Petra Rall Aot is a journalist and author who has written extensively on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. She is the founder and editor of Palestine Chronicle, a website that provides news and analysis on the Palestinian people and their struggle for self-determination. Rall Aot’s latest book, “The Occupation: How Israel’s Unlawful Occupation Threatens World Peace,” is an exploration of the ways in which Israel’s occupation of Palestinian land has led to violence, human rights abuses, economic stagnation, and international isolation. In her book, Rall Aot takes readers inside the Israeli government and military as they work to maintain control over Gaza Strip while denying Palestinians their right to return home or live in peaceable coexistence with Israelis. She also investigates how Israel’s policies have contributed to the rise of Hamas, a terrorist group that seeks to destroy Israel as a Jewish state. Rall Aot’s book is an important contribution to understanding the complex relationship between Israelis and Palestinians. It provides readers with an inside look at one side of the conflict – from one side that wants peace and stability in its own backyard – while also exposing some of the most serious human rights abuses taking place in Palestine today.



In Aot, Petra, a petite and thin woman. She is portrayed in the manga with blue eyes and blond hair. In the anime, however, she has hazel eyes and red hair. Her hair grows to her neck.

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It is obvious that she loves Livai Ackerman. She is very concerned about his judgement, and would sacrifice her life to do so. She cares a lot about her team and enjoys quarreling with Auruo BOssard who she suspects is trying to imitate the corporal.Petra is caring and kind. Petra is kind and caring when she takes care of Eren, while he is in the Tactical Squad. She seems to be very attached to Eren. Even though Livai’s entire staff wanted and to some degree demanded Eren’s unconditional faith, Petra eventually led him to do so.

She was among those present at Eren’s accidental transformation into a Titan. Having behaved suspiciously, even aggressively towards him, she felt the most regret. Petra and her companions injured their hands in the same manner Eren does when he wants his transformation to be complete. This was to support Eren and to offer an apology. Through this act, Livai makes clear that they have a closer bond and more trust with Eren.

HISTORY Petra Rall Aot


Main article: Battle of Trost Arch

Petra is the first to appear in the mission against the invasion of the Titans of the Maria Wall.

Petra was part the same team with Guntherschultz, Erd Gin during this battle. After saving a soldier from the jaws of a Deviant titan, Livai instructed them to treat the seriously wounded soldier. Livai, who had shot two Titans that threatened them, joins Petra. She seems disillusioned and confused because she couldn’t stop the bleeding.


Main Article: Ark of the Female Titan

Petra was having an argument with Auruo Bolssard on the first day of the 57th Extra-Muros Expedition. She accused him of trying imitate Livai and added that they didn’t seem to have a good rapport. This showed her admiration for her superior because of his sudden anger.

Later she helped clean the headquarters of the exploration battalion. This was where Eren and her squad had to live until Eren’s powers became fully understood. She hit Auruo one day, after she had been taunting Hansi ZOE.

She was again seen together with the rest of her Battalion at Commander Erwin Smith’s explanation about the battalion’s structure a few days later.One month later, Petra and other members of the Exploration Battalion depart outside the walls to begin the 57th extramural expedition.Petra is with Livai’s Squad during this expedition to protect Eren against any threat. However, she was Livai’s second in command in this forest of giant trees. Without explaining why the Female titan appears at this moment, she and the rest Livai’s team believed that the threat is not too dangerous for them but for Eren, who is its target.


Eren believed he could become a titan to face the Female Titan. The race for Eren’s capture continued. Livai’s soldiers arrived to defend Eren and attacked the titan. They were all killed and Petra was eventually killed.


Main Article: Great Turning Arc

Historia Reiss is listening to Eren, and under the Reiss Chalet, Eren mentions Petra as one of the victims. Grisha Jager and he have stolen the Power of the Titans.

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SKILLS Petra Rall Aot


Main article: Three-dimensional maneuver

Petra, a highly skilled soldier, was able to master the three-dimensional maneuver with ease, as you can see during her battle against the female titan. Petra was also a member of the Exploration Battalion‘s elite, which speaks volumes of her strength.


Eren said that she killed a total 58 titans. 48 of them as a group and 10 individually. This shows that she was very strong as a leader.



Petra was very proud of her commander and sometimes criticized Auruo Bolssard for imitating her. Because he is a manic and has many quirks, it is surprising that so many people consider him the “best soldier”. It was revealed that she had written a letter to her dad after his death in which she stated that she wanted to dedicate her entire life to him. Her letters contain sentences that suggest she had feelings for him and her father reached out to Livai to express disapproval at her young age.


She was initially uncomfortable around him, and she remained cautious as she was suspicious. He accidentally became a titan, displaying this trait. After realizing that this was a mistake, she apologised and showed that she considers him a friend. During his first month on the special operations team, she quickly took him under her wing and was almost a mother figure. She repeatedly asked him to trust his comrades during the mission in the forest and encouraged him to trust her. She also revealed the true nature Master Corpsoral Livai and Eren.


They were often at odds and had an antagonistic relationship. He tried to imitate Livai and she criticized him, telling him to stop. They shared a strong bond despite their apparent hostility. His death caused her to try to imitate him, leading to speculation that he might have had feelings towards her.

“You still have a lot to do before you can pretend to be my spouse.” “– Auruo’s favourite phrase toward Petra.

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They were comrades. They were all in the same group. She had great faith in them. After Gunther’s murder by the Female Titan, she was furious and challenged the Female Titan repeatedly, vowing revenge on their comrades. Eld’s death paralyzed and cost her her life.