As the world’s largest online marketplace for finger foods, has long been a hotbed of innovation in the food industry. In recent years, they’ve also become a center of attention for their role in helping to create new food trends. One such trend is the rise of “peak finger foods.” These are foods that are becoming increasingly popular as people move away from traditional eating habits and towards more health-conscious lifestyles. They’re also becoming more accessible and affordable, thanks to Amazon’s ever-growing selection of products. So what are peak finger foods? And how can you make them yourself? Here’s a look at some key points:

  1. Peak finger foods typically include items that are high in protein and fiber, as well as healthy fats and antioxidants. They should also be easy to make - with few ingredients other than water, flour, sugar, salt, and eggs - so they can be enjoyed by everyone.
  2. Some peak finger foods may also include items that are low in calories or sugar - making them perfect for those who want to lose weight or maintain their healthspan. And since they’re low-calorie and low-sugar alternatives to traditional Finger Foods staples like candy bars or cake, they can be a great way to add some healthy variety to your diet without having to give up your favorite snacks!

Appearance Peak Finger Aot


In Aot, Peak is a woman of a young age with long hair, a smudge of black and gray eyes. She wears a skirt as well as a long coat that has the Eldian armband that is worn on her left hand like all Eldians who are under Mahr’s directives, in accordance with the law. 

Following Mahr’s fight in his Allied Forces of the Middle East, Allied Forces of the Middle East, Peak started walking on crutches and had forgotten how to walk after 2 months in her huge body, without interruption. Peak is a fan of walking on four feet even when there aren’t many people around her, as she realizes that this style of walking is more comfortable for her.


Her Titan is four meters tall and is able to move across all fours. Peak is black with an impressive nose in contrast to her size ears and eyes. His torso is large and flat, allowing for items to easily be stuffed on his back. 

His face is long and has wide lips. large noses, a tiny forehead, and a mouth that is large. He doesn’t have any distinct female traits and often wears masks and war-related mechanisms.

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Personality Peak Finger Aot

She is extremely intelligent and is able to quickly analyze an event. Her intelligence was crucial in getting her hero. When the warriors debate the possibility of making use of Clan Teyber to aid in their work, Peak was adept at quickly figuring things out. Sieg Jager demonstrates that this happens frequently.Peak displays herself to be compassionate and concerned for her fellow warriors as well as the warrior and cadets. Sometimes, she can appear look a little naive. For example, on the train adventure towards Revelio, Peak gave Kord Gleis a bottle due to his thirst, believing that he was doing right thing. This shows her generosity. But, it caused Kord to drink, and led others Eldian troops into singing in the favor of Gaby.

She is extremely loving and tender to her beloved ones. She is a great lover of putting her fellow members on the neck as well as the nonchalant Annie as midshipmen. The latter will recall the moment she left the alliance against Grand Terrassement with a sense of nostalgia. She also gives comforting hugs to Gaby Braun following the passing of Theo Magath or Falco Gleis after he finds out about theMarshal’s demise and the death from his father. She appears to be an calming presence for her friends Porco Reiner and Reiner whom in her presence appear to have lost their rage.Peak is to be very favorable to Mahr. But, it is clear that she doesn’t have any faith in Mahr but she hopes every ounce of her being that the Eldians are freed from their camps, and therefore is fighting on their side.

She’s also extremely receptive when fighting with the Exploration Battalion, when she was mainly close to Sieg throughout the fight she took on the role in his position after regaining the body of her Bestial Titan appearance, trying to take out Hansi Zoe as well as Livai Ackerman in order to help Reiner along with Sieg. In the Battle of Slava’s Fortress, Peak played the role of a tanker, taking on at the Middle Eastern Alliance bunkers using Porco Galliard in the form of his massive form known as the Jaw Titan.Although it’s not clear although it’s likely that, as with the majority of people from Eldorado who live in Mahr she is in awe of the people living in Paradise because of the false narrative she was taught and the training she was given as a cadet warrior. In addition to providing Sieg with rocks to bomb soldiers, she has also been involved in the war crimes committed that target civilians in Ragako in which she carried the gas canisters used to kill the people. In the case of this crime, she displays no regret, but in the same way, she is not ever confronted over the crime.

Personal Story Peak Finger Aot

Similar to her peers Reiner Braun and Annie Leonhart, Peak was raised in the home of a single parent as well as was raised by her dad. But, unlike her peers she was not forced for joining her fellow members of the Army Warrior Group. 

It was her who decided to enlist to help her father obtain the title that he was entitled to honorary citizen of Mahr to ensure that he could receive medical treatment when he became extremely sick. He was thereby saved but was extremely unhappy being destined to lose his daughter, who, as a result the curse of his curse, was given only 13 years left to be alive.

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HISTORY Peak Finger Aot


Following Sieg and his army show up, Peak is seen walking through the crowd and appears to be the mule, carrying barrels and crates that are that are strapped onto his back. As Erwin Smith sees this, he speculates that Peak is a smart man and is acting as a scout in order to warn Reiner and the rest that his Exploration Battalion’s approaching attack.Erwin’s theory was right. Peak had been watching the movements that the Exploration Battalion toward the Shiganshina District. While Sieg was talking to Reiner as well as Bertolt Hoover The Cart made a sound, warning their that their Battalion’s approaching arrival.After the fight against The Exploration Battalion began, Peak aided Sieg by offering him rocks to throw and crush to soldiers. troops.

After Sieg killed the majority members of their army in their final assault, Livai Ackerman brutally cut into the Bestial Titan as well took Sieg from the neck, in preparation to get Sieg consumed by one of the living people in the Battalion, in order to take over the Bestial Titan. Peak was then astonished Livai by appearing in front of him, grasping Sieg in the mouth of his friend and barely allowing Livai the opportunity to escape. Peak then runs away together with Sieg and the latter commands his remaining Titans to murder Livai.Peak then was in Shiganshina’s district of Shiganshina and was able to approach Eren Jager. Sieg tried to talk with him and convince him that he wasn’t unlike his father (Grisha Jager) and that they all were victims of his father’s mania. However, when he realized that Livai was following the group the other way, he decided to give up and left with Peak and told Eren that he’d be back to save him.After Reiner was found, Peak appeared out of out of the blue and charged at Hansi Zoe and tried to smack her with her teeth. But Jean Kirschtein leapt up and helped herself in time.Hansi quickly arose after being stunned to see Peak holding Reiner in the mouth of her. Peak then snatched her up with her and started to chase Conny Springer, who Hansi instructed to stop.While Livai, Eren and Mikasa Ackerman were debating who would get the injection of Titanium Serum and eat Bertolt in an attempt to boost his strength ( Erwin or Armin Arlelt), Peak climbed up and landed on the Wall together with Sieg as well as Reiner and Reiner, gazing out across the city.


A few years after, Peak was present at the Battle of Fort Slava which was the culmination of the conflict that raged between Mahr as well as Mahr and the Middle Eastern Alliance. Though the idea was made by Kord to take on the defenses of the fort with both the Jaw and Charette, Commander Magath was against it because of the presence of Titan-resistant artillery which could kill an Titan by just a single round of 100mm in his view. After it was defeated it was the Titan Charrette entered the battlefield fully covered in armor in a slew of machine guns, and began to attack on the Middle Eastern Alliance bunkers that were located alongside the Jaw.

Following fighting, Peak took part in the battle with Porco and Reiner in recuperating from the wounds he received in fighting. Afterward, Peak told Reiner that Gaby and the other soldiers were extremely concerned about him and that it was good to have him recover and so Reiner left the room , and Peak rested in the room to relax and talk to Porco. She later joined the Mahr army in the train ride back to their home, seated with others warriors. As the train reached Station, Peak left the train, and headed with the other warriors to Revelio. When she arrived she was warmly received by her dad.

Peak was later observed at the Warriors headquarters, and was spotted with Porco standing on her fours just like her Titan, and then telling Porco that it was becoming more natural for her to walk on all fours. Incredulous, Porco advised her to stand straight like everyone else.Throughout the discussion between the fighters Peak appeared to be lying in a sofa, and he was in agreement with Sieg’s assertion about how Clan Teyber is needed to assist them in finding the Titan who was the original Titan.The next day, Peak attended Willy Teyber’s show and was taken alongside Porco from a soldier the soldier claiming they would be taken to the Commander Magath. Peak told him that she got the impression to have known him. The one ended the discussion by telling Peak that he doesn’t wish to talk the subject with the Eldians. While walking away she embraced an unnamed young man she claimed she knew from the battlefield. This caused irritation to Porco. After arriving at an empty home, Peak warned Porco of an imminent threat but it was already to late. The soldier had cut a rope , and they were already in an unintentional trap.

Then, a few soldiers helped them, Peak having whispered in the their ear an individual to be discreet with them. She was cognizant of what was happening after she observed Paradise soldiers flying overhead. Paradise army flying over the sky and requested the weapons ready for her massive. When Porco was confronted to a fight by Eren Jager who was fighting her, she intervened striking the soldiers of the enemy and securing her friend.

Just a few minutes later she witnessed the awe-inspiring explosion that was caused due to the sudden appearance of Colossal Titan, and was shocked, but fascinated by the speed at that Livai Ackerman fought Sieg. Unfortunately, her insufficient vigilantity led to the death of her fellow soldiers on her back. Then, she was brutally injured by soldiers of the Exploration Battalion. It was the brave intervening from Falco Gleis in order to keep Jean Kirschtein from killing her. She was transported to safety by Falco and was accompanied by captain Magath along with Gaby Braun, in critical condition despite the massive regeneration.

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THE RETURN to Paradise The Return to Paradise

Skills AND ABILITIES Peak Finger Aot


Peak is able to transform into the form of Titan Charrette which is one of the Primordial Titans. He is the smallest Primordial Titan, measuring 4 meters.

SPEED Peak Finger Aot

Similar to similar to Jaw Titan, the Cart Titan is also known for its speed that is awe-inspiring. When it was on the hunt for The Original Titan, Peak was able to reclaim Sieg after being dragged from his titanic body by Livai and he was himself amazed by his incredible speed. The result was that he became incapacitated Livai enough for the two to escape. In the Battle of Slava Fortress Peak was assigned alongside Porco with the task of destroying bunkerings of The Allied Forces in the Middle East to speed up their operations.


As with the other Primal Titans the titanic shape has greater strength than “pure” Titans. Because of its distinctive appearance, it’s often employed as a mule capable of carrying barrels as well as crates.

Communication Peak Finger Aot

Peak can present her personality in her titanic shape. When she was in The Arc of the Return to Shiganshina she was an scout for Sieg and Reiner and warned them of the impending arrival of the battalion that was exploring. She is a scout like Ymir and Sieg however she speaks fluently in contrast to Ymir.


Although most Primordial Titans cannot remain in their titanic forms for lengthy durations because of the danger of merging into titan’s body, Peak remains in the titanic form for very lengthy periods because of the Titan strength. But, since the Cart is able to walk on all fours, Peak often forgets how to walk on two feet after leaving her Titan and can walk in all fours as well.During the Battle of Fort Slava, Peak stated that she was in titanic form , and in the process, started walking with the help of crutches to prepare her body to walk.Additionally, her endurance is also demonstrated by her ability to can change into it numerous times in one go without losing any energy.

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He is her sole family member and he is her most treasured possession, and she was willing to give up her own life in order to protect his.


Peak is believed to be in close proximity to Porco. Both warriors seemed to be especially closely knit in the Battle of Fort Slava often fighting in numerous battles, including at the conclusion to the battle. She often calls him by the affectionate title “Gradub,” although the name may cause irritation to her.The two appear to be childhood buddies when they were both warrior cadets. When the battle to recapture the Titan’s original Titan began and they both continued to live in Mahr.


Similar to Porco like Porco, he’s the childhood friend of Peak. She is a good friend to him, but isn’t concerned about him being in danger, as she understands the resiliency of her titan, and becomes accustomed to the thought that he would sacrifice himself.

Annie Leonhart

In spite of Annie’s lonely persona, Peak, when they were kids, made gestures of affection towards her. Annie who was not particularly open to affection to the moment, recalled this with a tender fondness in 854.


Like others warriors, Peak is very satisfied and proud to her warlord. In the Battle of Shiganshina, she warned Sieg to the presence to the Exploration Battalion and then saved Reiner as well as Reiner during the battle, which was hard. During the fight, she was instructed to roll rocks at Sieg for him to throw towards the Battalion until Sieg told the girl to cease. But a small part of her was still wary of her Captain. She had always been under the impression that the Captain did not know his motives. The impression was confirmed following his exchange with his brother Eren at the time of his participation in the Battle of Shiganshina.


Peak naturally admired Magath Magath, who was also an Mahr as well as his superior. However despite these two distinct differences, Magath did not hesitate to inquire of Peak for opinions and ideas about the situation, and also any details she could have gathered. In the second battle of Shiganshina, Peak and Magath came together to make use of the new “mountable” weapon that was mounted on the Titan cart. They shared information and goals to take on Eren. Therefore, there is respect both ways. She was deeply hurt by the loss he suffered during his death at the Battle of Paradise Harbor and was determined to fulfill his final desires.


She was furious at him for his inhumane acts, seeing in him a monster that needed to be eradicated at any costs.Nevertheless she saw her fellow comrades Reiner Reiner Braun as well as Annie Leonhart in mourning the passing of this man, whom they also had a desire for murder believed it was possible that there existed a positive part in his character and regretted not being capable of talking to Eren.


At first, she believed that it was just another foe and attempted to kill her in the Battle of Shiganshina. In the future, perhaps thanks to Reiner Braun she found out much more about herself and her love for titans. So when they first came into contact as humans, she was able to comprehend her. Although she was resentful to her somewhat unsettling curiosity about her titan she was grateful to her for offering assistance in saving their people from Great Earthquake. She was shocked to see her die in Odiha and was killed by her fellow Titans of the Wall.


She was immediately discovered to be a danger by Reiner Braun in the Battle of Shiganshina during which she watched Reiner Braun kill his opponent, the Bestial Titan. She attempted to take him out by taking him off guard. Then, she was able to see him again during the Battle of Revelio. When he offered to assist her, she was incredibly grateful for him and called him Corporal. But she didn’t strictly follow his instructions in keeping her independence as well as attempting to take down Eren Jager without his approval in the Battle of Heaven and Earth.


She was initially antagonistic to him, particularly when he attempted to have the Armored Unit killed and failed to kill her using Falco Gleis in the Battle of Revelio. [50] Following the agreement to the Tactical Squad to block the Great Earthworks, she became somewhat friendly with him.


He had a personal interest in the woman, in part because of her love of Sieg. She did some research and found that she was an Mahr dissatisfied in her homeland, and had created a myth about being a national from an annexed nation that was forced to be conscripted in Mahr Navy. Mahr navy. Then she appeared to be looking at her with a somewhat smug eye.


As Reiner She is also gentle and protective of her children. In addition, she’s very sometimes cuddly. She would like them to endure up to the point that she would like to be without assistance for The Final Battle even though Falco is The Jaw Titan.


While she wasn’t in that camp with them, she was respected by them. As she traveled across the Atlantic with her carrier she also earned enough trust to hand over their fate Falco Gleis, Gaby Braun and Annie Leonhart to him.


The first time Peak was first came out (in the form of a titan), Hajime Isayama, the creator for the comic, had planned to draw Peak to be a mature male.  But, he decided to design Peak the form of a young girl. In a variety of languages, including English as well as German, “Peak” refers to “peak”.