference between the moral Erwin had given him in their last meeting and the current situation. He said that Erwin’s execution would not be his only consequence for his stupidity. The Exploration Battalion would also be disbanded. For a long time, the government was searching for a pretext. Erwin asked Naile about his family’s health. He had asked the same question before but this time Erwin also asked where Naile was at the moment. Naile was shocked by the unusual question given the context. She replied that her family were doing well and they lived in the District of Stohess in the eastmost sector of the Pink Wall. He did admit that he was away from home for work reasons. Erwin announced that he had given Dot Pixis (head of the Garrison) a task and would watch him silently as he did so. Nile Dok looked at him in amazement.Naile was correct, Erwin was being tried already in the square of Mitras. The gallows were ready and the rope was being made for him. The high ranking officers at the palace were confused.The government summoned the top brass of both the Special Brigades’ and Garrison to investigate the dissolution. Erwin passionately pleaded for the preservation of the Battalion. The government refused to listen and claimed that Livai had killed soldiers from the First Division. In retaliation, they wanted to send him straight to the gallows. Naile was shocked by this even though he expected it. Erwin was actually smiling as he was led to the gallows.

Anka Rheinberger exploded in an announcement of the fall of Pink Wall. The Titan Colossal and Titan Dreadnought appeared and destroyed the Stohess District gates. Refugees were flooding in. Naile was shocked and worried when Erwin spoke the strange words in his cell. Erwin knew. They met.

Pixis directed his subordinates that they leave with their troops in order to assist the refugees. Aurille, the chief minister, screamed that he would not do anything. He ordered that all doors be sealed and that no refugees could enter the district. Naile replied to Aurille, claiming that he was condemning half humanity and his family as one. Aurille countered that dealing with such a case would lead to civil war, just as Erwin said previously. Naile protested that this was a theory and not a fact, but Aurille told him to follow his orders. Naile became furious and said to his subordinates that it was better for him to join the Stohess District people than have this iniquitous ordeal executed. He declared that he would rebel against the king.Zacley showed up and declared that he was also rebel. He then declared that he was an ogre. Pixis had set up this scheme to see if the government would go so far. The military would take over if it did. This had just happened.Erwin stated that the lies and crimes of the government were already public. Some of their agents had lied to them.Naile watched indignation as Aurille dropped all pretenses and vented his anger at his king by calling him a senile elderly man and useless piece shit. He woke the latter, who was still asleep, and asked him if it was time for dinner. Naile had served the ugly, coarse character who was using an old, weak man. This old man, Erwin just mentioned, was not the legitimate king. He smiled at his friend and realized he had won the bet. Curiously Erwin didn’t seem to be happy. Naile wanted to find out why. He explained that the path to safety for humanity was very dangerous.

Naile explained to the media that the Army didn’t intend to impose any military junta, but to restore the true royal blood line to the throne. He was regarded skeptically by journalists. Naile observed that he was able to adapt to regime changes. He encouraged journalists to ask questions. It was a state that would allow for no reprisals and there would not be any reprisals. Those who oppressed the media were sent to prison. He encouraged one of the journalists to confide in him that the arrest had been good news. However, he asked him if it was better for unity to remove the fake king from the throne. He then asked him if the Army would be able get the new monarch to accept the title of King Fritz in their hearts. Naile was ponderous in the face fair questions.

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Before the start of the second operation Reconquest, Commander Dok and his Special Brigades personnel arrived at the military headquarters in Mirtras. They greeted their counterparts from the Exploration Battalion with solemn greetings.Later, Erwin told a group of senior Human Army officers about a conversation that he had with Erwin while they were both in training. Erwin believes that the history book’s statement “The titans devoured all of humanity” should be amended by adding “it seems” to the beginning of the sentence. It was unclear because no one within the walls could see it due to the titans. He suggested that the government might be trying to hide the truth and convince them that Humanity is no more. Naile laughed at him and told him to apologize. Generalissimo Zacley had already guessed what Erwin would say and was also of the same opinion. Erwin was likely right and would return with proof of Humanity’s existence. Anka Rheinberger, excitedly shouting that Exploration Battalion had returned, arrived at that moment. Yes, it was back, but there were only nine members on the walls, with Erwin not among them.Naile was present at a military assembly where Hansi Z0_, newly promoted Major, confirmed his old friend’s theory by discovering manuscripts in Grisha Jaguarer’s home, written by him.Erwin could not be forgiven, a terrible battle had occurred, Erwin was killed alongside his 198 brothers in arm.

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The Exploration Battalion captured their crew in 851 after Mahr soldiers rebelled against the government.Hansi Zoe, the commander of battalion, and Livai Ackerman, her second-in command, received their counterparts from mutinous group Jelena, Onyankopon and Onyankopon who informed them that they had acted in accordance with Sieg Jager’s orders.Later, Naile attended a meeting to validate a plan of Sieg Jager that was transmitted by two mutineers Hansi Zoe. It was relayed by her. He was vague about the details and also laid out his conditions of cooperation. These were to live quietly the rest his life and be able meet his younger brother Eren. The question of cooperation was raised by this provocation.

Naile and most of his subordinates were furious at this provocation. They spoke of Naile, the holder of Bestial titan, one of Humanity’s executioners, and butcher of Battle of Shiganshina. He had failed to eliminate the Battallion. His Major Erwin had been killed in a terrible manner.Eren, however, confirmed that his brother wasn’t lying when he stated that bringing together a titan from royal blood and the original Titan allowed him to activate that power, even from a commoner.However, Naile remained steadfastly opposed to Sieg’s collaboration. Hansi didn’t think so, and it was impossible for him to trust such a fool.


Three years later, Sieg’s proposal was the best for the government’s interests. Jelena and the Jager brothers, along with Eren Jager, devised an evil plan to stop the execution of the plan.Commander Nile Dok arranged a dinner at a restaurant for the lieutenants of Brigades to discuss their concerns. They were delighted to learn that Pixis had revealed the plot by proving the involvement in the Anti-Mahr Mercenaries he was arrested. Naile was not surprised by this efficiency, since he knew Pixis well enough to know that he would manage the crisis with a masterful touch. As one of his subordinates stated, although it was their job to do so, the most important thing was the end result. He regretted doing this to people who had so kindly helped him. His deputy Roeg laughed at him. Roeg was a decent guy, but he was also a bit too exuberant. He was even more so when he received a blow to his nose. He was correct and recognized that alcohol was clouding him. Commander Dok Nile  was the head of the Special Brigades. This was his guarantee of order in Eldia.Roeg acknowledged that they had brought them wine and other items, but one couldn’t trust their leader Sieg. The power of the Original Titan could be activated by the Jager brothers, allowing them to access the memories of the people of Ymir. Commander Nile Dork was skeptical that holding Sieg’s agents captive would be enough to stop him from acting even though he couldn’t see what he wanted.Roeg attacked Queen Historia. He said that it wouldn’t have happened if the plan to make Sieg eat Sieg as soon as they returned home had been adopted. However, this was impossible because majesty had a bungling at the drawer having jumped every bugger she could find. He then stated that she was queen, but that she actually had more of the whore.

In Aot, Nile was annoyed, his strong-minded friend wasn’t exaggerating. The queen was also a young lady who had the right of choosing her partner. We were more feudal in feudal times. Naile felt it was important to remind them that their service had already investigated the man in question, and he had been proven to be safe. This was a love that was mutual and unselfish. As a child, he threw stones at her to be noticed. Later, when Historia became king, she hired him at the orphanage Historia. He loved Historia and was recognized by her.Roeg didn’t care. What mattered was that Roeg had failed in her royal duty at a terrible time for her small romance. Naile countered to Roeg that she had chosen to be a crown. It was the military who had forced it on him. They were not going into its private lives. There was nothing to do. His interlocutor campa had been knocked down when it wasn’t necessary. He said that it was not an opportunity, but he had chosen to do so. A informant had told her about the Brigades’ plan. She had also made sure she became pregnant right then.Nile Dok was still unsure, but he did not deny the idea. It was human to want to extend her life. This perspective was possible despite his raw courage in fighting at the front that recalled another of his subordinates. Roeg asked Roeg about his theory. Roeg said that Sieg wanted to live and that he had bet that the dirty trick was done by Jelena. However, his colleagues didn’t believe him and put the theory on alcohol. Naile was still thoughtful. Roeg stated that they could transform her into a titan by force, whether she was a child or not, and make her eat Sieg. Naile asked Roeg to stop believing this lie. Such a move would not only risk the death of the child, but also the life and limbs of the queen.Roeg informed him that his principles could be leading the country to its knees and ordered the waiter for another bottle.

Generalissimo Zacley was later killed in a bombing, along with three other members of Commander Dok’s staff. The Exploration Battalion’s leaders and the Special Brigade leaders met in crisis. They started to recall the events. Armin recalled that Generalissimo had said to him that the Special Chair where the bomb was hiding had been brought in by recruits. Their service was required by the commander. Armin recalled seeing three young soldiers run out of the building prior to their interview with Zacley. They belonged to the Exploration Battalion. Naile was just beginning to wonder when a soldier rushed in. Eren Jager had escaped.The remainder of the meeting was explosive. The assassination and escape Eren of the generalissimo occurred simultaneously. It turned out that Frock Vorster, along with the 100 or so mutinous soldiers he had arrested, had escaped from their captors. He suggested calling the soldiers “Pro-Jager”. He believed that they were guilty of the attack. Hansi was asked by Naile for her opinion about their motives. After she said that she believed they wanted to contact Sieg and Eren, Naile reproached Hansi for not telling him about the fact that he had secretly decided to remove Eren from Zacley. She also stated that this was what had led to the current situation. He was furious and replied that if he had ever told her, he would have an exact idea of what she would do. Roeg was clearly irritable and proposed to arrest members of the Battalion that were terrorists. Annoyed Nile Dok asked him to stop his ranting, but the other refused. He was saved by Commander Pixis’s lieutenants and Commander Pixis.

Dot Pixis became the new Generalissimo, and Naile asked if the queen was okay. Surprised, Pixis agreed to fulfill the demands of Pro-Jagers and to forgive them their crime. Naile questioned, concerned, if they would submit to the Jager brothers. Pixis assured him that he would not be forced to submit, and preferred to discuss negotiations. The power would still remain. Naile accepted his decision and saluted his leader before he left for his assignment.

Naile and the military police officers in high command suffered the same collective discomfort when Sieg shouted at his escort to become titans.Major Dok was held by the Pro-Jager along with his lieutenants in the cell he shared with Falco Gleis (a Mahr child who accidentally ingested Sieg’s cerebrospinal liquid) He suggested that his countrymen might have saved him because of the sound of the Second Battle of Shinganshina having begun. Falco resisted, stating that he didn’t know the Mahr army and would not come to the rescue of an Eldian such as him. Naile advised him to not let this chance pass as he knew he wouldn’t have another one and he certainly had a family waiting for his return. He lamented that he wouldn’t be able see his daughters and wife again. In Addition, He had drunk wine containing Sieg’s cerebrospinal fluid at the restaurant and it only took one shout from Sieg for him to become a monster. He could tell he was already dead.After Onyankopon released 300 prisoners soldiers to support the Paradise forces in the fight against the Mahr army. Commander Nile Dok was freed and he, along with Commander Pixis, secured the ground forces. He reassured soldiers that the Shiganshina District was a sea of fire and that they would never escape it. Falco, who was next to him, reported that he saw his brother in an alleyway. Naile informed the soldiers that he would lock Falco in a hut. Falco was supposed to be his prisoner. He went to the alley, where Gaby Braun and Kord Gleis were fighting. The latter wanted to stop him from using Naile to kill her. Gleis gave Falco to him and said they should hurry home, because this place was not for children.Sieg was badly hurt and fell to the ground during the battle. In the middle of battle, Naile, with her gun in hand was transformed into a pure Titan.


Later, the titan Naile attacked the Braus family and Nicolo. Kaya, a little girl, fell down a staircase into an alley. Soon after that, he also fell down the stairs. He ran toward her, getting up and running. Gaby was the victim of an anti-titan rifle shot that ripped his jaw. As he advanced, the last shot of anti-titan rifle tore off his jaw. The commander Dork was gone.



He was his best friend in their youth, and he was also from the same promotion in the training corps. He was also his rival in romance, they both wanted the love of Mary, his future wife. Erwin was re-enlisted in the Exploration Battalion, while he moved to the Special Brigades. He became the leader of both corps. Both suffered from Erwin’s indiscretion, which led to the disintegration of the regime for which he was responsible.


Although she didn’t appear, it was clear that he loved and cared for her. Mary and their three daughters, who were proud of him, was his first priority. He turned a blind eye and ignored the crimes of the regime. He knew the consequences for him if he did not. Also, He was concerned about their safety during the huge titanic attack orchestrated by his fellow corpsmen. She also betrayed the monarchy. Before he was turned, he was worried about his family.


He didn’t trust her because he saw that she was more blinded by her friends than the regime. Eren’s replacement for the Titan Assassin owner was kept from her by him.


He didn’t sympathize with Erwin, who was too powerful to trust. He wanted Erwin to be executed several times.


He felt empathy for his queen. For him, she was a child who was forced to take on the role of queen for his country. This contrasted with Roeg who saw her as a thing of the Army and despised her.


Naile, an austere man was frequently annoyed and embarrassed by the outlandish behavior of his deputy. He would often rebuke him for crossing the line without ever being heard. Roeg could have been a competent subordinate and passed on his personal mistakes.


He was an enemy but he became friends with the pre-teen, who was his cellmate after he was arrested by the ProJager and had ingested cerebrospinal liquid himself. 65] Naile took Falco to Kord and Gaby to ensure that he used the Second Battle of Shinganshina as an opportunity to return home to his family.