Hunter x Hunter is a popular manga series that has been around for over 10 years now. The manga follows the story of two young boys, Hunter and X, as they try to survive in a world where humans and animals are constantly at war. One of the things that makes Hunter x Hunter so popular is the unique and exciting fights that take place between the characters. In this guide, we will be taking a look at all of the Phinks that occur in the manga series.

  1. X-Ray Phinks: X-Ray Phinks are often used as an attack technique by Hunters in order to take down their opponents. When used correctly, it can cause great damage to an opponent’s body. However, it can also be dangerous if not used correctly, as it can cause serious injury or even death to someone who is not very experienced in combat.
  2. Headbutt Phinks: Headbutt Phinks are another common attack technique used by Hunters. They are similar to X-Ray Phinks, but instead of hitting their opponent directly on the head, they hit them with their shoulder instead. This move can be very effective against opponents who are not very strong or experienced in combat. It can also be dangerous if used incorrectly, as it can cause serious injury or even death to someone who is not very experienced in combat.


Phinks es un hombre alto y musculoso sin cejas. Su rostro tiene una mirada constante de severidad y enfado. Tiene cejas prominentes. Lleva un traje de estilo faraonico en dos ocasiones: durante sus primeras apariciones y durante la lucha contra la Hormiga Kimera en la ciudad de la Estrella Fugaz. El resto del tiempo lleva un chandal. Tambien se le ve vestido con un smoking en la subasta de York Shin City.


Although he is very angry and impetuous, he can show some sensitivity to Pakunoda when he speaks about Gon or Kirua. Feitan, with whom he is frequently paired, seems to like him.In HxH, Phinks is loyal to Kuroro and will fight with his comrades to save him. He is impatient and waits for his return (see the arc in the Kimera Ants), which is well worth mockery from Sharnalk, Feitan.


We don’t know much about his past, but we do know that he was born in the city of Shooting Star, that he joined Brigade after its formation, and that he participated the massacre of the Kuruta Clen with Kuroro and Nobunaga Hazama.His last name, and number, were revealed in chapter 377 of the Dark Continent Arc.

Storyline Phinks hxh


August 30, 2010

Phinks is seen with the Brigade in an abandoned building in York Shin City. Kuroro informs them that Phinks wants to steal all the items at the auction. He is seen in the 2011 version as one of the first to arrive on the scene alongside Sharnalk, Kuroro.

September 1, 2009

Uvogine is taken prisoner after the attack on the auction website. Phinks hides with other Brigade members to save him. This kills Dalzone of Nostrad’s family. Uvogine decides that Kurapika is his target, so he returns to his lair to wait for his return. Uvoguine dies after long hours of waiting.

3 September:

Under Kuroro’s orders, Phinks and Pakunoda are following Nobunaga or Machi. Phinks called Nobunaga when they stopped in a deserted location to inform him that Gon and Kirua were following them and to provide the location of their hiding spots. Nobunaga goes with Machi and Pakunoda to capture Kirua. They then take them back to where they were hiding.Kuroro orders his Brigade members to massacre the auction site later that night. They manage to get rid of more than 2,000 Mafia members, as well as several hitmen they hired to do so. We see them celebrating in their lair after the 10 Mafia Dons are killed by Irumi.

September 4, 2009

Kuroro says it’s time for the Brigade members to go, but Nobunaga is determined to stay in order to avenge Uvogine. Kuroro then predicts what the future holds for the Brigade except for Phinks, Feitan and the rest of the members. They don’t have enough data. Hisoka changes his prediction using Bungee Gum, which results in the Brigade remaining in York Shin.They learn from Korutopi that Kuroro is dividing the Brigade into groups. Phinks and Shalnark stay at the lair, while Franklin, Machi and Pakunoda, Shizuku and Karutopi go after Kurapika. Gon and Kirua get captured again, but Kurapika takes Kuroro hostage. Phinks, Feitan, and Sharnalk arrive at hotel. There is a commotion as Phinks and Feitan accuse their comrades of not following Kurapika. Kurapika calls Phinks using Kuroro’s cellphone and gives him three instructions.1 – You should not follow him2 – Do not hurt hostages (Gon, Kirua).3 – Call PakunodaPhinks claims that the hostages have been injured (which is false) and Kurapika hangs on to him. Phinks calls him back, saying that it was a joke. He gives the phone to Pakunoda, who punches him with Nobunaga (in 2011, it was Machi and Nobunaga). Phinks, Feitan, and Sharnalk all want to follow Pakunoda to the airport. However, Nobunaga stops them from following Pakunoda. He fears that Kuroro could be killed if Kurapika discovers that they are following Pakunoda. They get into a heated argument, but Shizuku stops Nobunaga from getting in a fight. They return to their lair.Pakunoda returns from the airport and asks Pakunoda where Kurapika is to kill him. He refuses to believe her and she declares that she will be leaving the hostages alone. Phinks, Feitan see this as a betrayal to the Brigade and try to arrest him. But Machi and Korutopi defend Pakunoda. Gon reveals that Pakunoda is only trying to save his leader and frees him. Phinks is furious and threatens to kill him, but Franklin stops him. He tells Pakunoda that he wants them to leave and to take them with him because he believes the worst scenario is the death of all Spiders. Phinks agrees to let her go, but threatens him to kill anyone who opposes him if she comes back alone. He believes they are being manipulated and manipulated by Kurapika.Phinks begins to threaten Pakunoda when he returns home alone. However, Pakunoda uses Nen to show Machi, Feitan Franklin, Nobunaga, and to tell them what happened. Because Kurapika’s chain of judgement had placed on his heart, this act results in his death. Phinks then explains what happened to those who weren’t hit by Pakunoda’s bullets.


In this hxh arc, Phinks and Feitan visit the Southern Piece Auction on September 6th. They see Gon, Kirua, and then thank them for their help. They later attack a car, rob Greed Island’s occupants and return to their lair for more play. Feitan is the first to enter the game, and Phinks invites all the members to join but they decline.Phinks challenges Feitan in the game to kill as many players as possible within a week. He wins. Boomer describes them as a dangerous group, because they have a lot of cards but they also kill many people. They meet the Brigade members later, who decide to enter the game. They find out that Greed Island is actually an island. In addition, They attempt to get in by landing on it, but Razor discovers them and sends them back. They enter the game via the main entrance, where they meet Hisoka, who is searching for Kuroro’s exorcist. Phinks claims that he wants him to die, but that Kuroro will take this job. They later hire Abengane to be an exorcist.


Phinks, Feitan and Kalluto arrive in the city Shooting Star to take out Zazan, who has made herself queen. Sharnalk, Sharnalk, Sharnalk, Shizuku and Bonolenof also arrive. Phinks challenges the Brigade to the first person to kill Zazan. With his Nen ability “Ripper Ciclotron”, he easily defeats his opponent, a four-armed Kimera Ant gorilla. Later, he can be seen with his companions watching the fight between Feitan and Zazan. Kalluto is warned by Feitan when he starts getting angry and he tells him to leave the area to watch the fight. He saves Kalluto (in the 2011 anime we see him rescue Kalluto, but this passage is not in the paper manga).After defeating the people transformed into Kimera Ant by Zazan he becomes angry at Nobunaga, who calls them because it was Kuroro calling. Sharnalk, Feitan and the rest make fun of him. The first tells him he looks like a girl in love while the second says he is very feminine.


Physical Strength: Phinks, the Reinforcement type and number 2 arm-wrestler of the Ghost Brigade is extremely strong. He is able to break bones easily and can throw simple rocks that have the same effect (like Uvoguine) in the 1999 anime. He also held Kirua down by his ankles and stabbed Dalzollene in the hand.Speed and Reflexes He grabs Kirua at the ankles quickly, efficiently, and can kill anyone without them even seeing him.Hand to hand combat: Phinks twists his opponents’ necks in order to kill them.Tracking: Phinks can track Gon or Kirua with Zetsu, without them even realizing. Nobunaga, Machi felt his presence.

He can increase his Nen’s power by rotating his arm using his Reinforcement technique. As long as the enemy allows him to prepare it, it’s possible for it to be unlimited. He begins by assessing the strength of his opponent. (He has difficulty doing this; during his fight against a Kimera Ant he did 15 arm turns, but he felt that half would suffice.) Then he announces how many turns he will make, and he strikes as soon as he reaches it.